The Michigan Daily - Sunday, May 20, 1984 - Page 3
Regents balk at selling land
By GEORGEA KOVANIS don't object to helping
wrong,' he said, addin
Part of a house James Fajen owns is built on Univ- new sewer system on
ersity property. He wants to buy that property but the property's status to co
University's regents aren't sure they want to sell. value up to $30,000 or $4
"That's the owner's problem, not ours," Regent Regent Thomas Roa
Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) told his colleagues at suggested that the reg
their monthly meeting Friday, explaining that the vest the money the Un
University isn't obligated to sell the property. transaction.
A DECK added to the house, located at 2190 S. State BUT REGENT
Street, near the University's golf course, is built on Birmingham) agreed
the property. The regents were advised by James of the land should be c
Brinkerhoff, the University's chief financial officer, Donald's will probably
to sell the property for $2,300.
However, Baker didn't agree with the price. "I In other actions, the
Lack of profs makes
business Ph.Ds scarce
the guy out. I think the value is students at the University's Flint campus may get a
ig that improvements such as a tuition break. Flint students can expect "either no in-
the property could change the crease or a very small one," said Flint Chancellor M.
mmerical and raise the land's Joseph Roberson.
40,000 an acre. William Jenkins, chancellor at the Dearborn cam-
pus, predicted that students will face either "a tuition
ach (D-Detroit) disagreed and increase of a very small size" or "medium increase"
gents sell the property and in- depending on how much money is allocated by the
iversity would receive from the state.
The regents also approved a $3.7 million budget for
the completion of classrooms in the basement of the
Robert Nederlander (D- Dow Building on North Campus. Funding will come
with Baker and said the value from the engineering college and private donations.
onfirmed. He joked that a Mc- A $600,000 project to install an uninterruptable
be built on the property. power supply for the University's computing center
b p was also approved. It is scheduled to be completed
e regents were also told that within six months.
WANTED: Ph.D's to teach business.
"There's a definite need in the
business field for Ph.D s to teach
business," said Donald Skadden,
associate dean at the School of Business
Administration. "There are 25 job
openings for every new Ph.D in some
areas" of business, he said.
ALTHOUGH 200 students apply each
year to the University's doctoral
business program, only 20-25 are accep-
ted because of the lack of faculty,
Skadden said. Each new Ph.D can-
didate must be assigned to a faculty
member to guide their work, and there
are currently 100 professors working
with 80-95 candidates.
The school hires up to 18 new faculty
members each year, Skadden said, but
the lack of professors to teach Ph.D
candidates has caused a shortage of
professors. Skadden said the school is
trying to hire enough faculty to reduce
the student-teacher ratio to the Univer-
sity-wide level of 15 to 1. It is presently
21 to 1 in the business school, but four
years ago there were 26 business
students for each faculty member.
"You realistically have to be oriented
toward research and teaching," to pur-
sue a Ph.D in business, said Ben Ander-
son-Ray, a graduate of the Master of
Business Administration program.
Robert Palfry, a student in the
school's masters program, said
"Ph.D s are more geared toward
staying in the academics area."
But not everyone with a Ph.D in
Business Administration teaches. "A
lot of them like to go into consulting and
do some research," said Susan
Abraham, an M.B.A. student. "They
may contract out to a company on a
project basis for one or two months.
Some make a career out of it."
"Ninety percent of the University's
Ph.D s go into academic fields," said
Dean Skadden. To avoid "inbreeding"
the school hires graduates from other
institutions who bring "fresh ideas" to
the program, he said.
Only one Michigan graduate has been Joy rc
hired by the school in the last five
years, he said. The space shu
morning at C
complete. The
Candidates focus
From The Associated Press
Gary Hart charged yesterday that President Reagan "tor-
pedoed the arms control process" and gave away potentially
dangerous nuclear technology to the Chinese, while Walter
Mondale suggested that strong leadership is lacking in the
current administration.
Hart and the third Democratic presidential hopeful, Rev.
Jesse Jackson, marched through California in search of
votes in the state's June 5 primary.
JACKSON continued his attempt to win over Hispanic
voters with a planned march with farm labor leader Cesar
Chavez to protest an immigration bill pending in Congress.
Mondale was in Washington, where he discussed his New
Jersey campaign with reporters from the Garden State,
which also holds its primary June 5.
The former vice president said he was doing "quite well"
in a race he continued to characterize as "red hot" but
declined to predict how he would fare in the New Jersey
HART AND Mondale are locked in a tight race in both
California and New Jersey. New Mexico, South Dakota and
West Virginia also are holding primaries the same day.
ttle "Discovery" rolls out to its sea-side launchpad yesterday
ape Canaveral, Fla. The 3.5 mile trip took six hours to
maiden voyage for "Discovery" will be June 19.
attacks on Reagan
Hart needs a strong showing on June 5 to keep his come-
from-behind presidential bid alive. With victories in both
California and New Jersey, which together have 413
delegates at stake, Mondale could come close to locking up
the Democratic presidential nomination.
As it stands now, Mondale has 1,619.05 delegates to 979.75
for Hart and 295.2 for Jackson. The nomination requires 1,967
HART HARSHLY attacked Reagan during a foreign policy
address in Santa Barbara, Calif., but made no mention of
He charged the president has no intention of negotiating an
arms control agreement if elected to a second term.
"He has torpedoed the arms control process in every con-
ceivable way, while blindly asserting he is all for it," Hart
said. "His administration now seems to have a strategy to
kill arms control for good."
HE ALSO charged that Reagan agreed to give the Chinese
"potentially dangerous nuclear technology without any real
safeguard that it won't be used to build the bomb. All that he
got in return was a dinner toast saying they don't proliferate
- at this time."
... campaigns in Calif.