Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, March 4, 1992
Reports of rising GNP, home
sales suggest perk in economi
WASHINGTON (AP) - The report also showed the leading the economy out of
Reports of a big jump in the November and December drops recession with its spillover effec
government's main economic were not as sharp as previously sales of appliances and other h
barometer and a surge in new home thought. They were revised upward furnishings.
sales suggested yesterday that the to 0.2 percent for each month from Greenspan said the big jum
economy has begun to perk up. the 0.3 percent declines originally housing activity was one reasoi
President Bush welcomed the re- estimated last month. tobsig vetewasonomy
ports, saying, "It's nice to have some too believed the economy
encouraging news.,, For the year, the Bush beginning to show promise
Analysts agreed that any administration and many economists mounting a sustained recovery.
recover would be anemic, unlike are forecasting growth of just 1.5
th youtrvvl htfloe percent compared with an average of He warned there was "an ex,
the robust revivals that followed 6 percent during the first year of tional measure of uncertainty to
previous post-World War II recovery from other post-World War current picture" because of unu
recessions. Federal Reserve Chair II recessions. forces such as high consumer
Alan Greenspan cautioned that ' business debt burdens whichv
extraordinary forces" still make the In a second report, the holding back growth.
future uncertain. departments of Commerce and Greenspan said the central 1
The Commerce Department said Housing and Urban Development stood ready to do more if the
its Index of Leading Economic said sales of new homes shot up 12.9 pected economic rebound does
Indicators jumped 0.9 percent in percent in January, the steepest materialize. He said he was notc
January after two straight declines, advance in a year. It was the third vinced that "we may not need s
Led by soaring stock prices, seven increase in four months. insurance" in the form of further
of the 11 forward-looking statistics cuts.
posted gains. Except for the Northeast, all ct
The index is designed to forecast regions posted advances including a The government reported
economic activity six to nine months 63 percent gain in the Midwest. consumer spending has risen,
in advance. Three consecutive de- Analysts said the report was tomorrow the nation's largest r
clines are viewed as a fairly reliable another sign the housing industry ers are expected to announce a
signal of an approaching recession. had assumed its traditional role of ond straight month of impr
ct on
p in
in he
o the
Continued from page 1
Yeltsin and other leaders of for-
mer Soviet republics are scheduled
to meet in Kiev March 20. U.S. offi-
cials are hoping the leaders of
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and
Kazakhstan - the four states with
strategic nuclear weapons - will
pledge to adhere to the reductions in
the pending START agreement.
The republics' leaders have gen-
erally agreed that the new
Commonwealth of Independent
States should exercise joint control
over nuclear weapons - about the
only area of broad agreement within
the CIS.
If the four republics sign a
START pledge, said a Senate
source, the Bush administration
would probably press the Senate to
ratify the treaty, which calls for re-
ducing strategic nuclear forces to
8,000 to 9,000 warheads each.
Continued from page 1
Bush was sure to win Colorado
and the president said he was "well
on our way to the nomination." He
said he was "committed to
regaining" the support of
Republican voters who deserted
him for the more conservative
Bush was gaining 59 percent of
the GOP vote in Georgia, to 40
percent for Buchanan, with 67
percent counted. Buchanan said in
advance that a strong showing
Continued from page 1
students should have an interest in
city politics and register to vote.
"Students can really swing an
election if they go out and vote,"
said Peter Nicolas, a Democratic 4th
Ward candidate who is also a Public
Policy graduate student. He said the
council's decisions affect students
more than they realize.
"A lot of people think that prop-
erty taxes don't matter to students,"
Nicolas said. "But when property
taxes go up, student rents go up."
Another student candidate, Jeff
Muir, who is running as a
Republican in the 5th Ward, also
said that students are affected by
council decisions.
Not only are students major con-
sumers in the city, Muir said, but the
would be enough to fuel his
candidacy throughout the primary
Both analysts and voters said
Buchanan continued to benefit from
a protest vote. He won nine in 10 of
the 39 percent of Georgia
Republicans who said they
disapprove of the president's job
performance, CNN political analyst
William Schneider said.
The economy was a major factor
in the vote of Georgia Republicans,
with Bush winning 78 percent of
those who rated the economy good
but only 26 percent of those who
rated it poor, the exit polls showed.
city responds to many "critical is-
sues" involving the University and
its student community.
He cited the tear gassing of stu-
dents by Ann Arbor police during
fall semester as one of these issues.
"If every student actually learned
about the issues," Muir said, "the
city would be less likely to treat stu-
dent concerns in a high-handed
Muir estimated that only 5 per-
cent of students turn out at the polls.
"The city, like the regents, can do
whatever they want because students
say they're not going to do anything
about it," he said.
But many students say they
would rather continue voting at
"I still want to vote for my coun-
cilman in Detroit. I decided that
even if we vote here, we would still
be overwritten," LSA junior Melanie
Calvin and Hobbes
F-VW .*~> *
E t (VIW Yet
N. o' . OPL
by Bill Watterson
ge Ru
crash kills
ELKTON, Mich. (AP) - Two
military fighter jets crashed during a
training flight yesterday afternoon,
killing one pilot while the other
parachuted to safety, officials said.
The F-16 jets were from the
191st Fighter Intercepter Group at
Selfridge Air National Guard Base
in Mount Clemens, said base
spokesperson Alice Errington.
The jets were on a routine train-
ing flight, Errington said.
No injuries were reported on the
ground, where debris reportedly
covered a six-mile area, Huron
County Sheriff's dispatcher Dave
Blashill said.
Elkton, in Michigan's Thumb
area, is about 100 miles north o
Drayton said. "The people who live
here on a permanent basis would
have more of a power base because
they vote on a more consistent basis
while students change from year to
But College Democrat President
Dana Miller said, "This is the level
of politics where students can make
the biggest difference ... These are
the issues that are going to be affect-
ing them the most."
The last day to register to vote for
the April 6 City Council elections is
Monday March 9.
Any adult Ann Arbor resident -
even a temporary one - can register
at the city clerk's office on the sec-
ond floor of City Hall, at the Ann
Arbor Public Library or at any secre-
tary of state's office. There will also
be deputy registrars on campus
during the next week.
Seniors have varying opinions
about the Senior Pledge Program's
benefits. Some said they would not
give any more money to the
University, and even if they could,
they said they didn't think the
contribution would make z.
"It's an unnecessary extra," said
Rich Leff, an LSA senior. "I'm sure
most students can't afford to donate
a substantial amount of money to
make a significant contribution."
"I personally would not give
any more money," said Andrew
Gordon, Business School senior.
"I've given plenty to the University
already. I think that's a common
However, others said they
thought the pledge program could
be beneficial.
"If you're optimistic about the
University in general then the idea
is all right. There's no harm in ask-
ing for help because it does cost a
lot of money to run the University,
the good parts and the bad parts,"
said RC senior Michelle Pressma.
A plaque will be placed in the
Union to record the number of
donors each year and the amount of
money collected.
Hair Styling with
a Flair
- 6 Barber Stylists
Opposite Jacobson's
Continued from page 1
Students who wish to protect
their computers from the
Michelangelo virus can pick up an
anti-viral program free of charge in
3113 School of Education Building
by bringing a blank 3.5 inch disk.
LSA Junior Lucie Thomsen said
she used her father's anti-viral pro-
gram to eliminate the Michelangelo
virus when she found out about the
virus last year.
"I wasn't scared until I found out
it wipes out the hard drive," she said.
Although it is difficult to trace
the origins of the virus, Burrell said,
Michelangelo is thought to have
started either in Holland or Sweden
in April last year.
Thomsen said she heard on the
news that the virus entered the
United States through a small com-
puter firm in Southern California.
The virus spreads when a com-
puter is turned on with an infected
diskette inside, Burrell said. The
Michelangelo virus cannot be
transmitted by copying files.
This is the most serious virus yet
to be identified in the University,
Burrell said, adding that other
viruses - such as the "Stoned
Virus" which wrote "Your computer
is stoned" on the computer screen -
have previously affected University
Continued from page 1
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Here's the chance to tell your classmates
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WHO: All eligible graduating LS&A seniors (through
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WHAT: Commencement Speech: 2-3 minutes long-to
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WHERE: Michigan Stadium.
WHEN: May 2, 1992, 12:00 Noon
Entry deadline is Monday, March 9. All speeches will be
judged by an LS&A student commencement committee.
Final selections will be made by March 26.
Send all typed texts to LS&A Development and External
Relations, 350 South Thayer, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608
they give more, but there is a differ-
ence between tuition dollars and
donations," Moore said. "The
University also needs private
Last year, the pledge program
collected nearly $84,000 with the
help of 1,979 donors. This year pro-
gram organizers said they hope to
raise $92,000, including donations
from the Flint and Dearborn cam-
The money is given to the school
from which the student graduates.
The donations, usually about $35
from each student, are used for
items such as computers, library
books, scholarships, and guest
Program coordinators said
money is always a useful gift for
the University.
"I think it's more important to
give money now because the
University has quite a few benches
and trees already, and it helps to
keep tuition from getting higher and
higher," said Ann Kucera, a 1988
alumnae of the University and staff
advisor for the Senior Pledge
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) Is published Monday through Friday during the Fall and Winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. On-campus subscription rate for fall/winter 91-92 is $30; all other
subscriptions via first class U.S. mal, winter semester only, are $80. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327.
PHONE NUMBERS (All area code 313): News 764-0552; Opinion 747-2814; Arts 7630379 Sports 747-3336;
Circulation 764-0558; Classified advertising 764-0557; Dsplay advertising 764-0554; Billing 764-0550.
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NEWS Henry Goldblatt, Managing Editor
EDITORS David Rhaingold, Bethany Robertson, Stefenie Vines, Kannerh Walker
STAFF: Lad Barager, Hope Calad, Bary Cohen, Ben Ded, Lauren Dermer, Erin Ertom, Rent Huckdo, Loreta Lee, Andrew Levy,
Robn Ltwin, Nicole Malenfant, Travis McReynolds, Joesh Mocler, Melissa Peerlese, Karen Pier, Mona QureeN. Karen Sabgkr,
Chrstopher Scherer, Owen Sheffer, Purvi Shah, Jennifer Silverberg, David Wartowski, Chastity Wilson.
U"ST: David Shepard'on
OPINION Yael Citro, Geoff Earie, Amitava Mazumdar, Editors
STAFF: Matt Ader, Jenny Alix, ReneeBushey, Daren Hubbard, David Leitner, Jennifer Mason, Ad Rotenberg, Dae Rowe, David
Shepardo, Steve Small, Danial StewarL
SPORTS John Myo, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Jiosh, Dubow, Albert Lin, JeffWilia
STAFF. Andy DeKorte, Kimberly DeSempelaer., Matthew Dodge, Shawn DuFreen, Joni Durst, Jim Foss, Ryan Henington, Mike Hit,
Bruce Inoeendo, Dan Ltnna, Rod Loewentnal, Sharon Lundy, Adam Muller, Rich fitvalsliy, Bernadette Ramsy, Mike Ra"Ndo.Tim
Rardin, Chad Safran, Todd Sc hoerdhaus, Jeff Shoran, Tim Spolar, Andy Stabile. Ken Sugiura.
ARTS Elizabeth Lenhard, Michael John hWilson, Edito.,
EDITORS: Mark Binofi (Fihn), Diane Fdeden (Fne d Perfo n hg Arts), Alan J. Hogg, Jr. (Books), AJie Komom (Weekend etc),
Annelf. Patruso (Mursic).
STAFF: Nick Arvin, Greg Baise, Margo Baumgart Skot Beal. Jen Blik, Andrew J. Cahn, Jonathan Chalt, Janie Dah*ann, Richard S.
Davis, Gabrial Feldberg, Rosanne Freed, Forrest Green III, Jesuis Holladay, Aaron Hamburger, Step.hen Henderson, Jonalorn
Higgns, Nima Hoda", Made Jacobson, Andrea Kachudas, Krsen Knudsen, Chris Lopley, Kristen Mcl~urphy, Amy Meng, Josh
Mitrc, John Morgan., Miee Phillip, Dam Poux. Austin Ratner, Jeff Rosnberg, Chrisine Slovey, Scot Sterlin,AfesaSftrusa
Sarah Weidman, Josh Worth.
PHOTO Kristoffer Gillette, Kenneth J. Smoller, Editors
STAFF: Brian Cantoni, Anthony M. Croll, Michelle Guy, Doug Kanter. Heather Lowman, Sharon Musher, Sujle Paley, Moty Stevens,
Paul Taylor.
' 4 Yy
DISPLAY SALES Shannon Burke, Manag