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November 15, 1996 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-11-15

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 15, 1996


Continued from Page 1
ball games, is being held tonight at
10:30 at the CCRB. Club Fabulous, a
alcohol-free dance party for gay, lesbian
and bisexual people, will be held
tomorrow night at 10 p.m. at Rackham
Assembly Hall.
Even after a large amount of publici-
ty, many students said-they may have
heard of the week, but they were not
aware of the activities.
LSA first-year student Douglas
McLand said he saw a flier for the week
in his residence hall cafeteria, but was
too busy to attend any of the activities.

He did see the crashed-car display in the
Diag, though he did not know what it
was for.
"I thought it was another beat-up-the-
car thing," McLand said.
More than 500 students attended a
motivational speech given by recover-
ing alcoholic Mike Green. The event
was sponsored by the Panhellenic
Society and the Interfraternity
"This is the fifth year that we have
had (Mike Green)," said Mary Beth
Seiler, Panhel adviser.
"His message is clear, but not
preachy. He literally keeps (the audi-
ence) spellbound for an hour and a

half" Seiler said. "He's funny, but he
has a very serious message."
A presentation on alcohol and the
law was held last night in order to
inform students of the new alcohol
zero-tolerance law and social host poli-
cy, as well as other concerns about sub-
stance abuse.
Antieau, who was leading the presen-
tation, informed students that if they are
going to break the law, they have to use
discretion or there will be conse-
"If you plan to break the law, then
plan to do it thoughtfully. The police in
Ann Arbor will work with you to con-
trol your party if you are going to do it

responsibly" Antieau said.
Although Green's speech was well-
attended, only about 12 people attended
last night's lecture on legal issues.
"It is important information that I
wish we got out to more people," Wyte
"The number of activities and aware-
ness tools like the posters and informa-
tion table tents are just as important as
the number of individuals that attend an
event, because the goal is to increase
awareness," Wyte said. "I don't know if
a week will definitely change people's
behavior, but hopefully it will increase
awareness and evaluate their own alco-
hol consumption."

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Clinton may extend troops in Bosnia
WASHINGTON - President Clinton yesterday prepared to announce U.S. will-
ingness to participate in a new international peace-keeping force in Bosnia, a step
that would reverse a longstanding commitment to bring U.S.
troops home from the Balkans within approximately one year. .
At a White House meeting with Clinton yesterday evening,
the president's top foreign policy advisers laid out the case for
extending the U.S. military presence in Bosnia for a further 12
months, until the end of 1997. Earlier in the day, Defense
Secretary William Perry went to Capitol Hill to start what is
likely to be a drawn-out process of consultations with .
Congress on the shape of a new peace-keeping force.
White House spokesperson Michael McCurry said the
president still had a few questions that he wanted his advisers
to address regarding the shape of the proposed new force. At Clinton
the same time, however, officials tentatively scheduled a pres-
idential appearance in the White House briefing room for 10:30 this morning
outline the president's plans for both Bosnia and central Africa, where the U.S. h'
promised to commit about 5,000 troops, including 1,000 ground forces, to an inter-
national relief mission.

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Bosnia's presidents
reaffirm Dayton
peace accords

The Washington Post
PARIS - Facing a threatened with-
drawal of international aid, Bosnia's
three presidents, along with the major
Western powers, reaffirmed yesterday
the commitments they made in the
Dayton peace agreement 11 months ago.
But there was little
new leverage for
Dayton's international The
overseers to apply
pressure on the Serb, proces
Croat and Muslim
factions that are selfsuL
increasingly initiating
violence in Bosnia
while failing to meet'S
the deadlines estab- re
lished for turning a
former war zone into
a nation.
Creators of the Dayton accord hoped
that if the right political and economic
structures were put into place, the three
feuding factions could bury their rival-
ries. However, as officials here said
yesterday, the structures are not yet in

place and the enmity goes on.
"The peace process is not yet self-
sustaining," said Carl Bildt, who is
supervising the civilian reconstruction
effort in Bosnia. "If there was one mes-
sage given to the (Bosnian) presidency
today, it was, 'move forward quickly."'



U n i

t e d

is is not yet
- Carl Bildt
Supervisor, Bosnian
construction effort

Chronic patients
won't be first to get
new liver
BOSTON - People suffering from
long-term liver failure often seen in alco-
holics and drug addicts will no longer be
first in line for new organs.
The shift, approved yesterday by the
agency that sets nationwide transplant
policy, is aimed at giving top priority to
patients with the best chance of surviv-
ing the operation, rather than those who
are the sickest.
In recent years, some people have
questioned whether patients who ruined
their livers through drugs or drink
deserve new organs - a debate that
was renewed in recent years when
Mickey Mantle and "Dallas" star Larry
Hagman received transplants.
Supporters of the new policy adopted
by the United Network for Organ
Sharing said they weren't passing moral
judgment on alcoholics or intravenous
drug users. Rather, they said, the goal is
to make the most out of a limited num-
ber of donated livers.

t h a t
troops will
in a follow-
on force in
Bosnia that

"The criteria that you always give the
liver to the sickest person was always a
suspect criteria,"said George Annas, pro-
fessor of health law at the Boston
University School of Public Health. "The
real criteria is you give the liver to t*
person who can benefit the most from it.
Cardinal Bernardin
dies atage68
CHICAGO - Cardinal Joseph
Bernardin, the soft-spoken son of
immigrants who became one of the
Roman Catholic Church's strongest
voices for social involvement, di
early yesterday of cancer. He was 68.
Bernardin died at his home at 1:33
a.m., Bishop Raymond Goedert said.
"Our brother Joseph is at peace,"
Goedert said. "As Christians, we
believe Cardinal Benardin at long last
begins a new life."
Bernardin, the senior Roman Catholic
prelate in the United States, underwent
surgery for pancreatic cancer in June
1995, and announced Aug. 30 that ,
cancer had spread and was inoperab


The Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives
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1042 Fleming Building, first floor.
For additional information contact
Onis Cheathams at 936-1055

will replace the American-led force due
to withdraw at the end of the year, the
steering group of eight nations oversee-
ing implementation of the accord
warned Bosnia's fractious leaders that
further international aid will depend on
their following the terms of Dayton.
"It has become a moral contract
between the collective presidency of
Bosnia-Herzegovina and the world com-
munity," said French Foreign Minister
Herve de Charette. "We will assist them,
but in exchange the collective presiden-
cy has made major commitments."
The 13 commitments, which essen-
tially repeated the promises of Dayton,
included facilitation of the return home
of more than i million refugees dis-
placed by the war, cooperation with the
U.N. war crimes tribunal in The Hague,
freedom of movement across Bosnia's
internal boundaries, respect for human
rights and creation of a free-market
None of these commitments has been
fully carried out so far, but American
officials emphasized the value of refo-
cusing all sides on what needs to be
"What's important is action, action,
action," said a U.S. official, noting that
the 13 points served as a priority list and
that Bosnia's Serb, Muslim and Croat
presidents all signed the document.
Christian Reformed Campus Ministry
1236 Washtenaw Ct. 668-7421
(one block south of CCRB)
10a.m.- Focus on World Hunger
5:55 p.m.- Meditative Taiz Service
9-10:15pm-Student Gathering:
provocative discussion, fun, food
Rev. Don Postema, Pastor
Ms. Kyla Ebels
Assistant for Student Ministry
Episcopal Student Ministry at
the University of Michigan
721 E. Huron St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(313) 665-0606
The Rev. Matthew Lawrence, Chaplain
Holy Eucharist followed by supper,
Lord of Light Lutheran Church
801 S. Forest Ave.
FRIDAYS. 3:30-5:00pm, Bible Study
at Canterbury House.
Daily meditation and prayer,
TUES.- FRJ. 9:15-10:00am.
Drop in for coffee & silence.
Saturday, November 16
"Embracing Diversity in Solidarity"
at The Michigan League, Hussey Room
Spiritual Direction the first Mon.
of every month. 2:00- 6:00pm.
3301 Creek Dr. 971-9777
SUNDAY: 9:30 a.m. English,
11 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Korean

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Zaire open to U.S.
KINSHASA, Zaire.- Zairian lead-
ers have welcomed the prospect of
American participation in a multina-
tional peace force to oversee the repa-
triation of Rwandan refugees in eastern
Zaire and have pulled back from their
earlier hard line against the delivery of
humanitarian aid within Zairian territo-
ry, U.N. officials say.
Zaire now agrees that food and med-
icine can be given to both displaced
Zairians and refugee Rwandans, so
long as the aid does not have the effect
of re-establishing the refugee camps
that for two years have been sources of
instability in Zaire's eastern region,
where about 1.1 million refugees and
600,000 displaced Zairians are scat-
Prime Minister Kengo wa Dondo
and other officials here also have
expressed concern that the aid could
become a tool in the region's many-
sided conflict, which has left the
Zairian army defeated by a Tutsi-led

rebel movement now in control of
much of the eastern border area.
Israeli official
loosens gun laws
JERUSALEM - The middle-aged
man taking his family to an Italian restau-
rant for Sabbath lunch wears a Beretta
pistol tucked into the waistband of his
Bermuda shorts. No one looks twice.
In supermarkets and crowded bus
stops, Israelis bear almost as many gn
as they do beepers and mobile tJ
phones. Still, Interior Minister Eli Suissa
thinks it was too difficult for average cit-
izens to purchase a pistol legally, so he
has decided to make it easier.
While England and the United States
are tightening gun control laws, Suissa
announced late last month that he was
loosening licensing restrictions. He low-
ered the minimum age for license holders
from 21 to 20 and broadened the cate-
gories of citizens eligible to apply.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the university of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are
$85. Winter term (January through-April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $165. On-campus sub-
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NEWS Amy Klein, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Tim O'Connell, Megan Schimpf, Michelle Lee Thompson, Josh White.
STAFF: Janet Adamy, Brian Campbell, Prachish Chakravorty. Anita Chik, Jodi S. Cohen, Jeff Eldridge, Bram Elias, Megan Exley, Jennifer
Harvey, Heather Kamins. Jeffrey Kosseff, Marc Lightdale, Laurie Mayk. Chris Metinko, Heather Miller. Katie Plona. Stephanie Powell.
Anupama Reddy. Alice Robinson, Matthew Rochkind, David Rossman, Matthew Smart, Ericka M. Smith, Ann Stewart, Ajit K. Thavarajah,
Katie Wang, Will Weissert. Jenni Yachnin.
EDITORIAL Adrienne Janney, Zachary M. Raimi, Editors
STAFF: Emily Achenbaum. Ellen Friedman, Samuel Goodstein, Katie Hutchins. Scott Hunter. Yuki Kuniyuki, Jim Lasser, David Levy.
Christopher A. McVety, James Miller, Partha Mukhopadhyay, Jack Schillaci, Paul Serilla, Ron Steiger, Jason Stoffer. Matt Wimsatt
SPORTS Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Alan Goldenbach, John Leroi, Will McCahitl, Danielle Rumore. Barry Sollenberger.
STAFF: Nancy Berger T.J. Berka. Chris Farah, Jordan Field, John Friedberg, James Goldstein, Kim Hart, Kevin Kasiborski, Josh Kleinbaum,
Andy Knudsen, B.J. Luria, Brooke McGahey, Afshin Mohamadi, Sharat Raju, Pranay Reddy, Jim Rose, Richard Shin, Mark Snyder, Dan
Stillman, Jacob Wheeler, Ryan White.
ARTS Brian A. Gnatt, Joshua Rich, Editors
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Greg Parker, Elan A. Stavros.
SUB-EDITORS: Dean Bakopoulos (Fine Arts). Lise Harwin (Music). Tyler Patterson (Theater), Jen Petlinski (Film).
STAFF: Colin Bartos, Eugene Bowen, Anitha Chalam, Melanie Cohen, Mark Feldman, Stephanie Glickman, Hae-Jin Kim, Kari Jones, Brian M.
Kemp, Stephanie Jo Klein, Emily Lambert, Bryan Lark, Kristin Long, Elizabeth Lucas. James Miller, Aaron Rennie, Julia Shih, Prashant
Tamaskar. Christopher Tkaczyk, Angela Walker, Kelly Xintaris.
PHOTO Mark Friedman, Editor
STAFF: Josh Biggs, Jennifer Bradley-Swift, Aja Dekleva Cohen, John Kraft, Margaret Myers, Jully Park, Damian Petrescu, Kristen Schaefe
Jeannie Servaas, Jonathan Summer, Joe Westrate, Warren Zinn.
COPY DESK Elizabeth Lucas, Editor
STAFF: Lydia Alspach, Jill Litwin, Heather Miller, Adreanne Mispelon, Anupama Reddy. Matt Spewak. David Ward Jen Woodward.
ONLINE Scott Wilcox, Editor
STAFF: Dana Goldberg, Jeffrey Greenstein, Charles Harrison. Anuj Hasija, Adam Pollock, Vamshi Thandra. Anthony Zak.
GRAPHICS Melanie Sherman, Editor


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