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November 15, 1996 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-11-15

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Tonight: Mostly clear. Low in
the mid- to upper-20s.
Tomorrow: Partly sunny,
breezy. High in the mid-50s.

One hundred six years ofedntor l freedom

November 15, 1996

No. 16 Michigan vs. No. 11 Penn State

Child care faces regent vote

:: -

higan Stadium (cap. 102,501,
more than 104,000 expected)
Tomorrow, noon
ABC, Channel 7
Series history:
The Wolverines and Nittany Lions have met just three
times in history, but the two teams are quickly becom-
ing rivals. In 1993, Michigan won the first meeting, 21-
13, but Penn State won in 1994 and '95. Last season,
n State defeated Michigan, 27-17, in State College.
Winters wonderland

r4 '

By Jeff Eldridge
Daily Staff Reporter
After a year of wading through red
tape, working with administrators and
formulating a plan, the University may
soon become a more kid-friendly place.
Vice President for Student Affairs
Maureen Hartford, Nursing Dean Ada
Sue Henshaw, Provost J. Bernard
Machen and Michigan Student
Assembly President Fiona Rose pre-
sented the Board of Regents with a plan
yesterday to provide financial support
for University students with children.
"Some of my brightest peers in the
student body are men and women who,
after having children, are in school
working towards the wedded goals of
enlightenment and self-improvement,"
Rose told the regents.
The proposal calls for the University

to provide matching dollars for a $1-
per-student fee approved by students in
an MSA ballot initiative last winter.
This money - about $150,000 in total
- would be given out in blocks of
approximately $1,000 to individual stu-
dents to pay for daycare needs.
While many of the regents were sup-
portive of the initiative, others said they
worry that sponsoring students' child
care needs might evolve too rapidly and
become a financial burden.
"I spend my life worrying about
child care," said Regent Andrea Fischer
Newman (R-Ann Arbor), a vice presi-
dent at Northwest Airlines with two
children. "I don't think this is the right
answer. ... I support the concept but not
this program."
Newman said money for child care
See CHILD CARE, Page 7

Regents discuss 'U' direction

By Jodi S. Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
With the selection of the next
University president only a few days
behind them, members of the Board of
Regents looked to the future yesterday
at their monthly meeting.
The board heard a series of reports,
ranging from research expenditures to
faculty governance. The presentations
complemented the more lengthy dis-
cussion the regents had about the day's
main focus - child care issues.
Chemistry Prof. Thomas Dunn, chair
of the faculty's governing body, told the
board that the faculty recently formed a
committee to consider future possible

directions of the University.
"The University must be looking to
the future," Dunn said, adding that two
areas of immediate concern are
changes with University Hospitals and
intercollegiate athletics.
Dunn said it will be important to
have "the spirit of collaboration"
between the University's special inter-
est groups like faculty, regents and stu-
dents when making decisions about
these issues.
Interim Vice President for Research
Frederick Neidhardt spoke about anoth-
er topic always on the regents' minds -
research initiatives and the current
See REGENTS, Page 7

&ks on
- -
'Mixi.ng of
nn Stewart
Staff Reporter
When Deborah Tucker asked her
grandmother where her father got his
red hair, she didn't expect the answers
she got.
Those answers led to almost 20 years
of research on the mixing of Native
American and African American peo-
ple, a study she presented to students
last night.
"It's a missing chapter in American
hpry ... and not a very small one,"
Tucker said.
Tucker, who is the multicultural
librarian at Wayne State University's
Purdy Library, began her research
while doing her family's genealogy.
She urged students to look into their
own histories, though they may be
"shocked" by what they find.
Tucker is black and thinks she is part
Cherokee, but said she lost track of her
d genealogy when she got involved
in her research on the "miscegenation
of African Americans and Native
"I'm almost overwhelmed by how
much crossing over there is," Tucker
Tucker said that while the term "mis-
cegenation" often has negative conno-
tations, she uses it to refer to her
research because "it just means the
ing of races"
W ring her presentation titled, "A
Braided History," Tucker showed her
audience of about 60 students slides
depicting people of mixed Native
American and black ancestry through-
out history.
"Often it's hard to tell where one
influence ends and one begins," Tucker
Students said they found the presen-
t n informative and interesting.
knew they mixed but not to the
extent that (black people) were actually
regarded as part of the tribe," said LSA
first-year student Rosalind
Washington. "The physical features
were startling."
Tucker said her research revealed
that Africans were present in the
Americas long before what is generally
thought. She showed slides of ancient
fi ures found in Mexico dating back to
e.B.C. with African influences.
"We're talking thousands of years
before Christopher Colombus," Tucker
Tucker used the slides to show how
their histories linked Native American
and black people together.
Tucker pointed out that many black
slaves sought refuge among tribes in
the South who accepted them as their
o. The Cherokee nation - the first
on nation to adopt slavery - also
owned some black slaves, Tucker said.
"They say that Cherokee slavery was
not as harsh or cruel as European slav-
ery," Tucker said. "They often inter-
mixed and intermarried with the

'U' plans to add
new officer for
medical airs
® Major cuts still loom Last April, more than 1,000 layoffs
were announced as a first stage in the
in Medical Center's elimination of $200 million from the
future hospitals' budget. The first round of
layoffs, combined with hiring freezes
By Jeff Eldridge and other cutbacks, make up $60 mil-
Daily Staff Reporter lion of the cost reduction, said
In an effort to deal with the wave of University Hospitals spokesperson
fiscal challenges plaguing the Michael Harrison.
University Medical Center, the Board "We've spent a tremendous amount
of Regents is expected to approve the of time benchmarking the entire
formation of a new executive officer Medical Center against our peers,"
position today. Harrison said. He said the University
The new post, carrying the title exec- Medical Center examined comparable
utive vice president for medical affairs, facilities to find areas where the institu-
comes in an atmosphere of concern and tion could be run more efficiently.
uncertainty over the enormous, billion- Many said they hope the creation of
dollar, world-renowned University the new vice president's position will
Medical Center. The Medical Center help - streamline the Medical Center's
brings in a little more than $1 billion in structure. Currently, the Medical
revenue each year - a little less than Center's chief executive officer reports
50 percent of the University's overall on finances to the University's chief
revenue. financial officer, while the dean of the
Lorris Betz, interim dean at the Medical School reports to the Office of
Medical School, said the issues before the Provost.
the medical center are common across With an executive vice president for
the country. medical affairs, the dean and the CEO
"Every academic medical center in would both report to one person.
the country is facing the same chal- Michael Johns, the executive vice
lenges that we face," Betz said. "Some president for health affairs at Emory
institutions have been dealing with the University in Atlanta, was one of sever-
challenges longer, but it is not clear that al health care experts who the regents
any have yet discovered the solution, met with late last summer. Johns said
nor is it clear that a single approach will the creation of an executive officer to
provide a solution for all institutions" See MEDICAL, Page 7

Mary Lou Antieau, resolution coordinator in the Office of Student Conflict Resolution, speaks during a presentation on Alcohol
and the law last night in the Michigan Union.
Awar*4e.1ness week battles
alcohol myhstemptations

By Heather Kamins
Daily Staff Reporter
A 1993 survey of University students, faculty and staff
found that close to three-fourths of the respondents had
poured themselves an alcoholic drink in the last 30 days.
The survey, conducted by the University Substance Abuse
Research Center and funded by the Michigan Department of
Public Health, also found that 64 percent of males and 58 per-
cent of females drink at least once a week.
The survey was conducted to design programming and
future changes in the University community.
As part of the initiative to increase awareness and educa-
tion on alcohol related issues, Alcohol Awareness Week was
"I think if you can just get people thinking about alcohol
and the abuse of it, then it is worth having a week highlight-
ing the awareness of it," said Wendy Wyte, interim health

education coordinator for alcohol and other drugs.
This week, which featured events beginning Monday, pro-
vided alternatives to drinking and included activities that edu-
cated participants about the problems associated with alcohol
"There are two goals," said Mary Lou Antieau, resolution
coordinator in the Office of Student Conflict Resolution.
"One goal is to raise awareness for students, faculty and
staff about alcohol and its impact on campus, and the other is
to raise awareness of activities that are not alcohol focused,"
Antieau said.
Activities included information sessions on the conse-
quences of alcohol abuse, alcohol-free sports and social
activities, a free showing of "Leaving Las Vegas," and a
crashed-car display on the Diag.
Late Night Sensation, 4-on-4 volleyball and 3-on-3 basket-
See ALCOHOL, Page 2

Gunman kills 1 at auto plant
Police arrest suspect after hours of searching

WIXOM, Mich. (AP) - A man
dressed in camouflage "shot his way"
into a huge Ford assembly plant yester-
day, then fired shots in a cafeteria and
sprayed gunfire around several other
areas. The plant's No. 2 official was
killed and at least two others were
The gunman
was not a Ford fe t
employee and
apparently went a randon
to the plant to see
a girlfriend who
worked there, Fo
Ford spokesper-
son Bill Carroll said.

Carroll said.
The gunman remained at large for
several hours before being arrested late
yesterday afternoon. Police said last
night they were still piecing together
details of what had happened.
"From all indications the shooting

hink it was
- Bill Carroll
rd spokesperson

took place from
the outside in to
the plant," said
Wixom Police
Sgt. Richard
Howe. "So he
more or less
shot his way

Jacques Nasser, president of Ford's
worldwide automotive operations, said
Ford security has been very tight.
"But when someone basically fires
their way - blasts their way - into a
facility it's very difficult to prevent," he
The 4.2-million-square-foot Wixom
plant makes luxury Continental and
Town Car models. It employs about
3,200 people working two shifts.
Roosevelt Manigo, a 29-year
employee at the Wixom plant, said he
saw the gunman walk into the plant.
"He was tall, slim, AK47 in hand. He
was loading up as he was coming
through the door," Manigo said. "When

into the plant."
The suspect was able to elude


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