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April 19, 1996 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-04-19

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The Michigan Daily --Friday, April 19, 1996 -3

,.$20K computer
The University's Department of In-
ternal Medicine reported to DPS on
Tuesday that more than $20,000 worth
ofcomputer equipment was stolen from
their offices on Clark Road.
DPS reported the following stolen
M three 586-speed computers with a
-ombined value of $12,900;
a desk-top copy machine valued at
M a Hewlett Packard laser printer
&orth $2,500, and
Pa 286-speed computer worth $300.
According to DPS reports, there were
no signs of forced entry at the facility
and no serial numbers were obtained
from the stolen equipment.
DPS has no suspects in the thefts.
Numerous thefts
4Iague 'U' hospital
,According to Wednesday's DPS
records, several thefts have been re-
ported at Mott Children's Hospital.
Staff members and employees at the
hospital called DPS multiple times to
report missing supplies and goods.
DPS reported that between April 5
and April 17 items were taken from a
laboratory in the hospital.
Among the goods stolen were $110
in cash, approxiamtely 50 postage
*tamps, a heavy-duty dishpan and five
yellow markers
DPS is investigating the string of
East Hall employee
receives death threat
DPS received a call from a Univer-
sity employee Monday concerning
threatening calls from a former staff
The caller works at East Hall, for-
merly known as East Engineering.
He advised that an ex-employee
called him and threatened to shoot
him after the caller leaves work for
the day.
D.-PS investigated the matter and dis-
covered a long-standing feud between
the men.
Officers advised both individuals to
void contact with one another.
Computer memory
chips stolen
A very selective computer thief has
frequented the School of Education at
least 13 times in the past year.
DPS reported this week that 13 com-
puters at the School of Education were
each stripped of 8 megabytes of RAM.
Nothing else was taken from the ma-
The memory chips were reportedly
stolen over the past year, DPS re-
Bicycles stolen,
With nice weather finally returning
to Ann Arbor, the number of bibycle
riders has increased. So has the number
[bike thefts.
l .Two bikes have been reported stolen

since Monday, and six others were re-
portedly vandalized.
A $600 men's mountain bike was
taken from the bike racks behind Mosher-
Jordan residence hall and a children's
bike was stolen at Northwood V.
Six other bikes were damaged at a
bike rack next to South Quad when
taint was dropped from an open win-
dow above, DPS reported.
Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Sam T Dudek.

rafter talks
to ne
By Katie Wang
Daily Staff Reporter
The University's newly formed Cu-
ban American Student Association
hosted its first event at the William
Monroe Trotter House lastnight. Carlos
Solis, vice presidentofCasa Del Balsero
and Helping Brother - organizations
that assist Cuban political refugees -
spoke about the importance of helping
refugees adjust to the United States.
"The people on the Cuban island
count on you," Solis said. "We have
faith that Cuba is going to change.,..
Cubans in Cuba will help the change
and you guys here will help them."
Solis was detained for 10 years in a
Cuban prison for his philosophical be-
liefs. After he was released in 1979, he
immigrated to the United States and
began to help Cubans who fled the
country escape the "political oppres-
sion" of Fidel Castro's regime.
"In Cuba, you only say you want
freedom and they shoot you the next
morning," he said. "Any Cuban caught
collecting arms to overthrow Castro
will be put in jail."
Solis said that afterCastro's reign ends,
he has faith Cuba will be "free and happy."
Although thousands of Cubans flee
Cuba for the United States every year,
only one out of four survive the journey.
Casa Del Balsero was formed after the
destruction caused by Hurricane Andrew
in 1992. It is a temporary 45-day home for
people lacking family support. Balseros,
Cubans who arrive in the United States in
rafts, were initially provided with food,
furniture and medicine. Although the
organization's headquarters is stationed
in Miami, there is an influx of Balseros
arriving through Texas, Louisiana and
West Palm Beach, Fla., as well.

Students, faculty
arrested at
newspaper rally

From Staff and Wire reports
DETROIT - About four dozen pro-
testers, including Michigan Federation
of Teachers President Rollie Hopgood
and other educators, were arrested yes-
terday at a newspaper strike protest that
blocked side entrances to The Detroit
News building.
It was the sixth protest organized by
the community group Readers United
in which arrests were planned to draw
attention to the nine-month strike.
About 300 people were present at the
protest and 47 were arrested, Detroit
police said. About two dozen protesters
blocked the building's side entrances
for about 90 minutes.
Frank Thomp-
son, a lecturer in
the ResidentialI
College, said the b
protest was held to
show that the edu- to show
cation community
supported the cumorf I
striking workers.
"The Detroit
Newspaper Ra
Agency has con-
sistently refused to
negotiate in good faith," Thompson said.
Rackham second-year student Mikael
Elsila said he was one of six University
students arrested at the protest. He said
he was in a group that was sitting in
front of a garage door at The Detroit
News building.
"The bus the scab workers ride to the
parking lot comes out of the garage we
blocked," Elsila said.
Some of the protesters, most of whom
were educators, held up a "report card"
for the News and the Detroit Free Press
showing F's in reading, writing, math-
ematics, civics and classroom behavior.
Among those arrested on disorderly
conduct charges were Bertha Poe, secre-
tary-treasurerofthe Michigan State AFL-
CIO, Steve Babson, program coordinator

at the Wayne State University Labor Stud-
ies Center, Irv Bluestone, a professor at
the center, Geraldine Hill, a program co-
ordinator at the center and Elise Bryant, a
program coordinator at the University of
Michigan Labor Studies Center.
Readers United said those arrested
included professors from Wayne State
and the University of Michigan and
representatives of the American Asso-
ciation of University Professors and the
Michigan Education Association.
Elsila said that even though he was
arrested, he would protest again.
"It was a symbolic gesture to show
our support," he said. "I would be will-
ing to be arrested again."

- Mikael Elsila
3ckham student

Rackham sec-
ond-year student
Eric Fink agreed.
thing to do," Fink
said. "Twenty-six
hundred people
are out on strike
with families to
feed. We wanted
to show that we

Carlos Solis, vice president of the Helping Brother Foundation, speaks to the
Cuban American Student Association last night.

LSA junior Roberto Pando spent his
spring break working with Casa Del
Balsero through Project Serve's Alter-
native Spring Break program.
"Some of (the Balseros) are scared
- it's not easy for them to come here,"
Pando said. "But they feel relieved ...
they have the idea that they get to the
U.S. and they are free."
Pando worked in a warehouse that dis-
tributes food and clothing to the Balseros.
RC senior Dana McAllister said last
night's lecture was important forevery-
one, not only Cuban Americans.

"When the U.S. restricts the number
of immigrants, people are still going to
come by any means," McAllister said.
"As Americans we can be more con-
scious of how policies that Congress
and the Senate make affect American
CASA President Jessica Hernandez,
an Art junior, said she started the orga-
nization to educate the University about
Cuban culture.
-There are a lot of things people
don't know (about Cubans) that's mis-
represented by the media," she said.

supported them.
Fink said that
being arrested did not worry him.
"The charges are very small," he said.
The charge is a misdemeanor, which
carries a $50 fine or 90 days in jail,
said Detroit Police Officer Allene Ray.
Those arrested were ticketed and re-
Hopgood said his daughter is a striking
worker. He said he felt it was importaotto
be present, as a teacher, to educate people
about the strike and the need for a peace-
ful resolution leading to a contract.
Tim Kelleher, senior vice president
for labor relations for Detroit Newspa-
pers Inc., called yesterday's protest
worse than others because educators
were involved.
-Daily Staff Reporter Sam T. Dudek
contributed to this report.

Engineers design perfect poefry in
contest geared for creativity

By Erena Baybik
Daily Staff Reporter
The Roger M. Jones Poetry Contest
for Engineering students shows that en-
gineering and liberal arts can intertwine.
The contest provides a creative out-
let for engineering students.
Roger Jones, who died in 1977, was
a University humanities professor in
the College of Engineering. "He was so
devoted to his work that if he lacked
enough students to fill his classes, he
would hold them anyway," said Cathy
Mellet, director of
for the College of thin,
Melletsaid30out are o e
of 6,000 students
usually participate ready to
in the contest each
year. This year's the ster
winners include En-
gineering senior
Brandon Driscoll, Poetr
University alums
Sara Middleton and Christine Setl, and
Engineering sophomore Chanda Spence.
The annual poetry contest, sponsored
by the Roger M. Jones Fund, attempts
to eliminate the misconception that
Engineering students have no appre-
ciation for the fine arts. "I think people
are often too ready to accept the stereo-
types - this poetry contest shows that
there are Engineering students who can
write creatively," Spence said.
One of the contest's goals is to pro-
vide Engineering students with a way to

express themselves in writing, because
many of the other writing contests on
campus are centered around the English
department. "I wanted to enter the
Hopwood, but you have to be taking a
writing course to enter," Driscoll said.
'In general, there are a lot of require-
ments on the Hopwood, so it ends up
keeping a lot of students from entering."
The Hopwood Award is a creative
writing contest for undergraduates af-
filiated with the English department.

This contest allows Engineering stu-
dents to branch out into other fields. i
think Engineering should put a couple of
liberal arts classes in as Engineering re-
quirements - it would help balance out
the Engineering program," Spence said.
LSA sophomore and English concen-
trator Mary Jane Wagg said she believes
the Jones contest will awaken engineers
to the fine arts. I know the school of
Engineering to be very career-oriented
and I think anything that will encourage
well-roundedness in the students at any
college in the University is a good thing
- every student seems to think that his/
her major is the best and that can lead to

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Students said one
'k people
- Chanda Spence
y contest winner
can't hack anything

problem with the
Jones contest is its
ten prospective
entrants learn
about it late ornot
at all. "I didn't
know it existed
but I think it's a
good idea, be-
cause most
people think en-
gineers are all
math and they
with words," said

Engineering sophomore Sam Morris.
Driscoll said a lot of Engineering stu-
dents he knows do not like to write. "This
is a good way to get Engineering students
more interested in the arts," he said.
Lisa Richardson, a coordinator for this
year's contest, said it is rare to find some-
one who can excel in both disciplines.
Morris also believes many students
choose engineering because it is one of
their interests, not because it is their
only interest.

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What's happening in Ann -Arbor this weekend
FRIDAY Europeand Russia," sponsored sored by Kiwanis Club of Ann
Sb AmnestyyInternational,omeeting, Gbyopuz, Post-Soviet Studies Arbor, Kiwanis Activity Center,
all Ametyomnernat4-onal,Meing,- Group of the American Anthro- corner of Washington and First
all welcome, 764-7027, Michi pological Association, and Streets, 9 a.m.-12 noon
gan Union, Crofoot Room, 7:30 CREES Cultural Studies Group, J "Sorority Flag Football Tourna-
pm. Rackham Assembly Hall, ses- ment to aid SAFEhouse," spon-
Q Archery Club, meeting, 930- sions all day, call 764-0351 for sored by Kappa Sigma frater-
0819, Sports Coliseum, 5:30-7 details nity and Alpha Chi Omega so-
p.m. J Taekwondo Club, beginners and rority, Fuller Field, 9 a.m.-4
Center for Russian and East Eu- other new members welcome, p.m.
ropean Studies, end-of-year 747-6889, CCRB, Room 2275,
party, Rackham, 4th Floor As- 7-8:30 p.m.
sembly Hall, 6-8 p.m. , "The Griswolds," blues perfor- SUNDAY
A "Coffeeshops of Amsterdam," mance, sponsored by Pierpont U "Annual Potawatomi Trail Hike,"
Ton Beekman, sponsored by Commons Arts and Programs, sponsored by Sierra Club Hu-
etherlan dsAmerica niversity Pierpont Commons, Leonardo's, ron Valley Group, carpool
LeagueIntrnatonapevening hours leaves City Hall Parking Lot,
Room 9, 7:30 p.m. biglnh ~
* "Creating Television Comedy bring lunch, 8 a.m.
h"Cre g Tlmevlsaion" oondy J "Dell Dinner in the Dorms," free
Through Improvisation." span- CATIrnonAv ,ZA-- .--,-- ._, r


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