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April 19, 1996 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-04-19

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 19, 1996


Cholera hits U.S. compound in Liberia

MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) - In-
ternational mediators urged Liberia's
warring factions to accept a truce yes-
terday during a lull in 12 days of
factional fighting that have cleared
the capital's streets of all but swag-
gering combatants and people scav-
enging for food.
Meanwhile, a silent killer was on the
rise: cholera. The disease, caused by a
lack of clean drinking water, spread to
a U.S. compound holding 20,000 refu-
gees and killed five people, an Ameri-
can diplomat said yesterday.
Cholera was also killing refugees
jammed into a besieged, rebel-held
military camp. Officials were hoping
for a truce that would allow relief ef-
forts to fully resume.
The new flare-up in Liberia's six-
year-old civil war has pushed 60,000
people out of their homes and trig-
gered widespread looting since it be-
gan April 6.
West African, U.N. and U.S. offi-
cials began talks late yesterday on a

Ghanaian proposal to set up a buffer
zone around the military camp, in effect
lifting the siege, said Kathleen List, a
political officer at the U.S. Embassy.
U.S. Ambassador William Milan,
other diplomats and supporters of rebel
leader Roosevelt Johnson were plan-
ning to discuss the plan at a meeting
later at the U.S. Embassy.
No results were announced, but List
said the presence in the meeting of U.N.
Special Representative Anthony Nyakyi
and Gen. John Inienger, head of the
West African peacekeeping force in
Liberia, "are pretty good signs" some
progress would be made.
Fighting began when the government
tried to arrest Johnson, a former gov-
ernment minister, on murder charges.
Charles Taylor, a rival faction leader
who dominates Liberia's ruling coun-
cil, is demanding Johnson's surrender.
A newly appointed U.N. special en-
voy, James Jonah of Sierra Leone, ar-
rived yesterday aboard a U.S. military

"I believe the people of Liberia have
suffered too long," said Jonah, who
successfully organized elections in his
war-ravaged homeland.
Cholera was spreading among the
tens of thousands of refugees. At the
U.S. Embassy's residential compound,
five deaths were reported in the past
three days, List said.
"People are collecting rainwater and

interrupted by the fighting.
Rampant looting has virtually shut
down humanitarian shipments. Food
distribution has resumed, but aid offi-
cials said the danger of more violence
limited their movements, threatening
hundreds of thousands of people de-
pendent on the aid.
The World Food Program said about
165 tons of food had been distributed to

Clinton: U.S.-Japan trade looks positive
TOKYO - Ten months after a series of bitter auto trade
negotiations with Japan, President Clinton toured a Chrysler
dealership here yesterday, puttered under the hood of a car
built in Illinois and said he was "feeling very good" about
U.S. automakers' chances in the Japanese market.
For years, the auto trade talks have symbolized the
frustrations of Americans trying to do business in Japan, and
Clinton's administration has focused considerable energy
on prying open the market here.
But when mentioning trade during his two-day state visit
this weekClinton has been nothingbut sunny. In his showroom Clinton
tour Clinton chatted with Japanese families, while first lady
Hillary Rodham Clinton checked out the bucket seats in a sporty red coupe.
The Japanese are still annoyed about President Bush's 1992 visit here,
accompanied by executives of the Big Three automakers. To the Japanese,
Bush seemed more car salesman than statesman, while Clinton, by glossing
over a whole range of trade frictions between the nations, has charmed and
delighted the nation this week.

drinking it, and
that's where the
problem starts,"
she said.
With the fight-
ing halted, the
Embassy plans to
chlorinate a water
source, List said.
Cholerahas also
struck at the mili-
tary complex held
by Johnson's men,
where thousands of
refugees have gath-
ered. Medics there

People are
rainwater and
drinking it, and
that's where the
problem starts."
- Kathleen List
U.S. Embassy political officer

45,000 people in
and around
Monrovia, in-
cluding 60 tons of
food to the U.S.
residential com-
"Things have
settled down in
terms of looting,"
List said. "But the
armed bands are
still roaming the
streets and they
are still very dan-

and to accommodate your time
crunch, we will be open 24 hours
for the days surrounding the due
date of your final project.

report about 10 cholera deaths a day.
An epidemiologist from the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention in
Atlanta arrived in Monrovia yesterday,
along with a member of the U.S. Office
of Foreign Disaster Assistance, who
was trying to help relaunch aid efforts
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A U.S. airlift has evacuated 2,124
people from Monrovia to Freetown,
Sierra Leone, including 435 Americans.
At least one evacuation flight took
off yesterday, List said.
U.S. Navy ships were expected to
reach Liberia's coast tomorrow, deliv-
ering Marines to help secure the em-
bassy compound and the 18 embassy
officials still there.
Continued from Page 1.
Although construction is still incom-
plete, students said they are excited
about the new tower.
"When it is finished, people can come
and hang out," said Music sophomore
Gordon Beeferman.
"When something happens in North
Campus, we are really excited because
nothing happens in North Campus,"
Beeferman said.
Engineering juniorJess Peterson said
the tower looks "a bit strange."
"But it's also an architectural cam-
pus up here, so it's got an artsy-bitsy
flavor," Peterson said.
Music junior Katt Hernandez said
the tower serves to make North Campus
"more consolidated."
Engineering senior Simon Tan
agreed. He said the tower "symbolizes
the coming of age of North Campus."
"It's like a recognition of North Cam-
pus as being an integrated part of the
University by having its own bell
tower," Tan said.
Architectural and engineering experts
also said they are impressed with the
design of the tower.
"I think it's more of a sculpture than
a structure," said Raymond Parks, labor
foreman for Ellis-Don Construction, the
company commissioned to erect the
tower. "It's an extremely unique build-
ing - there is not another one like it in
the world."
David Bigelow, a staff member of the
civil engineering department, agreed.
He said the tower is "incredible."
"It's difficult to build due to its ir-
regularshape," Bigelow said. "It's been
a challenge to the construction com-
pany to build."
Kevin Thomsom, site superintendent
for Ellis-Don, estimates the tower will
be completed and ready to function by
He said all that is left to do is "erect
the bells and install the bricks and the
copper roof and siding."
"(The tower) is a sculptural master-
piece," said Robert Chance, assistant
University architect. It would be the
"focal point ofNorth Campus," he added.
A formal dedication of the tower is
scheduled to take place at 9 p.m. on Oct.
17. The ceremony will include perfor-
mances by the University Symphony
Band, with Halsted playing the caril-
lon, as well as a light show.


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Rape defendant
faces DNA irony
HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. - Kerry Kotler
cried tears ofjoy when he was freed after
11 years in prison for rape, becoming one
of the first convicts in the United States to
be liberated by DNA technology.
Now the very weapon that Kotler
used to gain his freedom will be used
against him.
The reason: Last week, four years
after being released from prison,
Kotler was charged with another rape.
DNA tests matched him to semen
found on the victim's clothing, pros-
ecutors say.
The victim, a 20-year-old college stu-
dent, was raped in August after being
forced off a Long Island highway by a
man posing as a police officer. She gave
police a partial license plate number and
adescription of the attacker's car. It turned
out to belong to Kotler's girlfriend.
Five unique DNA markers from the
semen matched markers from Kotler's
blood, and the odds that the semen
came from someone other than Kotler
are just 1 in 7.5 million, prosecutor


Randy Hinrichs said. Also, dog hairs on
the victim's clothing matchedhairs from
Kotler's German shepherd found in his
girlfriend's car, investigators said.
Kotler is free on $25,000 bail. He
could get up to 50 years in prison if
convicted of rape and kidnapping.
Measle cases hit al
time U.S. low in 19
ATLANTA - Doctors reported just
301 cases of measles in the United States
in 1995, the lowest number since the
governmentbegankeepingcountin 1912.
The number of cases plummeted
from 963 in 1994, the Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention said yes-
terday. The CDC attributed the sharp
decline to more school-age child n
getting a second dose of vaccine. W
Between April 1994 and March 1995,
33 percent to 50 percent of school-age
children received the recommended
second dose of measles-mumps-rubella
vaccine, the CDC said.
About 39 percent of lastyear's patients
were 20 or older, 22 percent were 5 to 19,
and 38 percent were younger than 5.


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Attack on hotel kills
18; may be a case of
mistaken identity
CAIRO, Egypt - In an attack that
may have been a case of mistaken iden-
tity, three men opened fire with
submachine guns yesterday at a hotel
near the pyramids, killing 18 Greeks on
a pilgrimage to Christian holy sites.
Seventeen people were wounded.
Police blamed Muslim insurgents for
the attack, the deadliest in their four-year
campaign to overthrow the largely secu-
lar government.
There was no immediate claim of
responsibility, but the insurgents have
targeted tourists in the past to'cripple
Egypt's vital tourism industry.
Police officials said they were inves-
tigating whether the gunmen mistook
the Greeks for Israelis, who are known
to frequent the hotel. Israel'sbombard-
ment of Lebanon this week has out-
raged much of the Muslim world.
As with the dead, all but one of the 17
wounded- an Egyptian parking atten-
dant - were Greek tourists, most of

them elderly. Three of them were hos-
pitalized in critical condition.
The attack began at about 7 a.m. as
the tourists, part ofan 88-member group
traveling from Athens, were about tc
board a bus outside the Europa Hotel or
Pyramids Road.
Former foes fail to
meet deadline
SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Despite honest efforts to comply
Bosnia's former warring parties wil
miss by weeks a deadline to pull back
soldiers and heavy weapons, a spokes
person for the NATO-led peace force
said yesterday.
Under the U.S.-brokered peace ac
cord, the parties had a 12a.m. deadlin
last night to withdraw 150,000 soldier
to their barracks and move 800 tanks
1,300 artillery pieces and thousands o
mortars and anti-aircraft weapons t<
storage sites.
Another 150,000 soldiers, made ul
of troops from all three sides, are to b
- From Daily wire semi
# M 1

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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is publisned Monday tnrougn riday during thef Tal and winter terms oy
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Christian Reformed Campus Ministry
1236 Washtenaw Ct. 668-7421/662-2404
Pastor: Rev. Don Postema
SUNDAY: 10 a.m, Worship
6 p.m. Meditative worship for Easter
WEDN ESDAY; 9:30-10:45 p.m:
University Student Group
Join us for conversation, fun, snacks
Lutheran Campus Ministry (ELCA)
801 S. Forest (at Hill), 668-7622
Sunday Worship 10 a.m.
Wednesday Evening Prayer 7 p.m.
Thurs. Study/Discussion 7 p.m.
Friday Free Movies 7 p.m
Contemporary worship services at.
9:00 am and 12 Noon on Sundays.
Bible study for students at 9:00 am
and 10:30 am 2580 Packard Road.

NEWS Amy Klein, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Tim O'Connell, Megan Schimpf, Michelle Lee Thompson, Josh White.
STAFF: Patience Atkin, Erena Baybik. Cathy Boguslaski. Matt Buckley, Jodi Cohen, Melanie Cohen, Lisa Dines. Sam T. Dudek,
Jeff Eldridge, Kate Glickman, Lisa Gray, Jennifer Harvey. Stephanie Jo Klein, Marisa Ma, Laurie Mayk. Heather Miller, Rajal
Pitroda, Anupama Reddy. Alice Robinson, Matthew Smart, Ann Stewart, Carissa Van Heest, Christopher Wan, Katie Wang; Will
Weissert, Maggie Weyhing.
CALENDAR: Matt Buckley.
EDITORIAL Adrienne Janney, Zachary M. Raimi, Editors
STAFF Kate Epstein, Niraj R. Ganatra, Ephraim R. Gerstein, Joe Gigliotti, Keren Kay Hahn, Katie Hutchins. Chris Kaye. Jim
Lasser, Erin Marsh, Brent McIntosh. Trisha Miller, Steven Musto, Paul Serilla, Jordan Stancil, Ron Steiger, Jason Stoffer, Jean
Twenge, Matt Wimsatt.
SPORTS Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Managing Editor
EDITORS: John Leroi. Brent McIntosh, Barry Solienberger.
STAFF: Donald Adamek, Paul Barger, Nancy Berger, Susan Dann, Darren Everson, John Friedberg, Jiten Ghelani, Alan
Goldenbach. James Goldstein, Jeremy Horelick, Jennifer Houdilik, Chaim Hyman, Kevin Kasiborski, Andy Knudsen. Marc
Lightdale, Will McCahill. Chris Murphy, Sharat Raju:.Pranay Reddy, Jim Rose, Michael Rosenberg, Danielle Rumore, Richard
Shin, Mark Snyder, Dan Stillman, Doug Stevens, Ryan White.
ARTS Dean Bakopoulos, Joshua Rich, Editors
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Kari Jones, Elan Stavros.
SUB-EDITORS: Melissa Rose Bernardo (Theater), Brian A. Gnatt (Music), Jennifer Petlinski (Film), Ted Watts (Fine Arts).
James Wilson (Books).
STAFF: Colin Bartos. Eugene Bowen, Jennifer Buckley, Neal C. Carruth. Christopher Corbett, Jeffrey. Dinsnmore, Tim Furlong.
Fse Harwin, Emily Lambert, Bryan Lark. Kristin Long. Elizabeth Lucas, James Miller. Greg Parker. Heather Phares, Ryan Posly,
Michael Rosenberg, Dave Snyder, Prashant Tamaskar, Alexandra Twin, Kelly Xintaris, Michael Zilberman.
PHOTO Mark Friedman, Jonathan Lurie, Editors
STAFF: Josh Biggs, Jennifer Bradley-Swift. Tonya Broad, Diane Cook, Nopporn Kichanantha, Margaret Myers, Stephanie Grace
Lim, Elizabeth Lippman, Kristen Schaefer. Sara Stillman, Joe Westrate, Warren Zinn.
COPY DESK Elizabeth Lucas, Edito
STAFF: Matthew Benz, Amy Carey, Jodi Cohen, Lili Kalish, Jill Litwin, Heather Miller, Matt Spewak.
ONLINE Scott Wilcox, Editor
STAFF: Dennis Fitzgerald. Jeffrey Greenstein, Charles Harrison, Travis Patrick, Victoria Salipande, Matthew Smart, Joe
Westrate, Anthony Zak.

The iauhole
Brooklyn Funk Essential
anI WlbetA NetThe Hanusnettes,
Anh' BluaeROTC

DISPLAY SALES Dan Ryan, Manage
STAFF: Shavannia Anderson-Williams, Chris Barry. Mary Coles, Alexis Costinew, Bryan Freeman. Stephanie Hu, Keith Litwin,
Iran Naui, Dana Reichman, Emily Shapiro, Marcy Sheiman, Kristen Shuster, Tracy Sinclair, Bekah Sirrine. Mike Spector; 2c


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