Page 2- The Michigan Daily -Friday, September21, 1990
Lawmakers consider luxury tax
to decrease the budget deficit
WASHINGTON (AP) - In their
search for ways to tame the deficit,
federal officials are intent on taxing
some of life's little pleasures: beer,
cigarettes, jewelry - even your ex-
pensive new VCR.
Although any deficit-reduction
plan Congress and President Bush
agree to is likely to rely chiefly on
spending reductions and less sweep-
ing tax changes, it almost certainly
would include several tax increases
on consumers.
Top White House officials and
congressional leaders already have
reached tentative agreement on sev-
eral tax increases that would bring in
$59 billion over the next five years.
Two-thirds of that would be paid di-
rectly by consumers, through higher
prices for alcohol, cigarettes, airline
tickets, and a variety of higher-priced
"luxury" items.
Negotiators have been struggling
since May to devise a package of
spending cuts and tax increases that
would reduce the budget deficit by
$50 billion during the next twelve
months and $450 billion more in the
following four years. Although the
biggest obstacle to agreement has
been President Bush's insistence on
cutting capital-gains taxes, other dif-
ferences remain.
"We've made a great deal of
progress but obviously not enough,"
Senate Majority Leader George
Mitchell, D-Maine, said before nego-
tiations resumed yesterday.
Unless agreement is reached or
the law is changed by Oct.1, $100
billion of arbitrary cuts in most fed-
eral programs will be triggered au-
In the meantime, the leaders have
agreed tentatively to these tax in-
Luxuries: They want to re-
store an old standby, the luxury tax,
whose last remnants were repealed in
Cigarettes: The tax on a pack
of cigarettes would rise by four
cents, to twenty cents, next year and
by an additional four cents in 1993.
Alcohol: Federal taxes on
wine and beer remain at 1951 levels,
although the tax on liquor was raised
in 1951 and again in 1985. While
negotiators have not said exactly
how it will be done, they have
agreed to tax drinkers an extra $13.6
billion over the next five years.
*il E thQ BORDER .
' ~Taco Bell'
615 E. University.
at the comer of E. Univ. & S. Univ..'
R ai edi fferent :: f>r
Post cards
Christopher Lauckner conducts a one-man art fair, selling post cards of Ann Arbor made from his own
photographs. He says he comes to this corner for the people.
Scientists correct crucial cystic fibrosis defect
NEW YORK (AP) - Scientists
have corrected a crucial defect in cells
taken from cystic fibrosis patients, a
step called a milestone toward even-
tually treating the disease through
gene therapy or new kinds of medica-
The cells carried the abnormal
gene thatrcaused cystic fibrosis, and
researchers fixed the defect by giving
them a normal copy of thegene.
"It's a milestone," said Paul
Quinton, a cystic fibrosis researcher
at the University of California,
Riverside, who was familiar with the
While the notion of gene therapy
for cystic fibrosis was science fiction
only a few years ,ago, the new work
has "pressed the fiction closer to re-
ality," Quinton said in an interview.
Combined with research into
gene therapy for other diseases, the
new results "give us tremendous
hope that gene therapy is going to
become a reality in cystic fibrosis
patients," said Robert Beall, the
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's execu-
tive vice president for medical af-
"We're not talking decades; we're
talking years, a few years," said
Beall, whose organization helped pay
for the new work.
Two teams of scientists corrected
the cell dlefect in the test tube by us-
ing a harmless virus to inject the
normal gene into the cells. One
group describes its results in last
Friday's issue of the journal Cell.
The other will publish its results in
next week's issue of the British
journal Nature.
Cystic fibrosis affects about
30,000 children and young adults in
the United States. Their lungs pro-
duce athick, sticky mucus that sets
the stage for fatal lung infections.
Mucus elsewhere interferes with di-
The abnormal mucus appears be-
cause cells cannot expel charged par-
ticles called chloride ions, while they
absorb sodium ions too rapidly. The
effect is to dehydrate normal mucus,
Continued from page 1
garet Tutwiler.
"We would expect Iran would
take appropriate measures to prevent
circumvention of the embargo in
their territorial waters," Tutwiler
The CIA has estimates that the
naval blockade by the United States
and its allies has stopped most of
Iraq's oil shipments. The little that
escapes the blockade goes mostly to
neighboring Jordan, officials said.
The administration has turned a
blind eye to those transfers - which
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Beall said.
The researchers found that cells
given a normal copy of the cystic fi-
brosis gene began expelling chloride
ions normally. They did not check
for any effect on the sodium ions.
It is not known whether simply
fixing the chloride problem would
cure cystic fibrosis, said Dr. Michael
Welsh of the University of Iowa
College of Medicine and the Howard
Hughes Medical Institute. Welsh is
the co-author of the Nature report.
The normal gene corrected the de-
fect by telling cells how to produce a
particular protein. Future research
should aim at discovering just what
this protein does.
violate the embargo on Iraq - be-
cause it says Jordan has scaled back
its oil dependence on Iraq and Kuwait
from 90 percent of its needs to 40
Iraq only profits from the sale by
getting Jordan to forgive some of its
wartime loans, officials say.
Jordan, which had been getting
oil from Iraq at cut-rate prices, wilt
be unable to buy much of it else-
wherecunless it gets a large infusion
of foreign aid, the officials say.
U.S. officials say they are con-s
sidering how best to help Jordan,
which has also been inundated with
thousands of refugees fromsKuwait. h
within the boundaries of campus,"
she said; but Ann Arbor's "nebulous
lines defining U of M creates a ma-
jor problem for a deputized police
The University officers will be
deputized by the county sheriff and
have the jurisdiction to go anywhere
in the county, she added, creating a
potential situation where campus*
cops may intrude on students' off-
campus quarters.
Primarily organized by MSA's
Student Rights Commission, the
protest was one of the only times
students have organized to oppose
campus deputization since the June
approval. "We've had no means to
voice our opinions," said. Craig
Carmack, a member of SRC, citing
the "five minutes" allowed to speak-S
ers at Regents' Public Comments,
meetings as inadequate (see story at
Regent Thomas Roach (D-Saline)
said the Board would listen to stu-
dents' concerns, but that he "(didn't)
find the protest very persuasive."
Continued from page 1
voted for (campus deputization) at
the June meeting, and they've exam-
ined the issues.
"As a matter of fact, I changed
my view on deputization this year. I
voted for it because I thought cir-
cumstances had changed and there is
now a need for police officers on
campus," he said.
Baker added that limiting stu-
dents' freedom of expression would
not be "a police function."
Regent Philip Power (D-Ann Ar-
bor) said he doubted the regents
would reverse the decision, but that
deputized officers' weapon use and
training were "fair concerns."
A former East Lansing Deputy
Court Clerk, who remained anony-
mous, compared the University's
campus to that of Michigan State
"It's easy to see whether an MSU
cop has stopped, arrested, or ticketed
4b8V£tdbrgn fai1g
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
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$28.00 in-town and $39 out-of-town, for fall only $18.00 in-town and $22.00 out-of-town.
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