The Michigan Daily- Friday, January 10, 1992 - Page 3,
aide says
e Cuba was
mer Defense Secretary Robert Mc-
Namara said yesterday in a speech
prepared for delivery in Havana that
Cuban officials were wrong 30
years ago in assuming the United
States was inflexibly opposed to
Cuba's revolution.
McNamara said the United
States was willing to work with
the Cuban revolution but was un-
able to do so because of President
Fidel Castro's efforts to promote
subversion in the Western Hemi-
sphere and his intimate ties to the
Soviet Union.
The long-held Cuban view is that
the United States never accepted the
reality of the Cuban revolution for
ideological reasons.
McNamara outlined his views at
the opening of a four-day meeting of
dozens of Americans, Soviets and
Cubans who were part of the Cuban
missile crisis 29 years ago. Castro
was scheduled to take part in each of
the four days of the conference.
Foreign reporters have been de-
nied visas to cover the proceedings
but a copy of McNamara's remarks
was made available to The Associ-
ated Press before he left for Havana.
The Havana meeting, similar to
earlier reviews of the events leading
up to the missile crisis, is designed
to examine whAt McNamara called
the "misinformation, miscalcula-
tion and misjudgment" of that pe-
riod in the hope a repeat of the crisis
can be avoided.
As President Kennedy's defense
secretary, McNamara was a key fig-
ure in both the April 1961 Bay of
Pigs invasion and the missile crisis
18 months later.
'U' researcher
develops theory
* (.
to predic
by David Wartowski
Daily Research Reporter
A University researcher will
submit an article later this month
to the Journal of Geophysical Re-
search explaining his new theory
that may enable scientists to predict
earthquakes by measuring the tem-
peratures of the Earth's crust.
Geophysics Research Fellow
Bart Tichelaar explained his theory
is based on the idea that the Earth's
crust is made of moving plates
which are formed at ridges at the
bottom of the world's oceans. As
molten rock comes out of the ridge,
it becomes part of the oceanic crust.
Then it moves away from the ridge
toward the continental crust at
about 5 centimeters per year, cool-
ing down as it travels.
A cooler crust will have more
chance of causing an earthquake once
it reaches the continental crust,
Tichelaar found, because it will
cause more friction between the
Tichelaar traveled to several Pa-
cific basin countries, including
Chile, Mexico, Alaska, and Japan, to
measure the temperatures and the
depths of the interfaces between the
crusts to find the relation between
interface temperatures and the oc-
currence of earthquakes.
In Japan, for example, Tichelaar
said since the oceanic ridge is far off
the coast, by the time the oceanic
crust collides with the continental
t quakes'
crust, it is cool and likely to cause,.
an earthquake. In Mexico, howevera,:
the colliding oceanic crust is still,
hot and slips more easily beneath.
the continental crust, without caus-
ing as many disturbances.
According to his research, Seat
tle is not under a large threat of
earthquakes. Before the oceanic crush
reaches Seattle, it has been pushed,
Tichelaar's new
theory may enable
scientists to predict
earthquakes by
measuring the
temperatures of the
earth's crust.
. .
. ,.
Oh, give me a home...
Engineering junior Jamie Stottlemyer (left) and LSA junior Kent Hansen (right) meet with Dawn Lamberton, a
real estate leasing consultant, to try to secure housing for next year.
Wholesale rices tumble In
1991 as economy stagnates
nearly 700 kilometers below t4y;
surface by the continental crust,
This reheats the crust, allowing it,
to pass more freely beneath the cor't:-
tinental crust.
Tichelaar's theory deals only'
with earthquakes caused by the
movement of the Earth's crusts, add
does not relate to earthquakes
caused by faults.
Tichelaar presented his theory
Dec. 13 at the yearly meeting of the
American Geophysical where
Tichelaar said other scientists made
arguments against his theory that hie
will attempt to address in his paper.
paid by wholesalers fell in 1991 for
the first time in five years, the gov-
ernment said yesterday in a report
reflecting a dramatic swing in oil
costs and a stagnant economy.
The Labor Department said sepa-
rately that new claims for unem-
ployment insurance jumped in the
last full week of the year, even
though Christmas left laid-off
workers one less day than usual to
file for benefits.
The department's Producer Price
Index declined a seasonally adjusted
0.2 percent in December, bringing
wholesale inflation for the year to
minus 0.1 percent.
That followed a 5.7 percent rise
in 1990 and was the best perfor-
mance since a 2.3 percent drop in
1986. Declines in the index are rare.
There have been only five since 1955.
The 1986 drop was the first since
A good portion of the improve-
ment in 1991 came from shifting en-
ergy prices. They soared 30.7 percent
in 1990 with Iraq's invasion of
Kuwait, then fell 9.6 percent last
year after it became clear the war
did not permanently disrupt the
world oil supply.
Even factoring that out, price in-
creases are moderating. Excluding
the volatile food and energy sectors,
prices charged by factories, farms
and other producers rose 3.1 percent
in 1991 compared with 3.5 percent
in 1990.
Economists said persistent eco-
nomic sluggishness has sapped con-
sumers' appetite for buying, thus
easing upward pressure on prices.
They expect weak growth will con-
New claims for unemployment
benefits jumped by 22,000 to
458,000 during the week ending Dec.
NASA to launch
Groups prod Engler to raise cigarette tax
EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) - A new
coalition of health groups, including the head of
the Department of Public Health, urged the pub-
lic yesterday to press Gov. John Engler to back a
cigarette tax increase.
"The governor has not made a decision on this
issue," said Public Health Director Vernice
Davis Anthony. She added the tobacco industry
is pressuring him to resist a tax hike.
"He's got a decision to make," she said. "The
governor wants to know what the citizens of
our state feel about this."
Engler's administration is considering dou-
bling the current 25 cents-a-pack cigarette tax to
raise money for health programs.
That would give Michigan the highest such
tax in the nation, and raise about $228.5 million
in new revenue each year. Doubling the state tax
would cost a pack-a-day smoker about $90 a year
The proposal also would switch the tax to a
48 percent excise tax based on the wholesale
price of all tobacco products. And the tobacco
tax would apply to cigars, chewing and pipe to-
bacco and snuff for the first time.
Officials said the governor's office has been
bombarded with letters from the tobacco indus-
try, opposing the tax increase, since initial re-
ports about it appeared last week.
"This is a classic trial balloon," Dennis
Schornack, senior policy adviser to Engler, said
of the health groups' effort. "The people of
Michigan have a chance to let the governor know
how they feel."
Anthony said she was satisfied with Engler's
commitment to public health programs. How-
ever, she said, "I would be very disappointed" if
he didn't support the tax plan.
Schornack said Engler probably won't dis-
cuss the issue in his State of the State address on
Jan. 21. "The budget (to be issued in February)
will be a clear indication of where we're going."
shuttle D
(AP) - NASA has chosen Jan. 22
for the year's first space shuttle
launch, a weeklong scientific re-
search mission involving foreign as-
Mission managers set the launch
date following a meeting at
Kennedy Space Center yesterday.
Discovery is scheduled to blast
off at 8:53 a.m. EST with seven as-
tronauts and the Spacelab. The crew
includes a German physicist who
flew in space once before and a neu-
rologist, who will become the first
Canadian woman to venture into or-
The rest of the crew is made up.
of American astronauts.
The astronauts will conduct
medical experiments on one another
and monitor the growth of various
plants and small animals. Among
the laboratory specimens are fruit
flies, roundworms, slime mold,
lentil roots, and wheat and oat
More than 200 scientists from
around the world are collaborating
with NASA on the seven-day mis-
It will be the first Spacelab mis-
sion since last summer. The astro-
nauts will float from the cabin
through a tunnel to the pressurized
laboratory module in the cargo bay.
The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration plans eight
space shuttle flights in 1992, two
more than last year.
High fats raise heart disease risk,
* even with normal cholesterol levels
NEW YORK (AP) - People
with normal cholesterol levels and
high amounts of blood fats may be
four times as likely as others to suf-
fer a heart attack, and could be
wrongly given a clean bill of health,
researchers say.
Researchers said many doctors do
not understand the significance of
elevated levels of the blood fats
called triglycerides. As a result,
many people with normal choles-
terol levels are not identified as
having special risks.
Nevertheless, the study found
that these people should be identi-
fied and treated. "This population
had the greatest risk and the greatest
benefit," said the study's director,
M. Heikki Frick of the Helsinki
University Central Hospital.
People whose total level of
blood cholesterol contained a high
proportion of so-called "bad
cholesterol" and who had high
triglyceride levels were 3.8 times as
likely as others to have a heart at-
tack, Frick said in a telephone inter-
view yesterday.
This is true even in people whose
total cholesterol is normal or only
slightly elevated, he said. The study
appears in January's issue of Circu-
lation, published by the American
Heart Association.
The study also showed that the
heart attack risk could be cut 71 per-
cent by lowering triglyceride levels
and raising the levels of "good
cholesterol," otherwise known as
high-density lipoproteins, or HDLs.
The improvement can be accom-
plished by losing weight and exer-
cise or by drugs. The study used a
drug called gemfibrozil.
The bad cholesterol - LDLs, or
low-density lipoproteins - have
been known to be associated with
heart disease risk. The higher the
LDLs, the higher the risk.
Rises in HDLs, on the other hand,
have been linked with lower risk.
But until now, the link has not been
clearly demonstrated, said Dr.
William Castelli, director of the
Framingham (Mass.) Heart Study.
"This is the first proof in the
history of medicine that, if you raise
HDL, you lower the subsequent
heart attack rate," he said.
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11N., Jan. 12: Newman Social--5:30-7:30 p.m.
MN,, Jan. 13: Catholic Update-7 p.m.
WED~, Jan. 15: Appalachia Orientation-7 p.m.
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SUNDAY: Worship-10:30 a.m.
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I 1
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U of M Cycling Team. Mass meeting.
Michigan Union, Welker Rm, 8 p.m
"Prospects for Privatization in
Poland: An Update on the Michigan
Business Assistance Corps
Experience," Brown Bag Lecture, 200
Lane Hall, noon.
Dennis Rahiim Watson. Michigan
Union Ballroom.
U-M Taekwondo Club. Friday work-
out. CCRB Small Gym, rm 1200, 6-8
p.m. Beginners welcome.
Student Book Exchange. Michigan
League Basement, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Student Book Exchange. Michigan
League Basement, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
1n in v
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behavior, beginning January 22, 1992, 5 - 6:30 every Wednesday.
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