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December 01, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-12-01

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2- The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 1, 2000
Barak' rpslqik eetd

JERUSALEM (AP) - Prime Minister Ehud Barak
declared yesterday he was prepared to recognize an
independent Palestinian state, but said sensitive issues,
such as control over Jerusalem, should be set aside for
up to three years.
It was the most detailed description yet that Barak
has given of his peace proposals, and it was prompt-
ly rejected by Palestinian leaders, who said it failed
to address their main concerns - including control
over Jerusalem and the fate of millions of Palestinian
Two months of violence have derailed peace talks,
destroyed Barak's political support and placed Israel on
the road to new elections, probably in April or May.
Yesterday, two Palestinians were killed. One was
shot to death by Israeli forces during a riot near a
refugee camp, according to Palestinians. The Israeli
military said soldiers opened fire on armed Palestini-
ans who shot at an army patrol. Outside Bethlehem, a
Palestinian was shot and killed and three others

wounded in a clash with Israeli troops, witnesses said.
Palestinian security officials said a relative of a
llamas bomb maker killed a week ago in an explo-
sion in his car has confessed to helping Israeli agents
carry out the assassination. The officials, who spoke
on condition of anonymity, said Alam Bani Odeh,
25, escaped to Israel after the killing but felt
remorse, and his family arranged his handover to
Palestinian security. Hlamas officials said they are
demanding a death sentence, to be carried out at the
spot where the car exploded.
The bloodshed, which has claimed nearly 290
lives, most of them Palestinians, has abated in recent
days. However, Palestinian areas remain tense, and
previous lulls have been followed by renewed
spasms of violence.
Barak has said repeatedly that peace negotiations
cannot resume until the violence subsides substan-
In a goodwill gesture, Israel is allowing the Pales-

tinian airport in Gaza to reopen today, said Fayez
Zaidan, head of the Palestinian civil aviation authori-
ty. The airport has been closed for more than a
The prime minister said the looming election
would not change his approach to peace negotia-
tions, though he trails in the polls, and many analysts
say he's unlikely to win re-election unless he can
produce some sort of peace deal.
"I never said that I'm going to speed things up in
working toward an agreement, as a result of the elec-
tions," Barak said in a speech to Israeli journalists in
Tel Aviv. "I also said we won't reach an agreement
close to election time that would be different from
one reached without elections."
Barak spoke of a "phased agreement" and said he
was prepared to recognize a Palestinian state on land
in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. But after seven
years of interim agreements, the Palestinians are
insisting on a final, comprehensive deal.

Report: Lung cancer rates drop in Calif.
WASHINGTON -- A decade after California initiated the nation's most com-
prehensive and aggressive anti-smoking program, the incidence of deadly lung ahd
bronchial cancer has dropped far more dramatically there than it has nationwide.
California lung cancer rates dropped 14 percent between 1988 and 1997,
while the estimated drop nationwide was 2.7 percent, according to a report
released yesterday by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
The drop is the strongest evidence yet that aggressive anti-smoking prograt
will save people's lives, experts said.
"This is a landmark finding," said David Fleming, deputy director of the
CDC's office of science and public health.
"The even better news is that this is the tip of the iceberg," he said. "We
are just beginning to see now the effects of the decline in California's cig-
arette use in the mid-1980s, and we expect the drop in cancer rates to con-
tinue and intensify."
According to the CDC, cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 80,per-
cent of lung and bronchial cancers, most of which are fatal.
Separate statistics released yesterday by the California Department of Health
Services indicate that the drop in lung cancer has indeed picked up speed."T
department said that lung and bronchial cancer rates had fell another 4.2 perce
from 1998 to 1997.

Arab nations call
for goods boycott

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) --
With appeals to boycott McDonald's
and other U.S. products, Gulf Arabs
are urging consumers to punish Amer-
ica for supposedly favoring Israel over
the Palestinians.
The appeals, circulated in e-mails,
made from mosque minarets and
scribbled on college walls, have struck
a chord among some who are shun-
ning American fast food and fashion
But in a region where suburbs and
shopping malls look as though they've
been copied from America, govern-
ments are unlikely to get behind any
boycott. America's economic and cul-
tural presence is simply too deep.
"I won't be able to dress, I won't be
able to eat, my child won't have dia-
pers if I responded to the call," said
Muhammad al-Qahtani, a Qatari engi-
neer, sipping frothy coffee at Star-
In an apparent move to appease crit-
ics, McDonald's branches in Saudi
Arabia announced this week that for
the next month, 26 cents from every
meal sold will go to Palestinian chil-
dren 's hospitals.
The informal drive to ignite a boy-
cott began after the Israeli-Palestinian
violence began Sept. 28 and has
spread beyond the Persian Gulf. This
wveek, Muslim clerics in Egypt said
importing Israeli and U.S. products is

forbidden on religious grounds in light
of the violence.
In the Gulf, flyers list U.S. compa-
nies that should be bovcotted. One
said people should stop drinking Pepsi
"because it is an acronym that stands
for Pay Every Penny to Save Israel."
"0 Muslim, you will not die for not
buying Jewish products.' it said.
Calling Pepsi a "Jewish product" is
ironic, given that Pepsi was one of
many multinationals that wouldn't do
business in Israel during the 40-year
Arab commercial boycott of the Jew-
ish state.
Since the Israel-Palestinian violence
began, some countries, notably Syria,
have called for a revival of the boycott,
with Syrian Foreign Minister Farouk al-
Sharaa urging its renewal in a speech
during preparations for the Arab summit
in Cairo in October.
The Israeli government, which con-
sidered lifting the boycott a critical test
of Arab intentions as peace efforts
accelerated in the 1990s, declined to
comment Wednesday on calls for its
Despite tough language denouncing
Israel and demanding more U.S. sym-
pathy for the Arab case, Gulf govern-
ments have distanced themselves from
the boycott call. Most have tight eco-
nomic and political ties with the Unit-
ed States, and some have U.S. soldiers
stationed on their territory.

A film projected on to the windows of a bus yesterday inside the Rosa Parks
museum shows a recreation of Parks refusing to give up her bus seat, an event
which ignited the Montgomery bus boycott and the civil rights movement.
Museum honors
RosaParks eua
tocgveu ussa

Fear causes Dow, nologyDcompani
NASDAQ to tumble the volatile sector w
in a slowing econo
NEW YORK - Wall Street ing, which spilled t
recoiled yesterday from fears that ket, was directly r
worse may be yet to come for earn- announcement Wec
ings and the economy, with the bat- day sales were weal
tered Nasdaq composite index sinking
at one point to more than 50 percent
off its record high close. Lab findn
The tailspin, triggered by PC maker hope for
Gateway's warning of disappointing
holiday sales, also lowered the Dow WASHINGTO
Jones industrials more than 300 points have discovered
before a final-hour rebound cut losses. bone marrow cel
It was the heaviest trading day ever the brain and tur
for the New York Stock Exchange and dramatic labora
the second heaviest trading day for the may offer hopec
Nasdaq Stock Market. "The financial for Parkinson'sd
markets today are sending a strong brain disorders.
signal that worries about the economy Two separate t
and earnings are intensifying ... that using different m
we may be headed toward a recession ent strains of m
or hard landing," said Hlugh Johnson. st rated that tra
a chief investment officer at First marrow cells can
Albany Corp. "The good news is that selves naturally
stocks are getting down to levels that brain cells that ca
are arguably fairly valued." es -- and installt
The drop continued a slide in tech- lessly into the bra
Indonesian milita lawmakers urge
Indonesian parli
sent to quel unrest Wahid guilty of vio
tion -- a possibl
JAYAPURA, Indonesia - Presi- impeachment.
dent Abdurahman Wahid ordered Their petition sa
tough military action in far-flung violations ranged i
secessionist provinces of Indonesia ratists in Ifrian Jaya
yesterday, fearing that the world's ignoring an old lam
fourth most populous country could nism, said The Ind
break apart.
In scenes uncomfortably reminis- i ex*a
cent of the 32-year reign of formerC
dictator Suharto, more than 1,000 leader res
troops and riot police paraded though
Jayapura yesterday, capital of Irian MEXICO CITY
Jaya province, on the eve of a big guerrilla leader kno
independence rally here. der Marcos has sur
Scores of bystanders jeered as the President-elect Vice
security personnel rode by in dozens tion, blasting ou
of trucks and Russian-built armored Ernesto Zedillo as
cars with sirens blaring, threatening to provi
Analysts say a failure to end spiral- major challenge ofI
ing bloodshed could push Wahid out In an open lettei
of office little more than a year after from Marcos' hide
he became Indonesia's first democrati- accused Zedillo ofa
cally elected president in more than year-old rebel upr
four decades.
In the national capital, Jakarta, 151 - Compiledlfion

es that began after
it first appeared that.
gould perform poorly
my. Yesterday's sell-
o the rest of the ma'r-
elated to Gateways
dnesday that its hoE-
ker than expected.
tgs offer
rartunson s
N - Researchers
that transplanted
ls can migrate to
rn into neurons, a
tory finding that
of new therapi
disease and oth
eams of scientists,
ethods and differ-
ice, have demoni-
icnsplanted bone
transform theiin-
into neurons
arry nerve impuls-
themselves scam-
the 500-member
ament to declare
olating the constitu-
e first step toward
aid Wahid's allegO
from allowing sepa-
a to fly their flag 'to
w banning comrir-
onesian Observer.
- The Mexic@
wn as Subcomman-
faced on the eve of.
ente Fox's inaugur-a-
tgoing President
a "nightmare" and
de Fox with the first
his presidency.
r to Zedillo vritte n
0ut, the rebel leader
aggravating the ix-
rising in Chiapas.
i Dail// irerepots

It was a cold evening 45 years
ago today when a Montgomery
city bus stopped in front of the
Empire Theater. The driver got up
and told black seamstress Rosa
Parks she would have to -give up
her seat for white passengers.
That event-- which touched off
the Montgomery bus boycott and
began the modern civil rights move-
ment - is recreated inside a new
inuseuni honoring Parks. The muse-
urm opens today on the site of the old
Parks, now 87, will be in Mont-
gomery today when Troy State Uni-
versity Montgomery dedicates the
Rosa Parks Library and Museumi.
Joining Parks will be such civil
rights fiigures as Martin Luther
King III, president of the South-
ern Christian Leadership Confer-
ence; former U.N. Ambassador
Andrew Young; the Rev. Jesse
Jackson; poet Maya Angelou; and
actress Cecily Tyson.
Inside the museum, visitors will get
a chance to see and feel a little of what
segregated Montgomery was like 45
years ago. The highlight of the muse-
um is a bus that was used in Mont-
gomety at the time of Parks' arrest.
Looking in the bus windows, visi-
tors will see a video that recreates

the famous conversation between
Parks and the driver.
"Are you going to stand up," the
driver asked.
"No," Park answered.
"Well by God I'm going to have
you arrested," the driver said.
"You may do that," Parks
Community leaders angered over
her arrest launched a boycott of
Montgomery buses oi Dec. 5, 1955.
The protest lasted a year. lifted the
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. to
national prominence and resulted in
a Supreme Court ruling integrating
public transportation.
The university had originally
planned to put a parking lot at the
site but changed its plans. University
President Cameron Martindale said
the decision was prompted by the
number of people who stopped on
that street corner to look at a historic
marker about Parks.
"We realized that people were
walking away from that marker dis-
appointed, because they wanted to
know more about the mother of the
modern civil rights movetnent,"
Martindale said.
The museum was created with
private donations and a SI million
grant from the U.S. Iransportation

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