2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 3, 2000
i ..-
clash reaches day
6 of bloodshed
Lobbyists oppose stricter DWI laws
WASHINGTON - Just as Congress appears poised to impose a national
drunken driving standard for the first time, opponents are launching a furious,
last-minute lobbying campaign to derail the measure.
The proposal - which would define someone with a blood alcohol level of
0.08 percent as legally drunk - is under negotiation as part of a broader trans-
portation spending bill and remains one of the most contentious items in this
year's budget battle. It has created a serious fissure within the GOP, pitin*
allies of the alcohol and restaurant industries against some prominent social
"We always thought it would be a close vote," said Mothers Against Drunk Dri-
ving's Brandy Anderson. "We're optimistic, and we see this as a vote to save lives.'
Alcohol is involved in almost 40 percent of fatal crashes and public health
experts have argued for years that lowering the legal drunk driving limit to
.08 percent blood - alcohol concentration would save hundreds of lives
Canada, Japan, Australia and most European countries have legal limits of .08
percent BAC or lower. Nineteen states, containing more than 45 percent of the
U.S. population, have passed laws adopting the .08 percent limit.
An agreement to set a national .08 standard would mark a major victory fc
traffic safety groups that have relentlessly lobbied for the tougher standard.
Israeli Arabs duck and run from the gunfire from Israeli soldiers in the town of
Um el Sakhem yesterday. The violence, now moving into its sixth day, has
killed at least 47 people and injured more than 1,000 people.
Demonstrators cite
brutality at hands of
Israel* military
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) -
Israeli troops rolled out tanks in a
show of force and sent helicopter gun-
ships aloft yesterday to battle Pales-
tinians wielding rocks and automatic
rifles, as riots raged through the West
Bank and Gaza Strip, leaving scarcely
a Palestinian town or village
The spiraling violence, now in its
sixth day, has killed at least 51 peo-
ple and injured more than 1,000,
nearly all the casualties Palestinian,
and left hopes for a Mideast peace
accord in tatters. Both sides
acknowledged that talking peace was
becoming untenable with a full-scale
war being waged in the streets.
Even as pleas for restraint poured
in from around the world, the climb-
ing casualty count fueled Palestinian
fury and spurred revenge attacks
against Israeli civilians, particularly
Jewish settlers.
On the road to the Jewish settle-
ment of Ariel in the West Bank, a 24-
year-old Israeli was shot and killed -
reportedly when he stopped to change
a tire. A school bus on its way to the
Jewish settlement of Shiloh came
underfire, but no one was injured.
Fighting also boiled over into
Arab towns in Israel proper, rat-
tling the nerves of Israelis who
have long feared an intefadeh, or
uprising, by Arab citizens of the
Jewish state.
Eight Israeli Arabs were killed in
yesterday's clashes alone.
Police and Arab rioters fought a
three-hour battle in the alleyways of
the Israeli town of Akko.
Rioters trashed shops in the Israeli
Arab town of Nazareth, Jesus' boy-
hood home. In the coastal city of
Iai filf --often cited as a model of har-
monious coexistence of Jews and
Muslims - - Israeli Arabs staged a
general strike in sympathy with Pales-
tinian brethren.
The Palestinian lands, though,
remained the epicenter of violence,
with a shifting battlefront that hop-
scotched fiom north to south and back
In the West Bank and Gaza, Israeli
soldiers fought dozens of running bat-
tles - many with live ammunition -
with Palestinian youths wielding
stones and firebombs.
Near the West Bank town of
Tulkarem, rioters set ablaze eight
Israeli-owned factories Sunday
night, including two making insect
spray. The fire sent clouds of noxious
fumes over the northern West Bank,
and Israeli police said Palestinian
gunfire prevented firefighters from
reaching the area.
The detritus of conflict could be
seen everywhere. Jagged rocks, spent
shells, and broken glass littered road-
ways. Black smoke from piles of
burning tires mixed with a white haze
of acrid tear gas. The wail of Quranic
verses from mosque loudspeakers
mingled with the crackle of gunfire.
Israeli civilians were forbidden to
travel the main thoroughfares in the
West Bank and Gaza Strip.
At the isolated Gjaza settlement of
Netzarim, the army sent a helicopter
to retrieve Israelis who had been vis-
iting for the Jewish New Year holi-
Army convoys escorted others out.
An Israeli soldier who accompanied
an Israeli gasoline truck driver on a
West Bank delivery was critically
wounded by Palestinian fire and later
died, the army said.
The growing use of heavy combat
weapons by Israel contributed to the
phenomenon of mass casualties from
a single incident.
Near Netzarim, the firing of one
antitank missile into a building
injured 35 Palestinians, hospital offi-
cials said:
Israel has not fired from battle
tanks at rioters, but has deployed
them near the West Bank towns of
Ramallah and Nablus, scene of some
of the worst fighting, to intimidate its
foes. Helicopter gunships hovered
over the fighting in Nablus.
Near Netzarim, the gunships
opened fire.
While the Israelis have over-
whelming military superiority, Pales-
tinians have ratcheted up the
firepower as well.
Continued from Page 1.
to see what's going on out there,"
Rabiah said.
"People don't recognize this as a
police brutality issue," she said. "If the
Israeli soldiers left (Netzarim), Pales-
tinians wouldn't be throwing rocks."
I.SA junior Nadim I Iallal, an ADC
member said lie believes if the tables
were turned, if Israelis rather than Pales-
tinians were inciting riots, the police
interaction would be much difierent.
"The IDF) (Israeli Defense florces)
would not use the same aggression
atainst Israelis aglainst Palestinians
it's justified." Hallal said. "That really
goes with the double standard in Israel
between Palestine and Jews."
The rally was ortg.anized by three
student groups, the Palestine Com-
mittee, the Arab-American Anti-Dis-
crim mination Comm i ttee, and the
Muslim Students Association.
Muslim Students Association Presi-
dent Ahmad Massar said lie believes
the Israelis use of force to be unjust.
"I understand the need to control
crowds, but the force that they used
is unbelievable excessive," he said.
N.H. justice testifies
in impeachment trial
CONCORD, N.H. - New Hamp-
shire's chief justice took the stand at
his Senate impeachment trial
Yesterday he denied that he lied to
investigators or called a lower-court
judge more than a decade ago to influ-
ence a politically sensitive case.
"My memory is still as it was back
in 1989, that I didn't call Judge Gray"
David Brock said during the first
impeachment trial in state history.
Brock, the chief justice since 1986,
faces four impeachment charges. The
votes of 15 of the 22 senators partici-
pating in the trial are needed to con-
vict him.
The politically sensitive 1987
case was a business dispute
between a company owned by Sen-
ate majority leader Edward Dupont
and another fuel company. Investi-
gator say Brock called a lower-
court colleague to remind him that
Dupont could help pass a bill rais-
ing judges' salaries.
Brock's lawyer, Michael Madigan,
Russia signs contract
to retrieve sailors
MOSCOW -- Russia signed a
high-risk, high-profile contract yester-
day with Halliburton Co., the Dallas-
based energy services giant formerly
headed by GOP vice presidential can-
didate Dick Cheney, to retrieve the
bodies of sailors who died aboard the
Kursk nuclear submarine when it sank
under mysterious circumstances Aug.
The agreement, which calls for Hal-
liburton's Norwegian affiliate to send
a diving platform, diving bell and
deep sea divers to the accident site off'
the northern Russian port of Severo-
morsk this fall, improbably links two
of the summer's biggest news stories:
the U.S. presidential election and the,
futile effort to rescue the submarine's
118 man crew.
In Russia, the U.S. connection to
Halliburton was given far less notice
than the question of whether the sal-
vage operation is possible or even
asked if Brock tried to influence'his
Supreme Court colleagues on the
business dispute.
"Absolutely not," Brock replied.
Did anyone try to give Dupont spe-
cial treatment?
"Neither I nor my colleagues did
that," Brock said.
Home-made bomb
explodes in bedroom
SARASOTA, Fla.-- A gunpowder
bomb exploded as a 15-year-old was
assembling the device in his bedroom,
causing injuries that may cost him his
left leg.and some fingers, authorities
said. t~
Investigators do not know why th
teen was building the bomb, "but we
don't believe it had anything to do with
the vice president being here," said
Chuck Lesaltato, sheriff's spokesman.
Vice President Al Gore was in
Sarasota preparing for today's debate
with George W. Bush.
The boy's parents found him in his
room after being awakened by an
explosion late Sunday, Lesaltato said.
Russian navy officials have said that
most crew members were probably
killed instantly and that many of their
bodies are likely to have been burned
or destroyed. Moreover, even many
the crew's family members have aske
the government to leave the bodies
buried at sea, according to naval tradi-
tion, and use the money to assist sur-
Miosevic batdles
BUDVA, Yugoslavia As the
opposition tightened the screws wit
strikes and roadblocks, President Slo-
bodan Milosevic fought back yester-
day in a rare address to the nation in
which he attacked his opponents- as
puppets of the West who would lead
Serbs to extermination.
In a speech on state run television,
the defiant leader said his main rival,
Vojislav Kostunica, who, like Miljqe-
vic, has won populajity by attacking the
West, isn't the opposition's "real boss.'
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Continued from Page 1
Students can pre-register online or
over the phone for the S75 vaccination,
or walk in to one of the five clinics.
The first clinic took place yesterday at
the Michigan League.
"Despite e-mail reminders, there
were only 30 patients who showed up
in the League," Winfield said. "But we
are expecting better turn-out at Burs-
Icy because the target audience will be
Anyone that receives the vaccine
must be 18 years or older or have a con-
sent form signed by a guardian, have no
allergies to latex or to thimerosal -- a
substance present in the shot -- not be
pregnant and not have started an anti-
biotic regimen within the past 24 hours.
There are side effects to the vaccine,
although they are not very common.
"Possible side effects are minimal
redness, swelling, soreness at the site
of the injection, hot flash or.fxevr and
all of that should go away in a day or
so," Wojcik said. "A severe reaction
would be trouble breathing, rashes or
an irratic heartbeat."
The remaining clinics will take place
Oct. 5 in Bursley Residence Hall from 9
a.m.-5 p.m., Oct. 9 in the Michigan
Union from 9 a.m.-4 p.m., on Oct. 11 at
Mary Markley Residence Hail from 9
a.m.-5 p.m. and Oct. 13 in the Chem-
istry Building from I 1 a.m.-5 p.m.
After the clinics, UHS will still offer
the vaccine at the lower S75 price
throughout the year.
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fail term. starting in September, via U.S. mail are
$100. Winter term (January through April) is $105. yearlong (September through April) is $180. Oncampus
subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
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