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March 04, 1992 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-04

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 4, 1992 - Page 3

*to change
ruble rate
MOSCOW (AP) - Russia is
speeding up its plan to make the
ruble convertible as part of an
economic reform program which
may hasten the country's admission
O into the International Monetary Fund
(IMF), an official said yesterday.
The program presented to the
Russian Parliament by economics
czar Yegor Gaidar also calls for
freeing more prices, budget cuts,
higher taxes, higher interest rates
and slashing unemployment
The program's main goals are to
eliminate the budget deficit and cool
off inflation.
Such moves will strengthen the
ruble and create a more favorable in-
vestment climate for foreigners,
Gaidar told lawmakers.
"On the whole, the policy we are
proposing is tough," Gaidar said.
"But it's a policy that we are
convinced can pave the way to
macro-economic stability, set the
market mechanism working, limit
inflation to the lowest level possible
by the end of the year and make it
possible to receive serious financial
support," he said.
The program envisages the intro-
duction by April 20 of two exchange
rates for the ruble. It says a single
rate will go into effect after the
government has accumulated a hard
currency fund to prop up the ruble.
Russia has asked the West to con-
tribute $6 billion to the fund.
Britain will be Russia's
representative at an IMF committee
that will set conditions for Russian
membership. The former Soviet
Union was granted associate status
in the IMF in October.
The special commercial rate, now
55 rubles to the dollar, is used exclu-
sively by Russian businesses.
Visitors to Russia currently use
the floating ruble "market" rate, now
90 rubles to the dollar, which
Russia's Central Bank sets each
week based on hard currency
auctions and the black market rate.

Assembly passes
resolution to cap
semesterly fee

Cookies for sale
Girl Scout Troop 410 members Chritine Towkowski, Jill Jacob and Lizzie Nylund sell cookies in the Markley lobby.
'U' educates on health care
Intacveprograms allow students to discuss concerns

by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily MSA Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly
passed a resolution last night which
will place a referendum on the
March ballot allowing students to
vote to cap the MSA fee at its cur-
rent rate of $6.27 per semester.
"This resolution would create a
maximum limit to the MSA fee that
could only be raised or lowered by a
vote of the student body," Rules and
Elections Committee Chair Brian
Kight said of the resolution - which
passed 22-8-1. "The reason this was
done was not to destroy MSA or
make it wither. This is for student
input and student control over our
The assembly also passed an
amendment to the resolution which
states, "all fees collected in excess of
the fee limit should be placed in an
MSA University account created for
the purpose of holding these funds."
iSome representatives said they
felt the fee cap would only hurt the
"If we limit the fee we are
severely limiting what we can do for
students, and I think we should be
wary of this," said Natural
Resources Rep. Nena Shaw.
Other representatives said they
thought the resolution was necessary
for students to have a say in their
student government.
"Anybody who votes against this
is afraid of the voters," LSA Rep.
Rob Van Houweling said. "It's only
because we're scared that (students)
are going to disapprove of what
we've done that you would vote
against this."
The assembly also voted last
night to table a resolution until next
week's meeting asking students to
vote whether each of the eight MSA
commissions should remain a part of
the assembly.
"This is not an attempt to destroy
all the commissions," Kight said.
"This is trying to let students reeval-
uate our current commissions and
decide what issues are important to
Some representatives said they

were opposed to this resolution.
"You want to destroy the mecha-
nism through which work gets done
in this assembly," LSA Rep. Todd
Ochoa said.
Many students also addressed the
assembly during constituents time to
express concern about the assem-
bly's 'actions in the past weeks.
LSA senior and Environmental
Action member Stefanie Wyse criti-
cized the assembly's budget alloca-
tion process. Wyse said she was
concerned that the Budget Priorities
'Anybody who votes
against this is afraid of
the voters.'
- Rob Van Houweling
LSA Representative
Commission (BPC) is more than one
and a half weeks late in allocating
funds to her group.
"The whole process hasn't been
user-friendly for students," Wyse
said. "The process now is inconsis-
tent and very difficult to make heads
or tails of."
BPC Chair Sejal Mistry re-
sponded, "I realize the grants aren't
ready, but it's riot my fault. There's
only so much I can do. I'm very
Two other students addressed the
assembly last night to express con-
cern about the way the assembly
handled the deputization issue.
"We came tonight to emphasize
MSA's critical role in the election of
an oversight board and I think they
failed in getting student input in the
deputization process," said LSA
sophomore Amy Ellis. "They let it
slide and didn't hold the regents or
the administration accountable."
LSA junior Christy Ochoa also
said the assembly did not handle the
deputization issue well.
"At this point it's become pretty
apparent that this oversight board is
going to be no more than a farce -
a superficial way to fulfill the laws,
she said.

by Karen Talaski
Daily Staff Reporter
Students with questions about
sex, condoms, AIDS, or stress have
an outlet to obtain answers through
Peer Education Programs - spon-
sored by the University Health
"The Peer Education programs
are not based on a lecture format.
The programs are interactive and
designed for students to talk to stu-
dents about their health concerns,"
said Janet Zielasko, director of
Health Promotion and Community
Teams of peer educators, com-
posed of University undergraduates
and graduates, facilitate the pro-
grams. Peer educators must complete
a minimum of 20 hours of training
and attend monthly "in-service
meetings" for updates on
information in the program areas.
"We don't hammer people over
the head with 'Thou shalt not.' It is a
very non-preachy program," said
LSA senior and peer educator Chris

Neff. "We approach students as most up-to-date information on all
peers, rather than bosses. Peer edu- contraceptive methods, both pre-
cators are on the same level as stu- scription and over-the-counter." CEP
dents. Each has a different back- covers choosing, using and obtaining
ground and lots of experiences contraceptives from University
which may benefit the students." Health Services.
The Peer Education programs are The Safer Sex Peer Education
available upon request to groups of Program informs participants about
students in residence halls, fraterni- sexually transmitted diseases
ties, sororities, academic classes, and (STDs), AIDS, and pregnancy. "We
student organizations. There are four discuss strategies to protect one's
programs in all. sexual health, where to go to be
The Stress Management Peer tested, and counseling about STDs
Education Program - which started and AIDS," Zielasko said. "There is
this year - is designed to increase a lot of information that needs to be
knowledge and promote healthy atti- presented."
tudes and practices about stress. The Alcohol and Other Drug Peer
Management strategies and tech- Education Program (ADPEP) dis-
niques, including relaxation cusses attitudes and behaviors re-
demonstrations, are also discussed. garding alcohol and other drug use.
"Right around exam time is when "This is not a 'Just Say No' pro-
students really need this program," gram," said Gen Stewart, ADPEP
Zielasko said. "We teach students coordinator. "It is about health issues
how stress affects them physically, due to excessive or abusive use of
mentally, and emotionally." alcohol or other drugs."
Zielasko said the Contraceptive "The main focus of all of the
Peer Education Program's (CEP) programs is to lay out issues for stu-
purpose is to give the students "the dents to talk about," Stewart added.

Utah holds a primary, not a caucus, as reported in the yesterday's Daily.
_ What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Law profs. say students enter prepared

Ann Arbor Coalition to
Unleash Power, Michigan Union,
Crofoot Rm, 7:30 p.m.
Hindu Students Council,
weekly mtg, Bhagavad Gita- Chapter
5, learn Hindi, B115 MLB, 8 p.m.
Korean Students Association,
weekly mtg, Michigan Union,
Anderson Rm, 5 p.m.
"International Observer
Magazine" General Meeting 8:00
p.m. Michigan Union
Latin American Solidarity
Committee,'- weekly mtg,
Michigan Union, Welker Rm, 8 p.m.
Rainforest Action Movement,
weekly mtg, 1046 Dana (School of
Natural Resources), 7 p.m.
Students Concerned About
Animal Rights, weekly mtg,
Dominick's, 7 p.m.
AIESEC Meet 5:00 p.m. to Raid
MSU, corner of E. University and
Ash Wednesday Service
Canterbury/Episcopal Student
Foundation, Cantebury House, 218 N.
Division 665-0606
American Advertising
Federation (AAF) 3040 Frieze
Bldg. 6:00 p.m.
U of M Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do
Club, weekly meeting, CCRB
Martial Arts rm, 8-9 p.m.
"Stereoselective C-C Bond
Formation in Carbohydrates
by Radical Addition
Reaction' 1640 Chem Bldg. 4:00
"Local Information and
Sequential Tests," J oin t
MSU/UM Seminar 4:00 p.m. A405
Wells Hall
"Economics Education in

"Atmospheric Reaction
Kinetics of Some CFC
Replacements" 1650 Chem Bldg.
4:00 p.m.
Safewalk, night-time safety walk-
ing service. Sun-Thurs 8 p.m.-1:30
a.m., Fri-Sat, 8 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Stop
by 102 UGLi or call 936-1000. Also,
extended hours: Sun-Thurs 1:30-3
a.m. Stop by Angell Hall Computing
Center or call 763-4246.
No rt hw a lk, North Campus
nighttime team walking service.Sun-
Thur 8 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Fri-Sat 8:00
p.m.- 11:30 p.m. Stop by 2333
Bursley or call 763-WALK.
Undergraduate Psychology
Peer Advising, Undergraduate
Psychology Office, K-108 West Quad,
9:00 a.m.- 4: 00 p.m.
ECB Writing Tutors,
Angell/Mason Hall Computing
Center, 7-11 p.m.
"A Power Play" Residence Hall
Repertory Theatre Troupe, Stockwell-
Blue Lounge 10 p.m.
Girl Scout Cookie Booths
Baits I, Alice Lloyd, and West Quad:
4:30-7:00 p.m.
U-M Taekwondo Club, Monday
workout. CCRB Martial Arts Rm
2275, 6:30-8 p.m. Beginners
Discussion of Objectivism:
The Philosophy of Ayn Rand,
UM Students of Objectivism 2212
MLB 8 p.m.
Grief Recovery Workshop,
five-part series, Hospice of
East Quad/RC Social Group for
Lesbians, Gay Men, and
Bisexuals, weekly mtg, 9 p.m.
U of M Ninjitsu Club, practice,
I-M Bldg, wrestling rm, 7-8:30 p.m

by Karen Pier
Daily Graduate Schools Reporter
Although many parents and edu-
cators may decry the state of public
education, University Law School
professors and first-year law stu-
dents said they feel students are en-
tering the school well-prepared for
their legal studies.
Edward Cooper, professor and
associate dean for Academic Affairs,
said he has not seen any changes in
the preparedness of the first-year
students in his classes.
"From year to year, they are an
exceedingly well-educated group of
people," Cooper said. He added that
this year's incoming class may be
better prepared than those of
previous years.
Although Assistant Professor
Theodore Shaw has only taught at
the University for one year, he said
he has formed definite opinions of
this year's first-year law students.
"I think they are pretty well pre-
pared, although it is varied," he said.
Shaw, who taught "Constitutional
Law" last fall, said a solid back-
ground in American history is a
prerequisite for understanding the
work here:
The Wall Street Journal
The New York Times
The Washington Post
The Detroit Free Press
The Detroit News
NBC Sports
Associated Press
United Press Interna tional
Scientific American Time

material. Some students were thor-
oughly versed in the subject, but
others lacked the necessary
background, he added.
"In general, the students are very
bright, by and large," Shaw said.
"They are intellectually engaged. I
'Students have to
adjust to a different
way of thinking.'
- Jose Vela
Law School Student
Senate President
think there is a variable strength in
writing, but most students write
Professor Thomas Kauper also
commented on students' writing
skills. "Writing ability has been im-
proving, but not all professors may
agree with me," he said.
Kauper also said he has not no-
ticed a dramatic change in the pre-
paredness of first-year law students.
Although the first year of law
school has a reputation for being dif-
ficult, students generally said they
feel prepared.

Mary Lou Stow, a first-year law
student, said she has not found law
material difficult.
"I have been able to do the work
fine," she said.
But Stow said the professors and
casebooks sometimes make the sub-
ject matter unnecessarily
There are many commercial
study helps on the market, including
the Horn Book which aids in clarify-
ing laws. These guides supplement
the coursebooks, which detail cases
from which legal principles are
"If you're confused, there are so
many study aids. You can also talk
with the professor," Stow said.
Wendy Learmont, a first-year law
student, said she agreed with Stow's
assessment of the challenges facing
a first-year student. "I don't find it
difficult. It's something entirely

new. The professors go slowly at the
beginning," she said. "I never felt I
shouldn't be here."'
Learmont said she felt more pre-
pared for law school than she did for
her undergraduate education at
Georgetown University. After grad-
uating from a high school that spe-
cialized in math and science, she
said she sometimes felt uneasy in her
college liberal arts classes.
Jose Vela, president of the Law
School Student Senate, said law
school can be very stressful since
one test often determines a student's
grade for the class.
"Students have to adjust to a
different way of thinking," Vela said
First-year law student Rick Hsu
added, "You really can't prepare too
much with a certain curriculum for
law school ... Certain majors seem to
be better off ... Economics majors
seem to have it a little easier."

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