Page 2-The Michigan Daly- Friday, September 18,1992
Continued from page 1
Major's Cabinet met yesterday to
discuss the crisis. Lamont said the
pound would return to the exchange
rate mechanism.
British officials attempted to de-
flect blame over the pound's trou-
bles to Germany's central bank, the
Prices gyrated on some stock
markets yesterday as traders were
unable to make sense of the crisis.
On the London Stock Exchange,
the broad-based Financial Times-
Stock Exchange index of 100 shares
shot up about 100 points in early
trading. The index then shed about
70 points before rising again to close
up 105.6 points, at 2,483.9, in mas-
sive volume.
Activity was calmer on Wall
Street yesterday, with the Dow Jones
industrial average trading in a nar-
row range and closing down 3.51 at
Among yesterday's currency de-
Central banks bought French
francs, Irish pounds and the Danish
krone to support them against the
Sweden announced it would
maintain its astonishing 500 percent
interest rate at least through
Monday, to protect the krona from
sell-offs by speculators.
Continued from page 1
"We're responsible for providing
a safe environment on campus and at
the stadium," said Baisden, who said
that he did not expect crowds to
grow unruly during or after the
Oklahoma State game either.
However, for future games, he
said, more extensive security mea-
sures might be taken. DPS plans to
go on a "game-by-game" basis, he
Members of the U-M administra-
tion have been working with the po-
lice, city officials and student repre-
sentatives to make alternative activi-
ties available so that students do not
need to linger in the streets after
sporting events, Dean of Students
Royster Harper said.
"I think students are committed
to having a good time and making
that safe," said Harper who served
on the Safe Celebration Task Force.
"And we're committed to that, too."
The Safe Celebration Task Force,
which formed last spring after the
April tear gassing to eliminate the
similar future occurrences, met six
times during the summer.
The task force plans to host sev-
eral events - like escape to
Michigan '92 - throughout the
football season.
"We want to provide additional
activities and to make sure that stu-
dents know about the activities we
already have in place," Harper said.
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by Kerry Colligan
The Dead Sea Scrolls - a col-
lection of fragmented writings fea-
turing texts devoted to Ancient
Judaism and Early Christianity -
are the topic of discussion in a series
of lectures coming to the U-M this
Brian Schmidt, a professor of the
Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel at
the U-M, is responsible for organiz-
ing the lecture series sponsored by
11 different U-M organizations.
Schmidt said the U-M is at a dis-
advantage because it does not have a
Dead Sea Scrolls expert. However,
he said he believes that "unless you
do this as a lifelong endeavor, you
are not an expert."
Schmidt detailed the purpose of
the lecture series, saying "Our pri-
mary concern is to inform the uni-
versity community about the Scrolls
and their relationship to Ancient
Judaism, Early Christianity, and the
text of the Bible."
Continued from page 1
Manager Rob Sunseri, who is work-
ing with Rock the Vote on his
store's voter registration drive.
"When you are not registered to
vote your voice is diminished," said
Rock the Vote Account Executive
Annie Shapiro.
Sunseri said the drive aims to
ease the process of registration.
"It's hard for college students to
vote because they have to transfer
from one city to another or from one
county to another," Sunseri said.
Deputy County Clerk Dan Byrne
WHAT: Prof. Tov gives the
first of four lectures on the
Dead Sea Scrolls.
WHERE: Rackham
WHEN: Sept. 21, 7:00 p.m.
ABOUT: Contribution of Bible
texts found in the Scrolls to
modern views of Bible history.
Scholarly interest in the Scrolls
- dated between the third century
before the common era and 70 years
after - soared after initial studies
revealed that the texts contained
scripture writings. The Scrolls,
which were found in 1947 at
Qumran and other Israeli communi-
ties including Masada and
Nahalhaver are possibly the oldest
recordings of scripture.
The Scrolls also house sectarian
writings specific to the Jewish sect
of the Essenes, who Scholars
believe are responsible for copying
the approximately 800 different texts
The Dead Sea Scrolls Publication
Project has published only eight vol-
umes of text to date. Success in pub-
lishing text has come quite slowly
because of the fragmented state of
the Scrolls upon discovery. Tov ex-
pects the remainder of the text to be
completed within the next seven
The U-M is now offering a grad-
uate seminar and an undergraduate
course studying the Dead Sea
Scrolls. Both will attempt to achieve
an understanding of the history of
the Scrolls, as well as evaluate them
in their relationship with Ancient
Judaism, Early Christianity, and the
Continued from page 1
series - was aired Saturday, Sept. 5
and depicts author
Arthur Miller telling his family
he wants to enroll in the U-M, after
receiving his letter of admission.
After the actor depicting Miller
shows his father the manuscript of
"Death of a Salesman," the father
says, "If this writing thing doesn't
work out, you'll make one heck of a
Two Big Ten schools will make
advertisements each of the next five
U-M series of lectures to discuss,
study ancient Dead Sea Scrolls
said student precincts generally reg-
ister a 40 percent turnout. In the
1988 presidential election, Ann
Arbor as a whole registered a 63
percent turnout.
League of Women Voters volun-
teers will be registering voters at
Wherehouse Records. Voter Service
Chair Rachel Kinley said voter reg-
istration is one goal of the organiza-
The deadline for registration for
the November election is Oct. 5.
Students can register at the City
Clerk's office, the Washtenaw
County Clerk's office, the Ann
Arbor Public Library and the
Secretary of State.
Stop by and see a Jostens representative.
September 18 * 11a.m. to 4 p.m.
to select from a complete line of gold rings,
Only $39 per month. A $25.00 deposit is required.
317 South State
(at North University)
Ann Arbor, MI
book & supply ......
Continued from page 1
hall library and computer cluster,
window replacement and elevator
Vice President for Student
Affairs Maureen Hartford, who
spent one of her first weeks at U-M
living in South Quad, said she is
looking into equipping each of the
residence hall rooms for the installa-
tion of cable television.
(the Episcopal Church at the U of M)
SUNDAY: 5:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist
6:00 p.m. Dinner
At St. Andrew's Church
306 N. Division
TUiESDA.Y: 3:10 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
"Dismantling Racism':
A study/discussion of white racism
in the U.S. in Christian Perspective
offered jointly with
Lutheran Campus Ministry
Michigan League -1 st floor
(across from Cafeteria)
The Rev's Virginia Peacock, Chaplain
Offices: 411 E. Washington Street
Telephone: 665-0606
Washtenaw at Stadium
Where students from many
denominational backgrounds meet
SUNDAY: Free van rides from campus
Bursley and Baits bus stops 9:20 a.m.
Hill Dorms (front doors) 9:25 a.m.
Quads (front) 9:30 a.m., 9:35 a.m.
769-4157 or 761-1009 for more info.
Corner of State and William
SUNDA Y: Communion-Douglas Chapel, 10 a.m.
Worship Service-Sanctuary, 10:30 a.m.
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
(Between Hill & South University)
Worship-9:30 & 11 a.m.
Campus Faith Exploration Discussion
Bagels & Coffee Served-9:30 a.m.
Undergraduate Supper-5:30 p.m.
Campus Worship & Dinner-5:30 p.m.
For information, call 662-4466
Amy Morrison, Campus Pastor
801 South Forest (at Hill Street), 668-7622
SUNDAY: Worship-10 a.m.
WEDNESDAY: Bible Study-6 p.m.
Evening Prayer-7 p.m.
(A Roman Catholic Community at U-M)
Corner William and Thompson St.
Across from Cottage Inn
Weekend Liturgies- SATURDAY: 5 p.m.
SUNDAY: 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 noon
Continued from page 1
predominantly of 18- to 25-year-
Much of the time trippers'
polyester clothing, platform shoes,
wigs, and gaudy costume jewelry are
parental hand-me-downs or pur-
chases made at Beatniks and
Ypsilanti's Value Village.
A cashier at Value Village said,
"They all come out here. There were
around 20 last week - even jocks."
Asides from retro-stylers, a Disco
Duck and an Easter bunny on roller-
skates have visited Disco Night. Five
Devo look-a-likes have also shown.
There is talk of hiring the real
thing - the Village People - who
recently played at Industry's Disco
Night. Disco has been making a
comeback in New York, L.A.,
Chicago, Houston and many cities
throughout Europe.
During Disco Night, DJ Boy
Gene spins "early '80s" in the
Nectarine's basement. The "early
'80s" became a side-light to Disco
Night two months ago. The crowd
thins out at midnight, when everyone
goes upstairs to participate in limbo
contests, but Gene's music keeps the
subterranean dance floor busy the
rest of the night.
While many of the Nectarine's
staff and patrons call Disco Night
"the funnest night all week,"
Clinton, a first-timer complained.
"It'sa flash-back and I don't like
it," he said. "I'm trying to get into
the present."
Clinton is not alone in his desire
to see disco die again. Although vet-
erans of the now-defunct Detroit
Rockers Engaged in the Abolition of
Disco (DREAD) have expressed
their disdain to Sonya, she claims
"it's alive and well and at the
Eric said he frequents Disco
Night "to relieve the stress of every-
day life," while his friend Michelle
said she has come every week since
April for the Grease tunes because
she has seen the movie more than
300 times.
Vicki, who donned a black velvet
dress for the occasion said her love
for Disco began at age eight. She
spoke of tension release and the
"freedom" to express her tastes in
dance and clothing. Additionally,
she, as others, lauded the "openness,
enthusiasm and unity" which she
feels distinguishes Disco Night.
The Sex Pistols are in the holster
and Disco Duck has migrated back
to the future and quacks every
Wednesday from Roger's turn-table.
So, students who are so inclined
should slip on their platform soles
and stride right across the decades.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fail and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan.Subscriptions for fall/winter terms, starting in September via U.S. mal are
$155. Fail term only is $85. Winter term (January through April) is $90. On-campus subscriptions for fal/winter
are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327.
PHONE NUMBERS (All area code 313): News 76-DAILY; Opinion 747-2814; Arts 763-0379; Sports 747-3336;
Circulation 764-0558; Classified advertising 764=0557; Display advertising 764-0554; Biling 764-0550.
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ED~ ITORIAL'~u1 STAFF Matthe.'w D Rennie±. Editoin Chmuie I
GV14 W"IP%16 vIPrr IVICl%%5lvvv v. 76eUNG, G\Jgavg now %paglul
NEWS Henry Goldblatt, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Andrew Levy, Melissa Peerless, Daid Rhingold, Be hany Robertson
STAFF: Joey Barker, Hope Calati, Lauren Denver, Erin Einhom. Adam Hundiey. Robin Litwin, Nicole Malenfant. Travis McReynoelds.
Shelley Morrison, MonaQureshi, Karen Sabgr. Gwen Shatfer Pur Shah. Jennifer Sivrberg, Karen Tala Tyd.
OPINION Yael Citro, Geoffrey Earle, Amitava Mazumdar, Editos
STAFF: Jenny Aix, Jonathan Chait (Associate Editor), David Leilner, David Shepardson (Editoral Assistant).
John lWyo, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Joni Durst, Josh Dubow, Ryan Herrington, Alberit Lin
STAFF: Andy DeKorte, Mathew Dodge, Brett Forrest, Jim Foes. Mike Hill, Dan Iknna, Sharon Lundy, Adam Miler, Rich Mitsatoky.
Mike Rancilio, Tim Rard n. Chad Safran, Tim Spolar, Andy Stabile, Ken Sugiura.
Alan J. Hogg, Jr., Michael John Wilson, Editors
EDITORS: Jessie Hlladay (Weekend et). Aaron Hamburger(Fim), Nima Hoda.ei(MuskcA Roger Hsia(Fine Arts),
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BUIES TAFAmyMineBuinsMnae
DISPLAY SALES Amy Fant Manager
STAFF: IFiche Barny, Jennifer Bayson, Yasmmn Choudhry, Molina Des, Jason Gabel, Rene Hued. Meilaaa Hupet, BIzab.U,