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November 26, 2013 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-11-26

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Tuesday, November 26,2013_


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Eight 'U'

LSA sophomore Arielle Wisbaum (left) and LSA freshman Miles Denudt (right) inform passersby about the dangers of Bangladeshi sweatshops, This "die in" in,
which took place Monday in the Diag, was organized by the University's chapter of United Students Against Sweatshops.
'Protest asks for factory safety
Students say 'U' United Students Against Panainte and Public Policy that the main goal of the pro-
Sweatshops held a "die-in" to junior Maya Menlo spoke about test is to persuade Coleman
should require symbolize the work-related factory conditions. to add a rule to the University
deaths of thousands of Bangla- Most of the University's Code of Conduct for Licensees
licensees to abide deshi factory workers. Their apparel is manufactured in - which governs how licensees
goal was to pressure Univer- unsafe factories in Bangladesh, like Adidas produce University
by fire-safety code sity President Mary Sue Cole- Menhennick said. These facto- merchandise - requiring them
man to require the University's ries have exposed boiler rooms, to sign the Accord on Fire and
ByAMIA DAVIS licensees to sign the Accord on non-enclosed staircases and Building Safety.
Daily Staff Reporter Fire and Building Safety, which insufficient signage near fire More than 100 brands have
would ensure facilities that escapes. signed the Accord on Fire and
Anyone walking through produce Michigan-branded "The president's office has Building Safety, including
the Diag Monday would have apparel comply with fire safety indicated that she is concerned H&M and Abercrombie and
seen several students lying on code. about the state of Bangladeshi Fitch. Duke University has also
the ground. Fortunately, they USAS members lay on their workers, but that concern has required their licensees to sign
hadn't succumbed to the harsh backs for 30 minutes, while yet to transition into action," the accord.
weather - they were only play- LSA sophomore Ryne Men- Panainte told passerbys. Menhennick said students
ing dead. hennick, LSA sophomore Sorin Menlo said in an interview See PROTEST, Page 3

Faculty represent
various science
Daily StaffReporter
Eight University professors,
hailing from the fields of psy-
chology, dentistry, biological sci-
ences and ecology, were named
as fellows with the American
Association for the Advancement
of Science fellows Monday. They
were among the 388 AAAS Fel-
lows receiving the prestigious
recognition this year.
The fellows were nominated
by their peers, based on their
contributions to the advance-
ment of science or its applica-
tions. Last year, the University
had 19 AAAS fellows - the most
of any other institution.
AAAS is the world's largest
scientific society and selects fel-
lows who have been members of
the association for four years. In
order to become a fellow, mem-
bers must be nominated by three

previous fellows, one of the 24
steering groups of AAAS' sec-
tions or the AAAS chief execu-
tive officer. The policymaking
council then votes on nominees
and constructs the final list.
Fellow Bradley Cardinale,
an associate professor of ecol-
ogy and evolutionary biology and
natural resources and environ-
ment, is researching how biodi-
versity can benefit humans.
Cardinale's lab conducted data
syntheses from more than 1,600
ecosystems worldwide. These
studies revealed the relationship
between the number of species
and the environment's produc-
tivity. Productive environments
include crops repellent to dis-
ease, lakes producing more oxy-
gen and forests with a high wood
This means that preventing
extinction is favorable for people;
a greater variety of species pro-
motes a slew of human benefits.
"There's an increasingnumber
of examples that show that bio-
diversity affects you and things
you care about," Cardinale said.


_i _ -- r_

Smoking ban
to evolve with
incoming pres.

Coleman will leave
having inspired a
healthier campus
Daily StaffReporter
University President Mary
Sue Coleman will leave behind
a healthier student body when
her appointment ends this sum-
July will mark three years
since the University made its
campus smoke-free through
the Smoke-Free University
{ Initiative, which the Univer-
sity administration hopes to
improve and expand under the
incoming president.
The Smoke-Free University
Initiative was developed under
MHealthy, a presidential ini-
tiative established in 2005 that
encouraged a healthier com-
munity through cost-effective
health delivery, public discus-
sions about healthy living and
campaigns like the smoking
When the initiative was pro-
posed, the University waited
two years to make implementa-
tion plans.
"I think campuses that tried
to (ban smoking) from one day
S to the next with no prepara-
tion just didn't work," Coleman
said in a 2011 interview."So this
gives us some time, and we'll try
to resolve the issues. I think it's
the right way to go."
a After approving the ban,

Coleman took a hands-off
approach to the planning and
implementation ofthe initiative.
Robert Winfield, chief health
officer and director of Universi-
ty Health Service, spearheaded
the operation.
In the two years spent
researching, five committees
representing different aspects
of campus developed question-
naires, held town halls and
organized student focus groups.
"Primarily, they wanted to
be sure that the program was
respectful to smokers and it
wouldn't in some way demean
them and make them into some
kind of pariah," Winfield said of
student input. "The principle of
the program was being respect-
ful to smokera, (but) creating an
environment on campus that
was not smoke-welcome."
From this research, the Uni-
versity chose not to install "butt
huts" to allow for the disposal
of finished cigarettes, believ-
ing it would encourage smoking
rather than stifle it. It also chose
to allow smoking on sidewalks
adjacent to road in an effort to
prevent smokers from moving
onto the property of city busi-
Marsha Benz, alcohol and
other drugs health educator for
UHS, consulted student focus
groups in her role in the devel-
opment of the campaign. She
said they expressed a desire to
see posters that showed them
what else they could be spend-
ing their cigarette money on,
See SMOKING, Page 7A

Internationally renowned native Hawaiian artist Kaumakaiwa Kanaka'ole performs with her mother for the
Makawalu concert and lecture series organized by the U-M Asian/Pacific Islander American Studies Program at
Mendelssohn Theater Monday.
Bar2Bar Transport ai ms
to pro vide ta"xi alternati"ve

team says 'All
bets are off'
vs. Buckeyes
The Wolverines goals
have dwindled, all
that remains is a win
over Ohio State
Daily Sports Editor
Sure, the Michigan football team
has squandered its Big Ten title
hopes. Sure, redshirt junior quarter-
back Devin Gardner has been beaten,
bruised and battered the past four
games. Sure, the Wolverines haven't
shown a propensity for moving the
ball consistently.
But come Saturday, none of that
matters to them.
Fifth-year senior left tackle Taylor
Lewan has several hopes for when
Ohio State comes to town, which
include fans potentially putting aside
Michigan's less-than-ideal record
and Michigan Stadium being filled
with maize and blue instead of scarlet
and gray.
In a game as big as The Game, pre-
conceived notions don't mean a thing
to the Wolverines.
"Saturday, all bets are off," Lewan
said. "We're playing football. Any-
thing could happen Saturday."
And why does he think the Wolver-
ines would be capable of pulling what
would be the biggest upset of the sea-
"Because we have heart."
In a season in which very little has
gone according to plan, pride is the
only thing the Wolverines have left
to play for. Michigan coach Brady
Hoke scheduled a team practice early
See BUCKEYES, Page 3

Seniors' business
caters to Greek
life, athletes
For the Daily
One year ago, LSA senior
Harris Markowitz and Busi-
ness senior Daniel Matian
founded Bar2Bar Transport,
a bus service marketed as a
social alternative to taxi cabs.
Now, the duo's LED-lit buses
are a frequent sight off cam-
For a fixed fee of $3 per per-
son, groups of up to 15 people
can hire a Bar2Bar bus any-
where in Ann Arbor between

10 p.m. and 3 a.m.
Geared for partiers, the
mini-buses are furnished with
LED lighting and speakers.
Alcohol is permitted onboard
for those of age.
Markowitz said despite
being price-competitive with
local taxi services, he believes
the social aspect of the ride
has a competitive advantage
over alternatives.
"It's not just a ride; it's part
of a night out," Markowitz
Because of its ability to
cater to groups, the service
has become popular among
the Greek community and
athletes who want to go to
bars or parties together.
The company owns two

15- passenger shuttles, each
driven by licensed drivers.
Max Sanders, a manager
at Scorekeepers Bar and Grill
and co-owner of Bar2Bar, said
the startup has had a posi-
tive influence on business at
"Itdefinitelyhelps," he said.
"In my experience, most peo-
ple come in groups of 15 to 20,
so getting them there quickly
and easily is more efficient
and keeps them together."
Currently, Matian and
Markowitz are focusing on
publicizing and patenting the
ability for users to purchase a
ride from their phone. A pur-
chased "ride code" provided
by the app eliminates the need

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