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April 13, 1995 - Image 24

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-04-13
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The Michigan Daily -

Quotes of the Year
"It was a good college hockey game."
- Hockey coach Red Berenson after
each and every game
"We just haven't fought the fight."-
Ray Jackson early in the Michigan
basketball season
"I go down there real fast and try to
kill the guy. I try to hurt him real bad.
I try to knock his head off. He should
know from watching film of me that
he shouldn't be out there running
kickoffs back." - Walter Smith on
his life philosophy
"The first time I saw him ... I
thought, 'good God almighty this kid
can play."'- William Carter; Henry
Ford High School basketball coach,
on thefirst time he saw Maurice Tay-
lor play

"I told Travis that he better hope that
the NCAA has changed its rules to al-
low players to wear hats on the court."
- B.J. Sohn, Assistant Michigan
Sports Information Director on guard
Travis Conlan's NCAA Tournament
hair cut
"He's bad." -
swimmer Tom
Dolan on rapper
"They knew
what they were
doing. We knew
what we were
Berenson doing. They just
caught it." -
Football coach Gary Moeller after
Colorado's Hail Mary miracle
"The coach called this so-called play.
It worked." - Colorado quarterback
Kordell Stewart after the same play

The best ...

Ray Jackson. Senior led the men's
basketball team in points and assists.
The ice hockey team won its second
straight CCHA regular season title
and advanced to the NCAA's final
four for the third
time in four *

Men's swim-

Michigan freshman Maurice Taylor and senior Ray Jackson celebrate
Jackson being honored as the school's best athlete.

Near ""la"
National Championship
Women's swimming.
Indidvidual performance:
Tom Dolan's three American-records
at the NCAA Swimming Champion-
The women's basketball team eclips-
ing its Big Ten win total from the pre-
vious season. They won two confer-
ence games, improving by two.
Hokies pokey to NIT title
The worst ...
(tie) Michael Westbrook's Hail Mary
catch and Maine forward Dan
Shermerhorn's season-ending, triple-
overtime goal
The Athletic Department continuing
to force students to wait in the cold
for good seats at basketball games.
Site for an event:
Dayton, Ohio - home to the 1995
CAA Basketball Tournament Mi
West Regional.
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Five Underrated Albums
of the School Year
In no particular order of
1. Blur's "Parklife" is a postmodern
(but very definitely Mod) collage cel-
ebrating everything British. Basically,
that translates into rock-bottom sales
Stateside. A pity, really, since
"Parklife"'s varied songs have some-
thing for almost everyone. From the
futuristic disco of "Boys And Girls,"
the swoony chanteuse-pop of "To The
End," the strutting "Tracy Jacks," to
the friendly shuffle of the title track,
Blur proves they are clever stylists
that cut and paste from different eras.
Yet, they still manage to have a defi-
nite sound of their own. Even though
"Parklife" came out in late summer
of last year, it's definitely worth seek-
ing out. With their British brethren
(and sisters) Oasis and Elastica hit-
ting it big in the US, hopefully Blur's
next album (due out this summer) will
fall upon more receptive ears.
2. Echobelly's "Everybody's Got
One" was also a victim of poor tim-
ing; another British band with a po-
tentially successful sound that just
didn't catch the ear of the listening
public. Echobelly's multicultural take
on the Smiths and Blondie is both
thrilling and catchy, benefitting espe-
cially from singer songwriter Sonya-
Aurora Madan's smooth, clear so-
prano. Songs like "Father, Ruler,
King, Computer," "Insomniac" and
"Close ... But" are pop gems, but
alas, the band has yet to find a listen-
ing public in America.
3. Motocaster's "Stay Loaded" is a
very American, very rock n' roll
record, filled with hard, uncompro-
mising yet catchy rock along the lines
of Urge Overkill. Live, they're unbe-
lievable, with deafeningly loud gui-
tars and propulsive drumming. "Bud-
dha" and the title track of the album,
along with the rest of "Stay Loaded's"
songs, rock out and rock hard, but
very little press fanfare has accom-
panied this excellent record. Fortu-
nately, Motocaster are opening for
Royal Trux on April 28 at St.
Andrew's, so the band's diehard fans
(as well as the curious) can check
them out one more time.
4. Dee-lite's "Dewdrops in the Gar-
den" basically bellyflopped commer-
cially last summer. But this summer,
people should check it out for its in-
novative mix of funk, dance, and
ambient techno. Lady Kier's incred-
ibly sexy, rich voice humanizes all of
the samples and keyboards, produc-
ing songs like "Stay In Bed, Forget
the Rest," "Apple Juice Kissin',"
"Picnic In the Summertime," and
"Call Me," some of which groove la-
zily, some of which pack faster beats.
The talent and variety on "Dewdrops"
is exceptional, making it one of the

5. Finally, Compulsion's "Com-
forter" should have had the sucess
that Bush's "Sixteen Stone" did.
While both bands are British and are
"heavily influenced" by American
bands like Nirvana, Compulsion man-
ages to have sparks of originality
about both their sound and their style.
More punk than Green Day or Off-
spring, "Comforter" spans both harsh,
thrashy rockers like "I Am John's
Brain," and "Yancy Dangerfield's
Delusions" and softer numbers like
"Rick, Ricky, Dick and Dale." Singer
Josephmary's raw, raspy singing
voice also evokes years of grunge
past, but at least their "tributes" are
Best Use of Power Tools:
Jesse James Dupree and his band
Jackyl are power tool aficionados with
a chainsaw endorsement. Besides us-
ing the great saw on stage, Dupree's
mic stand is a real working shotgun that
he fires blanks from throughout the
show. Real redneck rock!

The Spin Doctors show at
Hill Auditorium
The concert was canceled because they
only sold five tickets. The disappoint-
ment part was that I wasn't able to
throw rotten eggs at Chris Barron and
those other wacky guys.
Worst idea for an album:
Duran Duran, "Thank You"
Duran Duran covering, among others,
Grandmaster Flash's "White Lines"
and Public Enemy's "911 is a Joke."
Yes, well, we're sure you're much
obliged, but shouldn't you be work-
ing on the soundtrack for the next
James Bond film?
Most Pissy Statement
About Kurt Cobain:
Courtney Love
"This is for that motherfucker," as she
smashed her guitar at the end of her
October set at St. Andrew's.

best dance albums in recent memory. Biggest Disappointment: Most Melancholy Con

The Fall at the Blind P
A world of hate the likes of
Reznor would never under
Distorted scouse shouting
droning Manchester jangle
singer Mark E. Smith vent
angst on the band itself, f
surly, strung-out guitarist B
rectly behind him on stage
ping the band mid-song if it i
disapproval. After the last s(
jumped off the stage and I
straight for the exit, never l
back. A shocking, stupefying
tifying evening.
Best World Wide Web
Internet Underground
Music Archive
Best Show Featuring 1
Most Overrated Albui
Pavement at St. Andre
Is "Crooked Rain, Crooked
a fine album - yes. Was it
the best albums of '94 - no. E


Don't ship your clothes home this spring. We'll store
your coats, jackets ... everything
with cleaning.
We'll keep it all 'till fall insured safely all summer long.


Deee-Lite's 'Dewdrops in the Garden' is a great summertime album.


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