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October 03, 2000 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-10-03

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 3, 2000 - 3

Game-day fun
leads to multiple
* alcohol citations
Thirty-five arrests and citations
were made by Department of Public
Safety officers and assisting law
enforcement officials during the
Michigan football game versus Wis-
consin at Michigan Stadium on Satur-
day afternoon, according to DPS
spokeswoman Diane Brown.
The breakdown included 10 Minor
in Possession of Alcohol charges, two
persons ejected for throwing projec-
tiles, three cases involving ticket scalp-
ing, one assault and battery, one case
of disorderly conduct, one violation of
the controlled substance law and 17
citations for alcohol possession in the
Plate stolen from
Wisconsin vehicle
A Wisconsin license plate was
stolen from a vehicle at the School of
Education early Saturday morning,
according to DPS reports. DPS did not
report having any suspects.
Doughnuts stolen
from East Quad
Ten dozen doughnuts and six loaves
* of bread were stolen from the loading
dock at East Quad Residence Hall on
Saturday morning, according to DPS
DPS reported having one suspect: A
student passing out doughnuts from
his room in the residence hall.
Another tampon
machine looted
A tampon dispenser in a women's
room on the third floor of the Henry
Vaughan Public Health Building was
broken into Thursday night, according
to DPS reports. A tampon dispenser
on the fourth floor of the Institute of
Social Research was also broken into
Thursday night.
Money was stolen from both
machines. DPS does not have any sus-
Portable toilets
Two subjects were cited with Minor
in Possession of Alcohol charges after
pushing over portable toilets in a park-
ing lot on Greene Street early Friday
morning, according to DPS reports.
The pair were also charged with
malicious destruction of property.
Holes punched in
Markley wall
An unknown number of persons
punched holes in a wall at Mary
Markley Residence Hall early Friday
morning, DPS reports state. Officers
interviewed two suspects.
*West Quad room
An unidentified person entered a
West Quad Residence Hall room

Thursday night and stole clothing,
shoes, a handbag and a pair of walk-
men while the occupants of the room
slept, DPS reports state.
DPS did not report having any sus-
$3,500 soccer
canopy slashed
A canopy erected for soccer games
was slashed Saturday night, according
to DPS reports. The tent, located on
Elbel Field, is valued at $3,500. DPS
has no suspects.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
David Enders.

SAC UA assembles privacy committees

By Lisa Hoffman
Daily Staff Reporter
Efforts by the University's Civil Liberties
Board Privacy Sub-Committee to increase safety
and privacy for students, staff and faculty are
slowly becoming a reality, according to commit-
tee representatives present at yesterday's Senate
Assembly Committee on University Affairs
"We are all entitled to equal protection because
our society permits discrimination," sub-commit-
tee Chairwoman Ann Larimore said. "People's
identities can be compromised and violated. It
comes down to making the University a safer
place for academic freedom no matter who you

Larimore worries that with sexual harassment
and discriminatory acts on campus, potential for
violent acts will always exist.
Efforts to guarantee more privacy to students
include the switch last spring from social security
numbers to University identification numbers
found on student M-Cards.
"There seem to be two issues: The growing
problem of current privacy and the inherent prob-
lem with who reviews the concerns of University
community members," sub-committee member
Joseph Holoshitz said.
Currently, one committee exists to investigate
and carry out the results of investigations dealing
with the use of the Internet and the abuse of tech-
nology. "The duality of bodies is inconsistent
with proper handling of these situations,"

Holoshitz said.
The sub-committee proposed two advisory
committees with overlapping duties to remedy
the current dual power situation. One of the
committees would oversee campus safety edu-
cation including privacy and represent faculty,
staff and students. "We will hii the tip of the
iceberg unless we monitor, prevent and edu-
cate the community about the privacy prob-
lem," Holoshitz said.
The second committee would be a complete
resolution committee that would entertain prob-
lems, gather a sense of who complains and dis-
cover what complaints exist, sub-committee
member David Blair said. With daily advance-
ments in technology, the privacy of those in the
University community continues to be chal-

"There are people who have no use of the files,
but have access to them," SACUA Vice-Chir-
man Mojtaba Navvab said.
"We hope to solve and prevent problems,
including preventing problems that will lead to
lawsuits and threats," sub-committee member
Phil Margolis said.
The sub-committee has not had the opportuni-
ty to meet with University President I;ee
Bollinger. To solve some of these privacy issues,
Margolis said, "We hope to build a network,,of
communication, respect and trust."
"If it takes higher standards to do tasks, it is
worthwhile to protect people's privacy, Larimbre
said. "It is important to academic freedom and

The giving leaf

U' students go
career hunting at
annual j ob fair

By Benjamin Chess
For the Daily
Suits and ties. Briefcases and lap-
tops. Resumes and handshakes. Entire
lives being charted. Corporate Ameri-
ca has taken over the Union.
With 180 businesses this year, the
Career Planning & Placement Job Fair
in the Michigan Union has expanded
to two days giving enough space to
accommodate more company repre-
Students and graduates visited rep-
resentatives from 90 companies yester-
day andtoday beginning at noon, 90
different companies will be represent-
ed. The fair ends today at 4 p.m.
"We've been getting 30 to 40 more
employers each year we've been doing
this," said Sally Schueneman, career
events manager for the Career Plan-
ning & Placement office.
Schueneman said she feels that the
competitive market is the main reason
for the increase; and companies are
working harder than ever to find highly
qualified employees.
Mark Daly of Flagstar Bank said he
feels the pressure for a company to
stick out from the crowd. "It's for us to
sell (our company) ... to excite," Daly
said, adding that he hopes people will
prefer the smaller, more closely knit
atmosphere of Flagstar over a larger
Students and graduates have been

reaping the benefits of the demapd.
"It's been overwhelming. There are
lots of great opportunities here," said
LSA senior Aaron Miller. "This is a
time when undergrads can earn
respect. Businesses are aggressively
seeking people and doing a lot more
because they need people."
About 1,400 people attended last
year's fair and 941 people pre-rekis-
tered for the event online this year.
Because the event is now two ays
long, organizers said they expect eien
more people to participate this year
Jason Rocland of Susquehanna Part-
ners, a securities firm, was confident
of finding future employees. "We take
the best," Rocland said. "We're 'not
worrying because we know the best
want to stay with us. We know that-the
University of Michigan is just as srAart
as Massachusetts Institute of Techiiol-
ogy, the University of Pennsylvani or
Stanford University."
Students had a variety of things they
were looking for in their possible
employers. "I looked first for the big
names," said Devine Sudjito, who Just
graduated with a degree in Financial
Analysis from the University. "I'm
from Indonesia, so I'm also looking
for a worldwide company," he said.:
"I want them to show an interes( in
me," Miller said. "I want them to make
eye contact and learn more about me. I
want to know where I fit in their busi-

Ohio native Rebecca Weinberger, age 3, presents an autumn leaf to her older brother David, age 6, in the grassy area
at the corner of North University Avenue and State Street.

City: Sorority house
n ot fit for children


By Whitney Elliott
For the Daily
Ann Arbor Public Schools can no
longer use the former Delta Zeta sorority
house on Washtenaw Avenue as part of
Angell Elementary School after receiv-
ing the official "no go" from the Office
of Fire Safety for the State of Michigan.
Three University groups are looking
to sub-lease the building from Ann
Arbor Public Schools.
Two of the possible tenants are reli-
gious organizations - a group of grad-
uate students and another group from
Ann Arbor area colleges. Also, a group
of artists want to use the building for
their studio as. well as their housing.
George Fornero, deputy superinten-
dent for instructional services for Ann
Arbor Public Schools, outlined the
school district's history with the build-
ing. The building was leased by Ann
Arbor Public Schools as a temporary
solution to the overcrowding in Angell
Elementary School.
The Ann Arbor Public School Dis-
trict began renovating the building
before it past fire inspection to accom-
modate two classes beginning on Aug.
31. The school district installed sprin-
kler systems, widened halls and block
off stairways with walls. But in submit-
ting a formal report of the renovation,
the Office of Fire Safety for the State of
Michigan decided the building still was
not safe.
According to Maura Campbell,
spokeswoman for the Office of Fire
Safety for the State of Michigan, the
building housed a sorority - it was not
meant for children. State of Michigan

building codes, Campbell said, prohibit
the building's use as a school. "We did
have a walk through with a fire inspec-
tor before we started the renovations,"
Fornero said. "He said that it was proba-
bly do-able, but that was not in writing."
The amendment that limits the Ann
Arbor School District's plans for the
building was put on the books in 1999.
The Building Codes for Michigan
Schools states that a wooden building
cannot have more that two stories above
the basement. The building actually has
two stories and an attic.
In an appeal to the Office of Fire
Safety for the State of Michigan, the
Ann Arbor Public Schools pointed out
that the third story on the building is just
an attic. But the attic was used by Delta
Zeta members as sleeping quarters, so
the building cannot be used.
The old Delta Zeta house was chosen
because Angell Elementary is essential-
ly land-locked, and the need for addi-
tional space is essential, Fornero said.
There is no room for additions to the
building or portable units, but choosing
a new location for an elementary school
isn't an option either.
The overflow of students at the school
stems from three main sources, said Lee
Ann Dickinson-Kelley, administrator for
elementary education. A normal year-
to-year increase in students, a desire to
serve all children from University North
Campus family housing and Ann Arbor
Public Schools hopes of reduced class
size have all been a factor in Angell's
increased enrollment.
"The fact that the annex is not usable
is a huge disappointment to the whole
Angell community,"she said.

29 people were killed and 200 were injured during fighting on the West Bank
reported in yesterday's Daily.

last weekend. This was incorrectly

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

I "Victory over Violence Lecture"
Sponsored by Victory over Vio-
lence Festival, Lawrence Carter
Sr. will speak, 8:00 p.m., Michi-
_ gan UnionBallroom, 764-1271

Amphitheater, 936-3518
"What's Hot and What Should Be
in Women"s Health Research,"
Sponsored by Institute for
Research on Women and Gen-
der, Panel discussion, 3:00
p.m., Rackham East Conference
Roocm. 76-953ยง7

Research Club. Talk by Andrew
Knoll, Rackham Amphitheater,
.. P _ _ ...fnrrti_ Pnta,_ 7-,a

Interviews at
Univ. of Michigan
October 31st

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