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November 26, 2013 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-11-26

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2 - Tuesday, November 26, 2013

This Week in History *fs P il In Other Ivory Towers Alumni Profiles Photos of the Week
Prof. studies former news reports

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Anthony Collings is a lecturer
in the University's Department
of Communications Studies and
has worked at the University since
1997. He is a former foreign and
Washington correspondent for
CNN, and was part of a team that
won anEmmyfor their coverage of
the Oklahoma City bombing.
What made you decide to
come and teach at the
I wanted to be in the Midwest
because Ihave three sons and two
of them were living in Chicago at
the time. I was offered a position
as the visiting Howard R. Marsh
Professor of Journalism in the

Communications Studies Depart-
ment, which brings in a journalist
for a year to teach. I did that for
two years, then I became a lec-
turer in Communication Studies,
which is my current position. It
was a good offer and Michigan
has a very good reputation.
In this day and age, which is
speedy coverage or fully
informed coverage?
In journalism they say it's bet-
ter to be right than to be first. I
don't think the general public
cares whether or not one orga-
nization beat another organi-
zation by one or two minutes,

even though news organizations
seem to think it's very important.
It's the Internet that's changed
things. CNN and Fox both got the
Supreme Court decision wrong
about the Affordable Care Act,
and that was because they didn't
wait until the Chief Justice had
finished speaking. That's a very
good example of rushing a story
out too quickly, and it speaks to
the fact that when every news
organization has a website, it
increases the time pressure on

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Art & Design student Sushmita Charlu links a print-
ing block during a printmaking class at the Stamps
Schoolof Art & Design Monday.

Covert artist
WHERE: Michigan Union
WHEN: Sunday at 1 p.m.
WHAT: Staff members
found graffiti on the walls
of a room on the fourth
floor, University Police
reported. Two people were
located and escorted out of
the building.


Child's play
WHERE: Sports Coliseum
WHEN: Sunday at 4:05 p.m.
WHAT: Staff found dam-
age to a hallway wall after
two children were observed
in the area between 1p.m.
and 3 p.m., University Police

Movie Night
WHAT: A Yiddish movie
portraying a young woman
taking on the role of mother
for her father and brothers.
The film was recorded in
Poland and is a pre-World
War II cultural staple.
WHO: Judaic Studies
WHEN: Today at 6 p.m.
WHERE: 202 South Thay-
er, room 2022

Out of my way! Clothes envy Hula lecture

Jazz Ensemble
A 10-year-old Farming-
WHAT: A performance by ton Hills girl success-
a campus ensemble con- fully sued for custody of
ducted by graduate student her mother's ex-boyfriend's
conductor David Sayers. poodle, the Detroit Free Press
WHO: School of Music, reported. The case followed
Theatre & Dance the girl's mother's suit that
WHEN: Today at 8 p.m. claimed the san took jewelry
WHERE: Moore Building, aie eongtoeery
McIntosh Theatre and things that belongto her.
After a recent stabbing
at a fraternity party
Science art off campus how can
the Interfraternity Council
contest improve its security efforts?
WHAT: The Science Learn-
ing Center is seekingsub-
missions of artwork that
express scientific principles, According to Gawker,
concepts, ideas, processes Arkansas Police say
and/or structures.
WHO: Science Learning a murder plot was
Center thwarted because the would-
WHEN: Tonight from 7 be murderer accidently butt-
a.m. to 11:30 p.m. dialed his intended victim,
WHERE: Chemistry Build- detailing the crime. The sus-
ing, room 1720 pect was arrested before he
could commit the crime.

MatthewSlovin Managing Editor mjslovin@michigandaily.com
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Mondaylthrough Friday during the fall and
winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge
to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2, Subscriptions for
fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $110. interteerm(anuary through Apriltis
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The Michigan taily itanmmbrtn he ssoiated PesandThetAassocaedClleiae Press.


WHERE: 1227 South Uni-
versity Ave.
WHEN: Sunday at 4:35 p.m.
WHAT: A vehicle struck
another vehicle and left the
scene, University Police
reported. There were no
injuries, and the amount of
damage is unknown.

WHERE: West Quad Resi-
dence Hall
WHEN: Monday at about
2:15 a.m.
WHAT: Clothingwas
reportedly taken from two
dryers in the laundry room
sometime between 1:30 a.m.
and 2:15 a.m., University
Police reported. There are
currently no suspects.

WHAT: Part of a lecture
series on the importance of
hula and its social, ecologi-
cal, psychological and spiri-
tual aspects.
WHO: Department of
American Culture
WHEN: Today from 4 p.m.
to 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: Haven Hall, room

MORE ONLINE Love Crime Notes?
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Yale 'U' Police: campus safe

Egyptian government limits


after possible gunman hoax call citizens' right to protest

Student in
ninja-like costume
- Yale University was locked
down for nearly six hours Mon-
day as authorities investigated
a phone call saying an armed
man was heading to shoot it up,
a warning they later said was
likely a hoax.
SWAT teams searching the
Ivy League campus didn't find
a gunman after a room-by-room
search, and the lockdown was
lifted Monday afternoon. No
one was injured, police said.
"New Haven is safe. The Yale
campus is safe," New Haven
police Chief Dean Esserman
A 911 call was received at
9:48 a.m. from a man at a pay
phone about a mile from the
campus who said his roommate


was on the way to the univer- football game against Harvard.
sity to shoot people, Officer But many students were still
David Hartman said. in their dorm rooms, Hartman
Esserman said he was lean- said, and Yale authorities sent
ing toward the incident being a out their first warning about
hoax and a witness who report- half an hour after the 911 call.
ed seeing someone with a rifle "The Yale police made the
likely saw a law enforcement right call," Esserman said.
officer. "They went to immediate lock-
"Though it is starting to tilt down to keep everybody safe."
in the direction of an innocent Yale advised students and
mistake, it started with a pur- staff members to shelter in
poseful and malicious call," place. It also issued an adviso-
Esserman said, vowing to track ry asking people off campus to
down and arrest the person stay away. The shelter advisory
who made the call. was lifted by late afternoon.
Authorities don't believe that Police blocked off several
the caller 'was a Yale student streets near the university's
or that his roommate attended Old Campus, in the heart of
Yale, Esserman said. There New Haven, where they were
was nothing specific about the concentrating their search.
threat, he said, and the call Several local schools also were
lasted only seconds. placed in lockdown. Police in
Classes aren't in session this tactical gear entered several
week, and many students and campus buildings. Pedestrian
staff members left campus for traffic in the normally bustling
the Thanksgiving holiday fol- area was sparse, with cold and
lowing Saturday's traditional windy weather keeping many
people indoors.
The response included sev-
eral police departments, the
FBI and other federal agencies,
Hartman said.
Police had difficulty gaining
access to some rooms because
those people locked inside
8 6 weren't convinced they were
dealing with law enforcement,
4 3 he said. Most rooms don't have
peepholes. Yale sent out an
7 1 5 email telling community mem-
bers that officers would be slip-
ping a Yale ID under the door or
1 using keys to gain access.
Undergraduate classes are
C.} 4 set to resume Dec. 2
Yale has been the target of
violence in the past. In May
2003, a bomb damaged an
empty classroom and adjacent
7 reading room at the law school.
A Yale professor, David J.
6 Gelernter, was seriously injured
in 1993, when a bomb mailed
by Theodore Kaczynski, the
man known as the Unabomber,
exploded in his campus office.
Monday's search came sever-
al weeks after a scare on another
Connecticut campus.

actions justified
with 'security', met
with criticism
CAIRO (AP) - Egyptian gov-
ernment officials on Monday
defended a new law that sharply
restricts the right to protest as
needed to bring security, trying
to counter a storm of criticism
from allies and opponents alike
who say the rules stifle freedom
of expression and endanger the
country's democratic transition.
The law, issued by the inter-
im president a day earlier, bans
public gatherings of more than
10 people without prior govern-
ment approval, imposing hefty
fines and prison terms for viola-
tors. It also empowered security
agencies to use force to break up
The protest law has caused
cracks in the loose coalition of
secular and non-Islamist groups
that rallied behind the military-
backed government installed
following the ouster of elected
Islamist President Mohammed
Morsi in July.
Morsi supporters have been
holding constant protests since
his fall, often descending into
bloody clashes amid a rising
wave of violence. But opponents
of the new law, including among
those who have backed the gov-
ernment, say it will silence all
critics - and that it goes against
the spirit of the protest move-
ments that ousted autocrat
Hosni Mubarak in 2011 and rose
up against Morsi, pavingthe way
for the coup that removed him.
The government portrays it as
a measure to restore security and
stability and help the country's
economy - arguments that have
strong resonance with an Egyp-
tian public weary with violence.
"There will be no economy
without security and a stable
political environment now and in
the future," interim Prime Min
ister Hazem el-Beblawi said, at

a government meeting in which
the law was discussed, according
to the state news agency.
He saidsome intheopposition
aim to create "confusion and sow
mistrust betweenthe authorities
and the public."
Egypt's powerful military
chief, the man who removed
Morsi, weighed in as well, urging
political factions and the media
to support the transition pro-
cess and line up behind a push to
restore security - though he did
not specifically mention the law.
Political groups should drop
"criteria and considerations that
don't fit the reality Egypt is liv-
ing and the challenges it faces,"
Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi said,
pointing to security threats,
includingthe increasingmilitant
attacks in the Sinai Peninsula.
"The political, economic and
social challenges Egypt faces
need effort and will and a correct
understanding of the require-
ments of this phase," el-Sissi said
at a meeting of officers, accord-
ing to MENA.
He said a number of measures
under way will "correct the
democratic path and establish
a regime that pleases all Egyp-
It was an apparent reference
to the new protest law and a
drive to finish amendingthe con-
In the latest violence, attack-
ers on a motorcycle threw a gre-
nade at a police checkpoint near
a historic royal palace in Cairo,
wounding at least one guard,
according to MENA.
Interior Minister Moham-
med Ibrahim, in charge of police,
insisted the protest law doesn't
undermine the right to peace-
ful expression, as he met with
top security officers on how to
implement it, starting Monday.
"The law grants the right to
organize public gatherings, con-
voys, and peaceful protests and
to join them, in accordance with
the law," Ibrahim said according
to the state news agency MENA.
Among the restrictions, how-
ever, would-be protesters must

seek a permit for their gather-
ing three days in advance, which,
security officials can turn down
with little explanation, requir-
ing the applicants to turn to the
courts to appeal.
Rights groups, secular politi-
cal parties and activists, who
had lobbied against protest law,
said that despite an initialuproar
over an earlier draft of the law,
the final version had only small
"It gives a legal cover to
repression," said the Popular
Current, a group led by leftist
politician Hamdeen Sabahy, who
had backedtheremoval of Morsi.
The group said the law "is not
befitting for a country that had
two revolts in two years mainly
against repression."
In a snub to the law, the youth
activist group April 6 and other
political groups held a rally out-
side a central Cairo police station
Monday, calling on the govern-
ment to "eat popcorn!"- a joke
to say the government is wasting
They mockingly presented a
request to organize a rally they
said will be attended by 10 mil-
lion Egyptians.
The military-backed inter-
im government, meanwhile, is
pushing through with a politi-
cal road map that calls for new
presidential and parliamentary
elections next year.
The prime minister, el-Beb-
lawi, said Monday that a key first
step in the process - a referen-
dum on amendments in the con-
stitution - will likely take place
in the second half of January. He
did not give a precise date, which
is still to be announced by the
interim president.
The 50-member appointed
panel is still working on amend-
ing the 2012 constitution,
mainly drafted by Islamists and
approved under Morsi.
The process is also seeing a
risingchorus of criticism against
the secrecy of its discussions and
a number of articles that have
granted the next president great-
er powers.






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