The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
Tuesday, September 16, 2014 -3
The Michigan Deity - michigandailycom Tuesday, September16, 2014- 3
One man arrested
in shooting of
seven-year-old girl
Detroit police say they've
arrested a 22-year-old man and
are seeking a second suspect in the
shooting of a 7-year-old Detroit
girl who was caught in their cross-
fire while bike riding.
Police said Monday they're
seeking a second man in the Sun-
day afternoon shooting that criti-
cally injured India Williams.
India was biking in a northeast
Detroit neighborhood when the
suspects began shooting at each
other from two vehicles.
Sgt. Eren Stephens says India
was shot as one vehicle followed
another car at high speed. Kentice
Tucker tells The Detroit News her
niece was hit in the shoulder and
U.S. airstrikes aid
Iraqi fight against
ISIS militants
U.S. officials said Monday the
United States has taken the first
step in its planned expanded fight
against Islamic State militants,
going to the aid of Iraqi security
forces near Baghdad who were
being attacked by enemy fighters.
The U.S. Central Command
said it conducted two airstrikes
Sunday and Monday in support
of the Iraqi forces near Sinjar and
southwest of Baghdad.
The strikes represent the newly
broadened mission authorized by
President Barack Obama to go on
the offensive against the Islamic
State group wherever it is. Previ-
ous U.S. airstrikes in Iraq were
conducted to protect U.S. inter-
ests and personnel, assist Iraqi
refugees and secure critical infra-
structure. These strikes were
in direct support of Iraqi forces
fighting the militants.
UN takes over C.
African Republic
The United Nations took over
a regional African peacekeeping
missionin CentralAfrican kepub-
lic on Monday, nine months after
sectarian violence erupted that
has left at least 5,000 people dead
and has forced tens of thousands
of Muslims to flee into exile in
neighboring countries.
About 1,800 additional peace-
keepers and police joined the mis-
sion as the United Nations took
over, along with some 4,800 Afri-
can troops and 1,000 international
police from the previous mission.
But the newly combined force is
only about 65 percent of what was
authorized by the U.N. Security
Council in April.
The U.N. Security Coun-
cil, human rights groups and
others called for the full and
speedy deployment of the nearly
12,000-strong force, which dip-
lomats have said won't take place
until early 2015.
KIEV, Ukraine
I Six killed, fifteen
wounded in east
Ukaine city
Shelling killed six people and
wounded 15 others in the rebel
stronghold of Donetsk, the city
council said Monday - the worst
reported violence since a cease-
fire between Russian-backed
rebels and Ukrainian troops took
effecton Sept. 5.
Fighting around the eastern
city'sgovernment-held airporthas
left its northern neighborhoods
in the crossfire. Two northern
neighborhoods were shelled heav-
ily Sunday, leading to the casual-
ties and damaging both homes
and offices, the city council said.
Loud blasts could be heard
from the direction of the airport
all day Monday, and gunfire inter-
mittently rang out downtown in
the afternoon.
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports
CAMPAIGN what it (a word) means, you can
From Page 1 realize that this can actually
hurt someone," Nasir said.
The event included food and
imply that those who do not items including t-shirts and
identify as heterosexual are informational pamphlets. Stu-
abnormal or wrong. dents signed a pledge stating
McLittle decided to bring they would strive to always use
the program to the University inclusive language. McLittle
after attending a Big Ten Hous- said-that roughly 400 students
ing Officers Conference session signed the pledge at the event
on diversity and inclusion last and added that a number of
October. The ILC is modeled University staff had lent their
after a similar program at the support to the campaign.
University of Maryland. LSA junior Jeff McAtamney
Students have been involved said he hopes students incorpo-
in the campaign since its incep- te the message of ILC cam-
tion. McLittle and other staff - ign into their daily activities.
members held focusgroupswith "I think it'd be a better com-
a variety of students to deter- munity if everyone could talk in
mine what the campaign should a more proper manner," McAt-
entail. These groups included amney said.
Diversity Peer Educators, resi- ; ;cLittle said her long-term
dence hall staffers, Greek life goals for the campaign are to
members and students living in keep collaborating with Expect
residence halls. Respect and Change it Up, a
"It's the little thingslike what bystander intervention train-
people say in class or on the bus ing program, to make sure
that is overheard," McLittle dialogue about this issue con-
said. "They're not so overt, but tinues.
still affect people on a really McLittle said she hopes to
deep level." see students in the future tak-
LSA senior Iqra Nasir, a ing ownership of their ability to
diversity peer educator, said she make a positive campus.
most hopes the campaign helps "I don't think students real-
students recognize how their ize how much power they
words affect others. have," McLittle said.
"When you actually take the LSA freshman Lara Moehl-
time to stop and think about man contributed to the reporting.
From Page 1
October 2013 meeting, the
regents voted to name the ath-
letic campus in Ross' honor as
In a communication to the,
regents, University Athletic
Director Dave Brandon and
Douglas Strong, interim execu-
tive vice president and chief
financial officer, said the facility
will serve two-thirds of the Uni-
versity's student-athletes.
TMP Architecture will begin
designing the project immedi-
ately, but a construction sched-
ule will not be completed until
schematic designs are presented
to the board.
IM Building to undergo
renovations ;
Thursday, the regents will
vote on $18.7 million worth of
improvements to the 106,000
square-foot Intramural Sports
Building. Originally constructed
in.1928, it was the first building
across higher education institu-
tions to be devoted primarily to
intramural sports.
The project will reconfigure
the existing space to create a
larger cardio workout area, new
group exercise rooms, locker
rooms, improved racquetball
courts and staff offices. The ren-
ovation will also improve acces-
sibility and include mechanical,
electrical and plumbing work;
lighting improvement and gym-
nasium floor replacement work
for the aging building.
Investment proceeds and the
Student Life Student Fee for
Facility Renewal will fund the
In April 2013, the regents,
with support from Central
Student Government and LSA
Student Government, voted to
administer a $65 per-term stu-
dent fee to fund the renovation of
campus unions and recreational
sports facilities. The Student Life
Student Fee for Facility Renew-
al includes renovations to the
Michigan Union, Pierpont Com-
mons, the North Campus Recre-
ation Building and the Central
Campus Recreation Building.
Integrated Design Solutions
and RDG Planning and Design
will head the design of this proj-
ect, which is expected to begin.
upon approval of the regents.
From Page 1
sored by Sen. Elizabeth Warren
(D-Mass.) proposes to enact the
Buffett Rule: no person with an
annual salary higherthan $1 mil-
lion should pay a lower effective
tax rate than those with smaller
Though some House Repub-
licans have argued the interest
rate should rise and fall with the
economy, LSA senior Gabe Leaf,
chairman of the University's Col-
lege Republicans chapter, said
lowering interest rates would be a
helpful policy for many students.
"Student debt is a very trou-
bling thing for alot of students,"
Leaf said. "If we can get those
rates down, people will have
more disposable income and
stimulate the economy."
Leaf said he opposes Warren's
proposed revenue mechanism,
which he sees as a tax increase,
but would favor exploring ave-
nues other than taxes to pay for
loan restructuring, like a reallo-
cation of funds from other fed-
eral departments.
The importance of mobi-
lization efforts has spread to
groups on campus. Leaf said
College Republicans are joining
forcep with statewide Republi-
can efforts. They will use Face-
book to ensure young voters stay
informed on pertinent issues,
and inform them of voter regis-
tration procedures.
The College Democrats are
also prioritizing get out the vote
initiatives, LSA junior Stephen
Culbertson, College Democrats
communications director, said.
The group plans to maintain a
presence on the Diag until the
registration deadline to distrib-
ute information on registration.
Both groups anticipate host-
ing local politicians. Its members
will also go to phone banks and
do door-to-door flyering.
Aside from the two parties,
the University's Office of the
Vice President for Government
Relations is involved in educat-
ing students on how to register to
vote in time for November's elec-
tions. The deadline to register to
vote in Michigan is Oct. 6, and
the Michigan Secretary of State's
office will be on campus at the
Michigan League Monday, Sept.
22 to assist students with their
registration needs.
From Page 1
makes it easy to connect and
understand in a way that some
non-fiction could be off put-
ting," Gustafson said.
Many of the narratives dis-
cussed the authors' feelings of
confusion, fear and hope dur-
ing their treatments. Some of
the drawings illustrated the
authors' feelings about losing
their hair or the author talking
to friends while going through
One particular picture fea-
tured the author's house in one
corner of the picture and the
hospital in the opposite corner.
Between the two buildings was
a long and loopy line with no
clear direction. The picture's
caption read, "the never ending
car ride to the hospital."
The event was emotional and
intimate as many of the stu-
dents and Ann Arbor commu-
nity members in the audience
were friends and family of those
involved in the project.
After Ruben and Celeste
recounted their emotional jour-
neys, the audience was given the
opportunity to ask Paul and the
authors questions about their
experience completing the proj-
ect and have their copies of the
book signed.
Assistant Prof. Dr. Rajen
Mody supervised and mentored
Paul throughout the project..
He said many of his patients
and their families feel like his
extended family.
"The one thing about pediat-
ric cancer that people normally
do not realize is how resilient
the kids are," Mody said. "I
tell everyone that kids are my
heroes. I learn from them how
to deal with adversity."
Though Paul has volun-
teered at the Mott hospital for
the past five years, she said
the project had a profound
impact on her and allowed her
to grow her relationships with
the patients.
"It's truly been an honor
and a privilege to get to work
with these children and ado-
lescents," Paul said. "Espe-
cially by confronting a lot of
the personal and intimate
components of their experi-
ences with cancer I've been
able to really grow close to
them over the time I've spent
with them."
Paul said she hopes to contin-
ue sharing the project and would
like to hold another similar event
for the authors who were unable
to attend the reading.
"It was a very heartfelt and
open and honest experience to
be a part of," she said. "It took
a lot of bravery and courage
for the child and teen authors
to stand up there and share
their story in front of this large
Several cities considered
for Obama's future library
lion for road repairs.
ROAD In a memo to the Council
From Page 1 and Hieftje, Powers said street
maintenance and repair is a
necessity in Ann Arbor.
missioners to levy taxes without This one-year proposal
voter approval. The committee's would apply only to infra-
report is expected to be released structure maintenance in 2015,
Wednesday. and the tax would be levied in
The money collected from December 2014.
taxpayers will only repair exist- Councilmember Sabra Briere
ing civil infrastructure, and (D-Ward 1) said the millage is
improvements include surface not a long-term solution.
treatments, repaving and a "The state enabling consti-
mixture of maintenance treat- tution allows the county to do
ments for roads. this one time, but each year you
"The county has an opportu- do it you must specify the roads
nity to raise a one year millage that will be maintained and the
from the county and from the cost of that maintenance," Bri-
city," Taylor said. "Ann Arbor ere said. "It is very specific and
residents demand better roads. very directed. If they are able,
To have better roads, we need they could bring it back again
more money, and I know the next year, but they would have
county will be talking about to designate different roads and
their options but I hope they different costs."
will decide to provide this extra Councilmember Chuck
money." Warpehoski (D-Ward 5) said
While the city has no con- road maintenance is like
trol over the decisions of the changing the oil in a car, mean-
Board of Commissioners, Tay- ing the more time that passes
for said he hopes to encour- without a resolution, the more
age the board, which includes costly the problem becomes.
Ann Arbor City Administrator However, Warpehoski said it
Steve Powers, to pass this mill- is the state's responsibility to
age. find a long-term solution to
Ann Arbor Mayor John repair the roads.
Hieftje said the proposal is a Lumm, the only council
good temporary solution in the member to dissent, expressed
absence of action by the state concerns about raising taxes.
because it only applies to one "I certainly think we need
year of taxes. to fix the roads, but this is
The board is considering about us taking the decision
putting this decision on the away from voters on taxes
ballot for referendum in the without giving them any time
upcoming Nov. 4 election. If to react," Lumm said. "Voters
approved, Ann Arbor would should decide all tax ques-
receive an additional $2.4 mil- tions."
library could be in
Chicago, New York
or Honolulu
cago, New York and Honolulu
have made the short list to host
Barack Obama's future presi-
dential library.
The Barack Obama Founda-
tion, which is developing and
raising money for the massive
legacy project, announced Mon-
day that it has selected four
universitiesto compete for the
library, culled from an initial
list of 13 applications submitted
earlier this year. The University
of Hawaii, in Obama's birthplace
Honolulu, made the cut, as did
New York's Columbia Univer-
sity. The University of Chicago,
where Obama used to teach, and
the University of Illinois at Chi-
cago round out the list.
The four institutions will
now have until December to
submit formal, in-depth propos-
als detailing their vision for the
library. The foundation's board
plans to vet those proposals
before presenting their recom-
mendations in early 2015 to the
president and first lady Michelle
Obama. The Obamas will then
make the final decision.
AT 6 P.M. AT
We have
positions available
in every
have come the farthest in meet-
ing our criteria and have each
demonstrated a strong vision for
the future Obama Presidential
Library," said Marty Nesbitt,
Obama's longtime friend and the
board's chairman.
Who didn't make the cut? A
handful of other Chicago-based
groups, including activists in
Chicago's Bronzeville neighbor-
hood, a cultural landmark for
African-Americans. Another
bid from advocates who wanted
to build the library at the for-
mer U.S. Steel South Works site
alongside Lake Michigan.
Building the library, which
will house the repository for
Obama's presidential records
and artifacts, is expected to cost
hundreds of millions of dollars
and will serve as a permanent
monument to Obama's legacy. If
other presidential libraries are a
guide, there may be an accompa-
nying presidential center, foun-
dation or policy institute that
could help Obama coordinate
his post-presidential activities.
Susan Sher, Mrs. Obama's for-
mer chief of staff and now a top
University of Chicago official,
said her institution has already
discussed the possibility for col-
laborating with two of the other
institutionsthat madetheshortlist,
although she declined to specify
whichones. Shesaid the university
would spend the next few months
gathering more input from com-
munity and culturalgroups.
"We'll be working on mak-
ing the case for what the South
Side would bring to the Obamas,
in terms of a library that would
help further their legacy and
what the library would do for
the South Side of Chicago," Sher
said in an interview.
In its 18-page request for pro-
posals, released Monday, the
foundation asked for detailed
proposals that include how the
project would be managed and
organized, what financial con-
tributions the institutions or
their partners can offer, and how
much the institution plans to pay
any consultants. The founda-
tion also wants to know about
opportunities for academic col-
laboration, diversity goals and
potential marketing strategies.
Although all of the institu-
tions chosen have already spent
months preparing their pitches,
their work has only started. The
foundation also wants in-depth
analyses of potential building
sites, including development
costs, traffic studies, tax and
zoning status, and public trans-
portation options. It's also asking
for specifics about demograph-
ics and economic trends within
a 5-mile radius of proposed sites.
John U. Bacon. Honors Guest Speaker, Honors alum '86,
celebrated author and college instructor