'U' to develop
dental materials
The University's Specialized Ma-
terials Science Center will use a $3.3-
llion federal grant to develop new
aterials for dental restoration.
"We'll be using the most advanced
types of materials used industrially to
produce new reconstructive materials,"
said Dentistry Prof. WilliamJ. O'Brien,
director of the center. Researchers will
look at improved materials to replace
the silver-mercury compound now used
for fillings.
Current fillings require removal of
#ood tooth enamel to allow the filling
to be anchored in place, and those
fillings may corrode overtime, O'Brien
said. Silver-mercury fillings do not look
like real tooth enamel, he said. O'Brien
added that there has been public con-
cern over the use of mercury in the
"There has been considerable in-
terest ... in the public toward aes-
jhetic dentistry," he said.
Researchers will focus on strength,
color and longevity strength of new
Journals to be digital
The University has received a
$700,000 grant from the Andrew W.
Mellon Foundation to create a digital
library for the social sciences and
Ten journals in economics and in
history will be scanned into a digital
format, allowing the documents to be
displayed, transferred or printed from
almost any computer on campus, said
Randall Frank, director for the Jour-
nal Storage Project.
"It lets you do what you do in a
physical library without leaving your
*iesk," Frank said. "You'll be able to
bring up a page as it would look."
Users will be able to search ap-
proximately 750,000 pages by key-
word or topic. Frank added that a user
will be able to print out pages.
Bad experiences
outweigh good
According to a University study,
olderpeoples' negative experiences may
outweigh their positive experiences.
Experiences such as being criti-
cized and being taken advantage of
afe more important in determining
how satisfied older people are with
their relationships, the study found.
"The findings suggest that it isn't
the amount of help older people re-
#eive from others that determines how
satisfied they are with their relation-
ships," said Neal Krause, a research
scientist at the University's Institute
of Gerontology. "Instead, their satis-
faction has more to do with the amount
of negative interactions they experi-
ence," he said in a written statement.
The study consisted of a national
survey of approximately 950 older
Americans. Participants were asked
Suestions about support from their
friends and family.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Matthew Smart
The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 1, 1995 - 3
Muslim students at 'U'
begin Ramadan today
Two clock faces on the Burton Tower display different times yesterday afternoon. The clock on the left, which
faces toward the Hatcher Graduate Library, stopped at 1:16. The other three faces were working properly.
Black History Month starts today
By Patience Atkin
For the Daily
Muslim students at the University
will begin today to celebrate Ramadan
- commemorating the first revela-
tions to the prophet Mohammed~
The monthlong holiday includes
a mandatory fast for all Muslims.
Those fasting may not eat or drink
from sunrise to sunset.
"Traditionally, fasting helps you
realize the plight of the poor and hun-
gry," said LSA sophomore Asif
Harsolia, executive board member of
the Muslim Students Association.
"When things are taken away from
you, you tend to value these more and
not take so much for granted."
Muslims must also make a dona-
tion, called a zakat, to be distributed
among the poor.
These activities, Harsolia said,
help Muslims to achieve the goals of
Ramadan. "The most important part
is to work on spiritual development.
The other things - fasting, praying
- get you into the right mindset."
To accommodate students who
rely on residence hall cafeterias for
their meals, the University will offer
an alternative meal option.
Muslim students observing the fast
must complete a Board Termination
Request form that is available at resi-
dence halls, the Entr6e Office and the
Housing Information Office. Muslim
students will receive a 70-percent re-
bate for the cost of the missed meals.
Students also have the option of
taking meals as sack lunches, so that
they can be eaten after sundown. Some
residence halls also have dining hours
that extend past sundown.
"University Housing wants to be
Ramadan Events
The following is a partial list of
student activities during
Ramadan. Please contact the
Muslim Students Association at
761-1167 for more information.
Feb. 2: dinner sponsored by Ann
Arbor Mosque
Feb. 9: dinner sponsored by the
MSAs of the University and UM-
Dearborn, Cedarland restaurant
Feb. 10: all-nighter at the CCRB,
10:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m.
Feb. 16: Muslim Brothers
Spiritual Retreat, Canton
March 9: Eid al-Fitr (Festival of
Fast-Breaking), Stockwell, Blue
Lounge, 7 p.m.
Daily: Muslim Students
Association sponsores
congregational prayers in the
Law Library at 1 p.m. and 4
p.m.. The Law Library and the
Medical Science library will also
be available for open prayer a
during regular hours.
supportive of students' special needs,
and this is one way we're able to help
Muslim students practice their faith,"
said Mary Perrydore, senior Housing
advisor. Perrydore added that the Uni-
versity offers the same kind of program
for Jewish students during Passover.
The Muslim Community Asso
ciation will provide free dinners to
Muslim students who need a place
to eat after sundown. The Muslims
Students Association will provide
free transportation to the off-cam
pus site.
By Christy Glass
Daily Staff Reporter
Black History Month, earmarked
as a time to celebrate the achievements
of Black Americans, begins today.
Michael Jones-Coleman, program
associate for the Office of Academic
and Multicultural Affairs, said the of-
fice has an impressive schedule of
events planned. "We are very excited
about all of the events for Black His-
tory Month," he said.
Last night, Asa G. Hillard, an urban
education professor at Georgia State
University, gave the keynote address,
titled "The Bell Curve: Fact or Myth?"
at the Michigan Union Ballroom.
Jane Elliott is scheduled to present
an experiment and speech titled "Eye of
the Storm" at 7 p.m. today in the
Rackham Amphitheater. Elliott is the
creator of the brown eye-blue eye ex-
periment. She began the experiment
with a group of third-graders shortly
after the assassination of Martin Luther
King Jr. The experiment is designed to
make subjects feel inferior or superior
based on their color of their eyes.
The experiment "helps people to
understand what it is to be a minority
within the majority," said Lisa Dupree,
a member of the national society of
Black engineers, which is sponsoring
the event.
University alum and state Sen.
Alma Wheeler Smith (D-Ann Arbor)
Additional Black History Month Events
Feb. 2: talk by Sister Souljah
on her book, "No
Disrespect," Border's Books
and Music, second
floor, 7:30 p.m.
Feb. 3: 1995 Zora
Neale Hurston
Lecture, Geneva
Rackham, 7 p.m.
Feb. 6: "Living for the City:
Race, Gender and
Eceonomic Equality," brown
bag lecture, West
Engineering Building,
Hayden Lounge, 12:15 p.m.
Feb. 8: Ann Arbor African American
Fair, Michigan Union Ballroom, 10
a.mA p.m.
t. Feb. 10: "Black
Studies at the
F tviewing and
discussion, West
Engineering Building,
Hayden Lounge, 4 p.m.
Feb. 16: "Warrior Marks,"
discussion with director
Pratibha Parmar, Chemistry
Building, Room 1300, 7 p.m.
will speak as part of the month's
events. Smith is the first Black state
senator in Michigan to serve a district
outside of Detroit. She is scheduled to
speak tomorrow night at 7 p.m. in the
Michigan League Ballroom.
"I will be talking about activism on
campus, particularly student activism,
and about what students have been able
to achieve," Smith said. "I would like to
place student participation at the Uni-
versity in a historical perspective, start-
ing with the early '40s when there were
few Black students."
Smith said she will emphasize how
far Black students have come since the
'40s. "Black students over time have
made considerable progress," she said.
English Prof. Michael Awkward,
director of Afro-American and Afri-
can studies at the University, is sched-
uled to speak about the specifics of his
recently released book, "Negotiating
Difference: Race, Gender and the Poli-
tics of Positionality."
Awkward said he will speak on
"the degree to which race and gender
affect how we ... look at the world."
Awkward is scheduled to speak
Feb. 9 at 4 p.m. in the Robert E.
Hayden Lounge of the West Engi-
neering Building.
Code changes, if any,.
not released as of yet'
University Record editor to prepare
Duderstadt's speeches in new role
By Cathy Boguslaski
Daily Staff Reporter
After 3 1/2 hours of amendment
proposals and deliberation by student
panelists Monday night, no informa-
tion has been released about which
code changes - if any - were ap-
The exact changes to the Statement
of Student Rights and Responsibilities,
the University's code of non-academic
conduct, will not be available until
later this week or early next week, said
Barbara Oleander, assistant to the judi-
cial adviser.
A majority of the students trained
to hear cases under the code assembled
in the Michigan Union to review pro-
posed amendments. Their decisions
will be released after the Office of
Student Affairs compiles the panel-
ists' notes, Oleander said.
Amendments were proposed by the
Senate Advisory Committee on Uni-
versity Affairs, the faculty's Civil Lib-
erties Board, the Michigan Student
Assembly and other student groups.
"I remain optimistic (about code
changes)," said Daniel Green, chair
of the Civil Liberties Board. "There
441hope the
panelists will be
aware and
sensitive to some
of the problems .."
- Daniel Green
Civil Liberties Board chair
was a lot of overlap in amendments&
proposed by MSA, CLB and
SACUA. We were trying to address
a lot of the same issues. I hope the;
panelists will be aware and sensi-
tive to some of the problems and
either accept our amendments or
theirs, or combine them."
Green presented several amend-
ments sponsored by the Civil Liber-
ties Board and SACUA.
Proposed changes to the code in-
clude allowing students to have law-
yers represent them during hearings,
opening more records of hearings to
the public and changing the amend-
ment process itself.
By Ronnie Glassberg
Daily Staff Reporter
For the past 25 years, Mary Jo Frank
has reported the news in Ann Arbor.
Now, as University President James J.
Duderstadt's speech writer, she will
prepare the words that make the news.
Frank, former editor of the Uni-
versity Record, moved last week to
the Fleming Administration Building
to serve as coordinator of executive
In her new position, Frank will
help the University's top officer draft
speeches for five to 10 public appear-
ances each week.
"(Duderstadt) does write many of
his own talks," said Lisa Baker, asso-
ciate vice president for University
relations, who oversees Frank's posi-
tion. "Sometimes she simply does
bullet points for him. He does a lot of
things extemporaneously."
Frank worked at the Record, the
University's weekly newspaper, for
seven years. Before coming to the Uni-
versity, Frank worked as a reporter for
The Ann Arbor News from 1970-1976,
and then as a freelance writer until she
took her job at the Record.
"I looked at this as an extension of
what I've been doing - an opportu-
nity to build on what I've been doing
at the Record," Frank said. "I think
it's taking his idea and organizing it in
a way to disseminate it to the public."
At the Record, Frank covered the
LSA faculty meetings, the Senate
Assembly and crime.
"She's a big loss. There's no ques-
tion about that. She knows a lot about
the University," said Jane Elgass,
executive editor of the Record.
Besides preparing speeches, Frank
also will help draft other types of
communications from Duderstadt.
For some events, Frank may need
to advise only on the audience's com-
position. "When he's talking about
the Agenda for Women, he doesn't
use a prepared text," Baker said.
Baker said she also reviews and has
written many of Duderstadt's speeches.
But Duderstadt always sees the
speeches before they are finalized.
"He signs off on everything be-
cause they're his words," Baker said.
"He has a particular style and lan-
guage all of his own."
Mch. bans neon car lights"
The State Street Area Association has submitted a proposal to City Council requesting that individual business groups
be allowed to monitor and grant permits to peddlers. Some of the peddlers have been working with the association on
ghe proposal. This was incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
CROUP MEETINGS Q Taekwondo Club, beginners and Q "Star
Q AISEC Michigan, general member other new members welcome, 747- sore
meeting, 662-1690, Business Ad- 6889, CCRB, Room 2275, 7-8:30 tiesI
ministration Building, Room 1276, p.m. "6 p.r
6 p.m. UQ"Teacl
Q Coming Out Group for Lesbian, Gay EVENTS catio
and Bisexual People, 763-4186, Q "American Dream," film, LSA con- "UR
Michigan Union, LGBPO Lounge, 7- flict and community series, Angell Q USR
9 p.m. Hall, Auditorium B, 4 p.m.
U Discussion Group for Lesbian, Gay o "'Atlas Shrugged' Chapters 5 and Unior
and Bisexual People, 763-4186, 6," sponsored by Students of Ob- p.m.
Michigan Union, LGBPO Lounge, jectivism, Michigan League, Con- Alph
5:15-7 p.m. ference Rooms 1 and 2, 7 p.m.
Q Golden Key National Honor Soci- Q "Choral Festival," sponsored by p.m.
ety, Campus Awareness Informa- School of Music, Hill Auditorium, 8 STUDEN
tion Tables, Angell Hall, Fishbowl, p.m.
10 a.m.-4 p.m. Q "Excavation Photography at the U 76-GU
U Hindu Students Council, weekly Kelsey," illustrated lecture, spon- selin
meeting, 764-0604, Michigan sored by Museum of Archaeology, U Camp
Union, Kuenzel Room, 8 p.m. Kelsey Museum, 5 p.m. Mic
Q La Voz Mexicana, weekly meeting, Q "Faith in the Extreme: Bonhoeffer's ever
995-1699, Michigan League, Room Letters and Papers From Prison," UM*
C, 8 p.m. soup and study, sponsored by
[Q Overeaters Anonymous. 769-4958. I theran Camnus Ministrv. 801 S. North
ting Your Job Search," spon-
d by CP&P, Student Activi-
Building, Room 3200, 5:10-
hing Options Without Certifi-
on," sponsored by CP&P, SAB,
m 3200, 5:10-6:30 p.m.
obotics Information Session,"
nsored by CP&P, Michigan
n, Wolverine Rooms ABC, 6-7
er Blood Drive," sponsored by
i Phi Omega, East Quad, 1-7
IDE, 764-8433, peer coun-
g phone line, 7 p.m.-8 a.m.
pus Information Center,
higan Union, 763-INFO;
nts info 76-EVENT or
Events on GOpherBLUE
Campus Information Center,
LANSING (AP)-Michigan At-
torney General Frank Kelley has
turned out the lights on motorists
whose cars look like they're float-
ing down the road on a bed of neon
Kelley said in an opinion re-
leased yesterday that neon ground
effect lights, the latest fad in cus-
tomizing vehicles, are illegal in
Motorists with vehicles
equipped with the lights must keep
them both unlit and covered,
Kelley said.
The owner of one Lansing store
that sells auto customizing equipment
criticized the opinion.
"I think it sucks, so to speak," said
Doug Rice, owner of Kustom Autom
"I don't see any reason (why they
should be illegal). I don't see what it
harms.... All it does, it shines down on
the ground. How could it hurt any-
do you hc
little budl
but a
none special
iv big it is!
-GRAM from
P Daily