2A - Wednesday, March 7, 2012
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Activism and education
Michigan Helping Hands, a
new campus organization that
promotes education and activ-
ism on social issues affecting
Michigan and the United States,
is working daily to inform local
communities about prevalent
issues like homelessness, poverty
and hunger.
Founded by LSA freshmen
Joshua Kleiman and Alex Lieber-
man, the duo said they were
inspired to create the group dur-
ing high school, and decided to
bring the idea to campus this
year. Creating an organization
was their method of stimulat-
ing student involvement to com-
bat issues in the community and
inspire change, they said.
"Michigan Helping Hands has
three goals - spreading aware-
ness, raising money and involve-
ment," Kleiman said.
Each year, members will learn
about various issues and vote on a
topic to pursue in depth over the
course of the year. Kleiman and
Lieberman said they will encour-
age students at the University
to participate in volunteer trips,
fundraisers and a host of other
activities, adding that they hope
to influence students on other
college campuses as well.
"Everyone has a voice and
there are opportunities to learn
about everything, even (for)
members (of the group)," Klei-
man said.
Lieberman said the group
emphasizes an important set
of values and skills that can be
applied to various areas in life.
For the upcoming fall semes-
ter, both Kleiman and Lieberman
said they hope to remain active
in the group, increase their mem-
bership at Festifall and encour-
age others to engage in social
issues and events.
Amid inevitable challenges in
gaining members and receiving
administrative support, Lieber-
man emphasized the group's
devotion to rallying communal
involvement and funding chari-
table events that students are
truly compassionate about.
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Members of the RC Singers class practice in the tast
Quad Courtyard yesterday.
iPad iPoached Monster van Internship Love is Louder
The Defense Advanced
WHERE: North Ingalls WHERE: 1600 Cram Circle workshop presentation Research Projects
Building WHEN: Monday at about Agency developed a
WHEN: Monday at about 2:30 p.m. WHAT: A seminar on how WHAT: Actress Brit- robot that can run 18 mph,
10:30 a.m. WHAT: Several parked cars to apply and prepare for tany Snow and Courtney the fastest robot speed yet,
WHAT: An iPad was stolen were damaged by a Univer- internship opportunities Knowles, director of the Reuters reported. The robot
from an office desk on the isty van, University Police over the summer. Students Love is Louder movement, iRed ee ahted.sthe
seventh floor between Feb. reported. The driver was interested in any career will speak about their goal of is called Cheetah and is the
27 and March 5, University treated for medical issues, field are invited to attend improving emotional health. first machine that has been
Police reported. There are which could have caused the workshop. WHO: Depression Center observed to gallop.
no suspects. the collisions. WHO: The Career Center WHEN: Today at 1 p.m.
WHEN: Today at noon WHERE: Rackham Gradu- The University does
WHERE: Student Activities ate School not consider undocu-
Building, room 3200 mented residents who
losh Healy Managing Editor jahealy@michigandaily.com
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Neal Rothschild, Matt Slovin
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and
winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. one copy is available free of charge
to all readers Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2. Subscriptions for
fall term, starting in september, via U.S.mailore $110. Wintrtetrm (anuary through Apritl is
$115, yearlong (September through Apri)is $19s.University affiliates are subject to areduced
subscription rate. On-campus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
WHERE: Fleming Admin-
istration Building
WHEN: Monday at about
1:05 p.M.
WHAT: A purple and tan
purse in a sixth floor office
was taken between noon
and 1 p.m., University Police
reported. There are no sus-
Wrong wallet
WHERE:LSA Building
WHEN: Monday at about
4:10 p.m.
WHAT: Unauthorized
charges were made with a
credit card from a wallet
stolen from a second floor
office, University Police
reported. The card was
canceled, and there are no
WHAT: A workshop that
teaches personal safety
skills. Participants will
learn to assess danger and
take appropriate action in
perilous situations.
WHO: UMove Fitness
WHEN: Tonight at 6 p.m.
WHERE: Central Campus
Recreational Building, room
God debate
WHAT: Activists will
dbatewhether a higher
power actually exists
WHO: Russian Student
WHEN: Tonight at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan
UnionRogel Ballroom
0 Please report any
error in the Daily to
live in Michigan as in-state
students, and many of them
cannot afford the out-of-state
tuition required to attend the
A 3-year-old McDon-
ald's chicken McNug-
get resembling George
Washington sold for $8,100
on eBay, the Associated Press
reported. A woman from
Nebraska sold the nugget to
raise money for her church.
MORE ONLINELoveCrime Notes? Share them with your
followers on Twitter@CrimeNotes or find them on their new blog.
Syrian government defiant
U.S. begins
negotiating U.N.
resolution with
Russia and China
BEIRUT (AP) - Syria's presi-
dent defied mounting inter-
national pressure to end the
year-old crackdown on an upris-
ing against him and said yester-
day le was determined to go on
fighting what he called "foreign-
backed terrorism."
After a powerful American
senator called for airstrikes on
Syria, President Barack Obama
said unilateral U.S. military
action against President Bashar
Assad's regime would be a mis-
The United States said it is
proposing a new United Nations
Security Council resolution
demanding an end to violence in
Syria, first by government forces
and then by opposition fight-
ers. Russia and China, powerful
allies that have blocked a Secu-
rity Council resolution against
Syria, made clear they were
still standing by the regime in
"The Syrian people, who have
in the past managed to crush
foreign plots, ... have again prov-
en their ability to defend the
nation and to build a new Syria
through their determinat
pursue reforms while coi
ing foreign-backed terr
President Bashar Assad
according to state news
The military crackdow
turned to southern Daraa
ince, where the uprising b
year ago. Troops shelled a
in Daraa and clashed wit
tary defectors.
Activists said the m
blasted abridge and atunn
the border with Lebanont
escape routes for the we
and refugees fleeingc
Homs province, an opp
stronghold which just end
heavy monthlong offensiv
From Page1A
tion to ica Shattuck, chair of Central
nfront- Student Government Peace and
orism," Justice Commission, organized
1 said, of yesterday's meeting.
agency "That wasn't very respectful
to just make me dismissed like
en has that, and that is a little discon-
a prov- certing," Nebel said.
egan a Nebel said the meeting failed
village to produce effective ideas to
h mili- resolve the issue.
"It was productive in that I
nilitary learned what their positioning is,
el near but I don't think it was produc-
used as tive to finding a solution," he said.
tunded While LSA junior Yonah
central Lieberman, also a Michigan
osition Daily columnist, said he believes
lured a it was disrespectful for the com-
e. pany to not pay severance to the
workers, and he said the meeting
From Page 1A
night had been "convincingly
won by Romney." He said that
while Romney - who has main-
tained a substantial lead in the
delegate count from the start of
the GOP race - may not appeal to
the whole Republican Party, he is
the party's best candidate and is
now the clear frontrunner.
"Super Tuesday looks a lot like
what we've been seeing for the
last two months, which is Rom-
neyis not lovedby the Republican
Party but he is winning," Heany
In Ohio, where Romney and
Santorum exchanged leads for
most of the night, Romney's nar-
row victory was hailed as a key
triumph over Santorum in a bat-
tleground state.
However, since Heaney said
Santorum was not eligible for del-
CH egates in some parts of the state
for legal reasons, he said Rom-
ney would win most of the state's
delegates, a fact more important
than either candidate winning
the popular vote.
"One candidate might win by
one percent, but Romney's going
to get the most delegates in Ohio
was effective in fostering discus-
sion on corruption in the work-
"I think we got our point
across," he said. "I thinkwe dem-
onstrated that we understood
the issue and that we weren't just
goingto let it slide."
During the discussion, Nebel
and Shattuck disagreed over
what Adidas owed the affected
"We are morally taking on our
obligations," Nebel said. "You
guys are pulling out one thing
that is strictly the severance.
You're not looking at everything
else that's happening."
Shattuck disagreed, argu-
ing that severance is crucial to
understanding the issue.
Nebel said Adidas supports
the workers being paid their sev-
erance, but that ultimately PT
Kizone, not Adidas, is respon-
no matter who wins the popu-
lar vote," he said in an interview
last night, before Romney was
declared the winner early this
Though Romney won convinc-
ingly in Massachusetts and Vir-
ginia, Santorum fared well in the
southern states. Ken Kollman,
a professor of political science,
said Santorum's performance in
the South is a sign of the ongo-
ing search for an alternative to
Romney and of Santorum's abil-
ity to maintain momentum in
the race.
"I think Santorum is keeping
himself in the race, and it's a vic-
tory that he is the main alterna-
tive to Romney," Kollman said.
"He's going to stay in the race
for a long time, but he can't seem
to do a knockout punch."
Despite Santorum's persever-
ance, Kollman said Santorum's
persistent deficit in the delegate
count could become trouble-
some for him as Romney contin-
ues to accumulate delegates in
each subsequent primary.
"This is ultimately a race
about getting seats at the con-
vention," Kollman said. "He's
winning those, and he's got an
advantage there."
LSA junior Brian Koziara,
sible for the severance. He added
that since the factory's closure,
approximately 300 of the work-
ers have been rehired by other
Adidas suppliers and 950 total
have been reemployed. He noted
that Adidas is working on finding
jobs for the other workers with-
out jobs.
"(Adidas) funded an initiative
that is helping on out-place- *
ment services and occupational
training for the entrenched
workers," Nebel said. "They're
helping them find jobs, they're
helping them with training
Nebel also met with Universi-
ty President Mary Sue Coleman's
Advisory Committee on Labor
Standards and Human Rights
earlier in the morning. Shattuck,
who is a member of the commit-
tee also attended the meeting as
external vice chair of the Uni-
versity's chapter of the Col-
lege Republicans, agreed with
Heaney that Super Tuesday was
a success for Romney because he
continued to add to his lead in
the delegate count. Koziara said
Romney's five wins re-estab-
lished him as the frontrunner in
the Republican race.
"Now that we're actually get-
ting into the contested part of
this, it's become all about the
delegates - who can actually
win the delegates," he said. "And
in that regard, Romney won the
Even in states where San-
torum earned the majority of
delegates and the popular vote,
Koziara said the successes were
only "technically" wins for San-
torum because in every state,
except Georgia and Tennessee,
Romney gained a significant
portion of the delegates.
"I think for Santorum it's a lit-
tle bit of a hollow victory," Kozi-
ara said. "Technically he won
three states - pending results
in Alaska - but what Santo-
rum needs to do is not just win
states; he needs to stop Romney
from amassing delegates. And
he wasn't able to do that this eve-
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