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November 08, 2004 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-11-08

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 8, 2004 - 3A.

Rivals' Blood
Battle kicks off
this week
Students may make appointments to
donate blood today and tomorrow as
part of the annual Blood Battle. The
blood drive, which runs until Nov. 19,
pits Michigan and Ohio State against
each other in a competition to donate
the most blood before the two schools
face off in the annual football game
on Nov. 20.
Students who are donating should go
to Mosher-Jordan Residence Hall from
2 to 8 p.m. today, or to the Chrysler
Center from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomor-
row. Students can sign up to give blood
and find out more dates and locations
by logging onto the battle's website at
Symposium looks
at meaning of
Roman sculptures
A conference held from 9 a.m.
to 6:30 p.m. on the fourth floor of
the Rackham Building will examine
the multiple, and at times even con-
tradictory, meanings and functions
statues served within the complex
world of the Roman Near East.
New York writer
and stage director
to lecture on poetry
Arnold Weinstein - a playwright,
lyricist, poet, translator and stage
director from New York - will give
a lecture titled "Poetry for the Page,
the Stage, and the Human Voice"
today at noon in Rackham Audito-
rium. The talk is part of the Brown
Bag Lecture Series of the Institute
for the Humanities.
Two arrested in
The Ann Arbor Police Department
reported making two arrests while in
Department of Public Safety jurisdiction
early Sunday morning. AAPD arrested
two juvenile men in connection with a
purse snatching that occurred in the 600
block of Oxford Road - the young men
alledgedly robbed a woman.
Hospital reports
pain killer theft
Hospital security called DPS Saturday
evening to report that six Vicodin pills
had been stolen from the University Hos-
pital. There are currently no suspects.
Harassing of

passengers spurs
police call
A bus driver at Bursley residence
hall requested a police response to a
stop on the north side of Bursley. The
bus driver reported harassment from
riders on the bus. DPS responded and
found no problems at the stop.
In Daily History
Magic Johnson
retires after testing
positive for HIV
Nov. 8, 1991 - Earvin "Magic"
Johnson announced that he had test-
ed positive for HIV and would rertire
from professional basketball.
"Because of the HIV virus that I
have obtained, I will have to retire
from the (Los Angeles) Lakers
today," Johnson told reporters gath-
ered at the Forum, where he played
12 seasons.
"I plan on going on living for a
long time ... and going on with my

Fair, lecture seek freedom for Burma


By Rachel Kruer
and Andrew Perrine
For the Daily

Describing the Burmese government
as amongst "the most cruel governments
in existence," Oakland University polit-
ical science Prof. Martha Zingo railed
against civil rights violations and atroci-
ties taking place in Southeast Asia
During Free Burma Day in East Quad
Residence Hall yesterday, organizers
said they refuse to call the country by
its official name of Myanmar because
a military junta rather than the people
chose the name.
Zingo chastised the Burmese govern-
ment, saying, "between drugs, sex and
oil the Burmese government have all the
money they ever need, while the Bur-
mese people are being systematically
She listed a myriad of injustices
against the Burmese people such as
murder, torture, religious persecution
and systematic starvation. Zingo gave
several statistics to back up her claim.
"By the end of 2001, 600,000 to one
million Burmese were internally dis-
placed," she said.
She added that these "displaced" peo-
ple must forage in the forests for bark,
leaves and grass for survival. They also
live in constant fear of being found by
the Burmese military, Zingo said.
Despite these disturbing claims, the
United States and France both helped
fund an oil pipeline in Burma. "The
United States has a dual policy on
Burma. Bush just signed into law a 1973
statute that would end economic ties

with Burma. Yet on the other hand, the
U.S. makes exceptions with things that
are important - oil," she said.
Zingo stressed the repressive mea-
sures Burma uses to control its people.
Possession of a fax machine is punish-
able by 15 years in prison, she said.
She also noted that after Sept. 11,
the Burmese government labels ethnic
minorities as terrorists to give legitima-
cy to its actions against citizens.
The speech was a climax to a day
that included a bazaar of Burmese
hand-made products ranging from
linen shirts, wicker baskets and lac-
quer boxes. Burmese refugees made
all of the items, and the promoters
of the event said all proceeds will go
directly to the Burmese Relief Center
based in Flint.
These donations are used to aid dis-
placed people on the Thailand-Burma
border and support several refugee
orphanages and medical clinics that
offer emergency assistance.
Attendees of the event perused the
selection of wares to pick out holiday
presents. "It can be a gift and you also
feel that you are contributing to charity,"
RC freshman Jessica Delaney said.
Ken Kawasaki is co-director of the
American branch of the Relief Center,
which among other fundraising ven-
tures coordinates the importation of
fabrics woven by refugees, to be sold in
the United States.
He said as a result of Thailand's nar-
row definition of refugee status, hun-
dreds of Burmese asylum-seekers are
rounded up throughout Thailand as ille-
gal aliens and bused to points of depor-

tation. "Sometimes they are dead when
they arrive," Kawasaki said.
After a hazardous journey, women
are preyed upon by pimps and taken
back into nearby Thailand. He said
the women who produce his clothing
were given employment in hopes that
they would not be lured away into
prostitution in Bangkok, Thailand's
Four hundred Burmese nationals are
sent back from Thailand every month,
Zingo said. She added that in the pro-
cess they are tested for eight diseases,
including HIV. Those who test positive
disappear, according to the U.N. Human
Rights Commission.
The few that did show up said they
were touched by Zingo's speech. "I defi-
nitely will send a letter (to the Burmese
government) and give a monetary dona-
tion (to the relief center). I feel bad not
doing anything," said RC freshman Karl
Others, such as RC sophomore
Marilia Kyprianides, seemed disgust-
ed by what they called the hypocrisy
of the United States. "I think there's
so many countries that we don't know
about and I wasn't surprised to find
that the U.S. had violated their own
human rights policies to fund an oil
pipeline in Burma," she said.
Zingo shed her view on the turnout
of the event: "I think we're doing well;
we had a fair turnout today. The more
we have events such as this - even
if we do not raise money - we can
just get people to be politically active
and possibly contribute to helping the

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Martha Zingo, representative of the Burmese Relief Center, spoke on the ^A
political and social situation in Burma as part of Free Burma Day in East
Quad Residence Hall yesterday. The event also held a bazaar of hand-made
goods, the revenues of which will go toward relief aid.

'U' hunts for applicants through guidance counselors

By Kim Tomlin
For the Daily

While some colleges and uni-
versities court high school guid-
ance counselors with ski trips and
spa packages in order to get more
top students to apply, the Univer-
sity chooses to instruct counselors.
University officials say the strat-
egy hasn't had a negative impact on
Dempsey Scott, the guidance
director at Okemos High School,
said he and his family were once
offered an expense paid weekend
visit to a private college in Michi-
gan in order to persuade him to
tell more students to apply to that
The Supreme Court and various
federal courts have ruled that it is
legal for universities to offer such
perks to high school counselors,
said Jonathan Alger, University
assistant general counsel. But these
cases leave the specific details on
how to follow the rulings to the
interpretation of the specific uni-
versity, Alger said.
The University's decision not to
offer benefits to counselors does
not appear to have a negative impact

on its enrollment, said Associate
Director of Admissions Christopher
Lucier. "I don't think those pro-
grams are orienting students away
from Michigan," Lucier said.
The University wants to be
responsible because the money
comes from taxpayers and tuition,
Lucier said. Instead of courting
high school counselors with expen-
sive perks, the University maintains
contact with counselors and stu-
dents through representatives who
visit most high schools in the state
of Michigan.
The University also uses bro-
chures, flyers and two annual
conferences to increase visibility
among high school students. With
these the University provides news
and information to answer ques-
tions and inform both the counsel-
ors and the students on policies,
admission requirements, the accep-
tance process and how the counsel-
ors can help the students prepare
in high school before attending the
University, Lucier added.
The University's annual Fall
Counselor Workshop, gathering
high school counselors from across
Michigan, will take place tomor-
row in Lansing. Here the counsel-

ors will be provided with breakfast
and lunch and will do a case study
about admissions, where they will
be given fake student files and
asked to go through and select the
students they believe would make
good applicants for the University.
The second conference is only
for the Detroit Public Schools and
is known as the Urban Counselors
Conference. Here high school coun-
selors from Detroit discuss issues
such as the urban outreach effort
to recruit minority students and
changes on campus or in admis-.
sions that would affect these stu-
dents, Lucier said.
At the conference, counselors
discuss various issues ranging from
the SAT to changes made on the

application because of the Supreme
Court's affirmative action rulings,
said Lucinda Kanczuzewski, a
counselor for Kettering High School
near Detroit. She said that each year
the discussions are appropriate for
the students of her high school, a
majority of whom are black.
By providing updated informa-
tion to the counselors, the Universi-
ty can answer student questions and
concerns with regard to applying
to the University and the current
atmosphere on campus. The Univer-
sity has recently been criticized for
the diminishing number of applica-
tions from black students, dropping
25 percent this year. University
President Mary Sue Coleman has
discussed ways in which the Univer-

sity can increase its image among
black students, including personal :
appearances at high school events
about colleges.



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Michigan Head*Pain & Neurological
Institute is conducting an in-clinic research
study evaluating an investigational
medication for migraine.
Participants must be 18 to 75 years old and
suffer no more than 2-8 headaches per month. A total of three
clinic visits are required. Visit 2 is a three to four hour
treatment visit while having an acute headache. Participants
must be available to come to the clinic during normal business
hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.).

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