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November 08, 2004 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-11-08

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 8, 2004



Iran, E.U. reach nuclear agreement NEWS IN BRIEF

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Hoping to
avoid a U.N. showdown, Iran and the
European Union's three big powers
reached a preliminary agreement over
Tehran's nuclear program, Iran's chief
negotiator said yesterday.
Meanwhile, lawmakers in Iran's
conservative-dominated parliament
pushed for a bill banning the produc-
tion of nuclear weapons in a gesture of
building more international trust.
The preliminary agreement worked
out in Paris with Britain, France and
Germany could be finalized in the
next few days, chief Iranian negotiator
Hossein Mousavian told state-run Ira-
nian television from the French capi-
tal, where talks wrapped up Saturday.
If approved, the deal would be a major
breakthrough after months of threats
and negotiations and could spare Iran
from being taken before the U.N. Secu-
rity Council, where the United States
has warned it would seek to impose
economic sanctions unless Tehran gives
up all uranium enrichment activities,
a technology that can produce nuclear
fuel or atomic weapons.
Diplomats in Austria familiar with the
talks' outcome declined to discuss details.
"One or two points remain outstanding,
and they hope to resolve those outstand-
ing points by Wednesday," one diplomat
in Austria told The Associated Press.
In proposals to Iran last month, Brit-
ain, Germany and France offered a trade
deal and peaceful nuclear technology -
including a light-water research reactor
- if Iran pledged to indefinitely suspend
uranium enrichment and related activi-
ties such as reprocessing uranium and
building centrifuges used to enrich it.
Europe and Washington fear Iran is
trying to build nuclear weapons, but
Tehran denies such claims, saying its
atomic program has peaceful aims,

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Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, foreground left, leads a Friday prayer at the Tehran University
campus. Iran reached a tentative agreement with the European Union's three big powers over its nuclear pro-
gram yesterday which will ban the production of nuclear weapons.

including energy production.
"We had 22 hours of negotiations ...
They were very difficult and compli-
cated negotiations, but we reached a pre-
liminary agreement at the expert level,"
Mousavian said. He said the four coun-
tries must now ask their governments to
approve the accord.
The preliminary agreement appeared
to mark a dramatic breakthrough, since
Iranian officials have resisted indefinite or
long-term suspension of nuclear enrich-
ment, a process that Iran is permitted to

pursue under the Nuclear Nonprolifera-
tion Treaty, which Tehran has signed.
While. not being in breach of the
treaty, Iran is under heavy international
pressure to drop such plans as a good-
faith gesture.
"If this is approved by all four parties,
we will witness an important change in
Iran's relations with Europe and much
of the international community in (the)
not-too-distant future," Mousavian said
without elaborating on the agreement.
The Europeans had warned Iran that

they will back Washington's threat to refer
the Islamic republic to the U.N. Security
Council for possible sanctions unless it
gives up all uranium enrichment activities
before a Nov. 25 meeting of the Interna-
tional Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna.
Tehran suspended uranium enrich-
ment last year but has refused to stop
other related activities such as repro-
cessing uranium or building centrifuges,
insisting its program is intended purely
for the production of fuel for nuclear
power generation.

Aides come to Arafat's side in France
With Yasser Arafat fighting for his life in a French hospital, his top lieutenants
will fly to Paris for consultations with his doctors, a senior official said yesterday,
as Palestinian leaders worked to set up contingency plans in the event of the 75-
year-old leader's death.
Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia or PLO deputy Mahmoud Abbas - or possibly
both - will go to France today, said Foreign Minister Nabil Shaath, who was
also going on the trip.
Arafat's wife lashed out at his top lieutenants Monday, accusing them of traveling
to Paris with plans to "bury" her husband "alive." In a screaming telephone call from
Arafat's hospital bedside, Suha Arafat told pan-Arab AI-Jazeera television that she
was issuing "an appeal to the Palestinian people." She accused his top aides of con-
spiring to usurp her husband's four-decade long role as Palestinian leader.
Qureia and Abbas have been working together to run Palestinian affairs in
Arafat's absence and to prevent chaos and violence if the Palestinian leader
dies. Qureia has taken on some of Arafat's executive and security powers, while
Abbas has been chairing meetings of the Palestine Liberation Organization's
executive body.
Arafat's condition remained a mystery yesterday, his fifth day in intensive care at a
French military hospital, amid contradictory reports whether he is in a coma.
Number of women in prison growing fast
The number of women in state and federal prisons is at an all-time high and
growing fast, with the incarceration rate for females increasing at nearly twice that
of men, the government reported yesterday.
There were 101,179 women in prisons last year, 3.6 percent more than in 2002,
the Justice Department said. That marks the first time the women's prison popula-
tion has topped 100,000, and continues a trend of rapid growth.
Overall, men are still far more likely than women to be in jail or prison, and
black men are more likely than any other group to be locked up.
At the close of 2003, U.S. prisons held 1,368,866 men, the Bureau of Justice
Statistics reported. The total was 2 percent more than in 2002.
Expressed in terms of the population at large, that means that in 2003, one in
every 109 U.S. men was in prison. For women the figure was one in every 1,613.
Longer sentences, especially for drug crimes, and fewer prisoners granted parole
or probation are main reasons for the expanding U.S. prison population, said Marc
Mauer, assistant director of the Sentencing Project, which advocates alternatives to
long prison terms for many kinds of crimes.
ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast
French retaliate against Ivory Coast strikes
France rolled out overwhelming military force yesterday to put down an explo-
sion of anti-French violence in its former West African colony, deploying troops,
armored vehicles and helicopter gunships against machete-waving mobs that hunt-
ed house-to-house for foreigners.
In the second of two stunning days that stood to alter French-Ivory Coast rela-
tions - and perhaps Ivory Coast itself - French forces seized strategic control of
the largest city, commandeering airports and posting gunboats under bridges in the
commercial capital, Abidjan.
French military helicopters swept in to rescue a dozen trapped expatriates from
the rooftop of a once-luxury hotel, flying them and their luggage to safety.
The airstrike on the peacekeepers came after government forces last week broke
a cease-fire that had been in place for more than a year and launched aerial bomb
attacks on rebel positions.
Russians protest proposed end to holiday
Carrying the Soviet hammer-and-sickle flag and singing as they marched, Rus-
sians marked the anniversary of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution yesterday in both a
celebration of Soviet times and a protest against a parliamentary proposal to scrap
a once-revered Soviet holiday.
At least 8,000 Communist Party backers and members of the ultra-nation-
alist National Bolshevik party gathered at a square once named for Vladi-
mir Lenin and'marched aerossMoscow toward a statue of Karl Marx. They
bore a giant portrait of Lenin and banners proclaiming "U.S.S.R. - our
In Red Square, aging veterans wearing long, belted World War II military
coats marched in formation, retracing the steps they took in 1941 when Soviets
defiantly celebrated Revolution Day in spite of the Nazi forces massed 33 miles
outside Moscow.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Mondays during the spring and summer terms
by students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September,
via U.S. mail are $110. Winter term (January through April) is $115, yearlong (September
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Yearlong on-campus subscriptions are $40. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan
Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-
1327. E-mail letters to the editor to tothedaily@michigandaily.com.


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about atrocities andracism that
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tested that he didn't have anything
to say. Kerry said, "Surely you had
to have seen some of the atroci-
ties," and the group's mood turned
menacing. One of the other lead-
ers leaned in and whispered, "It's
a long walk back to Baltimore."
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