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November 03, 1997 - Image 1

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November 3, 1997-

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for Fed
U Former Public Policy
Dean to begin work at
national board today
By Janet Adamy
Da Staff Reporter
a Senate vote Thursday, former
Public Policy Dean Edward Gramlich
was appointed to serve on the Federal
Reserve Board. The seven-member
board controls the U.S. money supply
and makes decisions that help set
national interest rates.
Gramlich was one of two candidates
nominated in July by President Clinton to
fill one of the board's two vacancies. His
appointment comes after recent political
wrangling delayed
his confirmation,
as critics on the
Senate Banking
Committee used
the two men's
nominations as a
forum for debating
the Fed's interest
rate policy.
"I'm absolutely
nich delighted he's
been appointed,"
said Fed Vice Chair Alice Rivlin,
adding that she is glad to see that the
Fed will have another fiscal economist.
"He is a first-rate economist."
The Senate also confirmed the
appointment of Roger Ferguson, a New
York banking consultant.
Gramlich will fill the position left by
Janet Yeller, who resigned to chair the
ite House Council of Economic
isors. His term begins today and
will run through Jan. 31, 2008.
Interim Public Policy Dean John
Chamberlin said Gramlich will do a
superb job.
"He's got good, middle-of-the-road
common sense," Chamberlin said.
University Provost Nancy Cantor said
she has enjoyed working with Gramlich,
who led the Public Policy school when
tor was dean of Rackham.
e will miss him, but we're very
proud of what he'll be contributing to
the board," Cantor said.
Cantor said she already has chosen
an unnamed chair of the committee that
will begin the national search for a new
public policy dean. She also is in the
process of assembling the committee
"Obviously, Ned's shoes are hard to
fill ... but we are looking for a person
imitted to working on public policy
and for the public interest," she said.
Gramlich's post is one of four dean
positions throughout the University
that is currently being filled in an inter-
im capacity.
Gramlich is not a stranger to
Washington. Between 1994 and 1996,
he chaired the Quadrennial Advisory
Council on Social Security that
released three reports outlining ways to
rove and save the social security
He is the former director of the
Congressional Budget Office and has
worked at the Brookings Institution, the
Federal Reserve and the Office of

Economic Opportunity.





By Heather Kamins
Daily Staff Reporter
Former University Provost J. Bernard
Machen was dressed in jeans, packing
his suitcase in a hotel room in Utah,
about to leave for the airport to fly back
to Ann Arbor, when the phone rang.
A representative from the University
of Utah called Machen on Friday after-
noon to offer him the university's presi-
dency and tell him to be ready for a
press conference in an hour.
"It all happened, bam-bam, just like
that," Machen said. "It was kind of a
Beginning in September 1995,
Machen served as the University's sec-

for two years undert
three different
University presi-
dents He -
announced plans to
vacate the office
last April to give
new University
President Lee
Bollinger the Machen
opportunity to put
his own adminis-
trative team in place.
Machen said he is sad to leave the
University, but the opportunity to lead
the Utah university is too good to pass

"It's not a Michigan. There's only one
Michigan, but it's a good school,"
Machen said. "Utah would love to try to
be the same kind of university as the
University of Michigan. The goals of
Michigan and the goals of Utah are the
same. How we get there may take a dif-
ferent approach"
Machen will begin serving as presi-
dent at Utah on Jan. 1.
Machen served as dean of the
School of Dentistry for six years
before he was appointed as interim
provost by former President James
Duderstadt. One month later, Machen
was offered a two-year appointment as

Duderstadt said Machen's transition
to a university presidency is a natural
"The Michigan provost position is
the toughest in the nation because of the
size and complexity of our campus.
More frequently than not, its occupants
go on tb be major university presi-
dents," Duderstadt said, adding
Machen's name to the likes of Frank
Rhodes, Harold Shapiro, Chuck Vest
and himself - all who were provosts
before being named presidents of a
major university.
Following a 10-month search and
after considering more than 125 candi-

dates, Utah chose Machen for the
school's top post.
Kenneth Anderton, chair of the Utah
State Board of Regents, said the search
committee was drawn to Machen's
experience in undergraduate, graduate
and professional science programs.
"I think one of the things that is very
attractive to us was his depth of knowl-
edge of research and of a university;"
said Anderton, who also served as chair
of the University of Utah Presidential
Search Committee.
Utah has a student body of 25,000
students. The University of Michigan
has an enrollment of about 36,000.
See MACHEN, Page 7A

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Reunions draw
By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
The marching band seemed a little bigger, some of the
cheerleaders seemed a little older, and there were more
alumni than usual walking around with that nostalgic look
in their eyes this weekend during the Alumni Association's
100th anniversary.
"The more students, alumni and family that attend, the
better," said Beth Hill, who is an assistant for the student
and young alumni programs for the Alumni Association.
Hill helped organize the Go Blue Brunch on Saturday
morning, one of the weekend's many events.
"(Homecoming) keeps getting bigger every year," Hill
said, adding that more than 2,000 alumni attended the
brunch. "We try to find out what things people want and
what we need to add."
Barbara Cherry and Dianne Mather-Ryding, who grad-
= _uated in 1976, said homecoming weekend is a time when
they get together to reminisce and see friends.
DANIEL CASTLE/Da-y "I come back and stay with my best friend from school,"
Top: Alumni captured the Minnesota Golden Gohper on Saturday during the See HOMECOMING, Page 7A
Michigan-Minnesota game. Above: Sigma Alpha Epsilon members celebrate inside: Other homecoming activities included a student-
Saturday morning after defeating Phi Delta Theta in the 64th annual Mudbowl. alumni exchange. Page 3A

4,000 crowd
T ASA show
By Katie Pona
Daily Staff Reporter
A combination of beautiful melodies, colorful attire and
energetic dances captivated the 4,000-person audience that
crowded Hill Auditorium on Saturday night for the 13th
annual Indian American Student Association Cultural Show.
"At the Stroke of the Midnight Hour" celebrated India's
golden anniversary of independence and gave Indian
American students, as well as members of the audience, the
opportunity to honor freedom fighters who made indepen-
dence a reality.
The event's five emcees presented skits depicting the jour-
ney of typical University students following the freedom
movement that took place in India about 50 years ago. As the
skits unfolded, the capacity crowd witnessed the cultural
aspects that make Eastern, Northern, Southern and Western
India distinct from one another.
IASA Cultural Show Co-Coordinator Soha Shah said the
show allowed students to showcase the variety of character-
istics of Indian culture to the University community, family
and friends.
"I think it's an opportunity for Indian Americans to express
diversity in our own culture, as well as sharing it with the
community at large," Shah said about the sold-out show.
Engineering sophomore Sarika Sangwan said the show
bridged several generations because it allowed the partici-
pants to demonstrate that their Indian heritage is an integral
part of their lives.
"It's amazing," Sangwan said. "Thirty years ago, our par-
ents came over here from India. (They wouldn't have thought
that) 30 years later, their kids would be doing something to
honor and appreciate who we are and (show that) we haven't
forgotten it even though we are in America."
The show's theme centered around a speech given by
Jawaharlal Nehru, india's first prime minister, titled "Tryst
See SHOW, Page 2A

A dancer participates in the 13th annual Indian American
Student Association cultural show.


Lawsuit may influence election

By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
The lawsuit challenging the University's
affirmative action policies may be the deciding
factor in the state's only race for a legislative
seat this year.
Primary elections will be held tomorrow for
the 12th District state Senate seat, which was
vacated by the death of Doug Carl this summer.
The main contenders in the GOP race are Carl's
wife, Maria, Macomb County Commissioner
Sal Rocca, and state Rep. David Jaye (R-
Macomb), one of four legislators who was
instrumental in organizing the lawsuit against the
University, which was filed last month.
Ed Sarpolus, vice president of the Lansing-
based polling firm, EPIC/MRA, said that who-

Jaye's name and picture have been on the
front page of many state newspapers and
broadcast over local television networks regu-
larly since he began an attack on the
University's admissions programs in May.
The most important
issue in the race, Jaye said,:
is the elimination of minor-
ity preferences in both the
private and public sectors.
"Macomb County is
heavily dominated by the
auto industry, which has
very aggressive affirma-
tive action policies," Jaye
Some candidates for the Jaye

overcome,' said state Rep. Alvin Kukuk (R-
Macomb), a candidate for the seat. "We're run-
ning a clear campaign, and I'm running on
moral issues.
"I work on making headway, not headlines;"
he said.
Carl, however, said she is confident she wilt
prevail over Jaye and that Jaye's outspoken
opinion on affirmative action will not be
enough to win him the race.
"There are more important issues in our
race," Carl said. "The most important issue to
focus on is the tax burden being faced by the
citizens of Macomb County."
In a poll taken by EPIC/MRA in late
September, Jaye led the race with 34 percent of
the vote. The next highest percentage in the


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