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December 01, 2000 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-12-01

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 1, 2000 - 3


Michigan receives average report card

Computers taken
from Rackham
Eight computers were reported
stolen from the Horace Rackham
chool of Graduate Studies early
Monday morning, DPS reports state.
The theft apparently occurred during
the Thanksgiving break.
DPS reports state that entry was
made through unlocked exterior win-
dows. DPS did not report having any
suspects in the incident.
Fridge reported
lost, later found
A refrgerator was reported missing
from the University Hospitals early
Monday morning, Department of
Public Safbty reports state.
The refrigerator was later located in
a maintenance room.
Patient harasses
hospital employee
A University Hospitals employee
reported Monday morning she received
inappropriate phone calls at her home
from a patient, DPS reports state.
Ex-boyfriend seen
stalking woman
A woman reported Monday after-
noon that she was being stalked by her
ex-boyfriend, DPS reports state. She
reported that he is following her
ound campus and may have broken
into her apartment.
DPS did not report whether officers
have made contact with the suspect.
Fake bill used at
basketball game
A counterfeit S50 bill was reported at
the Michigan-Wake Forest men's has-
tball game at Crisler Arena on Mon-
ay night, DPS reports state. The
counterfeit money was used to pur-
chase a basketball program.
'Werewolf' cited
for trespassing
A man who stated his name was
"Werewolf" requested Tuesday to
speak with the building manager at
the Campus Information Center infor-
ation desk located in the Michigan
Union, DPS reports state.
The man was contacted by officers
and left the building. He returned 20
minutes later when he was again con-
tacted by officers and then arrested for
Harassing words
deported by staff
A female employee at the University
Hospitals reported Monday that she and
several other female employees
received harassing remarks from the
contractors outside the entrance to Mott
Children's Hospital, DPS reports state.
DPS reported that the manager of
the contractors had been advised of
the problem and will also address it.
Mail opened by
*nknown person
A University Hospitals employee
reported Tuesday morning that his mail
had been opened without his permis-
sion, DPS reports state. DPS did not
report having any suspects.
Inebriated man
enters Dana Bldg.

* A University employee at the Dana
Building reported Tuesday that an
intoxicated man entered her office and
refused to leave, DPS reports state.
Officers made contact with the sub-
ject and he left the area.
Smoking reported
in men's restroom
An employee at the Harlan Hatcher
Graduate Library reported Tuesday a
*an was smoking in the basement
men's restroom, DPS reports state.
DPS did not report whether contact
was made with the subject.
- Compiled hr Daili' StaffIReporter
Caitlin Nish.

By Hanna LoPatin
D~ally Stafl Reportrr
While students across the nation are cram-
ming before finals to make the grade, higher
education systems across the nation have
been given grades of their own --and Michi-
gan's report card is average.
The National Center for Public Policy and
Higher Education graded states in five categories:
Preparation of primary and secondary students,
participation of residents ages 18-44 in any type
of higher education, affordability, completion of
higher education and benefits of graduating from
the states' schools.
Michigan received a B for preparation, a
B+ for participation, a C for affordability, a
C+ for completion, and a B for benefits.
"I think in terms of preparation, a B grade
is accurate when our largest school district is

having trouble," said state Sen. Alma Wheel-
er Smith (D-Ann Arbor), referring to the
Detroit Public School System.
As for the grades in participation, comple-
tion and affordability, Smith said she also
believes they are reflective of Michigan high-
er education.
Both participation and completion tie into
affordability, she said.
"A significant cause of students not com-
pleting school is tuition costs," said Smith,
the ranking Democrat on the Senate Appro-
priations Higher Education Subcomittee.
Smith said she plans to introduce legislation
this term to make college more affordable.
Susan Schafer, spokeswoman for Gov. John
Engler, said many programs have been put
into place in the past few years to make high-
er education more affordable and accessible.
One of them, the Virtual University, which

allows students to take Advanced Placement
courses online, could have been overlooked
for the preparation category, Schafer said.
But higher education keeps improving in
Michigan, Shafer said. "We continue to put more
money in higher education ... Every year we're
improving as far as education is involved."
State Sen. John Schwarz (R-Battle Creek),
who is Smith's co-chair, said despite the
grades, he still believes that Michigan has
one of the top higher education systems in
the nation.
"Public higher education (in Michigan) is
somewhat more expensive than in other
states, but the reason is that public higher
education (here) is a lot better than virtually
any other state," Schwarz said.
The benefits category is based on several
indicators including how much money col-
lege graduates make and the charitable con-

Students { +n
gather for,
By Susan Luth-
Daily Staff Reporter

tributions made by graduates.
But Smith said incomes cannot predict the
benefits of higher education as many students
may get involved in non-profit organizations.
"Those jobs don't pay as well, but they may be
tremendously satisfying," she said.
In comparison to states with Big Ten
schools, Michigan was average with Illinois
receiving three A's, a C+ in completion and a
B- in benefits. Minnesota also received high
grades with A's in affordability and benefits,
a B+ in completion, a B- in participation and
a C+ in preparation.
Pennsylvania also received an A in comple-
tion, and Wisconsin got an A- in preparation.
No state got all A's.
Ohio received grades toward the bottom of
the barrel, including a D- in affordability, two
C-'s in preparation and participation, a C in bene-
fits and a B in completion.
final code
4 Complete version to
head to Bollinger in next
few weeks
By Jon Fish
Dally Staff Reporter

LSA sophomores Libby Walker, Erlene Kuizon
and Engineering sophomore Gretchen Gersdorff
said they have been curious about the Islamic faith
for a long time.
Thou<_h they have never witnessed or partic-
ipated in any of the traditions, they attended a
dinner in celebration of Ramadan last night
after being invited by a friend of the Islamic
"We're just trying to learn what we can.
We're very interested in their religion," Walker
"But it's more comfortable being with other peo-
ple who are learning."
The Muslim Student Association sponsored the
event for both members of the faith to observe the
holiday and for students curious to learn more
about the Islamic religion.
"We just want to spread what we feel and what
we celebrate and to make people aware of it;" said
LSA sophomore Noha Elbanna, an lEducation
Committee member for MSA.
During the month-long holiday, Muslims
make the commitment to not eat or drink from
sunrise to sunset.
Last night's dinner was their daily breaking
of the fast, which occurs immediately after

Muslim students pray last night in the Blue Lounge at Stockwell Residence Hall during a dinner held in
observance of Ramadan.

Before dinner the second chapter of the Koran
was read.
The chapter, which was sung, asks Muslims to
"The messatte is beautiful so the recitation is
beautiful and is supposed to be pleasing to the ear
and the heart," first-year Medical student Sarah
Mohiuddin explained.
Once the chapter was sung, the Muslims
joined in prayer, bowing in an act of humility
to God. Prayer of this type occurs five times a
Prayer and fasting are two of the five pillars of

The pillars are five guidelines to Muslim life and
include believing in one God, giving charity and
making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in
one's life.
The Muslim students said they do not find fast-
ing to be difficult.
"If you can withhold from eating and drink-
ingt then withholding from everything else
becomes easier," LSA senior Mohammad
Khalil said.
At the end of Ramadan, Muslims will cele-
brate a second major holiday, called Eid.
The holy day is celebrated with prayer and a
large feast.

Students key to Internet entertainment

By Maria Sprow
Daily StlaliRepoertu

Although many consider the Internet a way to
access pirated music and movies, Websites fea-
turing original cartoons and videos produced
exclusively for the Internet are gaining populari-
Nora Zalevansky, director of public relations
for Nibblebox.comn, said television shows made
for the Internet will become even more popular
in the future.
"There are certain resources that the Web has to
offer ... the grass roots element and the possibility of
interactivity especially. This medium allows for
entirely new ways to tell stories:" she said in a writ-
ten statement.
Nibblebox.coum picks students from colleces
around the country to produce weekly programs. To
be selected, students must submit an idea through the
After students share their ideas. mentors such as
actress Minnie Driver and producers and writers of
televisions shows including "The Simpsons" and
"Seinfeld" assist in developing the idea.
Brown University alum Jared Stern came up with
the idea for Dotcomic, a program on Nibblebox.com
that highlights comedy routines.
Stern, who was a stand-up comedian, said he
thought of the idea after hearing Doug Liman,
Nibblebox.com creator and director of the film
"Swingers," ask for students to send in entertain-
ment ideas.
"It evolved into a full U.S. tour search with
1B) as sponsor," Stern said in a written state-
Zalevansky said the company works with stu-
dents from several colleges including North-
western University and University of California
at Los Angeles.
Shows from Ann Arbor's student-run radio sta-

"There are only so many eyes to grab and there are
only so many hours in a day to consume
- Gene Klein
Vice president of content for Hpynotic.cor

In an effort to implement firm
guidelines for companies producing
University apparel, the Standing Com-
mittee on Labor Standards and Human
Rights is expected to submit a revised
code of conduct to University Presi-
dent Lee Bollinger in the next few
In a meeting yesterday at the School
of Social Work building, the commit-
tee voted 8-2 to approve the language
of the newly revised code, but is hold-
ing off its final recommendation to dis-
cuss some further issues.
Members of the committee would
like to examine the concept of mutu-
al recognition, which would allow a
company to use another code of con-
duct upon University's approval.
Another issue of contention was the
exact wording of the compensation
provision of the code. Committee
members debated whether the code
should use words like "basic needs" as
a reference point for companies to
determine wages.
The chairman of the committee,
Social Work Prof. Larry Root, stressed'
during the meeting that he did not
want to rush into submitting the code
to Bollinger.
"We should be recommendingc
something that makes sense," he
Root also added that the commit-
tee should consider the difficulties
of enforcing such a code, since-
there are different standards in-'
every country that licensees have-
Members of Students Organizing"
for Labor and Economic Equality
observed the meeting and afterwards
commented that they were pleased
with the committee's work.
Committee and SOLE member
Scott Trudeau said the code has been
significantly strengthened.
"It has taken a lot of time, but I
think we've done a good job," said
Trudeau, an LSA senior.
Specifically, Trudeau said, the corn-:
mittee has strengthened the code's pro-;,
visions on collective bargaining and
freedom of association.
SOLE members said they expect
that once the final draft is submitted, 'it
will be reviewed and implemented in a
timely manner.
"We expect the turnaround to be
quick," said SOLE member Jackie
Bray. "There is no reason for us td
expect delays."
Members of the committee, includ-
ing Trudeau, agreed.
"I think it should be implemented
as soon as possible," said Law Prof
Robert Howse. "Very few licensees
have expressed any serious obje&
tions or concerns about what we're
up to.

tion, 88.3 WCBN, are also featured on
Nihblehox.con. The shows are also streamlined
through their Website, wrchn.org.
"We've been broadcasting on our own for two
years, and then we went through Nihblebox
because they offered us the equipment. and we
were able to get a higher bandwidth stream
through them," said Nick Farr, WCBN General
While the University doesn't yet offer students
a program in digital studies, film and video
studies Prof. Stashu Kybartas said the program
is conducting a search to hire new faculty that
could teach courses in production and new
media studies.
Kybartas said the faculty does not have the
expertise oi' the amount of teachers necessary to
teach digital studies classes, but does see digital
studies as being an important part of future cur-
"We have a very restricted curriculum and their is
a lot of curriculum to be covered ... we are a very
small program." he said.
Depending on how the search for qualified faculty
members goes, digital studies could be taught as
early as Fall 2001, Kybartas said.
Alan Young, a media engineer for the Univer-
sity, said that staff is working to incorporate dig-
ital studies into the University's system.
"It's something we are just gearing up to do,"
Young said.

Other sites, such as hvnpnotic.comi and icebox.comn,
are gaining attention.
Htrmotuc.coin is known for the animated series
Rick and Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple in the
World. Gene Klein, vice president of content at Hyp-
notic.com said the show originated from a short film
shown at the Sundance Film Festival.
Icebox.com features animated cartoons, such
as Zombie College, about a college that inte-
Orates humans and zombies, made exclusively
for the web. Zombie College was recently
bought by FOX to be a 30 minute live-action
Some University students said that they do not
watch the Internet programs because the quality
of the picture and sound is less impressive than
the quality of television and radio.
"I use Internet-radio when there isn't an alter-
native, like when I don't have a radio or the
radio isn't working. The quality sucks because
of the limitations of the technology, so it's not
worth the effort if you have a radio handy,"
Engineering freshman Ryan Falor said.
"Internet TV has grown substantially over the
last 12-24 months, but it has a long way to go to
eclipse traditional TV ... Over time they will
grow to complement each other better but it is a
zero sum game: there are only so many eyeballs
to grab and there are only so many hours in the
day to consume entertainment," Klein said in a
written statement.

What's happening in Ann Arbor this weekend
FRIDAY SATURDAY "The Complete Organ Works of J. S.
Bach," Sponsored by the School
U "State of Things," Sponsored by the S "X Rays: A Century of Discovery," of Music, James Kibb ie per-
Michigan Romanian League, subti- Sponsored by the Physics Depart- forms, 4 p.m., Music School
tIed, 7 p.m., Michigan Union ment, David Reis will speak, 10:30 OrgaDre, Hl 1 Bait4726
Anderson Room a.m., 170 Dennison, 764-4437 763-
RrnfwAn RgI eatre .rnnnnredr by "Peer .Gynt," Sponsored by the Resi-

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