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APRIL 12, 2001
Pans - rer
Em y last column for The Michigan
Daily, I have a confession to make.
ike many of you, who may be too
cared to admit it, I was one of those peo-
le who jumped on the Northwestern
andwagon after it headed to its second-
traight bowl game. Four years ago, my
rst choice of colleges was not this great
niversity in Ann Arbor, but one in
;vanston instead. I was the most enthusi-
stic applicant for The Medill School of
ournalism at Northwestern University
- or so I thought. The admission's
rice did not seem to agree. But that was
ieir loss, not mine.
Instead, I happily began my college
areer here. Not to toot my own horn or
nything, but I chose a pretty damn good
ear to enter The University of Michi-
ain: And just a few short weeks before
iy grduation, it is hard not to reflect
pol what once was. There was a time,
,ot tpo long ago, when national champi-
nshjps at this university seemed easy to
one by. Undefeated seasons and nation-
I championship overtime goals were my
1troduction to Michigan sports. And not
) be left out was that year's Michigan
asketball team, led by Louis Bullock
rad Robert Traylor, which won the first
ig Ten basketball tournament and was
ra ed a No. 3 seed in the tournament.
Bntinow there are only two weeks
'maining for the last class to be here
'uringhe 1997-'98 Michigan sports sea-
on - the first time since the late 1940s
iat two major sports at this university
aptured national championships in the
Yre year. What is unfortunate about my
lass' departure is that we are the last
nes to remember how a good sports sea-
on positively influences the mood of the
ntire campus. The parties were incredi-
le, people would actually smile at one
nother while walking to class, and most
f all, each sporting event I attended was
n unforgettable experience.
I will never forget the endless crowd
urfing at football games (I must admit, I
id almost drop a couple of people.) I
vill never forget sitting in the stands at
he Rose Bowl and glancing behind me
see the scoreboard read 21-16 when
ie time on the clock hit zero or the
creaming of "It's great to be a Michigan
Volverine" as I walked through the tun-
;el to my seats before the game. I will
nain loyal
never forget rushing the court when the
basketball team beat No. I Duke. And I
will never forget that just hours later I
watched the hockey team stop play dur-
ing its 4-1 victory over Western Michi-
gan to allow the crowd to stand for a
round of applause after it was announced
that Charles Woodson won the Heisman.
But the people who were around to
experience what a joy Michigan sports
truly can be won't be around to spread
that joy for much longer.
That's why I make a plea to the rest of
you. Don't be disillusioned because you
haven't seen a basketball team in the
NCAA tournament, a football team in
the Rose Bowl or a hockey team play in
that final game. Don't lose faith in
Michigan sports. Not because Drew
Henson left, not because the hockey team
loses nine players to graduation and not
because the Michigan basketball team
starts the season with a new coach who
isn't Rick Pitino. The year before the
hockey team won the 1998 national
championship it graduated nine seniors,
including the Hobey Baker winner and
three All-Americans. The football team
had multiple four-loss seasons before it
won it all. And none other than a new
coach - one that wasn't the fans first
choice - led the basketball team to the
tournament championship and the
NCAAs. My class was given a gift by
the athletic department, and we appreci-
ated it, believe me. But it's a gift that can
be given again and again. And for the
sake of all those remaining at this Uni-
versity after I leave, I hope that a major
national championship is something you
get to experience - it will define your
years here at Michigan and is something
that you will never forget.
I will take those memories from my
freshman year with me wherever I end
up. And I thank Northwestern and the
1997-'98 athletic teams for making it
- Stephanie Offen wants to thank her
roommates, Brookwood (and all), most
of all, her coworkers/friends for also
helping to define her Michigan sports
experience. They will be greatly missed
during Super Bowls, World Series and -
of course - NCAA Championships. She
can be reached at soffen@umich.edu.
at Crisler
Tommy Amaker, the new men's0
basketball coach, will address the
students tonight at Crisler at 6
Amaker will announce new
seating plans for students.
It is expected that students will
be moved to the floor. The Athlet-
ic Department has toyed with the
idea for years, and was waiting
for Brian Ellerbe's replacement to
OK the idea.
This seating arrangement is
used at many elite programs,
including Duke, Northwestern and
He will also discuss his visions
for the program, his expectations,
are for next year and the Maize
Dominos will provide free pizza,
for those who attend.
Since becoming Michigan's coach, Tommy Amaker has been, all smiles. He will address students for the first time tonight at Crisler.
Blue loses for first
time in eight games
By Job Singer (jpp, bas)
Daily Sports Writer
KALAMAZOO - Over the past
seven games heading into yesterday, the
Michigan baseball team (5-3 Big Ten,
17-13 overall) appeared unbeatable.
Even when the Wolverines fell behind
in games, they never looked as if they
were out of it. Today was no different in
that respect. The team didn't look beat-
en - until the very last pitch of the
There was a full count with runners
on second and third with two outs. The
Wolverines were down 12-9. Jake Fox,
pinch-hitting for shortstop Bill LaRosa,
looked on in disbelief as the umpire
punched him out on a pitch that may
have grazed the outside corner.
Whether or not the umpiring was
inconsistent, Michigan did not have its
way against the Broncos who evened
the season all-time series between the
two teams, 2-2.
"The bottom line is that we lost,"
Michigan coach Geoff Zahn said.
"Despite the-facttat thi is not A-Big
Ten game, we want to win them all."
Eric Esper started in place of the Jor-
dan Cantalamessa. Cantalamessa was
hitting .348 going into the day.
Esper "has been hitting very well for
us and I wanted to get him get some
playing time," Zahn said.
With the return of clean-up hitting
rightfielder Gino Lollio from injury and
with C.J. Ghannam playing solidly in
centerfield, the Wolverines were some-
what overstocked. Esper took advantage
of his opportunity to play going 2-for-4
with a double.
Esper accepts his role-playing behind
one of the hitting leaders on the team.
"Jordan is a great hitter," Esper said.
"I just want to help the team win. But it
was pretty awesome to get a chance to
The Wolverines are, primed to get
back on their winning ways this week-
end as they travel to Minnesota.
"We are going to let this blow over,
we are focused on the weekend," Zahn
Vince Pistilli started for the Wolver-
ines and gave up nine runs. Although he
did not have his best stuff, when he was
pulled, he still had a chance to win.
"Pistilli didn't keep the ball down
today as much as he usually does,"
Zahn said. "I don't know what hap-
Little-used freshman Bobby Garza
took the loss for the Wolverines after
giving up two runs in 2.2 innings.
"Garza pitched well for us. It was
good to get him some action," Zahn
M~ichigan swept its double header with Central Michigan and improved to 211.
in the process.
Softball wins 8-1, -0
over Central
By Kristen Fidh
Daily Sports Writer{
It was like a child just learning to
ride a bike. In order for the Michigan
softball team to finally set a steady beat
in yesterday's doubleheader against
Central Michigan, it took a challenge, a
rest and some falls to finally set a steady
But at the end of the day, the ride +
was a breath of fresh air with the
Wolverines winning both games 8-1 and
3-0, respectively.+
In the first game, the teams started
out evenly matched, as the score was
tied at one run apiece in the middle of
the second inning. With poor field con-
ditions due to the mild rain, the umpires
ordered a break, and the Wolverines
dragged out the tarp.
As soon as the sky lightened 25min-
utes later, officials gave the sign to
remove the cover, and a refreshed
Michigan team emerged unstoppable.
"I thought the whole team, all parts
were on," Michigan coach Carol
Hutchins said. "Our pitching was on; our
defense was on and our hitting was
- I was pleased."
To finish out the bottom of the sec-
ond, Melissa Taylor and Stefanie Volpe
singled to bring in one runner each.
Even after the Chippewas brought in
Wendy Stephens to pitch for Amber
Puchalski, Monica Schock singled home
two more runs.
Stephens couldn't get it past'the
Wolverines much better, as Taylor hi
double in the bottom of the third That
brought in Kelsey Kollen and Meghan
Doe, who helped her with the pitch'
The runners "will tell you if it's in or
out, if they can read it," Taylor'siad.
"Sometimes the catchers try to throw the
girl on second off, but most times our
girls are pretty accurate."
In the top of the fourth, the Michigan
defense took the field expecting another
, i
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