14A -The Michigan Daily -Thursday, April 12, 2001
Track hosts first scoring meet
Men's golf hopes to
find itself in Columbus;
By Shawn Kemp
Daily Sports Writer
There's nothing better than beating a Spartan -
except for, perhaps, beating a Spartan on Michigan's
home turf.
That's exactly what the Michigan men's track
winning time at Indiana last weekend.
But Michigan co-captains Andy Derr and Josh
Sellers each lead the competition entering this week-
end in their respective events. Sellers not only leads
the Wolverines with his time of 53.38 in the 400-
meter hurdles, but also the rest of the competition
from Michigan State and Central Michigan. Terry
By Courtney Lewis
Dally Sp)Ts \Vrier
team intends to do at its first home meet
of the season. The Wolverines will face
Michigan State and Central Michigan at
the Michigan Triangular meet Saturday
at Ferry Field.
"We're looking to win it any way we
can," Michigan coach Ron Warhurst
And that means putting the best ath-
letes in their best events. Although the
Wolverines have not yet competed in a
scored meet this season, their perfor-
mances match up evenly with the other
two schools' athletes.
Who: Michigan vs. Central
Michigan and Michigan
When: 9 a.m.
Latest: This is Michigan's
first home and scoring
meet of the season. The
meet will be competitive as
the schools are close.
Jenkins of Michigan State is the closest
to Sellers in the hurdles, and he still lags
.55 seconds behind with his best time.
Derr's toss of 188-11 in the javelin is
over 13 feet longer than the 175-01
effort by Michigan State's Paul Terek.
Although Derr leads Terek in the
javelin, Terek, a decathlete, might be the
biggest threat to the Wolverines. He set
a new school record in the pole vault
during the indoor season with his jump
of 18-2 3/4, as opposed to Michigan
vaulter Charles DeWildt's personal best
Michigan junior Ike Okenwa, who currently leads
the team in the. 100- and 200-meter dashes, trails
Central Michigan's Clive Roberts in the 100-meter
by just .09 seconds. Okenwa ran 10.85 at last week-
end's Duke Invitational, compared to Roberts' 10.74
last weekend at Indiana.
Similarly, Michigan freshman Brian Turner lags
behind Central Michigan's 2001 indoor track NCAA
All-American Jeff DeLong in the 800-meter run.
Turner clocked 1:50.89 last weekend, but the same
margin of .09 seconds separates him from DeLong's
of 17-9.
"It should be pretty competitive," Warhurst said.
"I don't think the competition is strong enough to go
out and get any qualifying times (for the NCAA
Championships), but in a Big Ten meet, you have to
be competitive."
Competition will begin at 9 a.m. with field events,
and running events start at I p.m.
So while the Wolverines will attempt to stomp the
Spartans, they also intend on catching the Chippewas
"any way we can," in the words of Warhurst to win
the first of the scoring'meets.
There may be a different look t the
Michigan men's golf team when it om-
petes this weekend in the Kepler liter-
collegiate in Columbus.
After sending the same five playes to
its previous four spring tournamots,
Michigan is holding a qualifier his
week to determine who will repreent
the Wolverines.
Scott Hayes, Andrew Chapman tnd
Scott Carlton are exempt becaust of
their solid play at last weekend's Mar-
shall Invitational. But Andy Matthvs
and Kyle Kilcherman have strugglecin
the last two tournaments.
Michigan is trying to play its vay
into the NCAA Tournament, and it sill
need low scores all the way around. ;o
coach Jim Carras decided to let the tern
duke it out for the chance to play tis
The qualifier is based on the lowa
scores and an evaluation by the coachk,
so if Matthews and Kilcherma
improve they'll be heading to Colun-
bus Friday. But if not, two othr-
Wolverines will get an opportunity b
tee off and help the team battle fortI
spot in the post-season tournament.
And what a battle it will be.
Michigan, which has one other toui
nament after the Kepler Intercollegiat
and must play very well in both to qual
ify for the NCAA Tournament, wil
square off against the best District Il\
teams on Ohio State's Scarlet Course.
The 18-team field features five of the
top six teams in the district, including
first-place Northwestern.
The Wolverines wouldn't want it any
other way. Coach Carras said he could
schedule the season so that MichigaM
won every week, but that wouldn't helo.
the team in the long run.
"I'm like Bobby Knight in basketT*
ball," Carras said. When K n ight
coached at Indiana he scheduled th1
toughest teams "instead of playing a-
the puppies. ie thought you learned,,
more from losing to a good team thai,
from beating a weaker team." %
Once they're on the course, the
Wolverines have to play like they're th
only team out there.
"You just play the course," Carras*
said. " You can't worry about what anys.
body else is doing, you worry aboti*
what you can control-your game."
Michigan is in danger of missing thi
NCAA Tournament. After winnir,.
their first spring tournament, thy
Wolverines faltered mid-season thankW
to a string of inconsistent play.
Not only has their scoring fluctuate,
but their problems extend beyond an.y
single aspect of the game. They'ver
struggled with everything from execu-
tion to course management to confk1
dence in putting.
Last weekend, Michigan putted weo
and did a better Job of keeping the ball-'
in the fairway. B~ut only three playet-s-?_
had good overall rounds.=,
With just two outings left to prouc;.
itself worthy of the NCAA Tournament,
Michigan has to pull everything togethlI
er in a hurr.
"We need a complete team effort-4
five contributors," Carras said. .
So no matter who Michigan ends up
taking to Columbus this weekend, aJIP
the Wolverines must bring their "A
At long last, Michigan finally has a home scoring
meet for the outdoor season.
'M' women return home to face familiar foes
By Adam Kaplan
Daily Sports WNriter
Coming off fifteen personal-best
performances in both track and field
events at the Duke Invitational, the
Wolverines will host their first out-
door meet of the 2001 season this Sat-
The University of Michigan Trian-
gular will feature two local competi-
tors in Central Michigan and
Michigan State. Michigan women's
track coach James Henry expects this
upcoming meet to simply be a tune-up
for the more competitive races.
"(Central Michigan) has a really
balanced program with good make-
up," Henry said. "(Michigan State) is
not going to be as competitive
because of a large number of unfortu-
nate injuries."
At this juncture of the season, the
Wolverines have no major physical
injuries. But the grueling travel sched-
ule has been physically draining on
the team, and as finals approach, men-
tal fatigue can set in. Henry has taken
all of these fiactors into consideration.
"This meet will be a time to take it
easy and not put pressure on the
team," Henry said. "We will be train-
ing through this competition."
Henry is optimistic about the rest of
the season. Based on Michigan's per-
formance in previous meets, he feels
the team is headed in the right direc-
"I am pleased with all phases of our
team, " Henry said. "I expect all our
athletes, including the hurdlers, to do
well. But don't expect them to go all
out - especially if the weather is not
the best."
The fact that senior Katie .lazwinski
and sophomore Teyonna Simpson
have already qualified with NCAA
provisional times and marks in their
respective events is impressive.
Jazwinski finished third in the 1,500-
meter run last weekend at the Duke
Invitational. In addition, Simpson
captured second place in the triple
jump, leaping to a mark of 43-3 1/2 at
the Stanford Invitational.
Such individual performances sig-
nify that the Wolverines abilities are
spread across the track spectrum -
from running to field events.
There are still some concerns about
the depth in throwing and the middle
With less than two months remain-
ing in their outdoor season, Michigan
realizes that this upcoming meet rep-
resents another building block toward
the 3ig Ten (h'ampionships.
The completion of finals and the
prospect of warmer weather should
enhance the Wolverines' perfoImance
the next couple weeks.
Who: Michigan vs. Michigan State and Cen-
tral Michigan
When: 9 a.m. Saturday
Latest: NCAA qualifiers Katie Jazwinski and
Teyonna Simpson hope to repeat their perfor-
mances from last weekend.
M' heads to Iowa City
By Jim Weber
)aily Sports W\riter
It's been an up and down season for
the women's Michigan golf team.
In the five tournaments they have
played this spring, the team has won
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both the Lady Aztec Invitational and thj4.
Hatter Spring Fling. But in the othp-
three tournaments, the Wolverines hay,,o
done poorly, placing sixth, seventh and
I 0th. Ag
This weekend Michigan hopes tt.
return to its winning ways at the Hawke-
eye Invitational in Iowa City.'
The field of 11 teams also include,
Arkansas-Little Rock, Eastern Mich;
gan, Indiana, Iowa, Iowa State, Kansas,
Minnesota, Northern Iowa, Notre Dame-,,
and Wisconsin. r
Aiding the Wolverines in thein-
:attempt to return to a top finish is a Ie i
.ompetitive field than they have faced
n their other tournaments.
"I don't think the field is supposed to
ie as strong," sophomore Kim Benedict -
See HAWKEYE, Page 15A*
Contrace tive Injection
medroxyprogesterone acetate injectable suspension
I 3ir'tk con~trol you tkink*.a~ou4t just 4--tirvnes a year
DEPO-PROVERA- Contraceptive Injection
(medroxyprogesterone acetate injectable suspension. USP)
This product is intended to prevent pregnancy. It does not protect against HIV
infection (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases.
What is DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection?
DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection is a form of birth control that is gven as an
intramuscular injection (a shot) in the buttock or upper arm once every 3 months (13 weeks). To
continue your contraceptive protection, you must return for your next injection promptly at the
end of 3 months (13 weeks). DEPO-PROVERA contains medroxyprogesterone acetate, a
chemical similar to (but not the same as) the natural hormone progesterone. which is produced
by your ovanes dunng the second half of your menstrual cydie. DEPO-PROV[RA acts by
preventing your egg cells from npening. If an egg is not released from toe Ocanes dung your
menstrual cycle, it cannot become fertilized by sperm and result in pregnancy DEPO-PROVERA
also causes changes in the lining of your uterus that make it less likely for pregnancy to occur.
How effective is DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection?
The efficacy of DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection depends on following the
recommended dosage schedule exactly (see 'How often do I get my shot of DEPO-PROVERA
Contraceptive injection?"). To make sure you are not pregnant when you first get DEPO-
PROVERA Contraceptive Infection, your first injection must be given ONLY during the first
5 days of a normal menstrual period; ONLY within the first i days afer rildbirth if not oreast-
feeding: and.if exciusiveiy breast-feeding ONLY at the sixth week after rhidbirth. it is a long-
term inectable contraceptive when administered at 3-mont ( 3week) intervals. DEPO-
PROVERA Contraceptive Injection is over 99% effective. making it one of the most reliabie
methods of birth controi available. This means than the average annual prc;gnany rate es less tran
one for every 100 women who use DEPO-PROVERA. The effecteness of most contraeptive
methods depends in part on how reliably each woman uses the method. The cffertiveness of
DEPO-PROVERA depends oniy on the patient returning eer 3 months (13 weeks) for ncr next
injection. Your health-care provider will help you compare DEPO-PROVEMA with other
contraceptive methods and give you the information you need in order to decide which
contraceptive method is the right choice for you.
The following table shows the percent of women who got pregnant while using different kinds of
contraceptive methods. It gives both the lowest expected rate of pregnanry (the rate expected
in women who use each method exactly as it should be used) and the typril rate of pregnancy
(which includes women who became pregnant because they forgot to use Iter birth control or
because they did not follow the directions exactly).
Percent of Women Experiencing an Accidental Pregnancy
in the First Year of Continuous Use
* if you have had cancer of the breast
* if you have had a stroke
* if you.have or have had blood clots (phlebitis) in your legs
* if you have problems with your liver or liver disease
" if you are allergic to DEPO-PROVERA (medroxyprogesteone acetate or any of its other
What other things should I consider before using DEPO-PROVERA
Contraceptive Injection?
You will have a physical examination before your doctor prescribes DEPO-PROVERA. It is
important to tell your health-care provider if you have any of the following:
" a family history of breast cancer
' an abnormal mammogram (breast x-ray), fibrocystic breast disease, breast nodules or lumps, or
bleeding from your nipples
" kidney disease
* irregular or scanty menstrual periods
" high blood pressure
- nigrane headaches
* asthma
" epilepsy (convulsions or seizures)
" diabetes or a family history of diabetes
" a history of depression
* if you are taking any presciption or over-the-counter medications
This product is intended to prevent pregnancy. It does not protect against
transmission of HIV (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases such as
chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, and syphilis.
What if I want to become pregnant after using DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive
Because DEPO-PROVERA is along-acting birth control method, it takes some time after your last
injection for its effect to wear off. Based on the results from a large study done in the United States,
for women who stop using DEPO-PROVERA in order to become pregnant, it is expected that
about half of those who become pregnant will do so in about 10 months after their last injection:
about two thirds of those who become pregnant will do so in about 12 months; about 83% of
those who become pregnant will do so in about 15 months: and about 93% of those who become
pregnant will do so in about I 8 months after their last inection. The length of time you use DEPO-
PROVERA has no effect on how long it takes you to become pregnant after you stop using it.
What are the risks of using DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection?
i rregular Menstrual Beeding
The side effect reported most frequently by women who use DEPO-PROVERA for
contraception is a change in their normal menstrual cycle. During the first year of using DEPO-
PROVERA, you might have one or more of the following changes: irregular or unpredictable
bleeding or spotting, an increase or decrease in menstrual bleeding, or no bleeding at all. Unusually
b Other Risks
Women who use hormone-based contreptives may have an increased risk of blood clots or
stroke. Also, if a contraceptive method ais, there is a'possibility that the fertiliazed egg will begin
to develop outside of the uterus lertopc pregnancy). While these events are rare, you should
tell your health-rare provider if you have any of the problems listed in the next section.
What symptoms may signal problems while using DEPO-PROVERA
Contraceptive Injection?
Call your heath-care provider immediately if any of these problems occur following an injection
" sharp chest pain, coughing up of blood, or sudden shortness of breath (indicating a possible clot
in the lung)
" sudden severe headache or vomiting, dizziness or fainting problems with your eyesight or
speech, weakness. or numbness in an arm or leg (indicating a possible stroke)
" severe pain or sweling in the calf (indicating a possible clot in the leg)
" unusually heavy vaginal bleeding
" severe pain or tenderness in the lower abdominal area
" persistentparn pus. or bedng . the injecton s;te
What are the possible side effects of DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection?
You omay.exoeence a .,wgh ihi-,,le you are ,sngD, 'O-PROVERA. About two thirds of
SP VE n a r aweightga -faot )un s
ouogti-fis y i i O oolf otinue ,torir e gt iter'the frst ,cc-.c..me one
S-r anv e tOti of b over
thse2. er,i.pi .i. _ oud. e ya. Womco who continued % er~rnoa
wo Cthudb _ya.tn~ naerage ttao ow ouid'oertose b year.or
Inariia sudy,,of over 3900wome:n who used DEPO-PROVEA oruptc27years.,om
wtsmn eprt dtoe following "ilecs that may bi may notnv e'reae ot eirus.o
-FC Er. f reo aes
craimps. divi v . ik- nss n vftiedcreased sex:ual eit egcap.nusav-'a
discharge or irrtation, oes wligand tendierress Ma~g wlin 1tennso eet.
backache, depression hSihr.ahe eli ain . orgorh rect ehirls ah o
flasnes. an d joint pain. Othe roewr e potdbr ilw ftemni oe r _lms-al
triale slt soe ot these oc
infectosr leg ron anto m-s orcom .arr1reunto fertlt ecovei
tnmosnplv oblsocs ace i iisrne tteeor any other orobems
occur duringio..e.. )P-POViAdicu3 ?.ni-'C:,u naaltn,-care ircovider
Should any precautions be followed during use of DEP~O-PROVERA
Contraceptive Injection?
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