Hockey nets two wins a
in rough weekend
with Western
'Patience': Wait
for a scandal and
have some fun
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wi w
fd*hg n
One hundred three years of editorial freedom
AIDS 'czar' details Clinton plan to slow growth of epidemic
As chilly winter winds swirled
outside, Kristine Gebbie sat in the
cozy guest lounge of Bell Tower Ho-
tel sipping on coffee and eating a
lemon poppy seed muffin.
While enjoying her breakfast,
Gebbie, who is the national AIDS
policy coordinator, talked about steps
the government is taking to prevent
the spread of AIDS.
"Basically we have a three-part
* strategy in tackling the AIDS epi-
demic," Gebbie said. '
The plan will focus on research,
treatment and prevention. The gov-
ernment has also upped its spending
on AIDS research to $1.3 billion,
Gebbie said.
"Right now the government will
finance much of the research and re-
duce-barriers to science. By reducing
these barriers the process of getting
new drugs and treatments through the
system will be faster."
Last week the AIDS Drug Devel-
opment Task Force (ADDT) was cre-
ated to help with this process. The
ADDT is composed of doctors and
AIDS activists, so that both the medi-
cal side of the epidemic and the con-
'Considering the history African Americans have
had with medical treatment, it's understandable
that they have a certain distrust of government.'
-Kristine Debbie
National AIDS Policy Coordinator
ticipation of those hardest hit by the
epidemic -- minorities, women and
people aged 13-24 - on a national
and local level in preventing the spread
of JHV, the virus that causes AIDS.
Gebbie said there will be "much more
direct contact and conversation with
"We're trying to get more African
American and (Hispanic/Latino)
American researchers involved. Also
we're getting more women and people
of color to the tables in planning for
prevention. We want everyone speak-
ing for their communities, voicing
their concerns."
But with the African American
community the job is even more dif-
"Considering the history African
Americans have had with (medical)
treatment, it's understandable that
(African Americans) have a certain
distrust of the government."
Gebbie is referring to the Tuskegee
experiment in which 399 African
American males in Macon County
Alabama were knowingly infected
with the syphilis virus by government
doctors during the 1930s. The gov-
ernment studied the progression of
See 'AIDS CZAR,' Page 2
cerns of AIDS patients can be ad-
Gebbie said she feels communica-
tion is the key factor in succeeding
with treatment and prevention.
"(Government) has learned that
with (AIDS), we have to communi-
cate with each single group at their
level. A single .message or national
approach doesn't work."
Much of Gebbie's work will be
concentrated in increasing the par-
Martha Cook
renovations to
make building,
barrier free
While the city of Ann Arbor shakes the state's
money tree, the University will be waiting to collect
the windfall: more than $70,000 for making an historic
residence hall accessible to the disabled.
The University's inability to secure funding for the
renovation from the Michigan Department of State
gave rise to the partnership with the city. Historic
preservation funds are distributed to local govern-
ments such as Ann Arbor, but not universities.
Ann Arbor would solicit $70,560 for the barrier-
free and lighting project at the Martha Cook dormi-
tory, the University's second-oldest residence hall. If
obtained, the money would be passed on to the Univer-
sity, covering 60 percent of project costs.
A vote by the Ann Arbor City Council tonight
would cement the arrangement.
Even if the council votes in favor of the agreement
- as expected - there is no guarantee the state will
pony up its share.
"This is a big project, although it would be very
easy for (the state) to administer," said Louisa Pieper,
Ann Arbor's historic preservation coordinator. "We
are asking for an awful lot of money. We've never
asked (the state) for this much before."
Rehabilitation of Martha Cook is scheduled for
next summer, with completion pegged at Sept. 30.
Included in the $112,000 project are two new
handicapped-accessible sidewalk ramps, a wheelchair
lift in the building's interior, and lighting and land-
scaping at the residence hall's main north entrance
facing South University Avenue. The improvements
would make all first-floor public areas accessible.
The University Housing Division has announced
its intention to make all residence halls barrier-free
within the next five years. Although Martha Cook is
administered by an independent board of governors, it
is following the University Housing guidelines on
"Basically we are required to make all our resi-
dence halls fully accessible, regardless of disability,"
said Housing Division spokesperson Alan Levy. "Ev-
ery kind of program and option we offer has to be
* See COOK, Page 2
Job market
Former University President Harlan Hatcher speaks with LSA Senior Helena Wang.
'U' VIPs indulge ~r xin pq,'osh
dinDner at Marthna Cook
college gra
LANSING (AP) - The job mar- higher in the no
ket for new college graduates is bright- the Southeast.
ening a bit after four dismal years, Businesses d
according to an annual survey of re- include those in t
cruiting trends released today. products; hotels
Patrick Scheetz, director of the and recreational
Collegiate Employment Research In- tive equipment;
stitute, said employers expect to hire processing; hosp
1.1 percent more college graduates services; aerospa
this school year than a year ago. banking, finance
"I think that will send a message petroleum and r
of a bit of optimism," he said. Chemical e
"We've had four years of down, engineers, che
down, down. Students have had the graduates with:
attitude, 'Why go to the placement business admin
office? There's no jobs over there.' sought after. M
Well, there are jobs." college graduat
Scheetz said the 1.1 percent in- business fields a
crease followed declines in hiring Scheetz said.
ranging from 2.1 percent last year to Starting salai
13.3 percent in 1989-90. The down- percent to 1.6 F
turn was the longest recorded in the last year. The $Q
23 years the survey has been taken. ing salary for che
"At least that's the sign of a turn- tops. Journalists
around, but we have to temper that wage of $20,587
message with the fact that we've dug College gra
ourselves a hole," he said. their chances in
"We've lost many jobs previously being willing t4
held by new college graduates and it temporary or en
will take us quite a while to regain acquiring new sk
those jobs, if we ever do." language, Schee
The small increase showed em- He warned n(
ployers realize they need to bring in not to expect a
new blood, but are cautious about the employer to last
economy, he said. ers are encourag
"The employers right now are say- current with the
ing they don't know about the keep their skills
economy. They're really questioning "The emplo'
the economy and that's why they're could guarantee
not out recruiting more new hires lifetime, but the
than they have," Scheetz said. offering that gua
The institute, based at Michigan They're saying,
State University, surveyed 618 em- here,' but if a t
ployers about their hiring intentions, warned theyr(ne
Scheetz found demand slightly look elsewhere,'
rth central states and
oing the most hiring
tire, rubber and allied
, motels, restaurants
d facilities; automo-
food and beverage
pitals and health care
ece and components;
e and insurance, and
elated products.
ngineers, electrical
mistry majors and
master's degrees in
istration were most
Minority and women
es in technical and
lso were in demand,
ries are up from 0.4
percent compared to
40,341 average start-
emical engineers was
' average beginning
7 was lowest.
Auates can increase
nthe job market by
o relocate, taking ,a
ntry-level position or
ills, such as a foreign
-tz said.
ew college graduates
job with their first
a lifetime. Employ-
ing new hires to stay
job market and to
up to date.
yers wish that they
employment for a
ty're absolutely not
rantee for new hires.
'As long as work is
ime comes, be fore-
w hires) may have to
"Scheetz said.
Following yesterday's matinee performance
of Handel's Messiah at Hill Auditorium, VIPs
including University administrators and musical
performers attended a gala holiday reception and
formal dinner - at the Martha Cook residence
The Messiah Dinner is an annual tradition that
was started nearly 40 years ago.
"It started with Mrs. Sink, whose husband was
head of the (University) Musical Society. After
the Messiah rehearsal, she invited everybody to
her home for dinner. Then one year, they decided
to have it here," said former building manager
Thelma Duffel before the dinner.
Sina Lewis, president of Martha Cook's house
board, also explained the union of the University
Musical Society and the Martha Cook dinner.
"Ever since, we've been inviting the soloist, the
University Musical Society and professors from
the School of Music," among others, said the LSA
As guests trickled into the foyer after 5 p.m.,
they were met by their designated escorts -
Martha Cook residents - and led into the Red
Room. There they got to see the majestic portrait
of Martha Cook herself and went through a re-
ceiving line comprised of Martha Cook directors
and the house president.
Tuxedoed waiters served quiche and non-
alcoholic wine in the adjoining ballroom. Guests
chatted with their designated escorts and mingled
amongst themselves.
Former University President Harlan Hatcher
kept busy conversing with admiring guests and
During hors d'oeuvres, Hatcher said he re-
gretted that he and his wife missed the perfor-
"It's always a joyous occassion. Aside from
the beauty of the music, it's the ongoing genera-
tion of the orchestra," he said.
Hatcher, who attends the performance and
dinner annually, said, "This, of course, is a highly
special occassion."
Other guests included University General
See MESSIAH, Page 2
'U' scholars take Rhodes, Marshall awards
After months of grueling and in-
tense competition at the state and na-
tional levels, two outstanding Uni-
versity students have been selected to
receive prestigious national scholar-
Rhodes Scholar-elect Leah
Niederstadt's honor will allow her to
pursue graduate studies at Oxford
An LSA senior from West
Bloomfield, Mich., Weiss is a triple
major in math, physics and English.
He will receive a scholarship to study
anywhere in England. Weiss found
out of his selection by phone.
"The British Consulate in Chi-
cago called me and left a message on
my machine," said Weiss, who called
them back to accept the appointment,
plans on taking a master's degree in
the process advanced.
"As you start making more cuts, it
becomes more tangible," she said.
Niederstadt will travel with the
other 31 Rhodes Scholars to England
aboard the cruise ship Queen Eliza-
beth II. At Oxford, she will study
social anthropology, and will also
travel to East Africa as a part of her
master's degree work.
John Knott, chair of the Univer-
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