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November 03, 1997 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-11-03

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 3, 1997 - 3A


NEH names 'U''
Website tops
The University's American Verse
'coject, which provides an electronic
hive of American poetry before 1920,
has been named one of the top educa-
tional Websites on the Internet by the
National Endowment for the Humanities.
This distinction includes a link on the
NEH's new Website, named
EDSITEment at http:/edsitement.-
nehfed.us. This site links to top pages
about history, social studies, English and
many other subjects.
American Verse's growing Website,
cated at http://wwwhti.umich.edu/eng-
lish/amverse/, is meant to be used for
personal use, research and teaching.
Stenciling project
to curb pollution
The University's Department of
mOccupational Safety and
vironmental Health has provided a
oup of students with materials and
direction in an environmental aware-
ness project aimed at keeping the
Huron River clean. The students are
working on stenciling a message
around the river.
The project aims to educate the pub-
lic about storm water systems flowing
directly to the Huron River, meaning
any pollutants dumped in the drains end
up in the river without prior treatment.
* n order to reach their goal, the
group followed the example of several
other successful stenciling campaigns
from across the nation.
Students plan to stencil the message,
"Dump No Waste - Keep Our
Michigan Waters Blue" onto 60 curbs
by drains near Bursley, Baits and
Northwood housing.
,U' faculty to get
grant for female
health research
Two of six researchers awarded
grants from the Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of Michigan Foundation hail
from the University.
Nancy Reames and SeonAe Yeo
were given between $22,000 and
5,000 for their studies in the area of
women's health.
The University studies focus on
finding a way to increase early detec-
tion of a form of ovarian cancer and the
impact of exercise in preventing hyper-
tension in pregnant women.
zOther studies funded by the
$160,000 grant include research on
.HIV counseling and testing, exercise
and diabetic women.
"U' professorship
honors deceased
The first Francois-Xavier Bagnoud
chair in Aerospace Engineering has
been given to Prof. Arthur Messiter.
The chair was established, along
ith a center for the design of aero-
ace systems, through a gift of $1.5
by the Francois-Xavier Bagnoud
The foundation was set up by
Bagnoud's mother in memory of her

son's death in a helicopter crash in
1986. Bagnoud graduated from the
University in 1982 with a degree in
-aerospace engineering.
The FXB foundation has contributed
7.5 million in grants to the University
d is a leader in supporting the rights
of children and many other causes.
'U' student wins
ROTC scholarship
Engineering senior Mark Crow was
awarded the Lt. Col. Virgil I. Grissom
Memorial Scholarship for his military
nd academic achievements.
WThe cadet ranked in the top 15 per-
cent of his field training encampment
and is involved in several campus orga-
nizations including the Air Force
The scholarship is for $1,000.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Marla Hackett

Students unite against affirmative action

By Christine M. Paik
Daily Staff Reporter
Symbolically standing underneath Angell Hall's
monumental pediment, a coalition of two student
groups spoke to members of the press Friday,
announcing their opposition to affirmative action.
About 20 members of the University's chapter of
the College Republicans and a new student organi-
zation, Students For Equality, crowded behind the
towering Doric columns to avoid the rain. They
released a statement declaring their stand against
the University's affirmative action policies, brand-
ing the practices a form of "preferential treatment."
"These policies are antithetical to the goals of a
society striving to eliminate racism and promote
harmony among all people," said College
Republicans President and LSA junior Mark Potts.
"The University's policy is not affirmative action,
it is discrimination of gender, race and ethnicity
and any discrimination based upon these factors is

wrong. The University's policies are defeatist and
must be struck down."
Their statement comes at a time when affirma-
tive action is a highly debated issue on campus.
Last month, a lawsuit was filed against the
University for its affirmative action policies, and
since then, various groups have issued statements
that either support or oppose affirmative action.
Jeffrey Cuthbertson, SFE's chair, said that in
theory, affirmative action is a good idea, but in
practice it is discrimination.
"We very strongly support affirmative action; it
has an important role in society as a check against
bigotry," said Cuthbertson, an LSA senior. "But to
actively implement some sort of a gender, race or
ethnicity-based agenda on campus is wrong. We
don't feel that affirmative action is an agenda that the
University should be promoting. This is not affirma-
tive action; we call it preferential treatment."
The statement was read on the steps of Angell

Hall as a symbolic measure. Potts and Cuthbertson
said the University's affirmative action policies did
not retlect the inscription written on the architrave:
"Religion, morality and knowledge, being neces-
sary to good government and the happiness of
mankind, schools and the means of education,
shall forever be encouraged."
College Republican Vice President Adam Silver
said the coalition is supported by national chapters
of the College Republicans.
"We're not anti-affirmative action, we just want
to see it changed," said Silver, an Engineering
sophomore. "We're against the idea of quotas in
the admission policies. We believe everyone
should be judged on an equal basis"
Joe Paunovich, a member of the College
Republicans, attended the conference to show his
"This is a crucial time for the University, and I
want to be a part of it, said Paunovich, an LSA

first-year student, "I don't believe in the preferen-
tial admissions policies of the University. The
quality of students should stand on its own."
Paunovich said a televised press conference
Thursday falsely depicted students at the
University as strongly favoring affirmative action.
"The majority of the student groups have
expressed their support for affirmative action, and
I think it's wrong to group the entire student body
into a pro-affirmative action category," Paunovich
said. "That's stereotyping the campus and saying
that everyone agrees with affirmative action when
there are some people that don't."
The coalition believes educating the community
is essential.
"We want to move the discussion of affirmative
action and the University's policies regarding the
way it deals with affirmative action to the public at
large in a reasonable and rational manner,
Cuthbertson said.

Alumni Council offers job

advice for 'U'


By Neal Lepsetz
Daily Staff Reporter
The African American Alumni
Council sponsored a student-alumni
forum Halloween night, allowing past
students to treat those of the present to
guidance on their future in the workforce.
Featuring an open-ended dialogue,
about 50 people turned out at the Modern
Languages Building for the event.
"You don't want to be successful and
forget your roots," said John Matlock,
assistant vice provost and director of the
Office of Academic Multicultural
Also an alumnus, Matlock earned his
Ph.D. in higher education in 1979. "I
think that's what the students see - that
(the alumni are) committed to their
roots and committed to helping them;"
said Matlock, who helped organize
Friday night's event.
Alumni panel members offered vari-
ous advice for the students.

Some alumni stressed that as nation-
al corporations increasingly get
involved in the international market,
companies are looking to universities to
provide them with a diverse workforce
in order to remain competitive.
"In order for the Business school to be
considered top notch, it must be commit-
ted to diversity," said one alumnus.
In terms of getting a job after gradu-
ation, the professionals advised that the
keys lie in networking and the building
of professional relationships.
"You've got to know things, but
you've got to know people. What makes
you successful is having someone
remember you," said Joan Lanier, who
earned a degree in endodontics from the
University Dental school in 1979. "It is
important to give an impression so they
will remember you."
Chanel DeGuzman, who graduated in
1988 and is an alumni career center
employee, said not many African

Americans take enough advantage of
their more than 1,300 available contacts.
She felt the event met her goal of provid-
ing students with valuable resources.
"When you get your network in
place, the network will work for you,
and that's what I try to get students to
realize," DeGuzman said.
But alumna Kathryn Bryant, vice
president of government affairs for
Comcast Cablevision, emphasized the
importance of students developing good
writing skills because "written English
skills are dying in America."
Matlock said the event "also gives
the alums a chance to discuss what's
going on on campus."
The alumni were mostly curious about
how students on campus are reacting to
the recent lawsuit filed against the
University regarding its admissions poli-
cies. Engineering senior and Bursley res-
ident adviser William Johnson said he
felt that many of the first-year students

Alumni Council coordinator Gwyndolyn Fowles looks on at a discussion in the MLW
on Friday during an African American student-alumni forum.>y
lack a true awareness of what the policy that include students from areas that ar
entails and how it affects them. geographically underrepresented;
Mary Johnson, University clinical regardless of the race of those students.
assistant professor and Medical school Alumni agreed that although there
graduate of the Class of '84, felt people may be some flaws with admis&T*
wrongly assume that the University's pol- policies, the University communty
icy is purely racially motivated. would suffer if they were abolishi.
She emphasized that University "Diversity of perspective and ideas
admissions also attempt to use policies benefits everyone," DeGuzman said.

Talent show honors Williams

By Angela Delk
For the Daily
The scene showcased an evening of
enchantment, where shimmering lights
and old memories were renewed in the
Michigan Union Ballroom on
Halloween night.
Members of the black fraternity
Kappa Alpha Psi gathered for their 8th
annual talent show, an event they chose
to dedicate to the memory of LSA
senior Tamara Williams, who was mur-
dered in September.
"Since a lot of us were friends with
Tamara, we felt she deserved an evening
of appreciation" said J. Alexander
Mitchell, the fraternity's president.
Fraternity members said they had
been preparing for the talent show since
the summer. "I am excited to be back
and active on campus," said
Engineering senior and fraternity mem-
ber Hillary Wilson. "Lots of time and
energy was spent to make this a special
As members hustled to make last-
minute preparations, crowds of students
patiently waited outside the ballroom
for the show to begin.
Once the doors opened, fraternity
members dispersed red carnations to
the ladies to show their appreciation.
"We're gentlemen," explained
Engineering senior Rico Crockette.
With a total of 13 acts, there was a
mixture of different talents on display.
Poetry, singing, rapping and modern
dancing were among those acts that
grabbed the audience's attention
throughout the evening.
"The Kappas really showed that they
invested time and effort into showcas-
ing talent at the University of
Michigan," said Engineering sopho-
more Stanley Washington.
The judges had the hardest decision
of all - choosing just one act as the
show's overall winner.
LSA senior Crystal Smith was one of
three people who judged the festivities.
"It is exciting to see new faces perform
various talents," Smith said, adding that
the judges were looking for creativity,
stage presence, and overall talent.
LSA junior Kamilah Haynes took

University alumnus Horace Sanders kicks off the 8th annual Kappa Alpha Psi tal-
ent show with a comedy routine Friday night in the Michigan Union Ballroom.

first place with her uplifting gospel
song, "Let Us Worship."
LSA and Music sophomore Angela
Dixon grabbed second place for her
piano playing and the singing of a song
she wrote, titled "For You."
The third-place winner, LSA senior
Lena Green, rapped to "I feel like flow-
ing," written by Galaxy, which is
Green's stage name.
"I'm just real geeked ... I'm here to
have fun and get hyped," Green said
after her award-winning performance.
Along with more than $200 in prizes
for the three winners, fraternity mem-
bers gave away two $500 scholarships
for an essay contest they held on affir-
mative action. LSA first-year student
Lee Davenport and LSA sophomore
Chidimma Ozar won the contest.
"Affirmative action needs-to stay in
place," said Ozar, who aspires to be a
child advocacy lawyer. Her winning
essay was titled "Why Race Makes All
the Difference in the World: A Closer
Look at Affirmative Action in
Admissions Offices."

Those who went to the talent show
said that, for the most part, they were
pleased with all the event had to
"It was tight," said LSA first-year
student Mike Radney.
Kappa Alpha Psi member Nayquan
Jenkins said the show gave his fraternity a
forum in which to showcase their talents.
"It feels good to be able to represent
my fraternity to the fullest," said
Jenkins, an LSA senior.

What's happening In Ann Arbor today

Q Conference on the Holocaust, 769-
0500, Hillel, 1429 Hill St., 7:30

University American Civil Liberties
Union, Michigan Union, Fourth
floor conference room, 6:30 p.m.
U "Movie Night: Leaving Las Veas,"
Snnorer hv The 1-lub,

from her Work," Sponsored by
The Department of English,
Rackham Building,
Amphitheatre, 4 p.m

U., -________7

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