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April 13, 1995 - Image 22

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-04-13
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8 - The Michigan Daily - Best of Ann Arbor - Thursday. April 13, 1995


The Michigan Daily -

Best Greasy Spoon:

Fleetwood Diner
Whether you're sitting at the counter
at 3a.m., or outside on a nice day, you
will definitely see why this place de-
fines the term "greasy spoon." It has
personality, style, charm.
Best Middle Eastern
Ali Baba
Daily Arts writer Benjamin Wayne
Ewy loves it. If you haven't eaten
there, you aren't as cool as he is.
Best Chinese Food:
Huge portions. Bonus: free tea while
you wait in a diner the size of this page.
Best Cookies:
Mrs. Peabody's
Peanut butter. Peanut Butter. Peanut
Butter. Cookies. Awwwww, yeah.
Best Korean Food:
Man, you don't even need to taste the
food, the outside says it all. Multi-
colored stripes ... it looks so fun. Like
the Korean Toys 'R Us.

Best Vegetarian Food:
Great food, great, cozy atmosphere.
Shop in the adjoining health-food
store. Visit the downstairs comedy
club. Order something with peanuts
if you're worried about not getting
enough protein, and stop whining.
Best Deli:
The rich man's Amer's. This certainly
is the right place if you (or your wal-
let) haven't had exercise in a while.
Best Sports Bar:
Touchdown Cafe
Get the same feeling of being jammed
into a crowded stadium, without the
luxury of fresh air and sunshine.
Best Breakfast:
If you can beat your way through the
throngs of patrons and actually get to
the "ordering food" part, you are in for
a breakfast like no other. The nectar
of the gods.
The Earle
No, not former Weekend columnist
Geoff Earle, but an elegant French and
Italian restaurant downtown.

After being named Best Greasy Spoon, the Fleetwood Diner is glowing with pride. MLLTV"N&*a"fy

Best Cafe:
Rendezvous Cafe
ft's like a coffee house with a juice bar.
In fact, it IS a coffee house with a juice
bar and one of Ann Arbor's few. If you
haven't been here yet, make sure to
plan a rendezvous sometime soon.
Best Take-out:
Located on East Liberty Street in the
downtown area, this chinese fast-food
restaurant is inexpensive, quick, good
and you receive a ton of food for the
money. No fortune cookies, but hey,
with the bargain combo deals, who
needs good luck?

Best Late-night Food:
Taco Bell
Run for the border and then run for
the toilet. But, hey, it's cheap, it's open
in the prime "hungry-for-anything"
time. You know,the type of place that
thrives in college towns.
Best Place for the Folks
to Take You:
Gandy Dancer
The brick-layed street outside tells you
that you have entered: The Gandy-
Zone. A place where time and space
and the value of the dollar have no
meaning... but the food certainly is
unmatched anywhere in Ann Arbor.

a I

Shidenr Organization Sccounts Service
[SONS] General fund Account Conversion

Best Romantic Evening:
Sweet Lorraine's
The portions aren't that big but they're
expensive. As long as your sweetheart's
paying, knock yourself out.
Best Dorm Cafeteria:
Paradox: there is no such thing as
good dorm food. Perhaps this cat-
egory should be re-titled "Most cre-
ative use of cheese, pasta, and chicken
Best Overall
Cottage Inn Restaurant
If the thick slices of pizza and huge
salads don't get you, the vines on the
wall will. Viva la atmosphere.
Best Overall Bar:
Everything you ever wanted is on tap
at Ashley's. Kick back in the comfort-
able pub atmosphere and sample the
beers of the world. You will stumble
home a cultured drunk.
"t5 Wat scores, highlights,
spe l events infozmta.
tion? W4' an here at your
fg t Want it fast?
2t, pro day, updated
eves hour.
Avg. call 5
only. Toucht4eKh
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Best plot line:
"The Fermata" by
Nicholson Baker
Man has the ability to stop time, so
he does what every red-blooded
American male would do with such
an awesome power: He looks up
women's dresses. Don't worry,
there's no sexual perversions beyond
Best Visiting Author:
Bret Easton Ellis
Hey, anybody who has to have a
bodyguard at their signings (out of
death threat fears) and inspires large
crowds might be more of a rock star
than an author, but Bret proved to be
extremely nice and unfazed by the lin-
gering "American Psycho" contro-
versy. Who cares that no one asked
about his new book?
Worst Timing for a
Visiting Author:
Bret Easton Ellis
The first Monday of classes? Come
on, Bret, wait a week next time and
give us a chance to see you.
Funniest Book:
"Strip Tease" by Carl
A murder mystery with strippers
sounds a little too graphic to be funny,
but Hiassen vehemently dissects male
sexuality and dirty politics. Best line:
Strip club bouncer Shad announces
he's quitting his job because "When
pussy gets dull it's time to move on."
Worst Attempt to Be
Supposedly there's a book entitled "A
Void" that doesn't use the letter "e."
Those zany French writers!
Great Author That Won't
Leave Us Alone:
Allen Ginsberg
Was there an event this guy didn't
come here for in the last year? We like
you Allen (except some disgruntled
Beat Generation students) but really,
howl somewhere else for a change.
Strangest Interview with
an Author:
Elizabeth Wurtzel
Two hours spent in her hotel room
watching the opening statements of
the O.J. trial. Nice, intelligent, funny
and attractive woman, but a little

Book Most Likely to
Change Your Life:
"Revelation X"
The third book from the Subgenius
Foundation proved that self-help is not
only possible, it can be entertaining
as well.
Best Gen X Magazine:
Get together some great writers in
California and rag on everything. Sec-
ond best: "The Nose." Get together
some great writers in California and
rag on everything. Notice a trend?

Worst Gen X Magazine /
Worst Magazine:
Ralph Lauren's kid wastes valuable
trees and destroys our generation by
pretending to represent us. Any maga-
zine that has an article written by a
member of the Spin Doctors should
send off warning lights.
Biggest Disappointment:
Gloria Steinem
She cancelled her appearance at the
Michigan. What a bitch. Disclaimer:
That's a joke. Really. Don't kill me.
Please. I like her, I really do.

Best Porno:
"Defending Pornogra
by Nadine Strossen

"Defending Pornography" w
. cellent attack on anti-sex f
and so-called "decency sta
written by one of the most in
people in the world. She's a
head of the ACLU, holds n
conferences, writes books ai
great interview. Plus, she s
our own Catherine MacKir
peatedly in her book; anyone
do this immediately wins
Potentially Worst M(
Be Made From A Bog
"Strip Tease"
Demi Moore is getting $12 m
this. The book had irony,
wicked sense of humor and s
know, just like "Disclosure"
Elmo's Fire."
Worst Book:
k f'"Prozac Nation" by
Elizabeth Wurtzel
If her book had one-tenth ti
of her personality, El
536 S. Forest Ave.
---------- !-- Your Own be(
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8 t

Beginning September 1, 1995, and running through September 30,
1996 SOAS General Fund (GF) Accounts will undergo a conversion. As a result
of this conversion, student organizations can either choose to convert their GF
account to what is now referred to as a "University Fund" account, or to close
the GF account and remove the funds. All accounts remaining after September
30, 1996 will automatically be converted into an SOAS Account (UF).
Open forums will be held to provide information, and answer questions on:
" March 30.1995. at 3pm-4pni.Michigan Union [Wolverine Room]
" April 11.1995.at 4pm-Spm.Michigan Union [Rnderson RIB Room]
" September 25.1995.at 4pm-Spm.Michigan Union [Wolverine Room]
" September 28.1995, at 3pm-4pm. Michigan Union [Wolverine Room]
If you have any questions, please feel free to stop by the SOAS office
or contact an SOAS Representative at 763-5767. Our office is open Monday
through Friday, 8am-5pm. We will be happy to serve you!


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