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December 06, 1993 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-12-06

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2- The Michigan Daily - Monday, December 6, 1993

Amid much debate, UHS offers pill
to prevent conception 'morning after'


For $5, students can
receive the 'morning
after pill,' a doctor
prescribed treat-
ment to prevent
pregnancy within 48.
hours of conception
In ageneration accustomed tomes-
sages about the dangers of unprotected
sex, some people still find themselves
in a problem situation. The "morning
afterpill" is one option to deal with the
repercussions of unprotected sex, but
much debate surrounds its use.
The pill is prescribed to women
within 48 hours of unprotected sex,
especially those who may also be in the
middle of their menstrual cycle when
the risk of pregnancy is highest.
Technically called Ovcon, the pill
is a combination of norethindrone and
ethinyl estradiol. These drugs combine
to "trick" the body into thinking that it
is at the stage when it needs to start
menstruation, thus flushing out the uter-
ine lining which may possibly be hold-
ing fertilized eggs.
More commonly known as the
"morning afterpill," the two small tab-
lets are taken with food followed by
two additional tablets 12 hours later.
Different bodies have different reac-
tions. The side-effects may range from
slight nausea to intense stomach
"I have two friends who have taken
it," said LSA senior Judith Flynn, a
former Sexual Assault Prevention and

Awareness Center (SAPAC)counse-
"One (took the pill) because a
condom broke and the other because
she was intoxicated and made a bad
judgment in having unprotected sex.
The first one stayed up all night throw-
ing up and was really nauseated the day
after. The other just felt yucky but
wasn't sure if that feeling was attrib-
uted to the pill or due to the whole
experience itself."
Available worldwide, the "morn-
ing after pill" can be obtained in Ann
Arbor after a pelvic examination. Al-
though the price for the procedure var-
ies, University Health Services (UHS)
includes the exam in the health service
fee paid along with tuition and then
charges approximately $5 for the pre-
scription. Planned Parenthood charges
on a sliding scale, while the cost at
University Hospitals depends upon in-
surance policies.
"I think the 'morning after pill' is
available in most places," said Dr. Cae-
sar Briefer, UHS director. "We leave it
up to the discretion of the physician as
to whether or not they feel comfortable
in prescribing it."
Private Catholic hospitals do not
offer the pill as an option because their
policy goes against providing birth
The pill has sparked controversy
since some see it as a possible abortion
option. Students For Life, a 90-mem-
ber anti-abortion group on campus,
does not have an official stance on the
use of such pills.
"The 'morning after pill' issue has
not really been a big topic of discus-
sion, we have had more things come up

about the RU-486 pill," said Erin
Sullivan, the organization's co-chair.
She also said that the group is "against
any termination of a human life from
conception on up. If a woman is unsure
about the conception that could be the
danger in this pill.
"If I was absolutely positive that it
wouldn't affect a fertilized egg it is
something I would consider using to
prevent conception, but if there was a
chance that conception had already
occurred and it could harm my unborn
baby then I would not take it."
But Flynn argued that safety should
be the issue. "I believe in reproductive
choice at all stages for women and I
think that they are capable for making
these decisions for themselves," she
said. "All that needs to happen is for
technology to make use of its knowl-
edge for women to have safe and easy
to use choices."
Unlike the controversial RU-486
pill, which can officially be used up
until the second trimester, the "morn-
ing after pill" is administered before a
woman knows whether or not she is
pregnant. RU-486 has not been ap-
proved for use in the United States.
UHS has not monitored the pill's
use as a form of birth control, but
Briefer indicated that physicians are
responsible in prescribing the pill.
"I don't think that it is being over-
used," said Briefer, "Most people are
being cautious about using it continu-
ously. ... I would say most of the
clinicians at UHS are comfortable in
prescribing it. As to how often it is
used, I really don't know."
Briefer, who has worked at UHS
for more than 10 years, said he draws

these conclusions from personal expe-
riences and interaction among staff and
"I don't even think I've prescribed
it more than half a dozen times," he
Briefer added that UHS advocates
safe sex rather than taking these pills.
"To even have to use the 'morning after
pill' is really a failure in our eyes be-
cause we take such apro-active role in
trying to teach students the importance
of safe sex," he said. "It's always a
disappointment when a young edu-
cated person comes in and has to resort
to using the pill, instead of birth con-
The pill is also mentioned as an
option by SAPAC in situations con-
cerning sexual assault.
"What we do when a survivor calls
is support them in their decision what-
ever they do, and we make sure that we
raise the morning after pill as an option
available to them," said Kata Issari,
SAPAC senior counselor.
"In the case of sexual assaults the
repercussions are quite severe. The
emotional and physical pain are in-
creased when they have to take into
account the fact they may be preg-
nant," said Issari. "It is very important
that people have the 'morning after
pill' option, and that they are provided
with information about it regularly."
She said the "morning after pill"
can provide psychological healing as
well as physical reassurance. "Having
firsthand experience with the loss and
disruption in a survivor's life caused by
a sexual assault, I am a strong propo-
nentof anything thatcould alleviate the
intensity of the trauma."

A feature of Ypsi Fashion

Center on Michigan Ave., is its selection of wigs.

Continued from page 1
accessible to handicapped students."
Upgrading the Martha Cook build-
ing without disrupting its historic fla-
vor presents unique architectural prob-
lems. Pieper said the University has
not "always taken the greatest of care"
in its building projects.
"Martha Cook is an extremely
special building. The sensitivity that
is demanded by this project is better
suited to the historic preservation re-
quirements of the grant," she added.
The grant would cover 60 percent
of rehabilitation costs, while the
Martha Cook Board of Governors
would fund the balance of expenses.

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Continued from page 1
Counsel Elsa Cole, Associate Dean of
Students Richard Carter and, follow-
ing tradition, members of the Univer-
sity Musical Society and Messiah per-

At 6:15p.m., a student entered the
room ringing the dinner bell and the
guests filed into the dining room.
Elegantly decorated, the room stood
in stark contrast to the drab buffeterias
common to most University residence
halls. White cloths and fine china cov-
ered the tables. Each place setting fea-
tured eight pieces of silverware.
Residents-clad in white and black
waitress uniforms-served the meal,
which began with a fruit cup and abibb
lettuce, raddichio, raspberry salad. Then
came spinach stuffed pasta, baked herb
tomatoes and garden fresh vegetables.
The meal ended with white chocolate

After dinner, several students put
on a musical performance for the guests.
Then the annual tradition was over.
Dinner organizers reflected upon
the work and planning they put into the
Judith Flynn, assistant building di-
rector, said the actual decorations and
preparations were done by a large group
of people. "We all get together and
throw a party to decorate," she said.
"It gets really hectic from Thanks-
giving on," she added, noting the event
occurs close to final exams.
The past week saw the ornate resi-

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Project blueprints have already beenO
approved by the Board of Governors.
University General Counsel Elsa
Cole stated that the grant request could
proceed without approval from the
University Board of Regents. The,
Martha Cook Board of Governors on.
Nov. 24 authorized the filing of a
grant application with the city.
Martha Cook residence hall is an:
all-female dorm. It is listed in the
National Register of Historic Places
and falls within the University of
Michigan Central Campus Historic
The dormitory was donated to the
University in 1915 by William Cook,
a New York lawyer and University
graduate. Cook named the building
after his mother.
dence hall decked out in holiday splen.9
dor. Boughs of holly and red bowl
decked the main hall of the building
and an enormous Christmas tree pro-
vided the centerpiece of the receptior
Duffel said organizing the event
was a big responsibility even 20 years
ago when she was building director.
"I was the director and we didn't
have a manager and all those things,, &
But I loved it. I really did," she said. ,
Showing her pride for the residence
hall and the dinner tradition, Duffel
confided, "I am 87 years old and I come
here every year."
fection rates. The government will also
ease the financial burden oftreatment
for AIDS patients.
Many people feel that some of the
projects Gebbie has in the works are
controversial. For example, Gebbie
plans to help reduce the spread of AIDS
among intravenous (IV) drug users by
increasing the needle exchange pro-
"As long as we have substance
abuse, we'll have a high rate of (IV
drug infection). Many in the policd
community were afraid that this would
increase drug usage and crime."
Extensive research by researchers
at Yale and the University of Califor-
nia-San Francisco has shown that
these programs do not increase usage
in a community, but do reduce the
transmission of hepatitis-b, an infec-
tious liver disease associated with IV
drug users and many AIDS patients,*
said Gebbie.

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Continued from page 1
the disease for the next 40 years until
1972, when a reporter broke the story
to the public.
"Pretending that Tuskegee doesn't
have an influence is rude, because it's
in the back of peoples' minds, and it
always comes up."
By addressing the Tuskegee ques-
tion first, Gebbie hopes to continue
breaking down any barriers between
the African American community and
government researchers and in order
to build trust. As trust between the
two sectors has increased, historically
African American universities such
as Morehouse and Howard have be-
come majorAIDS research centers.

Because the federal government
cannot force local schools to accept its
AIDS programs, Gebbie said the gov-
ernment will reach adolescents and
children through other avenues, such
as church, youth organizations and the
Later this month an innovative ap-
proach - distributing condoms and
making them easily available for youth
- will take effect in preventing the
spread of AIDS among adolescents.
The prevention of AIDS has also
played a key role in national health
care reform.
"Too many people with this dis-
ease don't get diagnosed §oon enough.
That's one of thereasons behind health
care reform."
To get people diagnosed sooner,
Gebbie said government will keep
funding high for the Ryan White Act,
which gives money to underprivileged
communities and those with high in-

The Office of the Registrar will be closed December 24, 1993 through January 2, 1994.
11111 r411You may register or drop/add December 6-23 on a walk-in basis.
CRISP will be closed December 24-January 2.
Beginning January 3, registration is also on a walk-in basis.
If you wish to disenroll from Winter term and avoid all charges
you must do so by January 4, 1994. Those who are on campus
should disenroll at CRISP. Anyone not on campus may send a
letter to the University of Michigan, Office of the Registrar, 1524
L.S.A. Bldg., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1382, requesting
disenrollment from Winter term. The letter must be postmarked no
later than January 4, 1994 to avoid all charges.
The dates to withdraw from Winter Term and pay only a $50
Disenrollment Fee and a $80 Registration Fee are: January 5-25
(before the end of the first three weeks of classes).
.il We will mail the report of your Fall Term grades to you at your
r l 1 local (Ann Arbor) address on December 29, 1993. If you are

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The M iianD aily (ISSNU45-9O) is puosne Monoay tnrougn rnoay ourng tne rallan winter terms oy
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Winter term (January through April) is $95, year-long (September through April) is $160. On-campus subscrip-
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The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
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EDITORS: Hope Calati, Lauren Derrmer, Karen Sabgir, Purvi Shah
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EDITORS: Brett Forrest, Adam Miller. Chad A. Safran, Ken Sugiura
STAFF: Bob Abramson, Rachel Bachman, Paul Barger, Tom Bausano, Charlie Breitrose, Aaron Bums, Scott Burton, Andy De Korte, Marc
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Thorbum, Aexandra Twin. Ted Watts.
PHOTO Michele Guny, Editor




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