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September 18, 1992 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-09-18

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Issues Forum debuts today, offering a look at the
latest version of the University speech code.
Hear from representatives of the University
administration, MSA, and the ACLU.

The year's first Friday supplement takes a look at
the role of women in higher education. From
students to faculty, women face unique
obstacles climbing the ladder to the top.

Mama, don't let your babies grow up to be
Cowboys. Oklahoma State Cowboys, that is. Even
without Elvis, Michigan should romp all over OSU
this weekend.

Windy, possible T-storms;
High 76, Low 52
Windy, cooler; High 64, Low 42

........ ...
... .........
... ........


One hundred and one years of editorial freedom



Vol CI o 2 nnAbr'ichn-Fida , Septembe 1$1992 0992 The ichial



Currency crisis
sweeps Europe,
threatens unity
LONDON (AP) - The currency crisis that pitched
Europe into political and monetary turmoil widened
yesterday, but central banks managed to keep order
even as financial markets swung wildly.
During the early morning hours, Italy joined Britain
in suspending its currency, the lira, from the European
exchange rate mechanism. The lira and the British
pound fell sharply on currency markets.
Traders instead slammed the French franc, the Irish
pound, the Portuguese escudo and the Danish krone to
levels near their floors in the exchange rate mechanism.
The currency markets remained skittish one day after
Britain tried and failed in an attempt to prop up the sag-
ging pound by hiking its key interest rate and buying
The British and Italian moves raised concerns about
the future of European plans for economic unity.
The pound recovered slightly from Wednesday's
steep slide, while the lira moved higher after Italy's
government announced austerity measures intended to
slash its troublesome deficit.
There was still concern that the European monetary
system could become hopelessly unraveled or that an
emergency realignment of more currencies could'occur
at any time if markets exploded again.
Britain's de facto devaluation of the pound by re-
moving it from the exchange rate mechanism created
credibility problems for the government of Prime
Minister John Major and his top Treasury official,
Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont.
See CURRENCY, Page 2

Regents approve
1992-93 budget

by Henry Goldblatt
Daily News Editor
Real-dollar decreases in state appropria-
tions to the U-M for the 1992-93 fiscal year
have left many of the university's 17 schools
and colleges with budgets equal to or smaller
than last year's.
The U-M Board of Regents - in unani-
mously approving the university's 1992-93
operating budget at yesterday's meeting
-- set the final amount for the university's
general fund, the financial source of U-M's
17 schools and colleges.
LSA will receive a 1.3 percent budget in-
crease, while the School of Engineering's
budget will suffer a .6 percent cut.
Gilbert Whitaker, provost and vice presi-
dent for academic affairs, said the School of
Medicine took the largest cut of 2.4 percent
because school officials raised tuition rates
less than officials in other schools and col-
Still, total university revenue went up for
the year.
"This is the first year in history in which
we will have closed the books in excess of $2
billion in revenue. This is a tremendous effort
on the part of people of the state," said Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer, Farris
Womack added that it took U-M 170 years

to reach a budget of $1 billion in revenue,
while it took only six additional years to
reach $2 billion.
In other business, the regents approved a
series of renovations on South Quad and
Mary Markley residence halls. Markley resi-
dents will see numerous repairs including
window replacements, main entrance and
lobby improvements, renovation of showers,
bathrooms and student room closets.
Renovation plans for South Quad include
the relocation and renewal of the residence
See BUDGET, Page 2
U-M, Big Ten schools
create nw ad spots
by Henry Goldblatt
Daily News Editor
Big Ten sports fanatics may notice a slight
difference during their Saturday television
viewing this year.
U-M - along with the 10 other Big Ten
universities - will embark on a five-year
publicity advertising program featuring sto-
ries of famous alumni from each of the
schools. The U-M spot was aired at yester-
day's U-M Board of Regents meeting.
U-M's 30-second spot - the first of the
See TV, Page 2

Do you think they'll play any Madonna?
LSA juniors Amy Flamenbaum and Matt Marsich sit on the steps of the
Graduate Library and enjoy the sounds of the Bob Roe Trio, part of a
promotion forthe Eclipse Jazz Series.

'M' opens home season vs. OSU

. I

by Jeni Durst
Daily Football Writer
The bad news is that when the
Michigan football team takes the
field tomorrow in its 12:35 p.m.
home opener against Oklahoma
State, it will be without two key
offensive players, namely quarter-
back Elvis Grbac and running back
Tyrone Wheatley. The good news is
it probably won't matter.
Grbac sprained his ankle last
Saturday against Notre Dame and
his ankle will be immobilized until
Monday. Wheatley pulled his ham-
string last Saturday and may start
running again Monday. Starting in-
side linebacker Marcus Walker will
also miss tomorrow's game with an
injury to his rotator cuff.
Redshirt sophomore Todd
Collins will replace Grbac at quar-
terback. Last season, Collins threw,
for 138 yards on 16 completions.
* While Michigan coach Gary
Moeller will miss Grbac's experi-
ence, he is confident in Collins.
"Todd has had a good week of
practice," Moeller said. "He's ex-
cited. I asked him if he was nervous
and he said, 'Obviously I am.' If he
weren't, he'd be a darn fool. He
should be nervous during the week,
re iSter
VO ers
by Hope Calati
Daily Government Reporter
Campus activists, a local business
and musicians nationwide all want
you - to register and vote.
Members of Student Vote '92
will be stationed around campus to
register voters, while Wherehouse
Records is sponsoring a weekend
voter registration drive.
AAflitr: nl:11 n~.r te VntP - n

but not on Saturday. He has good
skills as a quarterback. I have a lot
of confidence in Todd. He's not
Elvis out there with the game expe-
rience, but he has the ability."
The Wolverines (0-0-1) face an
OSU team (1-0-0) stocked with 15
returning starters - from a squad
that couldn't muster a victory last
season - and 10 junior college
"I still feel we are pretty much
in the exploratory stages,"
Oklahoma State coach Pat Jones
said. "We feel everyday we learn a
little bit more about this particular
group and what we're capable of ...
I'm still at the point where I'm just
concerned about us playing well
more than I am about the oppo-
The offensive squad will at-
tempt to improve on a 9.6 points per
game production from last season.
Juco transfer quarterback Derek
Chapman will look mainly toward
split end Bert Milliner, who pulled
in 47 passes last season for 631
Yet, Oklahoma State's main of-
fensive threat comes in the form of
the tailback. Though the days of
See FOOTBALL, Page 12

DPS, Ann Arbor Police plan no additional
precautions for weekend football game

by Erin Einhorn
Daily Crime Reporter
No large problems are expected
when the Wolverines take on the
Oklahoma State Cowboys this
weekend, said Sgt. James
Stephenson of the Ann Arbor Police
Department (AAPD).
During the weekend of last year's
football home opener, police used
tear gas to disperse crowds of con-
flicting Michigan and Notre Dame
fans, but AAPD officials do not an-
ticipate a similar incident.
Aside from placing an extra five
to ten officers in the downtown
campus area, Stephenson said, the
police department has made "no
special plans" to handle crowds.
"Oklahoma State is not a major
game," he explained.
Last year's conflict involved ri-
valing U-M and Notre Dame fans
the night before the game.
As many Notre Dame fans drove
up from South Bend, Ind. for the
game, and bars were full to capacity,
brawling erupted among the crowds

waiting in line on South University
Avenue. Police dispensed tear gas to
control the situation.
Tear gas was used as a crowd-
controlling measure again after the
NCAA Basketball Championship in
April. Although the Wolverines
were defeated, thousands of fans
again rushed to South University
Avenue to vent their frustrations.
Police used tear gas after deter-
mining that the crowd had grown
AAPD Sgt. Brad Hill, of the spe-
cial projects unit, said AAPD repre-
sentatives have visited local bar
owners to remind them to enforce
city liquor codes.
The extra officers stationed
downtown this weekend, he said,
will be looking to enforce minor in
possession, open liquor as well as
noise violation ordinances.
The U-M Department of Public
Safety (DPS) will also be controlling
crowds this weekend, said DPS Lt.
Vernon Baisden.
See POLICE, Page 2

grooves at the Nectarine Ballroom's disco party.

LSA junior Tracy Frieseni

Disco fever sweeps
Ann Arbor, claims
numerous casualties

by Pete Matthews

Students can catch a case of
Saturday Night Fever Wednesday
nights at the Nectarine Ballroom.
And while it's not an excuse to
skip Thursday classes, DJ Roger
provides the means to skip out of
the '90s.
From 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., every
Wednesday since "Disco Night"
began April 29, the Nectarine has
been doing the Time Machine
thing. Between 300 and 400 peo-
ple - nearly half of them dressed
in vintage clothing - jam the
dance floor.
A Titter hallc vrates ave a

and approval. Each week Roger
plays a number of favorites once
or sometimes even twice. These
tracks - which' empty people
from the tables and bar onto the
dance floor - include "Funky
Town," "I Will Survive," "We are
Family," "Copacabana,"
"YMCA," the "Hustle" and any-
thing from ABBA or the "Grease"
Sonya, the Nectarine's man-
ager began to promote Disco
Night by walking around campus
blasting Disco tunes on her radio.
"People thought it was a joke,"
said Sonya attired in an elegant



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