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May 20, 1984 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1984-05-20

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Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Sunday, May 20, 1984
Reagan repeats call
for s uminmum wage


WASHINGTON (UPI) - Declaring
"there's no compassion in mandating
$3.35 an hour for start-up jobs," Presi-
dent Reagan yesterday made his third
puhlic appeal in four days for
legislation to reduce the minimum
wage for summertime youth jobs.
In his weekly paid political radio ad-
dress from Camp David, Reagan said
unless employers are free to pay
teenage job seekers 85 cents an hour
less than the minimum wage for sum-
mer jobs, the position will go begging.
IN ADDITION to urging Congress to
act on a bill to lower the wage floor to
$2.50 an hour for summer jobs for 16- to
19-year olds, Reagan called on
businesses to do what they can to avert
the "national tragedy" of black teenage
Among the beneficiaries of what
Reagan called a "youth employment
opportunity wage," which died in
Congress last year, would be fast-food
restaurants, which hire tens of
thousands of teenagers at $3.35 an hour.
The plan has support of the National
Conference of Black Mayors but is op-
posed by the congressional black
caucus and by the AFL-CIO, which
calls the $2.50 an hour a "subminimum
"THE CRUEL truth is, while
everyone must be assured a fair wage,
there's no compassion in mandating
$3.35 an hour for start-up jobs that sim-
ply aren't worth that much in the
marketplace," Reagan said.
"All that does is guarantee that fewer
jobs for teenagers will be created and
fewer young people will be hired."
In addition to urging Congress to act,
Reagan added an appeal to business.
"BUT I ALSO want to request that all
employers review their operations with
the aim of creating more summer jobs.

You, the business leaders of America,
can make a great difference, and the
time to act is now."
Reagan recalled his own first job as a
14-year-old construction worker, wist-
fully noting that today's regulations

Soviet lead
ban on spa
Chernenko call
ban on all spac
cused the United
turn space "
aggression andv
Chernenko, i
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"We're pro-Am
Police arres
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sidewalks and
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No violence w
my troops str
put down fier
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Bombay area fc
said 68 people h
cluding a Mosle
ned alive in thei
Police were
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Soviets mi
own game
ternational O1
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the Soviet-led
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yesterday an
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The reports
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Antonio Samari
will continue to
sal until June
countries to de
ticipate at the

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
[er calls for butconceded there was "little hope"
ce weapons Samaranch, who has not heard
'resident Konstantin from the Kremlin on his request to
ed yesterday for a discuss the boycott with Soviet
ce weapons and ac- President Konstantin Chernenko,
3 States of wanting to said he felt Olympic rules would
into an arena of have to be changed to bar future
war." boycotts.
n a letter to U.S. Moslems to gain power
sed by the Soviet in Lebanon
ss, urged all nations
ce weapons to sign a BEIRUT, Lebanon - The Lebanese
aty calling for a ban Cabinet agreed yesterday on a
statement of policy on reforms gran-
irotest ting Moslems a greater share of
lb power, but disputes over the role of
the Christian-led army threatened to
nn. - Up to 600 anti- prolong factional warfare in
ts protested against Lebanon.
f the Navy's sixth The five-hour Cabinet meeting
ine yesterday while followed intense city-wide bombar-
nsmen restrained dments by rival militias Friday and
i barriers shouted, early yesterday that killed three
erican. Build more people and wounded 33.
At least 48 people have been killed
ted 42 anti-nuclear in fighting since Rashid Karami was
for disorderly con- appointed prime minister April 30
tried to lie or sit on and formed a 10-man "national
streets, obstructing unity" Cabinet of leaders of the
the shipyard for the warring factions.
Forest fire pushed back k
as reported. DAY, Fla. - Firefighters yesterday
lem riots erupt dropped thousands of gallons of water
dia - Police and ar- frm helicopters onto a five-day blaze,
uggled yesterday to pushing back a fire that has destroyed
'ce Hindu -Moslem. more than 8,000 acres of prime tim-
n that has swept the berland in North Florida.
or three days. Police By drenching hot spots that threat-
iave been killed, in- ened to rekindle and cross the boun-
em family of 20 bur- daries of a 13-square mile perimeter,
r house. firefighters began to push the flames
ordered to shoot back, said Barry Gay, a spokesman for
nists on sight. the state Division of Forestry.
ay plan "Primarily we've got the upper hand
~y plannow," Gay said. "Tonight we're in-
S creasing ourscrew and will start going
Switzerland - In- into the actual fire, starting to mop up
lympic Committee the rest of the smaller fires that are still
ing failed to reverse smoldering."
boycott of the Le Violence hits Philippine city
es, headed home MANILA, Philippines - Riot
u rorst-w es com-police opened fire on thousands of
natin were hastily people who stormed the capitol in a
native games. central Philippine city yesterday to
also said Western protest election fraud. At least one
be welcome at the person was killed and seven were
wounded, hospital officials said.
10C President Juan The opposition has apparently won
anch of Spain said he a sizable minority in the Philippines
seek a Soviet rever- Parliament, but it will not affect the
2 - the deadline for power of President Ferdinand Mar-
cide if they will par- cos to decree laws, order arrests or
Summer games - declare martial law.



... wants lower teen wages
prohibit that kind of work by one so
The unemployment rate among 15-
to 19-year-olds as of April was 19.4 per-
cent, he said. Among blacks, it was 44.8
percent, Reagan said.
"If a 19.4 percentage unemployment
rate is unacceptable - and it is - then
44.8 percent unemployment rate is a
national tragedy, and neither must be
allowed to persist," he said.

Jackson campaign's hectic
pace confounds reporters


LOS ANGELES (AP) - Wherever
the Rev. Jesse Jackson takes his cam-
paign for the Democratic presidential
nomination, the crowds chant, "Run,
Jesse, Run."
But running with Jesse isn't easy -
at least not for reporters and
photographers who travel with his
JACKSON frequently describes his
campaign as an historic event, a
reference to the fact that he is the first
black to conduct a serious national
campaign for president.
It is also the first presidential cam-
paign in which the press became so
frustrated with the candidate's staff
that they chartered their own plane.
Traditionally, candidates' staffs han-
dle all travel, baggage and hotel
arrangements for reporters covering
their campaigns, and bill each news
organization for its share of costs.
THAT'S THE WAY the Jackson cam-
paign worked - or failed to work - un-
til this month.
There were times when reporters and
television crews arrived at an airport
with Jackson and found there was space
on the plane only for the candidate and
his staff, or possibly only for a third or
half of the news people traveling with
Even worse, the low-budget cam-
paign chartered planes so rickety that

reporters and staff worried about
WHILE JACKSON continues to fly
either commercial flights or small
chartered planes, the press follows in a
high-performance twin jet arranged in
a luxurious "parlor car" fashion with
about 25 seats in three clusters of
couches in a space that would take
about 60 seats in conventional rows.
While the Jackson campaign planes
were noted mostly for cold fried
chicken - or nothing - and a general
lack of amenities, the press charter is a
flying gourmet restaurant. One recent
flight featured crab, lobster and shrimp
plus hors d'oeurves and an assortment
of wines and champagne.
The press plane has a television set,
stereo and work tables and enough
space in the aisles for dancing.
THE JACKSON press charter is too
new to have a name, but it has a mascot
- a fuzzy toy alligator with a press
credential, microphone and dark glas-
ses named "Mohammed Ali Gator."
The alligator is a private joke bet-
ween- Jackson and reporters covering
There are two stories about its
derivation. One is that Jackson called
the reporters a pack of snapping
alligators; the other is that Jackson said
the motor drives on cameras sounded
like snapping alligators.


Member of the Associated Press
Vol. XCIV-No. 8-S
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967X) is published Tuesday through Sun-
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during the spring and summer terms by students at the University of
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Michigan 48109.
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