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April 12, 2001 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2001-04-12

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 12, 2001- 13A
S1 Michitan hittersernwinu
Denver for $39 mil. from winter hibernation4$:

-DENVER (AP) - Former Michi-
gan quarterback, Brian Griese, who
emerged last season as one of the
NFL's best young quarterbacks,
agreed yesterday to a new six-year
ontract with the Denver Broncos.
The deal is worth $39 million and
includes a signing bonus of just over
$12.5 million.
Griese, who quarterbacked Michi-
gan's championship in 1997, threw
for 2,688 yards with 19 touchdowns
and four interceptions in 10 games
last season and led the NFL with a
quarterback rating of 102.9. He
missed six of Denver's final seven
*ames, including their playoff loss
in Baltimore with a separated right
shoulder and had reconstructive
surgery on Jan. 10.
"It was extremely important to get
it done quickly and quietly," said
Ralph Cindrich, Griese's agent. "A
quarterback is a leader on the team
who stands in the shoes of a coach.
If there's a problem with a contract,
O ere's a tendency to lose your
Shocker! Randolph
follows Richarson
MARION, Ind. (AP) - Zach Ran-
dolph is ignoring the wishes of his
mother and high school coach to enter
the NBA draft after just one season as a
reserve at Michigan State.
Randolph yesterday became the sec-
nd Michigan State player in two days
to announce an early jump to the NBA.
Siphomore shooting guard Jason
' ichardson announced Tuesday that he
also is going pro.
:It is my dream and that is what I'm
ing it for," Randolph said at a news
onference in his hometown. "Nothing
; promised to you, so you have to take
4vantage of your opportunities."
.Randolph said he would turn pro
egardless of where he was drafted, but
both he and Michigan State coach Tom
izo said they expected him to be draft-
;d in first round.
The 6-9 Randolph averaged 10.8
points and 6.7 rebounds in less than 20
minutes a game last season. Izzo, who
also attended the news conference at St.
Paul Baptist Church, said he played
andolph off the bench to get more
scoring from his reserves.
"He did what we asked him to do.
Even though it was only one year, it
was still a worthwhile year for me and
the team," Izzo said.
Kentucky reports
football violations
* LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) - Ken-
tucky has sent more documentation to
the NCAA claiming former football
recruiting coordinator Claude Bassett
broke rules.
The school had reported more than
three dozen violations in a 35-page
report sent to the NCAA in February.
A letter dated March 12 an
addressed to NCAA director o
enforcement Mark Jones, reveale
ore apparent violations revealed in a
terview March 5 with former Mem-
phis Melrose High School prospec
Mondre Dickerson.
Last week, Kentucky received a let
ter of inquiry from the NCAA saying i
was starting a preliminary investigatio
of.the football program based on th1
information self-reported by th
. Dickerson, a 6-foot-6, 265-poud
;,,efensive lineman made an officil

visit to Kentucky in November 199.
He told Kentucky officials in his intr-
view that during the trip, Bassett pAd
for hotel room "incidentals," gave hn
Kentucky apparel and took him ora
$200 shopping spree.
Record score set in
32-0 soccer rout
COFFS HARBOUR, Australia (P)
Australia's soccer team set a wrld
record for scoring yesterday, and or-
ward Archie Thompson had the lost
goals for one player in one game.
What's unclear, though, is what tose
record totals are.
The scorekeeper might havelost
punt during Australia's victoryver
*Anmeican Samoa in a 2002 WorkCup
qualifying match.
The score was either 31-0 or 2-0,
and Thompson alone scored 13)r 14
FIFA, the sport's governing bdy, is
waiting for the referee's official -eport

By Nthan Linsley
Daily Sorts Writer

Sotball is normally a game of pitching and
deferse. Good teams routinely play to 2-1 or
3-2 inishes, and games often go into extra
Mzhigan's 11-game winning streak is not,
howwver, just a product of great pitching and
stingy defensive play - those things have
beeraround all season for the Wolverines.
Tleir bats have come alive in the last two
wee s, and the team is having success because
of it
Michigan's team batting average, which
reat.ed a season low at .240 on March 17
afte a 1-for-22 performance against Nebras-
ka, ias been on the rise ever since.
Eitering the games against Central Michi-
ga, the Wolverines were hitting .293 and
afty going 22-for-53 against the Chippewas,
theteam is hitting .300.
lany of the usual faces have been on top of
theteam leaderboard for the Wolverines, but it
ha; been the contributions of some one-time
deensive specialists that has helped catalyze
th streak.
;enior catcher Kim Bugel, a career .185 hit-
teientering the year, is enjoying her best sea-
sot at the plate, hitting .278.
3ugel thinks that the mental approach of the
tem has led to its offensive success.
'I think we're going in there believing that

we can hit, so we're being more aggressive,"
Bugel said. "We're being very mentally sound
and just swinging at the good pitches."
Michigan coach Carol Hutchins has been
using Bugel for defense for much of the sea-
son, with the designated hitter taking her at-
bats - something Bugel is not expecting to
"Oh, she still will," Bugel said, laughing.
Another hitter that has been improving as
the season has passed is senior shortstop
Rebecca Tune. Tune was hitting just .226 after
18 games, but has been on a tear of late, and
has raised her average to .318.
Melissa Taylor has been the Wolverines'
top hitter all season, and does not look to be
slowing down any time soon.
One of the national leaders for batting aver-
age and on-base percentage, Taylor is hitting
over .600 during the Wolverines' winning
streak and holds a gaudy season average of
Perhaps the most important change in the
offensive attack for Michigan has been the
play of junior leadoff hitter Kelsey Kollen.
As a freshman, Kollen hit .376 with 89 hits
and was named an All-American. Last season,
she dipped to just .278 with 55 hits in five
fewer games.
Kollen struggled at the beginning of the sea-
son, but is currently enjoying a 12-game hit-
ting streak. She went 4-for-6 with three runs
scored against Central Michigan and has

Kelsey Kollen and Michigan have found new life in their season and in their hitting.

teamed with Taylor to give the Wolverines a
dominant one-two punch at the top of the line-
During the streak, the pair has combined for
30 hits and 19 runs over the 11-game streak.
For her efforts against Indiana and Purdue,
Kollen was named the Big Ten Player of the

With the play of Kollen, Taylor, Tune and
Bugel, the table has been set for RBI machines
Stefanie Volpe, Monica Schock and Melinda
"That's their job," Hutchins said. "Nine-
one-two's job is to get on base and three-four-
five's job is to hit them in. That's just simple

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