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September 16, 2014 - Image 1

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Ann Arbor, Michigan Tuesday, September 16, 2014

miChigandaily com
Regents to
IM building

LSA Junior Kidada Malloy speaks with Rackham student Becky Christensen at the inclusive Language Kickoff in the Michigan Union Monday.
Campaign aims to show
students power of words

Board to
also approve
$168 million South
Campus projects
Daily Staff Reporter
At their first meeting of the
academic year this Thursday, the
University's Board of Regents is
expected to vote on more than
$180 million in capital projects
reiated to varsity and intramurai
The board wiii consider the con-
struction of a $168 million South
Campus athletic facility and a $18.7
million renovation of the Univer-
sity's Intramural Sports Building.
StephenM. Ross Athletic
Campus projectbegins
Pending approvalby the regents,
the University will construct a
310,000 square-foot space to serve
student-athletes involved with
the Michigan men and women's
tracks and field, cross country,
soccer, lacrosse, wrestling, tennis,
gymnastics and women's rowing

The facility will include an out-
door track venue fit for 2,000 spec-
tators and an indoor track facility
that can accommodate 1,000 fans.
An outdoor lacrosse stadium
planned for the site is expected to
house 3,000 spectators,
The facility will include
shared performance space, locker
rooms, strength and conditioning
facilities, meeting space and
sports medicine facilities. When
completed, the space is expected
to host national, regional and local
competitions but will be also be
available for recreational use.
The project is largely funded
through a -$100 million gift from
real estate tycoon Stephen Ross,
a University alum, along with
Athletic Department Resources.
Last fall, Ross donated $200
million to the University's Athletic
Department and the Ross School
of Business, giving each unit
$100 million. Ross was made the
business school's namesake in
2004 when he donated his first
$100 million to help renovate the
school's facilities.
The recent $200 million gift is
the largest single donation to the
University to date, and at their
See REGENTS, Page 3

Inclusive Language,
campaign serves
to improve
campus climate
Daily Staff Reporter
Monday, the University's
Expect Respect initiative offi-
cially launched the Inclusive

Language campaign in the
Michigan Union. Both the kick-
off event and the campaign aim
to raise awareness about the
power of language in everyday
discourse on campus.
Amanda McLittle, coordina-
tor of Diversity Education in
University Housing, said given
incidents like Theta Xi's "Hood
Ratchet" party and the Black
Student Union's #BBUM Twit-
ter campaign last year, the Uni-
versity created the program to

help improve campus climate
and understanding.
"We don't talk enough about
how our language and the
words that we use, and how
they impact others," McLittle
said. "Last year's events
showed that this has always
been needed."
The campaign aims to
educate students about hurtful
phrases that are not inclusive
and eliminate language that
perpetuates hate and prejudice.

The words and phrases included
in a pamphlet distributed at the
event included statements that
were heard on campus.
ILC materials referenced
phrases like "I want to die,"
and "that's so gay." The former,
according to the pamphlet,
belittles those who have self-
harmed or attempted suicide
by implying that their struggle
is laughable or insignificant.
Phrases like "that's so gay"
See CAMPAIGN, Page 3

Political parties
try to encourage
student voting


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Vith midterm the choice that young people are
going to have," Rep. Debbie Was-
tions approaching, serman-Schultz (D-Fla.), the
Democratic National Committee
ips aim to engage chairwoman, said in a conference
call last week hosted specifically
young voters for college journalists.
One decisive issue Democrats
By BEN ATLAS will emphasize is student loan
Daily StaffReporter refinancing. The Senate is
scheduled to vote this week on
a potential shift in the Bank On Students Emergency
e of power in Washington Loan Refinancing Act, which
with just 50 days until would allow current borrowers
nidterm elections, both to refinance their student loans
licans and Democrats at the rates now set for first-time
begun ramping up voter borrowers.
cation efforts with an Last summer, Congress
owards a demographic authorized students taking out
cally not keen on showing new loans to pay a rate of 3.86
he polls: young people. percent; this bill would allow all
some estimates, the outstanding borrowers - some
rats are projected to lose of whom pay rates higher than
1 of the Senate and remain 7 percent on their loans - to
ouse minority, according restructure their payments at
ae Rothenberg Political this new lower rate.
, though popular political What many proponents of the
cian Nate Silver has noted bill take issue with is the amount
Senate races narrowing that the government profits
mocrats' favor in recent off its student loan program.
Getting young voters to According to the Congressional
lls is crucial, as midterm Budget Office, the Department of
ns tend to attract an older, Education is projected to amass
and more conservative $127 billion in profit over the
ate. next decade from the program --
chieve that, Democrats at a surplus-that Sen. Chris Murphy
tional level are emphasiz- (D-Conn.) called on the call
ir interests in youth issues "egregious and unjustifiable."
ual pay, marriage equality Opponents of this bill take
cess to contraception. issue with how lowering the
really-critical we under- borrowing rate would be cov-
ow important the contrast ered. The current bill, spon-
en the parties) is here and See VOTING, Page 3

Teen author Celeste reflects on her expierences with cancer at the Chronicling Childhood Cancer Reading at
Literati Bookstore Monday.
Au-m's book raises mloney
forpediatric cancer care

City Council
tax for road
Taylor proposes
resolution to
fund county-wide
Daily StaffReporter
The Ann Arbor City Council
is joining Washtenaw County in
expediting the creation of a new
revenue stream action to fix the
city's roads,
At Monday's City Council
meeting, Councilmember
Christopher Taylor (D-Ward
3), the Democratic nominee for
mayor, proposed a resolution
in support of a county proposal
to levy a 0,5-mill tax for the
improvement of existing roads
and infrastructure.
The resolution - essentially a
show of support for the county's
proposal - passed with a 10-1
vote, with only Councilmember
Jane Lumm (I-Ward 2)
dissenting. Five councilmembers
co-sponsored the resolution,
including Sabra Briere (D-Ward
1), Stephen Kunselman (D-Ward
3), Sally Hart Petersen (D-Ward
2) and Chuck Warpehoski (D-
Ward 5), along with Taylor.
The Washtenaw County
Board of Commissioners created
a committee in July to analyze
the possibility of using Act 283,
which permits the county com-
See ROAD, Page 3

Event at Literati
examines trials of
childhood cancer
who has this position
Tightly packed between
stacks of colorful books, about
SO University students and
members of the Ann Arbor
community shuffled into Lite-
rati Bookstore Mondayevening
to hear two cancer-surviving
authors tell their stories fea-
tured in the recently published
book Chronicling Childhood
Cancer: A Collection of Per-
sonal Stories by Children and
Teens with Cancer.

The book was edited and
compiled by Medical student
Trisha Paul as part of her
Honors English thesis last
semester as she wrapped
up her undergraduate work
before applying to medical
school, It told the stories of 10
children and teens between
the ages of S and 18 through
narratives, journal entries,
lists and personal drawings.
Two of these children were
Ruben and Celestewho shared
their stories at the event.
"At its core, this project has
been a way for me to learn
more about what humanity is,"
Paul said. "To learn more about
how we act as people and how
to treat other people."
The event honored Sep-
tember as Childhood Cancer
Awareness Month and donat-

ed 50 percent of the book's
proceeds to the University's
"Block Out Cancer" campaign,
and the other 50 percent to the
Child and Family Life Program
at the University of Michigan
C.S. Mott Children's Hospital.
Literati co-owner Mike
Gustafson, an Ann Arbor
resident said that while the
bookstore has held events in
the past where portions of the
sales were donated to charity,
this was the first event where
all the proceeds were to be
Literati's owners felt the
emotional nature of the book
would have a big impact on its
readers, and made it a good
candidate for a charity event.
"The book has a very per-
sonal, human aspect to it that
See BOOK, Page 3


Call 734-418-4115 or e-mail
news@michigandaily.com and let us know.

Art as a medium for women's issues

INDEX NEWS ..........................2 ARTS...............S..5
Vol. CXXIV,No.127 SUDOKU ........................2 CLASSIFIEDS...............6
02014TheMichiganDaily OPINION........ ....4 SPORTS............. .7
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