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November 26, 2013 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-11-26

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.


Tuesday, November 26, 2013 - 3

Police arrest two in
shooting of EMU
football player
Police have arrested two peo-
ple in the fatal shooting of East-
ern Michigan University football
player at an off-campus apartment
complex, the Ypsilanti school
announced Monday.
One suspect was arraigned
Sunday and the other was being
arraigned Monday in the slaying
of Demarius Reed, the university
University President Susan
Martin issued a statement thank-
ing city and campus police
investigators for their work "in
identifying suspects in this tragic
and senseless crime against a
wonderful student and inspiring
young man."
ST. PAUL, Minn.
Unlucky sibling of
pardoned turkeys
meets governor
With two other turkeys ticket-
ed for a presidential pardon at the
White House, their brother met
Minnesota's governor Monday at
a state Capitol ceremony featuring
much of the same upbeat pageant-
ry ahead of a far gloomier fate for
the bird.
Jokingly dubbed "Delicious"
by a farmer traveling with the
20-pound gobbler, the unfortu-
nate turkey enjoyed only a brief
stay of execution - not a reprieve
- during a ceremony laced with
gallows humor at Gov. Mark Day-
ton's Capitol office.
The next stop for the pink and
white bird: a trip to the St. Paul
Salvation Army and, eventually,
dinner for the less-fortunate.
Conversely, his two brothers
are headed to the White House
Wednesday where they'll be offi-
cially spared.
Swedish journalists
abducted trying to
leave Syria
Two Swedish journalists were
abducted in Syria as they were
trying to leave the country, Swe-
den's Foreign Ministry said Mon-
The men were "taken" on Sat-
urday as they were on their way
out of Syria, spokeswoman Cata-
rina Axelsson said. She declined
to give other details, and said
Swedish diplomats in Beirut were
trying to get more information on
the situation.
The ministry didn't name
them, but Swedish daily Dagens
Nyheter said they were the news-
paper's stringer in Paris, Magnus
Falkehed, and a freelance photog-
rapher, Niclas Hammarstrom.
1 Cyprus leaders halt

reunification talks
The rival leaders of ethnically
divided Cyprus on Monday failed
to agree on resuming stalled
talks aimed at reunifying the
Cyprus President Nicos Anas-
tasiades and Turkish Cypriot
leader Dervis Eroglu said after
an informal meeting that obsta-
cles remain in restarting full-
fledged peace negotiations.
"Unfortunately, there's still
some way to go before we can
arrive at the hoped-for result,"
Anastasiades said after emerg-
ing from the three-hour meeting
at a restaurant inside the United
Nations-controlled buffer zone
dividing the capital.
Cyprus was split into an inter-
nationally recognized Greek
Cypriot south and a breakaway
" Turkish Cypriot north in 1974
when Turkey invaded after a
coup by supporters of union
with Greece. Turkish Cypriots
declared independence in 1983,
but on Turkey, which maintains
35,000 troops there, recognize
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports

From Page 1
"As we lose those species, are we
going to produce as much food
and air and water? The answer
appears to be no."
Other distinguished research-
From Page 1
ought to be more aware of the
factories that manufacture their
maize-and-blue apparel. He
added that students should not
disparage the welfare of labor-
ers outside U.S. borders.
"If this was in the U.S., we
wouldn't stand for it," Menhen-
nick said.
The die-in was one of several
recent USAS events directed
toward Coleman and students
From Page 1
rather than being told they were
going to get cancer.
Students noted that trying to
quit could be more expensive
than maintaining the habit, so
the University offers smokers
free patches, lozenges, gum and
other consultations if they join a
weekly smoking support group.
The University also decided
that enforcing the initiative
should not be punitive, but
rather rooted in changing social
norms. In addition to posters,
stenciled sidewalk chalk mes-
sages appeared during Welcome
Week and in smoker hotspots in
the earlier months of the ban.
University Police do not
enforce the initiative and do not
issue tickets to people smok-
ing on campus. Instead, stu-
dents can file a complaint about
smokers at the Office of Stu-
dent Conflict Resolution, while
supervisors handle complaints
from faculty and staff.
"The principle that we went
for was treating people with
respect," Winfield said. "Not
using law enforcement, trying
to use social norms and social
pressures and cultural pres-
sures to get people to not smoke
on campus and to consider quit-

ers studied innovations in chemi-
cal and fuel production catalysts,
the importance of social rela-
tions while aging, cancer genet-
ics, cells' signaling pathways and
other topics.
Cardinale said there were
few more respected awards
in his field. He added that he
concerning the unsafe working
conditions of factories in Ban-
gladesh. Past events include a
vigil commemorating the Rana
Plaza collapse in April 2013 and
Workout for Worker's Rights.
A letter will be sent to Cole-
man to brief her on the die-in
event Menlo said.
Coleman wrote a letter to
Adidas in October 2012 express-
ing concerns about the compa-
ny's mishandling of severance
payments for over 2,700 work-
ers at a bankrupt supplier.
In April of this year, Adidas
A survey conducted in
November 2012 demonstrates
the effectiveness of those two
years of research, as well as the
decision to approach enforce-
ment through a collective
effort. The survey reported that
the number of people who said
they smoked dropped from six
to four percent. Thirteen per-
cent of faculty and staff said
the initiative helped influence
their decision or attempt to quit
Despite these figures, LSA
senior Jonathan Kang said
he doesn't think the major-
ity of students comply with or
acknowledge the initiative.
"A lot of people haven't taken
into consideration that there's
a smoking ban," Kang said. "I
haven't really noticed a differ-
ence since I was a freshman."
Kang, who started smoking
habitually two years ago, said
that he usually respects the no-
smoking policy, but most people
don't care.
"I think a lot of it's because
it's not reinforced," Kang said.
"I've never had anyone come
up to me and say, 'hey, there's
a smoking ban on campus, and
you should put that out.' "
In an effort to make this
invisible social enforcement less
transparent, Benz said the Uni-
versity is developing a smoke-
free ambassador program

appreciates the recognition the
award carries; the public and
policymakers are now more apt
to learn about Cardinale's dis-
"These awards give you a plat-
form to speak out to people you
might otherwise be unable to
speak to," Cardinale said.
agreed to pay the employees the
remaining severance pay they
were entitled to.
Menhennick said signing the
accord is a small step in ensur-
ing safe factory conditions
worldwide. If manufacturers
in Bangladesh sign the accord,
others will follow.
"Bangladeshi workers are
endangered every single day
when they enter their places
of employment, and that's just
unfair," Menlo said. "If we have
the chance to change that, we
should as a university."
similar to the one at the Univer-
sity of Kentucky. Ambassadors
would hand out informational
packets, toothbrushes and
candy to on-campus smokers.
Benz also said she is working
with Central Student Govern-
ment to develop a way to show
students how to address some-
one they see smoking on cam-
Smoking hotspots have also
been a problem. Winfield iden-
tified the Hatcher Graduate
Library steps, the front of the
Michigan League, an overhang
on the side of the Michigan
Union, the Duderstadt Center
and the backside of Mary Mar-
kley Residence Hall adjacent
to the hospital as some areas
where smokers frequent, but he
did not provide a specific plan
for eliminating them.
These issues - as well as spit
tobacco, snooze and e-ciga-
rettes - will be receive greater
attention after a new University
president takes office, Winfield
said. He noted that the momen-
tum of initiatives to create a
culture of health has been too
strong to wane in the future.
"This is going on all over the
country, and I can't foresee any
backing off," he said. "But this
is not a good time to make any
adjustments to the policy; the
president's leaving in less than
a year."

From Page 1
Monday morning, a day that the
players usually have off, to kick
off the biggest week of the year
with intensity.
The practice day seemed nec-
essary, though, as there's still a
laundry list of things Michigan
needs to address before Satur-
There's the offensive line that
underwent its sixth personnel
change on Saturday. There's
Gardner who is not physically
able to make the electric plays
that were so common early in
the season. And above all, there
are the frequent negative play on
Hoke said all of that is man-
ageable - it just comes down to
consistency across the board.
The Wolverines have loved
the term "consistency" this sea-
son. It has become the go-to
buzzword, and the lack of it
has become the explanation for
offensive struggles.
But the question remains
whether or not consistency can
be coached. Week in and week
out, Hoke has started his press
conferences saying he's been
impressed with what he sees
in practice that given week,
yet game spasms still take over
when it actually counts.
According to the coaches and
players, part of that seems to be
not having all 11 players on the
field on the same page.
"No one's going to play a per-

feet game," said senior corner-
back Courtney Avery. "No one's
going to have a perfect practice.
In agame, hopefullyyou remem-
ber the mistakes that you made
and correct them. The key is to
get as many guys playing as hard
and as perfect as they can as pos-
It's no secret that the Wolver-
ines have had difficulty putting
points on the board through the
month of November, and with
Ohio State averaging 49 points a
game, it's questionable if Michi-
gan will have the offensive pro-
duction necessary to even keep
the game remotely close.
But Hoke isn't worried about
the point spread, or the fact that
the Buckeyes are two games
away from a second straight
undefeated season. In fact, spoil-
ing Ohio State's perfect record is
the last thing on any of the Wol-
verines' minds right now.
"We talk about ourselves and
what we have to do," Hoke said.
"We've never, ever mentioned it,
and I won't. That's not what it's
about. It's about us playing our
best football for our seniors and
the greatest rivalry in sport."
Hoke admitted that Ohio
State is the best team Michi-
gan will face all season. But he
stands by his statement from the
beginning of the season: that he
likes his team and that there are
still a few surprises.
"I'm very confident it could
happen, otherwise we wouldn't
play," Hoke said. "I'd called
down there to Columbus and say
we won't do it."

U.S. & Afghanistan
continue to disagree
over troop presence

From Page 1
for a dispatcher and the process
of paying by cash or credit on site.
"This is a piece of technology
that no one has never done before
and is going to revolutionize the
way that people go out," Matian

In the future, the duo plans
to become a platform that con-
nects passengers with drivers
for hire, similar to car-hire
app Uber, removing the finan-
cial risk of having to buy more
Up to this point, Matian
and Markowitz are extremely
grateful for the support and
resources of the University's

Samuel Zell & Robert H. Lurie
Institute for Entrepreneur-
ial Studies, as well as that of
startup competitions Dare to
Dream, Lightning Pitch and
Accelerate Michigan Innova-
tion, all of which they compet-
ed successfully in.
"It's great knowing we have
the support of the school,"
Matian said.

Thailand prime minister institutes
emergency law because of protests

Security act will
seal off roads,
impose curfiews
BANGKOK (AP) - Thailand's
prime minister invoked an emer-
gency law on Monday after dem-
onstrators seekingto remove her
from office occupied parts of the
finance and foreign ministries.
Prime Minister Yingluck Shi-
nawatra announced that the
Internal Security Act would
cover all of Bangkok and large
parts of surrounding areas.
Three especially sensitive dis-
tricts of the capital have been
under the law since August,
when there were early signs of
political unrest.
The law authorizes officials to
seal off roads, take action against
security threats, impose curfews
and ban the use of electronic
devices in designated areas.
Peaceful rallies are allowed
under the law.
Protesters swarmed into the
two government ministries earli-
er Monday, overrunning several
buildings and cutting electricity
in an escalating campaign to top-
ple Yingluck's government.
Protesters say they want Yin-
gluck to step down amid claims
that her government is con-
trolled by her brother, former
Prime Minister Thaksin Shi-
nawatra, who was ousted in a
military coup in 2006 for alleged
corruption. On Sunday, more

than 150,000 demonstrators
took to Bangkok's streets in the
largestcrally Thailand has seen in
years, uniting against what they
call the "Thaksin regime."
The incursions into the finance
and foreign ministries were the
boldest acts yet in opposition-led
protests that started last month.
They highlighted the movement's
new strategy of paralyzing the
government by forcing civil ser-
vants to stop working.
The opposition Democrat
Party, which is spearheading the
protests and has lost to Thaksin-
backed parties in every election
since 2001, also plans to chal-
lenge the government Tuesday
with a parliamentary no-confi-
dence debate.
"The protesters have escalat-
ed their rally, which previously
was a peaceful one," Yingluck
said in a televised address. She
said the government respect-
ed the people's right to freely
express opinions, but also had
the responsibility to safeguard
the country's peace and stability
and assets, along with the safety
of citizens and their right to
access government offices.
The law will cover the city's
international airports. In 2008,
anti-Thaksin demonstrators occu-
pied Bangkok's two airports for a
week after taking over the prime
minister's office for three months.
Protest leader Suthep Thaug-
Ministry on a day when protesters
fanned out to 13 locations across

Bangkok, snarling traffic and rais-
ing concerns of violence in the
country's ongoing political crisis,
which has revolved around Thak-
sin for years.
"Go up to every floor, go into
every room, but do not destroy
anything," Suthep told the crowd
before he entered the ministry
and held a meeting in its confer-
ence room.
"Make them see this is peo-
ple's power!" said Suthep, a for-
mer deputy prime minister and
opposition lawmaker.
Protesters sang, danced and
blew noisy whistles in the hall-
ways as part of their "whistle-
blowing" campaign against the
government. One group cut
power at the Budget Bureau to
pressure the agencyto stop fund-
ing government projects.
Police made no immediate
move to oust them.
The protesters in the evening
burst onto the Foreign Ministry
grounds, which was not on their
original list of targets.
"The protesters are on the
ministry's compound but they
promised they will not enter
the buildings," Foreign Ministry
spokesman Sek Wannamethee
said by phone. "We are now ask-
ing them to provide ways for the
officials who were still working
to leave the offices and they will
likely have to work from home
tomorrow." He did not know
how many protesters there were,
though Thai media said there
were several hundred.

Karzai won't to
sign pact, Rice says
refusal means 2014
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -
Afghanistan's president and the
U.S. delivered blunt messages
to each other Monday that gave
no indication of a resolution of
their disagreements over a pact
that governs the future of the
American troop presence in the
Hamid Karzai said he won't
back down from his refusal to
sign during the rest of his term
in office, with National Security
Adviser Susan Rice responding
that this would mean the U.S.
would then start planning to
pull out all its forces after 2014.
Their meeting in Kabul came
the day after Karzai's surprise
decision to ignore Sunday's
recommendation by an Afghan
assembly of dignitaries to sign
the Bilateral Security Agree-
ment, a refusal that cast doubt
on whether American and
allied troops would remain in
Afghanistan to train Afghan
forces after most foreign troops
withdraw next year.
According to Karzai's office,
he told Rice during Monday's
meeting that he wouldn't back
down from that decision, defer-
ring it to whoever succeeds him
as president in April elections.
The White House said Rice
responded by telling Karzai that
the United States will plan to
pull all troops out of his country
after2014 if he doesn't promptly
It added that Rice told Karzai
that a signed agreement is nec-
essary to plan for thousands of
troops to stay in the country to
train and mentor Afghan secu-
rity forces to face the Taliban.
"President Karzai outlined
new conditions for signing the
agreement and indicated he is
not prepared to sign the BSA
promptly," the White House
said. "Without a prompt sig-
nature, the U.S. would have
no choice but to initiate plan-
ning for a post-2014 future
in which there would be no
U.S. or NATO troop presence
in Afghanistan," she told the
Afghan president.
Karzai announced his deci-
sion at a gathering of 2,500
tribal elders and regional lead-
ers known as a Loya Jirga, even
though the council not only
overwhelmingly approved the
deal after a four-day meeting
but urged him to sign it by Dec.

Washington has asked him
to change his mind. But the
mercurial Karzai, in the meet-
ing with Rice, says he laid out a
series of new demands - albeit
ones mostly involving steps the
U.S. has already said it would
One new demandwasthatthe
United States should address
a suggestion by the Loya Jirga
that all Afghan prisoners be
released from Guantanamo Bay,
According to the statement,
Karzai "said the United States
of America should respond to
the suggestion mentioned in the
resolution of the Loya Jirga to
free all the afghan prisoners in
There are nearly 20 Afghans
currently being held at the
American facility in Cuba.
Karzai's office said that in the
meetingwith Rice, he also asked
for further assurances from the
United States that its forces will
not raid Afghan homes and that
America express a sincere com-
mitment to help start stalled
peace talks with the Taliban.
He also reiterated his demand
that the United States commit
to holding free and transparent
elections on April 5.
The statement further added
that Karzai asked Rice to con-
vey his concerns about the raids
and peace talks to President
Barack Obama so that he can
"give assurances regarding the
issues to the Afghan people."
Obama has already addressed
the issue of raids in a letter to
Karzai last week that was read
to the assembly.
In it, Obama assured Karzai
that under the agreement, the
U.S. will continue to respect
"Afghan sovereignty." He also
said the U.S. military will not
conduct raids on homes except
under "extraordinary circum-
stances" involving urgent risks
to U.S. nationals.
The US has repeatedly urged
Karzai to sign a deal that would
allow about 8,000 American
troops to stay in the coun-
try beyond a 2014 withdrawal
The two-term Afghan leader
has insisted that the winner of
an April 5 election to succeed
him should be the one to sign
the deal. More than $8 billion in
annual funds for Afghanistan's
fledgling security forces and
development assistance also are
at stake.
Karzai may be concerned
about his legacy, worried he
might be seen as responsible
for an agreement that some
Afghans will likely see as selling
out to foreign interests.


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