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August 09, 1985 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1985-08-09

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6 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, August 9, 1985

A Spielberg-presented, Robert Zemeckis-
directed fantasy about a high school student who
rides a souped-up DeLorean into the '50s, and is
forced to insure his own existence by playing a
matchmaker for his parents. At the Campus
Theater, 1214 S. University; 668-6416, and the
Wayside, 3020Washtenaw; 434-1782.
The 25th animated opus from Disney studios. At
the Movies at Briarwood Mall: 769-8780.
Gentle post-Spielbergian fantasy about
benevolent aliens, children, and geriatrics. Direc-
ted by Ron Howard (Splash). At the Movies at
Briarwood, Briarwood Mall; 769-8780.
t the rain forest of South America, Texas
engineer Powers Boothe looks for his son who was
kidnapped by the natives. Directed by John Boor-
man. At the State Theater, 231S. State,662-5296.
Re-release of Steven Spielberg's over-
whelmingly popular story of a boy andhis alien. At
the State Theater, 231IS. State; 662-6264.

FOLLOWTHAT BIRD NATIONAL LAMPOON'S EUROPEAN restless Vietnam vet who, in this sequel to First
Feature film antics of the Sesame Street gang, VACATION Blood, is sent back into the jungles to rescue
featuring Big Bird. Considering that the last Chevy Chase reprises his perturbed father role American POWs still in captivity. Does this sound
couple of Muppet films bombed, does a studio in the sequel to National Lampoons Vacation. At familiar to anyone else? At the Fox Village, 375 N.
really expect to make money with this one? At the theMovies at Briarwood: 769-8780. Maple; 769-1500.
Movies at Briarwood, Briarwood Mall; 769-8780.
Reportedly worthwhile - to a cultist at least - PALE RIDER Yet another in this ummer's hot genre, the teen
low-budget horror romp featuring Roddy Mc- Clint Eastwood is back on the ranch, lookin' frub- science flick. At the Fox VillageTheater, 375 N.
Dowell as an aging screen vampire killer who fin- by and lettin' his six shooter do all the talkin'. Ya- Maple; 769-1300.
ds that the real thing has moved in down the block. hoo. At the Fox Village Theater, 375 N. Maple, 769-
What's a summer without a good, trashy fright 1300
flick anyway? At the Movies at Briarwood, Briar-
wood Mall; 769-8780.
Big budget return of the western by Lawrence
(Big Chill) Kasdan. Stars Kevin Kline, Linda Hunt,
GOONIES PEE WEE HERMAN'S BIG ADVENTURE and ScottGlenn. At the Fox Village Theater, 375N.
Steven Spielberg is presenting this Richard Pee Wee Herman's "quest film" documents the Maple, 769-1300.
Donner-directed opus which looks a lot like a bun- butch-waxed boy bozo's attempt to recover his
ch of kids pretendingto be Harrison Ford. Thrills, stolen super-duper souped-up bike, and stuff. At
spills, and excitement, if that's what you're the Movies at Briarwood, Briarwood Mall; 769- ST. ELMO'SFIRE
looking for. At the Ann Arbor Theater, 210S. Fifth 8780. Seven young friends, a year out of college, share
Ave.; 761-9700. their troubles and their fantasies at a D.C. bar.
Call it The Little Chill. Stars Rob Lowe, Ally
MAD MAXBEYONDTHUNDERDOME PRIZZI'S HONOR Sheedy, Judd Nelson. At the Movies at Briarwood,
Mel Gibson is back as Mad Max - alsoknown as Jack Nicholson and Kathleen Turner play hire". BriarwoodMall,79-8780.
The Road Warrior --in the third installment of this killers who meetand fall in love, then discover one 'WEIRD SCIENCE
post apocalyptic western saga. Also stars Tina of them is on the other's hit list. Promising black Director John Hughes and actor Anthony
Turner. At the Ann Arbor Theater, 210S. Fifth St., comedy by John Huston. At the State Theater, 231 Michael Hall, who worked together on Sixteen
761-9700. S. State; 662-6264 Candles, The Breakfast Club, and National Lam-
poon's Vacation tell the story of a computer nerd
MY SCIENCE PROJECT whobuilds a nymphomanian forfun and profit. At
Teens, science. Big fun. At the Wayside Theater, RAMBO: FIRST BLOOD II theStateTheater,21S. Stae; 662-5296.
3020 Washtenaw; 434-1782. Sylvester Stallone reprises the role of the man - Compi/ed by Byrcv L. Bull

FRIDAY Campus Cinema


woogie brilliance to Kerrytown. 8
p.m. at the Concert House, 415 N.
Fourth Ave. Admission is $5. For
reservations, call 769-2999.

Bars and Clubs

1lU " YV(, r l( VfV V
Amadeus (Milos Forman, 1984) International Folk Dancing -
AAFC, CG, C2 University Folk Dance Club
Expertly produced but curiously Each and every Friday night the Piano Music of Black American Com-
1___'-_- _ ---.- _.- -P k1- __ ._.--P_1 -11 r - --!1__ L- -I-- U n_.iPers.itc Bl-ackipr A m ericAme ica

The Apartment - (769-4060) - low-key adaptation of the powerful Folk Dance Club teaches steps from S po,,,-U . 5 d"'J,
Rhythm and Blues from the Robert play by Peter Shaffer. Winner of a to 9:30 p.m. or so, then fills the rest of Music Symposium
Penn Revue. slew of Oscars for various things and the evening with open invitation dan- Pianist Althea Waites performs
The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - In-. full of pomp, circumstance, and with cing. No partner is necessary. 8 p.m. works ranging from the early 1900s to
credibly self-indulgent sleaze-pop an excellent performance by F. at Regent's Plaza, E. Washington St. the present. 8:30 p.m. at Rackham
from Minnealpolis dude-rockers Murry Abraham. as the mediocre $1.50. Call 662-3761 for more informa- Auditorium. Free. Call 764-0586 for
Sussman Lawrence. Salieri. MLB 3, 6 p.m., 9 p.m. $2.50 tion. more information.
The Earle - (994-9211) - Jazz from
Rick Burgess and Patty O'Connor. Campus Cinema
Main Street Comedy Showcase -SATURDAY
(996-9080) - Joking Jeff Jenna. The Breakfast Club (John Hughes, TUKUDA
Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) - 1985) Michigan Theatre Foundation All of Me (Carl Reiner, 1984) CG
The Detroit Blues Band cruises. High-school stereotypes confront Carl Reiner and Steve Martin, after
Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) - their own egos when five students en- a few real loser collaborations, finally
The songs and satire of Stuart Mit-, dure a Saturday morning detention. come up with a genuinely amusing,
chell. Not a completely successful film but though not too thoughtful, flick. Mar-
The Nectarine Ballroom - (994- one that has more than its share of Bars and Clubs tin is a lawyer who becomes
5436) - Top-40 from the New York sincere moments. Mich., 7:30 p.m., possessed with the soul of a dying rich
Express. 9:30 p.m. $2.50. bitch Lily Tomlin. A few yuks, lots of
Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747) The Apartment - (769-4060) Robert smiles. Nat Sci., 7:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m.
- The Blue Front Persuaders convin- Penn leads his Revue. $2.50
ce. The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - The -
U-Club - (763-2236) - Dance with Le Petit Soldat (Jean-Luc Godard, Steve Nardella Rock'n'Roll Trio. Amadeus (Milos Forman, 1984) AAFC
DJ Tom Simonian. 1960) Ann Arbor Film Co-operative, Burgess, O'Connor, and band. CG, C2
Cinema Guild, Cinema 2. Tre O'Connr, - band, See Friday's listing. MLB 3, 6 p.m.,
Godard explores the relationship and morefrom Mary and Gary. 9p.m. $2.50.
Performance between almost everything in a film Main Street Comedy Showcase -
as full of ideas concerning life on ear- (996-9080) - Jeff Jenna makes you Mad Max (George Miller, 1980) AAFC
th as it has ideas on film itself. Aud. A, laugh. The original Max movie. Mel Gib-
Jeanine Dovell and Virginia Smith 7:30 p.m. only. $2.50/single, Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) - son's body and an unidentified
(Kerrytown Concert House $3.50/double. The Detroit Blues Band.' American voice try and live a
A pair of local sopranos team up to Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) - peaceful life in Australia of the not-
perform works by Beethoven, Brah Playing and parodies from Stuart too-distant future. When violence in-
Mitchell. vades his family, Max doesn't get
ma, and others, 8 p.m. at the Alphaville (Jean-Luc godard,. 1965) The Nectarine Ballroom - (994 mad, he gets even. Aud. A, 7:30 p.m.
Fourth Ave. Admission is $5. Call 769- A ,, 2 5436) - Ride with the New York Ex- only.$2.50/single, $3.50/double.
. Tonight's second Godard experien- press.
2999 for more information. ei rosbtenr94adT ess
Scenes from the Life of a Martyr - ce is a cross between 194 and The Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747) The Road Warrior (George Miller,
University Black American Music Maltese Falcon as our hero attempts - Bop with the Blue Front Per- 1982) AAFC
Univesity to rescue a kidnapped scientist. Aud. suaders. This tremendously successful
mA, 9:10 p.m. only. $2.50/single, U-Cub - (763-2236) - Dance music sequel to Mad Max brings elements of
Scenes is Undine S. Moore's $3.50/double, with DJ MichaelPool. the epic Westerns to the saga. This
Romantic oratorio in memory of Mar- time Mel Gibson gets to use his own
tin Luther King. The Detroit Sym- voice and defend a band of good guys
phony Orchestra and the Black Ame- Performance against a marauding band of bad
rican Music Symposium Chorale will Yojimbo (Akira Kurosawa, 1961) guys. Aud. A, 9:15 p.m. only.
perform it, and three other orchestral Japanese Film Series $2.50/single, $3.50/double.
works to kick off a series of five free A Japanese Western. Toshiro Mr. B --Kerrytown Concert House
concerts this week. 8:30 pm. at he Mifune chops all adversaries down to Fresh from his street-corner gigs at The Terminator (James Cameron,
Power Center. Free. Call 764-0586 for size as his sword gets hired by rival the Ann Arbor Art Fair, Mark "Mr. 1984) MTF
more information. families. Hale Aud., 8 p.m. only. Free. B" Braun brings his brand of boogie- Streamlined chase picture has Ar-



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