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October 20, 2000 - Image 17

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The Michigan Daily - FOOTBALL SATURDA.Y - October 21, 2000

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October 21, 2000 - FOOTBALL SATURDAY - The Michigan Daily - 3

Witness in suits speaks at '102' Duckett, wounded pride se

rye as State's battle cry

By Jacquelyn Nixon
tDaiis Staff Repnrtsr
Patricia Gunint a psychology and wsomen's
studies professor.,ssho has been called as an
expert witness for the defense of tite
Unisersity 's admissions la-s-suits, spoke yester-
clay about the itiportance of div ersity ini higher
education in tlte fourth lecture of the 1 0-day
Affirmativ e Actiotn I02 series.
Int]lte- lecture, titled '"Educational IBenefits

of Disveisitsy:teResar l ch se Gurint said
she expeets a nieat deail of attack in tesponse to
ter depositions intet ctso lasssuits facinig thte
Livesssity.(satriniptesiouslvysrvcd as iterim
dean of the Collee oftLiterature, Science andI
thetsArtssshicht alontswittlithLainsrSchiool is
hemns sued for its use of raucs is a factor inte
'dnmissions procsess.Vie 'tie heitn stied on the
bais soirice, dealingti ttircsanid ethiticits."
Guinit said. Shetadmttetd theres are sthler
aspscts of (lis ci-sits, such ais gntder antd sesual

orienttationi,sswhicht cant he seetn as contrtibutirs
tso a disverse entsironmtetnt, but said "tace is the
onte that mtost dicldes this ntationt.
Shte stressed that a uttisversity catnnot be coti-
sisdeied to he sdiserse sinmply because it boasts
studsentts ofcdifferentt races. 'A lot nmore is goinig
stn ini our classroiirns thtan lectuites about race,'
Gurit said. Studetits are leariing mote about
disversity fromi the interactionis with oilier siti-
sdeints itnsicde sandsloitsisde of the classrsoomn, she

5 55115NG, Dal
ycho'ogy Prof. Patricia Gurin speaks on diversity and its
e in education Tuesday at the Business School.

-~Continued from Page 9
ini Detroit, spuoke onlsyhibiils botthiitle Icceiii ssc ii tianitof
violence inl Israelexpressing satisiastionithai t pecls
T s a~pearto be maiking someprogress
Siteii nl ost its cameis sut to raii forlotrhe.ic I uiti
1 ~ L c sbhis Staibstnsws{D-L.aisiitgl iswIo is ink
:;to utis tsitrt bstt Rspuibliscan Sent. SpenceriAsrtham,
.:.:..... anid lDsnocratucRpi c lhntCon(lou esitislad itohi
Ktilpastrick of Detroit.
::::::;::;::)osics policy ss is ott the agendsa fsir the Destsoit i ll iss
fisticeoiutlinesd his plans for a "lockhuis" ott Iseltccreaid
SStil Security funds. IIs spoike ahout lie iieZs inatilt in
lush's domtestic spentdincg platformt tas cutsptecrciiptioni
TMdirugs, apatisnts bill of ighlus anid edlucatison.
I iiri not askinig ftioctourSuppot based ott lie stiron econt
-e AL A H C O otty that sseve got." Gore told lie crossd. "I'mii skiti" Isis
oursupor based ott the econosmiy that swere "tituo to (acti
The Address Where More Students Go To Live..® Ott [riday, Bush discussed recetnt gas prssceticass ini
See www apartmentrenting.com/freerenlt for details light of the Middle List crisis, totini that ite Litetd States

iports 56 lpsrcenti ciiits stil.
Mlakitsn anappeacl ii to ianit Xlicisagntfaiie s'
relitcc lianc ionite titisiiti se iniisst t , the lesas gos erilsr
swatrted a st ouap iOf(XIs sit ket s that(sotre's cniiiotitisi-
tal psiliisiess siiilsl cst itemtitlei i silbs.
It sjie cli ,(Gsre) sils auitssikersis iends.
Bust ittIsis book, lie declire's that the engities that pos ci
soura is ae is i.enenis,'' Bushisaid.rferin toiCiii(ioe's
sitmarks ini his tosk., "Fortl intthle Balance,'' about lie
cieinv iiics ~eiro sazrs ofthle interitil ciinitnstiuoi
"Tiesiry suitkerin the lestto iiidusti'i, to tstine netillioni
idwisesterner's is lisse sltjob ttlslitndontseiautsindutsntiy, I says
your siot k is litet ally lie etigitteiii' uit scitinmiti et saisd
''On the (CIinttun-Gstceswaichi,Sadldaitti ltscitiS Iraq
lias beccitme a itajosr suippl ier ifail tIo Asetica.Ths
mieanis that sise iii outris orsit eeties is ssassttitts twit c sits
mtisre contirol dii er siur eslitttry s economic future;s Bulth
said. "The curretnt crisis its the Mlidldle IE'st underctscotres
lie dacier uif Amietricant relianice stntS isi1 stt I sitt's

By Chris Duprey
lisill-Spoins laistiss
Perhapils hisis i the least inportant
gause of lie sesont to give sweighitt
ilttasluuls. Onieiseird play - a frecak playt
ini the kickitig gamtte, a turnover returnied
fsor a sce- can shoot a teams so full of
emoilitint a slight discrepancy in its
oflctisis e lite ciii be a mtoot poisnt.
Nesertlieless. siould the gamste go siff
is itisist sitie of such hitshes, thle fas ilibts
as sieteriiicsbyi tmatchupts will likely
isalk aiii lie is 1inner
W5ihu furitheir ado. let's take a loiok.
'stIsHIs.A's itstis ari, OFESi is.
\lis isis, s' Si siE it itiS ; G Fri si F's
lie clashithle sday tikes slice inith
i'eiic'hes. \lisligsittcoachtLIbyd Garr
dse cvliiswants toicoitttol lie tilde Of'
posssess ini illhs smie. satisipickingtp l
foil Oii i e tyardssoni lie gr'suntd o sl t
solot lisetcls lie isis le'd like ito sdoiit.
13hthle 'Sparitanis ire tissgit 5i1p frcti.
I-liesy'll nile isliini's high ly acslitics
sullemisiss' hue s(ite t ush.
;Micigani is cssitiiti on a lig ploy
frlierenitiny' gatit. Atthotty'Thomits
isis able tisicak big, rims on third-andsi
shtia.gainist IUCLA .5andslPurdue. Casir is
Cisttinn Oi SUChK ,afree score tis

N11C IGANSiTs' AS Isiss, s Ti'lse
clsiestisl1is nosut So stisch swhether lie
Woslverintes wsill sit in this area. It's its
'Te Sltat'tsins haiiecdsite antadmitirable
jiib itleasiniiptle Ilig lenitn pa15s
sdIctse. sllitis up just 155 yairds per
111e. Their coimpettitioniithtus fir ini tse
sisuticeuice itis helptedtlisiitit isticissit
it's siciesiit ioieitieless to '5iclii iii
li o te (ci'esmi e sside oiftseball.
11IlcItsii ha s been nearlyIs ii iiless
cos i1i11li1e seassni'sfiiist trel(ti me
h e haii slmae goosii sicisiiins and kept Ills
till tirpets happy. ThIlere's ticieisonslyti i
tis sin Ii tiie uei
mthpscaires Casii' It scstres hiiito i

f'arr 'emiemibers this list ttimce't Ioss -
iitg hsuh hackwsinggurseen took hits
teant to toswn. Thtat ws 15,I )whlen hefty
hsacks Marc Rentaud stnd Scott Greene
ptlowsedlthe SMichigani defense trit soff
the hull eii route to a 28-25 Xlichigsant
State s ictot's'ini Last Lansing.
'I'J. Ducketi is fulls sipaible of hasvtng
asimilahr imipact slithlis cott. Ducketi
is still siiltittnfrom i p oi t ertutiibut
csiach Boithsv 'illiittms labeehcIitas
''.priibaile"iso plus.
luist sdoisit will he key for thie
Wuslsveries. If' liescan 'vice Michigain
Suite itito 2nic-anid -7 oirIsitgert.hatiisill
gi lo, wahu sst isissrcitaking D~uckett out
oh' tilie test cii pssessionts.
It' Du.ckest t htpoundisswsy.iid keell
lie Spatsmia inii2ic-iid thissuicli
hiuhiis c'oime ossii sit hiun Staiumit.
I sine XhichiguiiiSiate
iS. N'sitssitsPs S SIsiss FNS E:
M idchiganiiSuite is idesiuts IHeib I lsi gsusd
andh Lasauhe Richa~rdson uhisve prosvciitluc
cani catch lie bsill. 'i lie quiestioni is
ishterieitherof'thue Slpstatits' t550ul"
teihuacks casuut eit ti theist

Nuilliasutissais h i Mondaypress
briefinggthust lie isouldicontuiu uucdseite
Brady-HlensintplatoontiisthRyatn taut
Dyvke antulJell' Smiokcr.IEach wiill see
timte at somte pouint in the 'stie, alhuugh
C'onsistent quarterciak plas has been
tough to fitud fotrSMichigant State. Smouker
has dotue as wsell as urnu freshmai n could
he expiected. Aan Dykc, on the other
huatns, is beguinnig 5ti e e - as si
career that his gilnecdowns ththis s.
M~ichuigantisuit the haridest of secoit-
daties ivuhrsii01situ Iut thue liitautionus sif
th e Spatanums' signalcuillems shuuld mike
this ai toss-uip.
Sri t ii is s ts: tThiese sue iitc tiims
hiadiin oppotlssite directiouns ini this
Ihsue ofutlue psiic.
I Isy dciipstin is puntuig isrilliantly
foir Msichigani shuil" Crii"Jarrett -sho
wsossed SpsatnStair1crutsowsw iuth his
leg ubrounhsuut liiisisso yis -
surugghtg muighly
The inusertiont ofJffDel Vercneicas
shot-sand smid-uranoe kicker lii he'lsed
swhile, hid to deienduid cisionsio stick

ith Daid Schaeufer this wseek after
Schaefer thdIailed to cotnsert thriee kicks
over the paust luresengumes all shorter
thussn 40 yards
Xluchigasusrsittreturn p ausue has been
its brighttest asst.Rout I II s tdone
a solid joub as th deepsmini for the
Wovsserines, aergcl132 iarsper
Still, despite \Michign's decuiced edge
in this aresi. this gaue could hinene15
sichulsteam tcani contisafreuak plast
1iist t t 'I : he hard'stsi ill
ha5crs itouseasure.,svet the usost
imuporta.s ilchiigan c laimusit liii
wis e fuiu or thus piiuue ci c e lcst
TIhue Spar itiis asu entaluslyIsrinted
afe isapintin tg 0-3 conferesnce
st ut is ill this betchue amituehues
Cysticouut of thue woodwoiirk, juist to
stick it to their old pal %liclu'iui'5
ina miIscorelchimcganiu31,\Michiganmu
Stsie 16

LAST WXEEK I T''HHIS'cui; 35v7733

Continued from Page 9
ofi thusCf isi mistosspismte icslssitu°illi
Randacll M's lehuhem siparitincr ill
heuumics & Blouck. she huii liiiht eptaired
thme hirief, said te bhief isis speaad ss-
edh by fGranid Raitids-based Steelcase
usc. stitc 3M.1, ihqumstclare in St. IPsuml;
"Ths.'' iiistat tot inianuy sisy sonic-
tiiu thit timeULiitersitsyorhstrtedc,'
Nlelisbe psssai. "lash comuupanyst'sed
indsependechntly. 'We sre tyitsp to create
ass op~porttdunit'hfor coushmanes iii spesik
thei cur ess.
IThue cosimaies lustse comie fromss
ever cmysectoir of heuse ceoomy'sandcivemry

regiont of the counmtry. Itius us ibroads
bsscl, represenutative vmess diiAuserics's
majo sl otr ttaitis"
larmitsasidtcslidsamisisus brief tells time
ssiurt ttheisutsmptncde of ivutrmsity mum
hfis biemamiii kes .a dimectconneumuctionu
bsuemenbein nt"msesiulcumuesh uin dussu
mun a sisdisuse nvrom'sns tcbeiusg sud-
cessfulh inithis worskplace "Burstasuc.
fOthersentities hivssfi l hed samscums
hif sisnce this hisssuits Witem iediciin
1997, iiiclmuhlimip time U.S. Depassutm ciio
Juistice, utue Suitesof Ohiiot std the
AmicaCiiofutnmcilionstus cationu.
Barr y sucd hesiteihes cGfeneralh
Mositrs' supuotsiturkedh the latcst

The Michigan offense gave the Homecoming crowd something to cheer about as
it came alive, scoring 58 points. The 45 scored by the Wolverines in the first half
tied the secondmost points Michigan has ever scored in 30 minutes of foothall.
Drew Henson wyent 3.4-18 for 233 yards. Marquise Walker, pictured above,
returned his ownfYIblocked pusnt forl a touchd~own and cmaught one as well.
Michigan 58, Indiana 0

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