Monday, November 8, 2004
News 3A Event calls attention
to Burmese plight
i~ .i ic iA~P lI~L $.. A' T A .9" ' -X f . 0> TUE ' . 0C3CE r t .WE6i L ). S()RSM ND k P (;. 13.
Opinion 4A
Daniel Adams is
right, as always.
14: 42
J.WK 20
Arts 8A Jude Law's star-
making performance
as "Alfie."
One-hundredfourteen years ofeditorialfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 27 ®2004 The Michigan Daily
By Ekjyot Saini
Daily Staff Reporter
Shouts of "End U.S. Imperialism,"
"Republicans killed Socrates and
tons of Iraqis" and "Forced democ-
racy does not work" could be heard
at the corner of South State and
East William streets on Saturday
afternoon. Disgruntled University
students and Ann Arbor residents
came together to bring attention to
the war and other issues, such as gay
rights and the economy, which they
say have been lost in the aftermath
of the passing election.
The protests have been daily
occurrences for much of the past
week. They resulted from a student's
"temper tantrum" over the outcome
of the election, said LSA senior
Jen Davison, who walked out to the
intersection with cardboard and a
marker hoping to publicly let out her
"I just wanted the general public to
know I was dissatisfied," she said.
Davison's initiative sparked inter-
est by passing high school and Uni-
versity students, who joined her
efforts Wednesday. The protests
attracted a group of approximately
20 people on Saturday afternoon.
Solomon Garber, a high school stu-
dent, felt that even though he could
not vote he could still make an
"Just because we can't affect the
system, the system affects us," Gar-
ber said.
Saturday's protest consisted of mem-
bers from the local community. Henry
Herskovitz, a member of Jewish Wit-
nesses for Peace and Friends, an Ann
Arbor group that holds silent vigils
every Saturday to protest Israel's occu-
pation of Palestinian territories, felt it
was necessary for people to continue
keeping issues in the public light even
after the election.
"It's very clear that the real pub-
lic needs their voice heard. The
Democrats do not represent the real
people, nor do the Republicans,"
Herskovitz said.
The students who were protesting
said they are working toward creating
an "open progressive movement" to
address issues about which people feel
strongly. RC senior Taylor Hales said
there were many people who felt upset
* after the election.
face suit
over pot
By Adrian Chen
Daily Staff Reporter
Ann Arbor resident and medicinal
marijuana user Mark Rowland wants
the Ann Arbor Police Department to
follow the will of the city's voters.
AAPD Chief Dan Oates issued a
their own pot.
Rowland said Oates should pay
attention to Proposal C because of
its wide support by the people of
Ann Arbor. The proposal passed by
a margin of 74 percent to 25 percent
last week.
"Once the voters make a decision,
statement Thurs-
day saying his
officers will con-
tinue to prosecute
marijuana users
and dealers even
after the passage of
Proposal C, which
legalized medici-
nal marijuana in
the city. Local
voters overwhelm-
ingly approved the
ballot proposal
in last Tuesday's
"It's a blatant
disregard for law
that has been
"Once the voters
make a decision, it's
not up to the chief
to tell the Ann
Arbor police not to
enforce the law"
- Mark Rowland
Ann Arbor resident and
medicinal marijuana user
it's not up to the
chief to tell the
Ann Arbor police
not to enforce the
law," he said.
In addition to
his complaint,
Rowland said
he plans to file..a
class-action law-
suit against the
city and has con-
sulted a lawyer.
The plaintiffs
in this suit will
include medicinal
marijuana users
and those who
voted for Proposal
voted in by the citizens of Ann Arbor,"
said Rowland, who added that he had an
aneurism in 1993 and now uses medical
He said he has filed a personnel com-
plaint against Oates and City Attorney
Stephen Postema in response to the
statement. Postema said he had not
heard about the complaint, while the
AAPD Professional Standards depart-
ment could not comment on whether a
complaint had been filed.
Rowland is a part of Fresh Start, a
nonprofit group dedicated to establish-
ing a cooperative garden in Ann Arbor
for medicinal marijuana users to grow
C, Rowland said.
Chuck Ream, who led the fight
for the passage of Proposal C as
chair of the Washtenaw Coalition for
Compassionate Care, says the city is
interpreting a 23-year-old Ypsilanti
case too strictly in order to justify
continuing prosecutions against mar-
ijuana users.
The case in question is Joslin v. 14th
District Court, which states that any
city law that prevents police from car-
rying out state law is void. Currently,
state law prohibits the use, sale or dis-
tribution of marijuana for any purpose.
Rackham student Heidi Liere and Urban Planning student Christian Kroll stop in front of the Gypsy
Pond at the Music School on North Campus. This year's digital music installation involves mirrors
encouraging viewers to look at their reflection.
U' servers crash, taking out e-mail, website
By Emily Kraack
Daily News Editor
Students trying to access online homework and
e-mail yesterday were in for a rude shock, as the
failure of two power backup units took down not
only online coursework but much of the Universi-
ty's Web gateway including IFS space, e-mail and
Coursetools for most of the day.
The technological failure occurred shortly
after noon and was slowly resolved through the
night, as University officials struggled to iden-
tify and solve a problem which grew more com-
plex throughout the evening.
Kitty Bridges, associate vice president for IT
Central Services, said initially that only one backup
unit was taken out, affecting some but not all of
the e-mail servers. After further investigation, she
reported that both units crashed because of a power
outage at the University's Arbor Lakes complex,
which houses the headquarters for ITCS. The crash
took out 23 servers, including all e-mail and many
of the University-administered websites.
Early yesterday evening, she said an electri-
cian was trying to fix the problem. At that time,
she estimated that all affected services other than
IFS network file space would be back "soon."
She estimated that IFS space would probably not
be back until 9 p.m. last night, due to problems
shutting it down once the server problems were
discovered. "This seems like a straight-forward
problem," Bridges said.
However, she later said the problem was more
complex. "It turns out that the damage was more
extensive than we had initially anticipated," she said
at 9:30 p.m. "We have system administrators at the
data center bringing up the affected services."
Bridges said that as of 6 p.m. last night, the cause
of the outage had been determined and that IFS
See OUTAGE, Page 7A
U.S. forces raid Fallujah; Iraq
in official state of emergency
- U.S. forces stormed into western
districts of Fallujah early today, seizing
the main city hospital and securing two
key bridges over the Euphrates river in
what appeared to be the first stage of the
long-expected assault on the insurgent
An AC-130 gunship raked the city
with 40 mm cannon fire as explosions
from U.S. artillery lit up the night
sky. Intermittent artillery fire blasted
southern neighborhoods of Fallujah,
and orange fireballs from high explo-
sive airbursts could be seen above the
U.S. officials said the toughest fight
was yet to come - when American
forces enter the main part of the city
on the east bank of the river, including
the Jolan neighborhood where insurgent
defenses are believed the strongest.
The initial attacks on Fallujah began
just hours after the Iraqi government
declared 60 days of emergency rule
throughout most of the country as mili-
tants dramatically escalated attacks,
killing at least 30 people, including two
Americans. -
Several hundred Iraqi troops were
sent into Fallujah's main hospital after
U.S. forces sealed off the area. The
troops detained about 50 men of mili-
tary age inside the hospital, but about
half were later released.
The invaders used special tools, pow-
ered by .22 caliber blanks, to break open
door locks. The rifle-like reports echoed
through the facility. Many patients were
herded into hallways and handcuffed
until troops determined whether they
were insurgents hiding in the hospital.
Salih al-Issawi, head of the hospital,
said he had asked U.S. officers to allow
doctors and ambulances go inside the
main part of the city to help the wound-
ed but they refused. There was no con-
firmation from the Americans.
"The American troops' attempt to
take over the hospital was not right
because they thought that they would
halt medical assistance to the resis-
tance," he said by telephone to a reporter
inside the city. "But they did not realize
that the hospital does not belong to any-
body, especially the resistance."
The action began after sundown on
the outskirts of the city, which has been
sealed off by U.S. and Iraqi forces, and
the minaret-studded skyline was lit up
with huge flashes of light.
Flares were dropped to illuminate
See IRAQ, Page 5A
U.S. Marines of the 1st Division line up for a prayer at their base outside Fallujah, Iraq, Saturday. More than
10,000 U.S. troops have taken positions around the rebel-controlled city of Fallujah.
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