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November 15, 1996 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-11-15

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The Michigan Daily - Monday. September 9, 1996 - 3A

Sexual assault
case postponed
ihe preliminary examination of
Steven Dwain Smith, the suspect
*arged with sexually assaulting and
robbing a female University student at
gunpoint in early October, was post-
poned yesterday.
The preliminary examination was
scheduled for yesterday at 1:30 p.m. in
the Washtenaw County Courthouse, but
Judge Ann Mattison postponed Smith's
examination until 1 p.m on Dec. 5.
The examination was postponed
because proper counsel for Smith was
q available yesterday. Mattison
signed him a new public defender.
Smith is charged with four counts,
including first-degree criminal sexual
conduct and armed robbery in connec-
tion with the incident that occurred in
the Bursley parking lot. Both offenses
are punishable with a maximum sen-
tence of life imprisonment.
Mirrors smashed
*round Hill Street
About 15 to 20 University students
were allegedly "smashing mirrors"
early Wednesday morning, according
to Department of Public Safety reports.
DPS officers are working with Ann
Arbor Police Department officers to
investigate the incident. The suspects
are believed to have been involved in
malicious destruction of property in
arports around Hill Street. No
*iversity property was damaged.
The students were last seen going
east from Hill and Oakland streets,
according to DPS reports.
Graffiti found on
campus buildings
Graffiti was found on two campus
buildings in unrelated incidents Tuesday.
In the first incident there was fresh
affiti painted in the freight elevator of
East Quad.
The caller who reported the incident
works in Facilities, and said she reported
similar incidents last Saturday, but that
this graffiti was not the same as the pre-
vious graffiti, according to DPS reports.
In the second case, graffiti was report-
ed in the North University Building.
The graffiti was painted on the metal
door located in the back of the building
*tween NUBS and North Hall. The
caller could not tell what the graffiti
said, DPS reports stated.
Maintenance was contacted to clean
up the graffiti.
Hard drives
stolen from SAB
Three computers were stolen from
e Student Activities Building on
The computers, worth approximately
$4,500 each, were taken from an unse-
cured computer room in the building.
The stolen computers include one
Packard Bell model and two Apple
Macintosh computers.
DPS has no suspects but staffers
said construction workers are "possi-
bilities," according to DPS reports.
Slips result in
everal injuries

Two women slipped and fell in sepa-
rae incidents this week.
In the first case, the woman was run-
irng in Mitchell Field on Tuesday night,
and "split her chin open," DPS reports
The cut to her chin was three-fourths
of an inch deep. The woman was cut in
e lower portion of the chin after she
slipped on ice in the field.
In the second incident, a female
University student fell in Stockwell res-
1dence hall and gashed her chin
-ednesday morning.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Anupama Reddv.


profs to examine recent, future elections

By Laurie Mayk
Dail} StatE Reporter
It has only been a week since Campaign '96
came to a close -- but talk of the next election sea-
son is already creeping into the political arena.
As part of the national post-election analysis,
the University's School of Public Policy is sched-
uled to host a panel discussion today on "Election
'96: How it happened and where do we go from
here?" at 5 p.m. in the Michigan League.
The panel will discuss the "role that issues played
in the election" at the student-run event, said School
of Public Policy Dean Edward Gramlich.
Republican and Democratic pollsters are also
expected to address the problems and successes of
their parties' 1996 strategies, and how the outcome
of the election may change tactics for future races.

"I he question is what happened on election
day," said University alum Alex Evans. a panelist
and Democratic pollster for the California-based
polling firm Evans and McDonough. "Obviously
myself and the Republican pollster have a different
interpretation of that."
Dave lanelli, a university alum and Republican
pollster from the polling firm Coldwater Corp..
which conducts the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll,
will also serve as a panelist. Former state Sen.
Doug Ross. a University lecturer and former assis-
tant secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor and
former director of the Michigan Department of
Commerce, is expected to moderate the event.
Looking back at the Republican party's net loss-
es this year, a gender gap in the voting blocks was
one of the biggest blows to the party. lanelli said.

'Alen wvere voting for Republican candidates in the
louse to the level we were expecting them to, but
they weren't there for Bob Dole,' lanelli said. "T[hev
reaIll made a conscious decision to split their vote:'
A ans said that although both parties want to
address voter tendencies driven by gender, there's
more potential for the Republican party to gain
\ otes from the gap. Since women are traditionally
a solid Democratic block, Republicans and
Democrats win when their respective parties gain
male voters, Evans said.
Despite a failure to snatch control of the U.S.
House from the GOP, the Democratic party made
a comeback after a disasterous campaign in 1994.
"After the 1994 election, we were again looking
at this idea that the Democratic party was this
dinosaur and on its last legs," Evans said.

Both parties learned voters are "interested in a
moderate, problem-solving government," he said.
But with Clinton and House Speaker Newt
Gingrich (R-Ga.) back in power positions. will
Congress pass the promised campaign finance
reform and ethics legislation ?
'"It'll be the same." Evans said. "Nothing will
lanelli said constituents are likely to see a famil-
iar pattern in Washington.
"What we've seen in the past is the party in
power writes a bill that is to their advantage and it
gets vetoed by the president," lanelli said.
Congress and the president have almost a full
year to make a move on campaign finance reform,
but a division of power between parties could
make compromise difficult. he said.

Muslimlifestyle -
seec coses
week of awarenessm

By Alice Robinson
Daily Staff Reporter
Kamran Bajwa had the opportunity
to speak out in his classroom today.
In fact, he got to speak for more than
two hours.
Bajwa, a first-year Law student,
closed (slam Awareness Week last
night by speaking to 70 people on the
topic "Islam: the complete way of life."
Bajwa's Civil Procedure course

God," he said. "This is a belief that
Muslims have from the Koran."
The Queens, N.Y.. native spent part
of the time comparing Islam to
Christianity. "Nothing else except for
Christianity has ever had that influence
in human history," Bajwa said.
Students said the talk was insightful
and thought-provoking.
"I think it was an excellent speech,"
said Shamal [Haque, an LSA sopho-
more. "I think it's good that he told the

to speak
By Jennifer Harvey
Daily Staff Reporter
Just because elections are over does-
n't mean political activists are taking a
rest on campus. They may just be warm-
ing up, if the College Republicans have
anything to say about it.
Joe Galli, national president of the
College Republicans, plans to pump up
the campus chapter for further political
work. Galli is scheduled to address the
group at 3:30 p.m. today in the'
Michigan League's Vandenburg Room.:
"We're just pleased that the national
College Republicans president is rec-
ognizing our efforts, not only on this
campus, but statewide and nationally,'
said Nicholas Kirk, president of th
campus chapter.
Kirk said Galli wants to meet
University chapter, which garnered
national attention during the elections.
Galli will most likely discuss how
College Republicans are doing nation
ally. "(Galli) can put the (College
Republican)/GOP movement in 4
national light" Kirk said.
Galli will also address the results of
the 1996 elections and preview the
1998 elections, Kirk said.
Galli was elected in 1995 to serve a
two-year term. le was elected in a
process that mirrors the electoral col-
lege, with the state College Republican
chairs' votes weighted according to the
membership of their states.

meets during the
Hutchins Hall,
where he gave
the presenta-
In a relaxed,
manner, Bajwa
told everyone
the goal of his
talk was to
"sort of let
everyone in on

day in Room 100 of

We live in a
sort of a headline-
news society ... "
- Kamran Bajwa
Law first-year student

people that just
investigate it for
yourself and ...
arrive at the
truth," he said.
"I thought that
he covered a
whole variety of
things that a
n o n - M u s l i m
could use and
think about,"
said the past week

the mind of a Muslim."
Bajwa briefly discussed the contro-
versies surrounding Islam, but focused
more on Muslims' devotion to the
teachings of the prophet Mohammed.
He said people sometimes think of
Islam as a "terrorist religion" or wrong-
ly accuse Muslims of oppressing
"We live in a sort of a headline-news
society .. so to sort of'serve those ends
it's very attractive to put out a claim of
Muslims blowiig up a plane." Bajwa"
The young speaker said the Muslim
faith revolves completely around
"The only reason anything was creat-
ed, to the Muslim belief, is to worship

said one Muslim
Students also

succeeded in promoting awareness of
Islam. "I feel that this year the
MusIIim Students Association has
done a good job," said LSA junior
Arifa Khan.
Khan said the students who orga-
nized the week accomplished their
goal. "We feel we want to share a piece
of' ourselves with others." she said.
Does Bajwa speak out as much in
class as he did last night'
'1 speak out in class if I know the
answer," he said.
Bajwa has also addressed crowds at
Wayne State University. Eastern
M ichigan Un iversity and other

Law first-year student Kamran Bajwa speaks on Muslims' devotion to the teach-
ings of the profit Mohammed at Hutchins Hall last night. He said he hoped to let
the crowd of about 70 "in on the mind of a Muslim." Bajaw teaches a University
Law course on Civil Procedure, and has also addressed crowds at Wayne State,
and Eastern Michigan University among other schools.

Group vows to fight for
assisted suicide vote

LANSING (AP) -- Just a day after
the Senate rejected the idea of letting
Michigan voters decide the assisted-
suicide issue, a bipartisan group of
lawmakers yesterday vowed to keep
"Now is the time for the Legislature
to assume responsibility," said Rep. Jan
Dolan (R-Farmington Hills).
"It (assisted suicide) is happening
now. It will continue to happen" said
Rep. Ted Wallace (D-Detroit). "This is
no longer partisan"
The lawmakers announced introduc-
tion in both chambers of legislation
which would put on the 1998 state bal-
lot a proposal to authorize assisted sui-
cide in Michigan.
They said if the Legislature refuses to
act on the issue in the "lame duck" ses-
sion which ends next month, the legis-

lation will be introduced again in the
newv session which starts in January.
They said the issue will be raised again
when the House takes up a Senate-
passed "dignified death" bill.
That bill, which requires doctors to
inform patients of all medical treatment
available and their right to a patient
advocate, cleared the Senate on
Wednesday. But in passing it, the
Senate overwhelmingly rejected giving
voters a say on assisted suicide.
The chair of an organization in favor
of assisted suicide rights said he holds
lirtle hope that the Legislature will deal
with the issue. Dr. Edward Pierce of
Ann Arbor, a former state senator, said
his group plans a petition drive to put
the issue on the 1998 ballot.
"The chances that they'll act are very
smalli" he said.

:: .

"' .L A: END
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
FRIDAY 11:30 p.m. ."Davi
J "Gary [
J "Blood Battle 1996," sponsored SATURDAY The
by Alpha Phi Omega, Markley, Dans
2-8 p.m. J "Gary Snyder, Reading From His sore
J "Conversations with Courtney Work," sponsored by Soci
Clixby," programming spon- Department of English and 7:30
sored by Unions Network Shaman Drum Bookshop, ;J"Gary
Television, channel 124, 3 p.m Rackham Auditorium, 8 p.m. WorI
J "Delivering Shabbat Meals," Dept
sponsored b Volunteers in SUNDAY Shan
Action, 1429 Hill St., 3:15-4:30 3 "Israel
p.m. J "A Taste of Culture," sponsored Crn
J "Late Night Sober Sensation," by Puerto Rican Association, Disc
sponsored b Department of Trotter House, 12:30-4 p.m. IsP
Athletics, CC RB, 10:30 p.m.- J "Ballroom Dance Classes," spon- IMPA

s Lounge, 7 p.m.
Davidoff Memorial Lecture:
Health Care Crisis --
gers or Opportunity:
ons From Judaism," spon-
d by Hillel and Maimonides
ety, Hillel, 1429 Hill St.,
Snyder, Reading From His
k," sponsored by
artment of English and
man Drum Bookshop. 311-
South State St., 2 p.m.
Michigan Public Affairs
mittee Drinks and
ussion," sponsored by
AC, Not Another Cafe, 8:30

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