Partly sunny;
High: 32, Low: 22.
lhanhco of rain or snow;
High: 38, Low: 30.
Eric Bogosian
talks dirty.
Page 5.
One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
VI. CII, No.42 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, November 26,1991 e Mn DaWo-
Vql. CI, No,4U Sai gets
Republics reject
Union Treaty
MOSCOW (AP) - President
|Mikhail Gorbachev suffered a seri-
ous setback yesterday in his bid to
hold the nation together when the
leaders of seven republics refused
to endorse a treaty to create a new
political union.
Instead of initialing the Union
Treaty as planned, the leaders de-
cided to send it to the legislatures
of their republics for considera-
tion, a weary Gorbachev said after a
}our-hour meeting.
He warned again that time was
running out for holding the nation
together as a looser confederation,
with most powers moving from
the Kremlin to the republics. He
said economic, ethnic, and other
problems cannot be addressed until
the union question is settled.
In a further blow to Gor-
bachev's efforts, the powerful
Ukraine stayed away from yester-
day's meeting. The leader of Azer-
baijan also did not attend because
of escalating tensions with neigh-
boring Armenia, and Gorbachev
said Armenia and Azerbaijan were
verging on war in their ethnic dis-
Members of the State Council
- the body set up to run the Soviet
Union after the abortive August
coup - reportedly clashed sharply
over the Union Treaty's wording at
a closed session at a government
villa outside Moscow.
During a live, nationally tele-
vised news conference, the nor-
mally confident Gorbachev ap-
peared nervous and hesitant as he
tried to put the failure in a positive
He said the decision to send the
document to the legislatures with-
out endorsement of the leaders rep-
resented a sort of "collective ini-
tialing" and predicted it would be
signed "around Dec. 20."
In reality, however, it was a ma-
jor blow to his plan to preserve
the country while retaining some
sort of national authority.
The pact now will be debated by
local legislatures where it almost
certainly will face further revi-
sion, delay, and potential opposi-
tion. Original plans called for re-
public leaders to sign it, then have
the legislatures ratify it.
"The country and society are in
such a state that the process should
move ahead, as reforms will not
work, nor the economic treaty, nor
anything else, unless we untangle
this main knot of statehood," Gor-
bachev said.
He also failed to win endorse-
ment before a critical referendum
on independence this Sunday in the
Ukraine, the strongest of the five
Soviet republics that refused to at-
tend yesterday's session. The
Ukraine has balked at signing the
treaty although it has agreed to
join in an economic grouping with
eight other republics.
Russia, the largest republic, is
the most important participant in
the new union, but the Ukraine's
absence would severely weaken the
confederation. With 53 million
See SOVIET, Page 2
votes to
U.S. gets
stiffed on
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administra-
tion's Mideast strategy was put to a test yesterday as
the three key parties - Israel, Syria and the Palestinian
Arabs - let the deadline descend without accepting
invitations for a resumption of peace talks.
Secretary of State James Baker found himself in an
uncomfortable disagreement with Israel officials on
the way the invitations were issued to hold the talks in
Washington beginning Dec. 4.
Only Jordan and Lebanon have notified the State
Department they intend to participate in the negotia-
Department spokesperson Margaret Tutwiler sig-
naled Baker's willingness to postpone the Monday
deadline. "What I think we're all losing sight of," she
said, "is what really should be the real issue. It should
not, in my personal opinion, be a haggle over a site or
"What is so important to these parties, to the pro-
cess, is to get these bilateral talks going. And that is
what is somehow getting lost here in some of this traf-
fic," she added.
The negotiations, cosponsored by the United States
and the Soviet Union, have been in recess for three
weeks amid disagreement between Israel and the Arabs
on where and when to proceed.
Baker, after meeting in Washington Thursday with
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, instructed U.S.
embassies in the Middle East to inform government
leaders the negotiations should be resumed in Wash-
ington on Dec. 4.
Jordan instantly agreed, and Lebanon followed suit,
but persistent U.S. efforts to get the others to go along
did not succeed.
In Jerusalem, Hanan Ashrawi, a Palestinian
spokesperson, said the delegation had agreed in princi-
ple to the talks but that a final decision depended on
"certain ... concrete responses and actions," including a
U.S. agreement to provide entry visas to PLO officials.
Spokesperson Tutwiler said the law prohibits entry
of a PLO official, representative, or spokesperson but
that Baker has the authority to recommend a waiver.
"Our policy has been and will continue to be to con-
sider requests by members of the PLO for visas on a
case-by-case basis," she said, recalling permission has
been granted for humanitarian reasons.
Even as Baker sent instructions to U.S. embassies,
Shamir was still insisting on holding the negotiations
in the Middle East. He took his appeal on Friday to
President Bush at the White House, but by then the in-
vitations had gone out and the deadline for accepting
had been set.
Israeli officials, speaking mostly in private, sug-
gested the prime minister had been treated rudely,
though Shamir tried to play down the dispute. "There
is no crisis of confidence, not personal and not any
See MIDEAST, Page 2
Run for the roses
Lereb Hamking, a graduate in the School of Public Health, sells Rose Bowl sweatshirts
yesterday on the corner of South University and East University.
Alcohol policy panel sends
revised plan to IFC, Panhel
aid Soviet Union
in disarmament
by Ben Deci
Daily Staff Reporter
Senate voted yesterday to spend up
to $500 million to help the Soviet
Union dismantle its nuclear arse-
nal rather than risk letting it fall
into the hands of terrorists or
third-world dictators.
The 86-8 vote came after several
Democratic senators declared a po-
=litical truce on the issue, promising
not to criticize President Bush if he
goes ahead with the aid.
The Senate also voted, 90-4, to
approve a treaty setting strict ceil-
ings on conventional weapons in
Europe. The tally was well above
the two-thirds needed for approval.
Despite claims it is outdated,
Majority Leader George Mitchell
said the Conventional Forces in
Europe Treaty "remains an impor-
tant benchmark and building block
for ensuring the future security of
the European continent."
Debate revolved around
whether helping dismantle the
former adversary's nuclear
weapons was urgent enough to
warrant U.S. taxpayers picking up
part of the tab.
"The question ... is, whether
having won the Cold War, we are
willing to join with our former
adversaries to eliminate the
Armageddon arsenals" it produced,
said Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del.).
"To defeat it would be a(reckless
gamble with history."
The Soviet aid provision was at-
tached to a technical bill allowing
implementation of the CFE treaty
by authorizing transfer of some
conventional weaponry to other
NATO countries.
The bill now goes to the House,
which has approved the CFE-im-
plementation measure, but without
the Soviet aid provision.
The proposal would allow the
Bush administration to shift up to
$500 million from elsewhere in
the Pentagon budget to provide
technical help to the Soviets to
See CONGRESS, Page 2
Members of the Panhellenic (Panhel)
/Interfraternity (IFC) Alcohol Policy
Committee approved Sunday a less contro-
versial version of the alcohol policy proposal
they have been developing for five weeks.
The new variation of the plan has altered
the powers of the Student Responsibility
Committee (SRC), which will monitor the
policy in action during fraternity parties. Un-
der the new plan, the SRC will no longer have
the authority to enter parties if the host fra-
ternity has a waiver from its national organi-
The proposal will be presented for a vote
to Panhel on Dec. 3, and to IFC on Dec. 4. Each
body will have a week to consider the policy
before voting on it.
If approved, the new Alcohol Policy will
go into effect this January.
LSA senior Mike Rice, chair of the com-
mittee and IFC executive vice president ex-
plained, "Compromises were made involving
the SRC. If there is a waiver from the national
organization there will be no check, and this
See POLICY, Page 2
BYU feminist group proposes curfew for men
by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Higher Education Reporter
A feminist group at Brigham
Young University (BYU) is calling
for a curfew for men in response to
recent violent attacks against
women on campus.
Members of VOICE, a BYU
committee to promote the status of
women, said they are concerned
about the "victim-blaming" slant
taken by the campus paper, the Daily
Universe, in reporting the attacks
and the administration's attitude
toward sexual assaults.
"The administration and the
newspaper said, 'Women, don't
walk alone at night.' VOICE got
angry at women having to take re-
sponsibility when men are the prob-
lem, not women," said Tomi-Ann
Roberts, faculty advisor for
The curfew proposal came as a
shock to many people at the conser-
vative Mormon-owned university,
where most of the 28,600 students
witnessed their first political rally
last Thursday when VOICE mem-
bers defied university regulations
and held a demonstration.
VOICE members distributed
1,000 fliers calling for all men to be
off campus between 10 p.m. and 6
a.m. or, if they must walk around, to
be accompanied by two women es-
corts to demonstrate that they are
not threatening.
Roberts said the male curfew
was proposed more to raise campus
consciousness about sexual assault
than as a serious policy to be
"Of course it is absurd to re-
strict someone's freedom as a solu-
tion. We realized the administration
would say no way to the curfew, but
for the first time people are realiz-
ing that BYU does have a problem,"
Roberts said.
The BYU administration does
not release official rape figures and
denies that BYU is an unsafe envi-
ronment for women, Roberts said.
Paul Richards, director of public
communications for BYU, said the
campus is "fairly safe" and thdt
most violence against women occurs
off-campus. However, 95 percent of
students live off-campus and nine
out of ten rapes are committed by an
acquaintance, Roberts said.
Some men said they were angry
about the proposed curfew, while
others said they have tried to adhere
to the curfew to experience what
women cope with on a daily basis.
See CURFEW, Page 2
Dead animal left on
front steps of Daily
by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Staff Reporter
A dead animal was placed on the
steps of the Student Publications
Building yesterday morning with a
knife and a note on it, according to a
Department of Public Safety (DPS)
The animal looked like a possum,
said Carol Pytko, manager of the
Student Publications Building,
which houses the offices of The
Vaughan said he did not think the
incident was connected to an a~Iver-
tisement printed in the Oct. 24
Daily that claimed the Holocaust
has been exaggerated and never actu-
ally happened. Daily editors have
been criticized for defending the
printing of the advertisement.
"It doesn't appear to be targeted
specifically at the Daily," Vaughan
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