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April 19, 1996 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-04-19

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Tonight: Cloudy, rain likely.
low around 540.
Tomorrow: Partly sunny,
chance of rain, high of 750.

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One hundredfive years of editori l freedom

April 19, 1996

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looks to cut
Aaurle May
DI ily Staf Reporter
A bill banning preferential treat-
ment in the selection process for state
universities and educational programs
made its way to the Michigan State
House Judiciary Committee yesterday.
Sponsored by State Rep. Penny
Crissman (R-Rochester), the bill takes
a stand against what legislators call
t-norming," altering test results on
t basis of religion, race, color,
national origin or sex.
Crissman said Rep. Roland Jersevic
(R-Saginaw) testified last week that
Saginaw State University uses this
method in its point system for admissions.
"They're changing the results of
tests and I don't think that's fair,"
Crissman said.
The bill is one of three proposals
referred to the House Judiciary
~nrmittee yesterday. All three pro-
p als ask for limitations to types of
affirmative action programs.
State Rep. David Jaye (R-
Washington Twp.), who sponsored one
of the bills, said his experience at the
University sparked his frustration with
affirmativeaction programs.
"It was 20years ago this year thatI
was a freshman at the University of
Michigan when I was confronted with
0 racist and sexist minority scholar-
ship programs at the University of
Michigan," Jaye said.
Student tuition at the University
would drop with the elimination of
affirmative action programs, Jaye said.
Minority preferences for contracting
and other University projects currently
supercedes economic interests, he said.
State Rep. Mary Schroer (D-Ann
Arbor), a member of the subcommit-
that heard testimony on the bills in
t last few months, said she support-
ed the Crissman bill because "it's
already current federal law under the
Civil Rights Act of 1991."
The provisions stated in the bill are
included in federal law, except for the
clause detailing the limitations of uni-
versity admissions.
Schroer said the Crissman bill does
not put forth the anti-affirmative action
*tude of the other two proposals and
would allow for other forms of diversi-
ty insurance such as special outreach
and geography-sensitive programs.
"This should deter the quest for
diversity," Schroer said.
Associate Vice President for University
relations spokesperson Lisa Baker said
eventual passage of the Crissman bill-
would not affect the University because it
does not use the "test-norming" system.
However, the University will continue to
*ow federal guidelines, she said.
"There is a fundamental committ-
ment to diversity at the University of
Michigan in developing a multicultur-
al staff and student body and that's not
going to change" Baker said.
Cynthia Wilbanks, associate vice pres-
ident for government relations, said the
legislation is at too early a stage in the
law-making process to be a great concern.
0 -- Daily S4aff Reporter Stephanie Jo
Klein contributed to this report.

Matlock charged in CCRB incident

By Sam T. Dudek
Daily Staff Reporter
John Matlock, director of the Office
of Academic and Multicultural
Initiatives, was charged yesterday with
attempted resisting arrest and assault
and battery.
The charges stem from a Feb. 17
incident between Matlock and two
Department of Public Safety officers.
In February, Matlock was arrested by
the officers when he attempted to enter
the Central Campus Recreation
Building to officiate a charity basket-
ball contest.
After he was taken into custody for
assaulting an officer, Matlock claimed
that DPS officers had arrested him
without justification and that their
actions were racially motivated.
The Michigan State Police conclud-
ed, after a two-month investigation, that
the arrest was lawful and justifiable.
If found guilty on the charges,
Matlock could face up to 15 months in
prison and $1,500 in fines.
Dick Soble, Matlock's attorney, said

his client will likely appear in court
early next week to face the charges
against him.
"We will voluntarily appear in court
and the judge will notify Mr. Matlock
of the charges," Soble said. "He will
plea 'not guilty."'
Soble said a pre-
trial hearing date
will likely be deter-
mined next week.
"We are opti-
mistic once all the
facts are presented
that he will be
found innocent,"
he said.
Associate Vice
Matlock President for
University Rel-
ations Lisa Baker said, "It is an unfor-
tunate event and we are sorry it ever
occurred. The whole thing is very
"John Matlock has been a highly
valued and respected member of the
University community," Baker said.

She said Matlock will continue to
serve the University.
"As of now he is performing his
duties well," Baker said. "John has
been fulfilling his duties all along."
Baker said that should Matlock be
convicted, it would then be up to his
supervisors to decide whether to ter-
minate his, employment with the
Matlock's supervisor, Vice Provost
for Academic and Multicultural
Affairs Lester Monts, said Matlock's
job is secure at this time.
"I am fully supportive of John
Matlock," Monts said. "He has a stel-
lar record at U-M."
Monts would not speculate about
Matlock's future at the University in
the case of a conviction.
Provost J. Bernard Machen said he
shared Monts's admiration for Matlock.
"He has many years of outstanding
service to the University," Machen said.
"I believe the legal system will find both
parties were not at fault and that this was
simply an unfortunate incident."

Baker said the University is looking
toward the future.
"The Police Grievance Board is
looking to improve policies and proce-
dures," she said.
Specific areas the board is investi-
gating include how events are staffed
and crowd control procedures. An
over-capacity crowd was present at the
Feb. 17 event.
DPS spokesperson Elizabeth Hall
said crowd-control is more efficient
when it is planned ahead.
"In general, the better you plan for
an event, the less chance there is of
something going wrong," she said.
Hall refused to comment on the spe-
cific incident that led to Matlock's
On Feb. 17, Matlock was arrested at
the CCRB, where an annual Black
Volunteer Network basketball tourna-
ment was already underway. Before
Matlock's arrival, DPS officers had
been called by the CCRB manager to
help control the crowd at the sold-out

History of Events
Feb. 17: OAMI Director John
Matlock is arrested at a
charity basketball
event at the CCRB
for assaulting a
DPS officer.
He claims the arrest is><..
unjustified and racially motivated.
Feb. 18: The University turns the
investigation over to the Michigan
State Police.
April 18: The State Police investi-
gation concludes that the Feb. 17
arrest was justified.
Matlock is charged with attempt-
ed resisting arrest and assault
and battery.
Next week: Matlock is expected
to appear before a district judge.
The date for the pre-trial hearing is
scheduled to.be set at this time.

Israeli shells hit
UN. compound

Artillery slams into
building filled with
refugees, killing 90
The Washington Post
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Israeli
artillery shells, fired in retaliation for a
rocket barrage, slammed into a U.N.
compound filled with hundreds of
refugees near Tyre in southern
Lebanon yesterday, killing about 90
people, many of them women and chil-
dren, and wounding at least 100.
The blasts of several- 155mm
artillery shells turned the shelter into a
bloody nightmare of dismembered
bodies. Lebanese camera teams record-
ed gruesome images of dead children
being zipped into body bags, grief-
stricken parents, and hospital floors
slick with blood. U.N. relief workers
cried and hugged each other for sup-
port as they went about their tasks.
An older man pounded his temples
and wailed, "God, why did they do this
to us? Why did they do this to us? Oh
my God. Oh my God."
"I couldn't count the bodies,"
Mikael Lindvall, a U.N. official who
visited the compound shortly after the
attack, said in an interview. "There
were babies without heads. There were
people without arms and legs."
The attack marked a turning point in
Israel's eight-day-old air and artillery
campaign in Lebanon, which until now
has enjoyed nearly unbridled support
from the Israeli public as well as from
the Clinton administration in
President Clinton, on arrival in St.
Petersburg, Russia, called on both
sides to observe an immediate cease-
fire, saying it has become "painfully
clear" the border conflict must end.

U.S. officials announced Secretary of
State Warren Christopher will travel to
the Middle East on Saturday, breaking
off from Clinton's traveling party in
Russia in a peacekeeping attempt.
Prime Minister Shimon Peres of
Israel, responding to Clinton's call in a
CNN interview, said Israel is ready to
implement a cease-fire immediately if
Hezbollah also agrees to halt its rocket
attacks against Israeli soldiers in south-
ern Lebanon and towns in Israel. "I
think we can negotiate a solution or an
agreement without shooting at each
other," Peres said. "There is no need for
fire in order to reach an agreement."
There was no immediate response
from Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed
political party and militia that draws
most of its membership from
Lebanon's Shiite Muslims.
The shelling at the U.N. installation
instantly compounded the price Lebanese
civilians have paid during Israel's inten-
sive wave of assaults, designed to punish
Hezbollah guerrillas for their attacks on
Israeli troops in an Israeli-occupied por-
tion of southern Lebanon and their cross-
border rocketing of towns in Israel's
northern Galilee region.
In a separate incident yesterday
morning near the southern Lebanese
market town of Nabatiyah, an Israeli air
attack killed II people, including a
mother, her 4-day-old baby and six
other children, according to Lebanese
news reports. The death toll from the
Israeli campaign now stands at about
150, most of them Lebanese civilians,
according to unofficial U.N. and
Lebanese estimates. The guerrilla rock-
et attacks have injured about 50 Israelis,
but no one has been killed in Israel.
Israeli officials expressed regret for
yesterday's shelling but blamed the
tragedy on guerrillas from Hezbollah.

Under the baton
Top: The Israeli Philharmonic orchestra practices in an
empty Hill Auditorium yesterday. They also performed a
concert last night under tight security
Right: Zubin Meta conducts the Israeli Philharmonicr
orchestra yesterday.
Above: Orchestra members follow the motions of
Meta's baton as they play.
Photos by WARREN ZINN/Daily

First sounds
ring ford
from Noid
By Christopher Wan
Daily Staff Reporter
Studfents, staff and faculty members on
North Campus cheered as the Bourdon bell
rang for the first time from the top of the Ann
and Robert H. Lurie Tower and Carillon yes-
Many watched as the bell, the largest of a
of 60 carillon bells, was raised, along with
an "M" flag, to the 165-foot structure. A sec-
ond bell was installed shortly after.
University carillonneur and Music Prof.
Margo Halsted said she believes this to be the
mOst significant carillon installation in this
country in decades.

speaker choice
upsets students
By Jodi Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
Since the news that Spelman College President Johnnetta
Cole will speak at this year's commencement ceremonies,
many students have complained about her perceived lack of
national visibility.
Kinesiology senior Brett Cooper expressed his disap-
pointment to the University Board of Regents during the
public comments session yesterday.
"Upon hearing the name Johnnetta Cole, my reaction
was, 'Who?,"' Cooper told the board. 'I am sure there are
many more prestigious candidates that would love to come
speak at a prestigious university such as ours."
Cole is the first black female president of Spelman, a lib-
eral arts college in Atlanta with an enrollment of 2,000. She
ic ne of the ix nennle who. nendini annroval of the board

By Kate Glickman
Daily Staff Reporter
Saturday evening, women and
children will march the streets
of Ann Arbor rallying against
rape and violence in the 17th
annual "Take Back the Night
Sponsored by The Ann Arbor
Coalition Against Rape, speakers
and - participants will gather at 7
p.m. at the County Parking Lot on
the corner.of Catherine Street and
Fourth Avenue.
"The goal is to bring awareness
to violence against women and
women's oppression. This incorpo-
rates economic oppression, sexual
oppression, as well as racism that
women face," said Dorsia Smith, a

A crane hoists the second carillon bell into the Robert H. Lurie Tower and Carillon yesterday. The
new bell tower, located at the center of North Campus, will chime hourly.

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