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March 04, 1992 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-04

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Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, March 4,1992
Gbr 3th4au BUtIQ
Leiter i« Chief

420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
764 - 0552

Opinion Editors

Edited and Managed
by Students at the
University of Michigan

Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board.
All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily.
Goodbye GM...and goodbye jobs

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Last week General Motors announced that it
would close down the Willow Run Assembly
plant by July, 1993. The shut-down of the facility,
which is located about 10 minutes outside of Ann
Arbor, will result in the loss of more than 4,000
hourly jobs and some low seniority salaried posi-
tions. Operations will instead be shifted to the
Arlington, Texas plant, which produces the same
models of cars.
Although the effects of the closing will not be
felt until 1993, the Ypsilanti community will be
hard-hit by the loss of jobs and tax base. The horrid
disrespect that GM executives have shown their
workers and the people of this state is inexcusable.
General Motors used questionable tactics when
deciding which plant to save. By putting the Wil-
low Run and Arlington plants in competition, GM
was able to get concessions from local govern-
ments and unions. To pit two local plants against
each other in the first place was underhanded, and
is not a manner in which a responsible company
should do business.
The Arlington local union elected to cut over-
time pay and shorten the work week in order to
persuade GM to preserve its plant.
Apparently Willow Run was not willing to
make such concessions, which violate national
union contracts.

Within union rules, individual unions, or locals,
are not allowed to offer concessions that are in
conflict with the national contract. Members of
United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 1776 in
Ypsilanti believe that GM enticed the Texas local
to bend the rules to allow it to make the choice,
many feel was already made.
The Texas local should not view these events as
a victory. With the move of operations to Texas,
GM is just one step closer to its goal - Mexico.
In fact, on the day GM announced it would
close Willow Run, it broke ground on a new
assembly plant in Mexico. The new plant will
produce the same model cars produced in Arling-
ton and Willow Run. It is highly unlikely that the
Texas local will be able to match the 37 cent per-
hour wages that GM will be paying workers in
People came to this area to find jobs. They have
settled here and have raised families. Tax dollars
from the plant have helped to fund local schools
and sustain the quality of life in the community.
The people that live in these areas depend on the
jobs that the plant provides.
It is sad that current economic conditions re-
quire GM to slim down. But it also sad that in doing
so, the company is abandoning many of the work-
ers who have supported it for years.

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Deliberately kept out
To the Daily:
I just left the Regent's meeting
where they voted to deputize the
police under their authority.
I was 30 minutes late for the
meeting which started at 9:30
a.m., because I had been told at
9:00 this morning by a police
officer at the Fleming Building
doors that the meeting started at
10:00. Was it an honest mistake
or a deliberate attempt to keep me
away from the meeting, away
from the decision making
Given the way that previous
decisions have been made, I don't
think it was a mistake. It was just
one more example of the regents'
attempts to keep the students and
the faculty out of the decision
making process. They not only
don't want to hear our views on
the issues, they don't even want

us to hear their views on the
issue. And they wonder why
we're mad.
David Toland
Rackham graduate student
To the Daily:
On Feb. 13 Andrew Bittens'
letter told of an Asian-American
woman who had been acting
irrationally several times in the
area and he then encouraged
readers to "write the Daily with
(their) interesting stories," if they
had seen her as well.
I fail to understand why Mr.
Bittens' letter was published in
the Daily. Usually the letters
section is reserved for commen-
tary on issues of public and
University concern.
In a nutshell, Mr. Bittens'
letter implores readers to submit
for some "interesting" psycho-
Asian-lady stories. Stripped to its

bare essence, his letter is mean
spirited and is unquestionably
racist as he describes only in terms
of her race.
If the facts of Mr. Bittens'
letter are correct, he is encourag-
ing - and the Daily is facilitating
public ridicule of an apparently
mentally or emotionally ill young
woman who needs professional
help. No person, especially a non-
public person, should be subjected
to such debasement in a public
forum as in the Daily.
If anyone on the editorial staff
had had an iota of journalistic
integrity, let alone decency and
humaneness, that letter would not
have been published. It was
neither newsworthy nor an
opinion. In this instance the Daily
egregiously and miserably failed
its journalistic and social responsi-
Rachel K. Eickemeyer
Third-year Law student

Right-wing Republicans
L ast week, President George Bush dismissed vatives find off
John Frohnmayer, chair of the National En- criticism from hi
dowment for the Arts (NEA). This dismissal comes himself from suc
after repeated criticism from the far right concern- under the pressun
ing the Bush appointee. That Bush w
This move, which follows presidential candi- easily indicates t
date Pat Buchanan's strong showing in the New all fluff. It is only
Hampshirepresidential primary, indicates that Bush that the presiden
is caving in to the conservative wing of the Repub- most people with
lican Party. a recent interviev
Unfortunately, this may result in the censorship that he would do
of American art by an inevitably more conserva- elected. It looksa
tive NEA chair. claim.
The NEA helps support hundreds of American Frohnmayer's
artists by awarding financial grants. It is intended be a conservativ
to support a wide range of artistic expression. In policies of the so
1990, the organization came under fire from con- nately, it will be
servatives like Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) because lovers.
it funded the controversial artist Robert ThoughFrohn
Mapplethorpe. for an NEA chair
Several staunch conservatives, including vative director m
Buchanan, have criticized Bush for his appoint- art funded by th
ment of Frohnmayer. Buchanan has accused Bush these will makea
of supporting pornographic art because several selves freely, and
NEA grants have gone to artists that some conser- sity of American

1 ' Arts 0
ensive. In order to avoid more
is own party, and disassociate
ch "pornography," Bush buckled
re and got rid of Frohnmayer.
ould yield to such pressures so
hat his commitment to the arts is
y one example in a series proving
t is concerned with pleasing the
in his party, not taking a stand. In
w with David Frost, Bush stated
o "anything" in order to get re-
as though Bush will live up to his
replacement will undoubtedly
ve who supports the censorship
-called moral majority. Unfortu-
at the expense of artists and art-
nmayer may not be the best choice
in the first place, a more conser-
ay be all too willing to censor the
le organization. Actions such as
artists less able to express them-
[will inevitably narrow the diver-


Moslems clew
by Atiya Ahmad
A Moslem is one who submits
to God (Allah), and as part of
observing the commandments of
Allah, the Moslem fasts during
the holy month of Ramadan.
The Islamic calendar is lunar,
and during the ninth month, called
Ramadan, Moslems worldwide
fast from sunrise to sunset for 29
(or 30) days, as they are instilled
with discipline and a sense of
The primary reason for fasting
in Ramadan is obedience to
Allah's commands, thus, the
Moslem must strive to fulfill the
obligations ordained upon him/
During Ramadan, this effort
by the Moslem must be at its
highest and sincerest capacity.
Furthermore, Ramadan offers
opportunities for the Moslem to
earn Allah's forgiveness and for
prayers to be answered.
The Night of Power, called
Laitat-ul Qadr, during Ramadan,
is an extremely important night,
during which Moslems are
Ahmad is an Engineering sopho-

insed by
encouraged to engage in
cation, as angels are said
descend to hear the pray
Beginning March 4 (
Moslems all over the wo
join to celebrate the mon
Ramadan. During Rama

Ramadan fast
suppli- and harmful intentions. A fasting
[to Moslem is therefore on his/her
ers of the behavior during this time. Not
only does fasting emphasize self-
or 5), restraint and self-discipline, it also
rld will brings an appreciation for what
ith of those less fortunate feel and
dan, therefore makes one thankful.

Clearly, the fast is physically and spiritually
cleansing in that the body has a chance to rest
and the mind has a chance to explore and pon-
der the blessings in life.

D rawing
Months after the peace
and its bordering Ara
ing of tensions remains a d
goal. Stubbornness and rele
the interested parties from
concrete agreement on sig
however, has displayed fror
to conciliatory gestures. Se
Baker III testified before C
Israel's refusal to end settl
Territories, the United State
antee Israel a $10 billion lo
However, Israel continu
ments in the territories are n
and demands that the U.S.;
the loans. The United Stat(
loaning this amount to Isr
assume. Rather, the United
co-sign the loan which we
would receive the $10 bill
financial institutions. Still, t
moral obligations.
Israel is requesting the lc
settlements for the influx of
Jews. Jewish immigration
dramatically since former P
Soviet Union Michail Gorb
tion restrictions. Israel ha
raise the funds to house the
Despite the difficulties t
migrants creates for the Isra

the ine o settlements
process between Israel to mention Palestinians - refusing to give Israel
ab states began, an eas- unconditional support is a constructive manner by
istant and unreachable which to display U.S. dissatisfaction with contin-
ntless hostility prevent ued Jewish settlement of the Occupied Territories.
reaching any kind of The United States has opposed the construction of
nificant issues. Israel, Jewish settlements from the start, but the country's
m the onset an aversion friendship with Israel has always taken priority
cretary of State James over this clearly immoral policy.
ongress that because of President Bush has rightfully attached condi-
ement in the Occupied tions to the loan guarantees. Israel has historically
s should refuse to guar- used loans to free Israeli tax funds to build settle-
)an. ments in the Occupied Territories. The State De-
es to claim that settle- partment should follow policies that ensure that
lot an obstacle to peace American moral interests are served. Although
government guarantee Israel claims it will not use the loan money to
es will not be actually directly fund new settlements, the loans will free
ael, as many wrongly up other monies which will be used to build new
States is being asked to settlements. All in all, Israel seems unable todis-
)uld ensure that Israel play any truly peaceful intentions.
ion from independent The escalating violence between Israel and its
he United States has its neighbors in recent weeks indicates that these
countries are not serious about seeking peace.
aan guarantees to build Lebanon, a fellow negotiator at the peace table,
Russian andUkrainian suffered a territorial violation by a battalion of
to Israel has increased Israeli tanks and troops which plowed over UN
President of the former peace-keeping forces. This behavior cannot con-
achev relaxed emigra- tinue.
s been scrambling to If peace is to be reached in the Middle East,
se new immigrants. Israel must not only begin making concessions to
his great influx of im- its Arab neighbors, but also end its overtly bellig-

fasting is obligatory upon all
Moslems who are physically able.
Travelers and expectant mothers
are exempt from fasting during
Ramadan, yet the fasts must be
made up at a later date; children
do not have to fast.
Those who cannot fast, due to
sickness and/or old age, must
fulfill the fasting requirement by
feeding a poor person for every
day not fasted. In this way, all
Moslems are able to take part in
the activities of Ramadan.
The Moslem fast is unlike the
traditional fast in that is means
not only abstaining from food,
but also beverages, sex, ill deeds

Clearly, the fast is physically
and spiritually cleansing in that
the body has a chance to rest and
the mind has a chance to explore
and ponder the blessings in life.
Fasting is one of the five
pillars of Islam, the others being
supreme faith in God (Allah) and
his messenger Mohammad,
praying the five daily prayers,
giving alms due to the poor, and
performing the pilgrimage to
Mecca (Haji) when financially
possible. Culminating in the
celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr, which is
the Festival of Breaking Fast,
fasting is an important and
unifying experience for Moslems.

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Can you i*V(
Dear Jim,
Cat get your tongue?
At the first deputization hearing
I asked you specifically, how you
could justify deputizing a police
department against the wishes of
the students of the University. I
even cited the .r
statistics. The *fig; .f
poll taken by the
gan Review and r
Consider Maga-
zine said 52 per-
cent of us didn't
want armed cops by Matt
on our campus. Adler
Only 29 percent
did. I wanted to know if democracy
meant anything to you, if the opin-
ion of students meant anything to
you. I wanted to know how you
could sleep at night.

with yourself
plained that the poll I cited was bliss t
inaccurate because we didn't poll beat uj
residents of places like Marquette was go
and Grand Rapids - the residents Yo
of the state ofMichigan, "thepeople the Un
who own the University." Appar- of the 1
ently, Paul thinks that people in the try. Ca
Upper Peninsula can't digest their pletely
food because they are so upsetabout You'r
not being polled on whether this discipt
campus should have its own police A c
force. dential
I guess, using Paul's clever rea- educat
soning, we should take a poll of the You ca
entire country, since the University want al
also gets federal money. If the re- in nati
gents were the seven dwarves, guess consci
which one Paul would be."That's treatin
right, --Dopey! doesn'
Getting back to you, Jimmy, is one bi
there anything beneath that cold, that?
rigid exterior of yours? Does it Ho
bother you that when I walk through You've

imm y?
hat he feels when he gets to
p Black students, I thought I
ping to vomit.
u, Jim, are the president of
niversity - supposedly one
best universities in the coun-
n't you see that you've com-
ylost sight of your purpose
e supposed to educate us, not
ine us.
redo of the University's Resi-
I College is that the key to
ion is respect for the student.
an make all the excuses you
bout the University's decline
on-wide rankings, but your
ence must be telling you that
ng students like convicts
t help Michigan's reputation
t. How do you rationalize
w do you live with yourself?
e been president of this Uni-

aeli government - not

erent behavior.

Nuts and Bolts
N ~~ AM 5ORR'
W'E ~ OVEcXtK"D ..
Let 1_.. s, c r.t n? -, it.

THAT?W(AHY ( ro '1.) PP LE)
TI C*C -T S iThAN '10.) MAVE~AFath.

O~cupE YOU PC" T -.1

by Judd Winick


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