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September 16, 2014 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2014-09-16

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2 - Tuesday, September 16, 2014 N ew s

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

2- Tuesday, September16, 2014 N ew s The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom ~

. m

Studying the legacy of Fred Astaire

Beth Genned is a professor of
Dance and Art History and spe-
cializes in 20th century Ameri-
can and European ballet as well
as dance in American cinema.
Her upcoming book will focus on
the contributions of Fred Astaire
and Gene Kelly to the evolution of
dance in American musicalfilms.
Whatinspired you topursue
your field of study?
I absolutely adore visual arts
and dance and music, as well and
film. I just research things I love
to look at. I just love my subject,
I feel like I'm really lucky to be
studying things I really, really

Is there a specific artistic
genre that you like to
Right now I'm writing a book
about dance and film musi-
cal, specifically on Fred Astaire
and Gene Kelly. I love the genre
of American dance that both
Astaire and Kelly do. I think it
deserves more careful placement
in the history of dance and music.
One of my other great interests
is the choreographer George
Balanchine. He created some of
the most extraordinary modern
dance; I would call him a modern
ballet choreographer. I love all
kinds of dance and art.

What projects are youamost
proud of?
I wrote a book on the found-
er of the Royal Ballet, Ninette
de Valois and Bar aux Folies-
Bergere, it's called The Makingof
a Choreographer. I'm very proud
of that; she's not only a remark-
able person in all the things she
did, she was a key force in the
founding of British dance culture
in the century but it was also very
important to me that she was a
woman. I also think I had a hand
in making the history of dance
more visible in the Academy here
at the University.

Professor Petra Kuppers (LEFT) leads a workshop at
the opening of The Olimpias Projects: Salamander
Exhibit in Lane Hall Monday.

lhvia Ruebner MHealthy's Anniversary
poetry talk Big Tailgate Reception

Why we need
gentle feminism
Wright argues feminist slam
poetry should be cautious
of condescending and agres-
sive language. It is at risk of
leaving viewers feeling less
than motivated.
Artists embody
womens' voice
Artist Amanda Heng's
exhibit"Missing" highlights
voices that are not typically
included in mainstream dis-
cussions, most specifically
the voice of women.

WHAT: Israeli poet & WHAT: The University
translator Rachel Tzvia Back community is invited to
will give atalk on the poetry enjoy free healthy tailgate
and poetics of pre-eminent snacks, games, inflatables
Hebrew poet Tuvia Ruebner. and a Rock, Paper, Scissors
WHO: Department of Tournament.
English Language and Lit- WHO: MHealthy
erature WHEN: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
WHEN: 4 p.m. WHERE: Ingalls Mall
WHERE: 202 S. Thayer

WHAT: CRLT-Engin is
celebrating the teaching at
the University's College of
Engineering with awine
and cheese reception.
WHO: The Center for
Research on Learning and
Teaching in Engineering
WHEN: 4 to 6p.m.
WHERE: Lurie Center

Netflix announced that
it will soon launch in
France, Quartz report-
ed. The company agreed to
make 20 percent of it's con-
tent local to France to secure
the launch. Netfiix will also
launch in five other European
countries later this week.
Despite the surprise
drop of their latest
album, Beyonced style,
Daily Arts Writer Amelia
Zak writes that the album
is average on the whole.
Sentiment doesn't make up
for being sonically mediocre.
An independent com-
pensation fund deter-
mined that General
Motors underreported the
number of people who died
from faulty ignition switches
in their vehicles, the Detroit
News reported. The fund has
approved claims for19 deaths.

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Guest Recital: Anti-fracking
Trambonists iscussion
WHAT: Craig Brainard will
WHAT: Alumni recital discuss the threat fracking
featuringUnversityof eo poses to Michigan's fresh
Arizonatrombone professor water
Moises Paiewonsky and U.S. WHO Matthaei Botanical
NavyBand bass trombonist Gardens and Nichols Arbo-
Michael Brown. retum
WHO: School of Music, WHEN: 7:30 to 9 p.m.
Theater & Dance WHERE: Matthaei Botani-
WHEN: 8p.m. csl Gardens
WHERE: Moore Building

WHAT: Latin@L Studies
will celebrate Latina/Latino
Heritage Month with recep-
tion anda lecture by Wil-
liam Calvo-Quirds.
WHO: Department of
American Culture
WHEN: 4to 6 p.m.
WHERE: Kelsey Museum
of Archaeology
* Please report any error
in the Daily to correc-

Detroit bankruptcy trial
resumes after settlement

United States open to talks
with Iran on Islamic State

Judge denies bond
insurer's request for
further delay
DETROIT (AP) - A judge
refused to extend a timeout
Monday in Detroit's bankruptcy
trial after a deal with a major
creditor removed another oppo-
nent from the city's plan to exit
the largest Chapter 9 case in
U.S. history.
A bond insurer, Financial
Guaranty Insurance, said it
needs more time to craft trial
strategy after another insurer
ironed out a settlement with
Detroit. But Judge Steven
Rhodes said Financial Guaranty
should have been prepared to
lose an ally, and he resumed the
trial with testimony from a pen-
sion actuary.

The trial was suspended last
Wednesday so Detroit and Syn-
cora could reach an agreement.
Syncora is getting cash and
long-term leases on a parking
garage and the tunnel between
Detroit and Canada, among
other concessions.
The settlement will help
"return the city to its citizens,"
said Detroit attorney David Hei-
man, adding that Syncora and
the city "have laid down their
Syncora and Financial Guar-
anty have been the most aggres-
sive opponents in Detroit's
bankruptcy, especially because
the city is refusing to sell art to
pay debts.
The judge is hearing evidence
to decide whether the overall
bankruptcy exit plan is fair to
creditors and feasible in the
years ahead. Thousands of retir-

ees would see a 4.5 pe
in their pension.
Separately, Syncora
from the Kirkland & E
in Chicago apologized
mediators who broker(
that prevents the sal
and improves the city':
Syncora had accus
ald Rosen, a federal ju
Eugene Driker, a local L
"naked favoritism." TI
accused of stiffing oth
tors in order to help ret
the Detroit Institute of
Syncora lawyers ina
court filing had also ta
at Driker's wife, Elaine
former museum trustee
called the filing "sc
and defamatory."
"We are deeply sorr
mistake we made and
unfounded aspersions
have cast on Chief Jud
and the Drikers," Syncc
ney James Sprayregen
filing Monday.

rcent cut
Ellis firm
d to two
ed a deal

But Secretary Kerry
rules out military

e of art PARIS (AP) - As more than
s pension two dozen nations pledged Mon-
day to help Iraq fight the Islamic
ed Ger- State militants, the United States
idge, and said it was open to talking to Iran
awyer, of about a role in resolving the cri-
hey were sis, despite Washington's earlier
er credi- opposition to Tehran even attend-
irees and ing the conference.
Arts. U.S. Secretary of State John
i summer Kerry ruled out any military coor-
ken a jab dination with Iran, which in the
who is a end was not invited to Paris.
. Rhodes "That doesn't mean that we are
andalous opposed to the idea of communi-
cating to find out if they will come
y for the on board, or under what circum-
for any stances, or whether there is the
it may possibility of a change," Kerry told
ge Rosen a small group of reporters.
ora attor- France and Iraq see Shiite-
said in a powerhouse Iran as an interlocu-
tor who could bring its influence

to bear in the region against the
Sunni extremists of the Islamic
State group, but some Arab states,
like SaudiArabia, disagree.
The U.S. opposed a place for
Iran at the conference. But Teh-
ran, which has political and mili-
tary influence with its neighbor
Iraq, still managed to be part of
the conversation.
The absence of Iran under-
scored the conflicting sensitivities
and complex politics in the region
as Western countries seek to battle
the Islamic State group, which has
taken control of large parts of Iraq
and Syria.
The meeting of foreign minis-
ters from Asia, the Middle East
and the West was a first step
toward deciding who does what
min a multilayered offensive against
the Islamic State group. As envi-
sioned by France and Iraq, the
effort would include intensify-
ing airstrikes, cutting off financ-
ing, and helping Baghdad cope
through humanitarian aid and
reconstruction. There would be
no combat troops on the ground,
As the conference began, two
French jets took off over Iraq in
France's first reconnaissance mis-
sions over the country in a sign of
the larger battle ahead. The Unit-
ed States has led airstrikes over
Iraq since August.
"We are asking for airborne
operations to be continued regu-
larly against terrorist sites. We
must not allow them to set up
sanctuaries. We must pursue
them wherever they are," Iraqi
President Fouad Massoum said, an
apparent reference to neighboring
Syria, deep ina civil war waged
in part by rival extremist groups,
was the wellspring for the Islam-
ic State group, with its fighters
sweeping across the border into
Iraq, overwhelmingthe militaryin
Sunni-dominated Anbar province
and capitalizing on grievances
against the Shiite-led government
in Baghdad.
The fighters went on to conquer
Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city,
with the U.S.-trained military

crumbling, and seized tanks and
other military equipment, then
steamrolled across northern Iraq.
The CIA estimates the group
has access to between 20,000 and
31,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria -
including foreigners lured to the
The recent execution of three
Western hostages - British aid
worker David Haines and two
American journalists - added
new urgency to the task of creat-
ing a viable strategy to knock out
the Islamic State group.
"We must cut off their financ-
ing. We must bring them to justice
and we must stop the fighters in
neighboring countries from join-
ing them," Massoum said at the
conference opening.
The group brings in more than
$3 million a day from oil smug-
gling, humantrafficking,theftand
extortion, according to U.S. intelli-
gence officials and private experts.
The Paris meeting was a coali-
tion of strange bedfellows, some
of whom have allegedly financed
extremist groups in Syria and
Iraq, and others, like Russia,
which backs Syria's Bashar Assad
who is also supportedbjIran.
Less than a week ago in Bagh-
dad,Kerrywas clear about the U.S.
position regarding Iran,embroiled
in a years-long dispute with the
West over concern that Tehran
wants nuclear weapons.
"The United States does not
cooperate, militarily or otherwise,
nor does it have any intention
in this process of doing so; with
Iran," he had said.
France, stressing a pragmatic
approach, felt Iran could be an
ally against a common enemy if, as
President Francois Hollande said,
Tehran "abides by principles per-
mitting a sincere and useful con-
On Monday, Kerry, inan appar-
ent about face, said he wouldn't
shut the door to talking to Iran
about a common enemy.
"We're not coordinating with
Iran, but as I said, we're open to
have a conversation at some point
in time if there's a way to find
something constructive," he said.

Wednesday. September 17
43)- 6:00 s
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