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November 21, 2002 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-11-21

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14B - The Michigan Daily - Weekend Magazine - Thursday, November 21, 2002
A guide to who's where,' Thursday, Nov. 21
what's happen ing and why through
you needt be there..ThW eky Ls Wednesday, Nov. 27
Films opening} :A, ''

Die Another Day And the Daily's vote
for who next should assume the rote of
James Bond is ... (drumroll) ... no, not
Hugh Grant ... but Clive "BMW films"
Owen. Not the most popular choice
and a little creepier than the normal
Bond but he is British, I think. At
Showcase: 10:40, 11:10, 1:00, 1:30,
2:05, 3:45, 4:15, 4:55, 6:45, 7:15,
7:45, 9:35, 10:05, 10:35, 12:10 (Fri.
and Sat.), 12:40 (Fri. and Sat.).
The Emperor's Club Just when the
public criticizes Hollywood for not
being original enough, they cre-
ate a very unique film with a few
"homages" to "Dead Poet's
Society," "Mr. Holland's Opus"
and about a million other films
exactly like this one. At

Showcase: 11:25, 1:55, 4:25,
7:25, 9:50, 12:15 (Fri. and Sat.).
Friday After Next The trilogy's con-
cluding episode finally arrives, and Ice
Cube's Craig would be right up there
with Obi-Wan and Gandalf if it wasn't
for Chris Tucker's early exit from the
series. Smokey promised to quit, but
we thought he meant the weed. At
Showcase: 11:05, 11:35, 1:05, 1:35,
3:05, 3:35, 5:05, 5:35, 7:05, 7:35,
9:10, 9:40, 11:15 (Fri. and Sat.),
11:45 (Fri. and Sat.)
The Grey Zone Is that how you spell
that color? Somone should talk to the
filmmakers because if you can't spell,
you probably can't direct. At
Madstone: 1:45, 4:15, 7:15, 9:30.

in ound
The top 10,

Films holding

8 Mile What "LOTR" did for tourism
in New Zealand, "8 Mile" is not
doing for tourism in Detroit. At
Showcase: 10:45, 11:15, 1:15,
1:45, 4:10, 4:40, 7:20, 7:50, 9:45,
10:15, 11:55 (Fri. and Sat.), 12:25
(Fri. and Sat.) 4 stars
Frida Is it really such a revelation
that Salma can act; didn't anyone
see "Fools Rush In?" At
Showcase: 11:20, 1:50, 4:20,
6:50, 9:25 4 stars
The Godfather, Part 11 Masterpiece.
Perfect way to end the series. Yes,
this would have been the perfect way;
let's just pretend that third film never
happened. At Madstone: 1:00, 7:00.
Half Past Dead You gotta give
Seagal credit; at least his movies
are still being released. We can't
say the same for the Muscles
from Brussels, Jean-Claude. At
Showcase: 10:50, 1:10, 2:35,
3:15, 5:25, 7:40, 8:30, 9:55,
10:30, 12:00 (Fri. and Sat.),
12:30 (Fri. and Sat) .5 stars
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets First Richard Harris and
now, James Coburn. They always
come in threes, you know. My pre-
diction for who's next: Marlon
Brando. Who'll give me odds?! At
Showcase: 10:30, 11:00, 11:30,
12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 2:00, 2:30,
3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:30,
6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00,
9:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30 (Fri. and
Sat.), 11:00 (Fri. and Sat.), 11:30
(Fri. and Sat.) 3 stars
ISpy The original series was
termed "integrated" by the net-
work. This essentially meant one
black character who was ultra-
perfect and a bunch of white bod-
ies around him. This fact comes
courtesy of an undergraduate film
degree at this fine university. At
Showcase: 10:25, 12:20 (Fri. and
Sat.) 2.5 stars
Jackass: The Movie The term
"jackass" applies to anyone who
actually spends their money on
this movie instead of just watch-
ing the same stunts at home on
TV for free. At Showcase: 11:40,
1:40, 3:40, 5:45, 8:10, 10:10,
12:05 (Fri. and Sat.) 2 stars
Mostly Martha Yeah, this is some-

how still playing in"AA but "Punch-
Drunk" is now nowhere to be
found. That makes a whole lot of
sense. PTA is a god. At Madstone:
2:00, 4:30, 7:15, 9:25
My Big Fat Greek Wedding The
viewing public disappoints me.
PTA is still a god. At Madstone:
1:10, 3:10, 5:10, 7:10, 9:10 At
Showcase: 10:35, 12:35, 4:35,
6:35 3 stars
Real Women Have Curves It's really
nice that a film like this can come
out and teach all of us such an
important message. "Don't judge a
book by it's cover." What an original
idea. At Madstone: 1:05, 3:05,
5:05, 7:05, 9:05 3.5 stars
The Ring Having seen this film a
couple weeks ago, I am proud to
announce that I am still alive. So
all that bullshit about dying seven
days later is just false. Then
again, I did make a copy. Did
you?! At Showcase: 12:15, 2:45,
5:10, 7:55, 10:20, 12:35 (Fri. and
Sat.) 3 1/2 stars
The Santa Clause 2 Tim Allen's
real name is Tim Dick. Michael
Keaton's real name is Michael
Douglas. Michael Douglas's real
name is ... Michael Douglas. That
last fact is just crazy, isn't it? At
Showcase: 10:30, 12:40, 2:50,
5:00, 7:10, 9:20, 11:35 (Fri. and
Sat.) 1.5 stars
Spirited Away I don't know about
you but the whole time I couldn't
stop thinking that Chichiro and
Lilo from "Lilo and Stitch" are the
same person. Daveigh Chase did
both voices but I'm sure I just
know way too much about movies
and should shut the hell up right
now. At Madstone: 1:30, 4:15,
7:00, 9:30 4 stars.







eph Litman
Arts WXriter

T here are, unfortunately, too many bad reasons to listen to hip-hop.
I love Nelly's Band-Aid. No thanK you. Ja Rule's thug operas are
the future of the game. Screw you. I loved NSync, and Justin is so
hip-hop now. That's false.
One of the most compelling reasons to love hip-hop, though, is that
the genre provides those who have something to say with an avenue
through which to speak. Unlike some other musical forms in which
instrumental artistry often trumps the lyrics being recited, hi p-hop's
poetry-over-beats format inherently asks listeners to attend to an
artist's words. Given this focus on what's being said, those who roc(k)
the mic with a distinct voice have an advantage.

Smooth voice be damned. A coherent track list from Ghostfac

How could someone cheat on her? She's the girl you cheat with!


Bowling for Columbine Michael Moore
sure knows how to make the state of
Michigan look good. State Theater 7 &
9:30 p.m.
Frida I think that video I was forced to
watch in mi clase de espanol had every-
thing I ever wanted to know about Ms.
Kahlo. Michigan Theater 7 & 9:30 p.m.
Roger Dodger It rhymes, how funny.
Makes me want to put down my money.
And hop like a B. Rabbit bunny. That's
enough of that; peace. State Theater
7:15 & 9:30 p.m.
Yana's Friends Three Tel Aviv love stories
taking place during the Gulf War.
Michigan Theater 7:15 & 9:15 p.m.

Swan Lake The Bolshoi Ballet, one of the
world's most renowned and prestigious
dance companies, puts a new spin on
this old classic by Tchaikovsky. 8 p.m.,
The Detroit Opera House, 1526
Broadway, $85-20; UMS 734-764-2538
and The Detroit Opera House 313-237-
Don't Dress For Dinner University
Productions brings audiences this farc[-
cal play adapted from French by Robin
Hawden. 8 p.m., Mendelssohn Theatre,
$15-20; 734-764-2538
Man Of La Mancha The Performance
Network brings this musical based on
Cervantes' Don Quixote, a tale of hope,
true love and fantasy. 8 p.m.,
Performance Network, 120 E. Huron,
Pay-what-you-can preview; 663-0681.

Courtesy of MGM
Goldmine" we will be happy. By the way, it
will definitely be better than "Velvet."
Michigan Theater 5, 7:30 & 10 p.m.
Frida See Thursday. State Theater 6:45 &
9:15 p.m.
Cobra Youth Serpentor is gonna be
pissed when he learns of these rene-
gade youths. The Elbow Room. 6 S.
Washington St., Ypsilanti, 10 p.m. $4.
Deke Dickerson, The Starlight Drifters
With a name Deke Dickerson, I'm sure
he's got plenty of childhood torment to
sing about. Blind Pig, 208 S. First St.,
10 p.m. $10 ($12 under 21). 996-
Gregory Stovetop Nine out of ten kids
prefer him over potatoes, and now that
he comes in a canister, you can make
as much or as little as you like. Zou
Zou's, 101 N. Main, Chelsea, 8 p.m.
Free. 433-4226.
Swan Lake See Thursday.
Don't Dress For Dinner See Thursday.
Man Of La Maocha See Thursday,
Titanic: The Musical Musket presents
this musical, written by Maury Yeston
and Peter Stone and based on the lives
of the people who actually set sail on
the "ship of dreams." 8 p.m., Power
Center, $8.13; 734-764-2538.

What follows, then, is a list of those whose
flows are most enhanced by their voices;
those rappers who have pipes that embellish
and distinguish their rhyming. This is not a
list documenting the most recognizable voic-
es, so you won't see Magoo on it. This is not
a list cataloguing the best lyricists, so you
won't see Eminem. Readers who do not see
Jill Scott or D'Angelo should not have a
conniption because this list only accounted
for hip-hop's rapping emcees and excluded
its singers. Similarly, this is a contemporary
list and thus, the notable voices belonging to
Chuck D and Big Daddy Kane were exclud-

ed because they are generally inactive.
Having been briefed, please proceed.
Freeway Free's inclusion on this list
10U surely will anger some hip-hop fans
who believe that his nasal voice and some-
times bizarre delivery are more annoying than
people who try to plausibly assert that Harry
Potter is better than Lord of the Rings. But like
those misguided Potter fans, Free's detractors
are wrong. Freeway employs a singsong deliv-
ery that stops short of Ja Rule but certainly
mirrors his songs' melodies more so than the
flow of someone like ~
Nas. He is able to t
successfully find
this middle ground ~
precisely because#;
his higher pitch andh s
timbre perfectly
bridge the schism
between rapping and
singing. Further,
Freeway is not all
singsong all theX
time. His work on
tracks like "Line -
'Em Up" and "What MB
We Do" is almost '
wholly straight spit-
ting, and he acquits
himself nicely. ~
Anyone who has
heard Jay-Z's "1-{
900-Hustler" knows
that Free made that S S Wtm& WS ^+^ fl*S

dope beat to step too," said Rakim on "I
Know You Got Soul." William Griffin has
been gone from hip-hop's spotlight for so
long that his words from 1987 .seem pre-
scient today. Yet, anyone who has heard "The
Watcher 2" off of Jay-Z's latest album knows
that Rakim can still deliver and that consid-
ering him out of the game is a mistake. His
solid, consistent, deep voice allows Rakim to
deliver his involved metaphors and similes
with great authority and confidence - a
trademark of his pioneering style.
8 Mos Def The socially conscious lyrics
80 and matter-of-fact tone that emanate
from Mos' mouth never sound forced. This
owes to an unassuming voice that provides
the emcee with a subtlety when wanted, yet
also makes his moments of passion that
much more pronounced. There is even a
humorously sleepy quality to Mos' voice that
sometimes - listen to
the Roots' "Double
M Trouble" - makes it
sound as though he has
been roused from sleep
and is recounting tales
z Snoop Dogg
0.. Snoop's voice
is a welcoming and
relaxing one. While
some of his subject
matter and beats can be the
~exact opposite - deterring
~'and frenetic - listeners can
mostly find the sound of
.f the Dogg's flow soothing,
Sand this makes his material
... palatable. This vocal quali-
w ty, in conjunction with a
measured delivery, has
Coreyof Raw kus Entertainment helped the D-O-double-G
keopurtesy ' cultivate his laid-back per-
sona and makes his rhymes
sound crafted and engaging.
6* DMX Before Ja punked DMX and
*stole his guttural sound and thug niche,

no one
mic. T
has lIN
at the
the sm
is not
and a]
Jay is


Once a Hero, Charlevoix Ann Arbor's
Hero vs. East Lansing's Charlevoix. Who
say indie kids don't care about those
kinds of rivalries. Blind Pig, 208 S. First
St., 10 p.m. 5($7 under 21). 996-8588.
The Ron Brooks Trio Ronny I challenge
you to a bass off tonight at the Hot
House. Bird of Paradise 312 S. Main St.,
9 p.m. $5. 662-8310.
Lust: Layo & Bushwacka Insert your own
Bushwackai joke here. I was up too late
to think of one. The Necto. 516 E. Liberty
St., 9 p.m. $5 ($8 under 21). 994-5835


Bowling for Columbine See Thursday. State
Theater 7 & 9:30 p.m.
Far From Heaven After a long hiatus, Todd
Haynes finally returns to the directing
chair. If it's even half-as-good as "Velvet

Writers: Jeremy Berkowitz, David
Enders,J ose ph L.itman, Neal Pais and
Daniel YOwe I
Photo Editor: David Katz
Photographers: Patrick Jones,
Brendan ODonnellI Rebecca Sahn,
Jonathon Triest ana Ryan Weiner
Cover Photo: Jonathon Triest
Arts Editors: Luke Smith, Managgin q
Editor, Jeff Dickerson, Associate Editor
Editor in Chief: Jon Schwartz


Phone Numbers: Michigan Theater: 668-8397; Quality 16: 827-2837; Showcase: 973-8380;
State: 761-8667.
Showtimes are effective Friday through Thursday. Matinee times at State Theater are
effective for Saturday and Sunday only

il 0:14:7x5 a r.iill+ .r,

song his own m /I FL~U M
because of his voice and style.
9 Rakin, "It's been a long time 1 I
" shouldn't have left you / Without a

W-1 r

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