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November 03, 1997 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-11-03

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 3, 1997


Continued from Page 1A

with Destiny." Given on the eve of India's independence,
_Nehru's speech describes India's awakening to an era of free-
"It was a great theme to pick because we're celebrating 50
years of independence," Sangwan said.
Education senior Rajeshri Gandhi, who co-coordinated the
show, explained to the audience how the event united the 400
"These people have become more than just friends, more
than just dance partners. We have all become an extended
aidnily," Gandhi said.
Gandhi said her main concern - to ensure the partici-
pants' happiness - was fulfilled.
In addition to the show coordinators and participants,
many members of the audience labeled the show a success.
"I think it's very well-organized to pull off a show
with 400 participants," said Engineering senior Erica
Engineering junior Damaune Journey said the popularity
of the show is a testimony to the diverse climate on campus
- diversity that many now feel could be jeopardized since a
recent lawsuit was filed against the University's affirmative
ction policies,
"I really think this is a display of diversity," Journey said.
"l think this type of thing wouldn't be possible without those
Journey said he was surprised and delighted that people
other than-members of the Indian American community were
invited to contribute to the show.
"That's what makes it even better," Journey said. "They're

"1 think they're doing a
good job bringing
Western and astern
cultures together "
- Tarun Gupta
University alumnus
welcoming you with open arms."
Tarun Gupta, who graduated from LSA in 1995 and
attended the show to watch friends perform, said this year's
show captured how Indian American students embrace
American culture while still maintaining strong ties to their
Indian heritages.
"They keep improving each year," said Gupta, who partic-
ipated in the show when he was a student. "I think they're
doing a good job with that and bringing Western and Eastern
cultures together."
As the evening came to close, Shah and Gandhi announced
IASA's proud contribution to two charity funds, the Arati
Sharangpani Memorial Fund and the Rachana Rajendra Bird
Michigan State University sophomore Ruta Sharangpani,
whose sister was killed in a plane crash last January, said she
enjoyed watching the show, partly because it reminded her of
Arati, who contributed to the show while a University stu-
"It was nice because I have good memories of it,"
Sharangpani said.

Continued from Page 1A
Eighty-six percent of the 12th
District Republicans recognized Jave's
nane, while only (;) percent recog"-
nized Carl's name and 29 percent had
heard of Kukuk.
Sarpolus, however, said the current
public opinion may differ from the poll
results because since the poll was
taken, Carl received the Michigan
Chamber of Commerce endorsement,
while the National Ritle Association
endorsed Jaye.
"As a member of the Michigan House
of Representatives, David Jaye has been
a leader on issues important to NRA
members," NRA chief lobbyist Tanya
Metaksa said in a written statement. "He
has worked to reform Michigan's right-
to-carry law, protect the rights of gun
owners and hunters, and focus law
enforcement efforts where they belong
- on violent criminals."
Bob LaBrant, senior vice president
for legislative affairs of the Michigan
Chamber of Commerce, said the
Chamber did not endorse Jaye because
of his aggressive behavior.
"We frankly don't think his char-
acter permits him to be senator,"
LaBrant said. "His objections to
affirmative action are legitimate, but
he's a take-no-prisoner kind of guy.
Because the Senate is a much small-
er body, he would be even more
Jaye said that because Carl has the
endorsement of the Chamber, she
would fight for big business as a sena-
tor. Rocca, he said, "is a puppet of the
"This is the race between the
Macomb County citizens and the
Lansing power brokers," Jaye said.
Jaye said he would be able to accom-
plish more in the Senate if he is elected.
"I've worked with a number of state
senators on a variety of issues," Jaye said.
"The state Senate is more conservative."
Continued from Page IA
Gramlich received his masters and
Ph.D. degrees from Yale University and
his bachelors degree from Williams
College. Gramlich is the author of nine
macroeconomics books and many eco-
nomic journal articles.
-Daily Staff Reporter Jeffrey Kosseff
and the Associated Press contributed
to this report.

Candidates get boost from Clinton
EDISON. N.J. - Two days before a handful of closely watched off-year elections,
President Clinton hit the campaign stump yesterday to help Democrats in New York and
New Jersey who have seen little or no financial help from the debt-choked national party.
Absent competitive ad campaigns, the underdog Democrats were counting on
presidential star power, vilification of the Republicans and voter turnout to c*
them in tomorrow's elections.
"Make sure you show up, and drag three or four of your friends along," the pres-
ident told about 1,500 people who braved a gray, damp day to see Clinton and con-
gressional candidate Eric Vitaliano in Staten Island, N.Y.
Vitaliano's race, gubernatorial contests in New Jersey and Virginia, and the long-
shot bid of Democrat Ruth Messinger to unseat New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani
- each could give the Democratic Party a huge political boost going into the 1998
midterm election season and its bid to reclaim control of Congress.
"You can send a signal to the rest of the country about the direction that we have
to take," Clinton told voters in New Jersey, where Jim McGreevey is fighting to
topple Republican incumbent Christine Todd Whitman.
But even as Clinton campaigned yesterday after a $3 million fund-raising wee -
end retreat in Florida for the Democratic National Committee, the party's lingering
SI5 million debt from 1996 has forced Democrats into decidedly underdog roles
in this year's races.

Bombing trial
lawyers' styles differ
DENVER - The sharply contrast-
ing styles of prosecutor Larry Mackey
and defense attorney Michael Tigar, the
lead attorneys in the Oklahoma City
bombing trial, promise to set the stage
for sharp drama when the bombing trial
of Terry Nichols begins to unfold today.
"I think it's an interesting matchup,"
said Andrew Cohen, a Denver attorney
and media analyst for the trials of
Nichols and co-defendant Timothy
McVeigh. "Mackey is low-key, very
steady ... Tigar is very flashy and dra-
matic and charismatic, much more a
visible force than Mackey."
As different as the two antagonists
are, so are the cases against Nichols
and McVeigh, who was convicted and
condemned to die for the April 19,
1995, bombing that killed 168 people.
The two men met in Army basic train-
ing in 1988 and forged a friendship on
their shared dislike of government.
McVeigh went on to become a decorated

soldier in the Gulf War while Nichols left
the service to care for his son.
Prosecutors say the two bombed the
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in
retaliation for the government's de
raid on the Branch Davidians compound
near Waco, Texas, on April 19, 1993.
Amtrack passenger
ail strike averted
WASHINGTON - A labor agree-
ment reached yesterday between
Amtrak and maintenance workers
averted a possible national passend
rail strike that would have disru,
travel for hundreds of thousands.
The threat of a shutdown had hung for
months over long-distance passengers
nationally and daily commuters in a half-
dozen major cities, just as the railroad
has been fighting off bankruptcy.
The settlement gives workers "a fair
and deserved (wage) increase while
preserving the financial integrity of the
company," Amtrak Chair Tom Doj

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New crisis looms on
Baghdad streets
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Signs of ner-
vousness peak through the calm in
Iraq's capital, where some residents
worry that a standoff with the United
Nations will worsen food shortages or
lead to a military confrontation. Iraq's
currency, the dinar, is jittery, and its
leadership shows nio signs of backing
down from a threat to expel American
arms inspectors trying to determine
whether Iraq has followed U.N. orders
to destroy its weapons of mass destruc-
Fakhria Aboud, a 58-year-old mother
of eight, said she fears a missile strike
on Baghdad like strikes of the 1991
Persian Gulf War.
"I am trying to build up a stock for
my family in case something happens,"
she said, pushing a cart full of vegeta-
bles and groceries down a street. "We
have filled all the containers at the
house with heating oil, and it is time to
stock up on food.'
Delshad Ahmad, a Kurdish store
owner, also was worried the crisis

would escalate.
"I have just gotten myself together
and made some money to buy a c "
Ahmad said. "I really hate to see thi
deteriorating because such a situation
will affect my life savings the way it did
in 1991."
Yeltsin, Hashimoto
end feud it summit
KRASNOYARSK, Russia - After
pledging to sign a belated World Wa I
peace treaty by 2000, Ruse
President Boris Yeltsin and Japanese
Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto
parted as friends yesterday and left one
of the region's most mutually self-
destructive feuds behind them.
Their "no-neckties" summit was
intended to create a better atmosphere
between the two countries that have
much to gain from cooperation but have
kept a hostile distance for half a century.
Indeed, the two days of sport and rel
ation appeared to have thoroug y
changed the diplomatic weather.



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NEWS Jodi S. Cohen, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Jeff Eldridge, Laurie Mayk, Anupama Reddy, Will Weissert.
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SPORTS John LaroI, Managing Editor
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WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Kristin Long, Elizabeth Lucas
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PHOTO Sara Stillman, U10
ASSISTANT EDITORS: Margaret Myers. Warren Zinn
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ONLINE Adam Pollock, Editor
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STAFF: Alex Hogg, Michelle McCombs, Jordan Young.


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