The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 14, 990 -Page 3
Teenagers, pro-choice group
L% II protest parental consent law
by Joanna Broder
Daily Staff Writer .
"Not the church, not the state,
women must decide their fate.
You don't care if women die,
'Right to life' remains a lie."
These were the chants of Univer-
sity students and community mem-
bers who marched from the Diag to
the Federal Building on East Lib-
erty yesterday afternoon protesting
the Michigan state legislature's re-
cent Parental Rights Restoration
Bill, which became law last week.
The law requires all women un-
der the age of 18 to obtain the writ-
ten consent of one parent or legal
guardian if they want an abortion.
Minors who are unable to get this
written permission may petition a
probate court judge for a waiver.
The marchers waved signs say-
ing "Our Bodies Our Lives, our
Right to Decide" and "No 'Right to
Life' No KKK, No Racist USA" as
they approached the Federal Build-
ing Plaza where students from
Community High School were
Ann Arbor Committee to De-
fend Abortion and Reproductive
Rights (AACDARR) member
Sharon Friedman, a senior at East-
ern Michigan University said the
group wanted people to know that
they were organizing against
parental consent, and they were
hoping to encourage other people to
get involved.
Dawn Morano, a member of
AACDARR's Steering Committee
and a sophomore in the Residential
College, said the group hoped to
build enough of a movement
against the new law to show the
legislature its weaknesses.
"If a daughter is afraid to go to
her parents, she's not going to even
if a law says she has to," Morano
Students from Community High
School took time off their lunch
hour to join the rally. Hava Levit, a
senior at Community addressed the
crowd. She said, "we have been de-
moralized. Although many of us
are too young to vote, we can get
involved. The time is now and not
Mara Golden, also a senior at
Community High quietly admitted
she was nervous just before reading
a poem to rally participants. "I am
angry, but since I'm seventeen,
what I think doesn't count," she
Carol Karlsen, a professor in
both the History and Women's
Studies Departments said the law
"clearly has a chilling effect on,
people. People under 18 have the:
right to decide issues that so pro-;
foundly affect their lives."
Marni Glovinsky, a first-year
student at Community said the
parental consent law was not right..
Demonstrators protest parental consent laws for abortions in front of the Federal Building on Liberty.
Returning students discover learning possible at any age
by Bethany Robertson
Education is ageless, and no one
nows this better than the more than
4000 University students over 30
years old.
Jean Rosella, 38, is married, has
two children and is taking 14 credit
hours this semester. Rosella said
students are interested when they see
her in class and often ask, "What are
you doing here?"
Rosella worked as a registered
'*nurse for 8 years, and after her
youngest child started school full
time in 1988, she started attending
classes at the University.
"I always wanted to get back to
school. It's always been sort of a
long time dream," Rosella said. She
is currently working towards a Bach-
elor of General Studies and would
lik^ # pursue a career in law.
Rosella said she never felt age
was a barrier for her education. "I
think anybody should be allowed to
be educated at any time they want,"
she said.
According to a report by the Sta-
tistical Service of the University
Registrar there were 1053 undergrad-
uates over 25 and 3738 graduate stu-
dents over 30 at the University last
year. Although figures have not been
compiled for Fall 1990, registrar of-
fice staff said these figures tend to
follow the same trend from year to
Associate Director and Counselor
for the Center for the Education of
Women Patricia Wulp said dealing
with adult lives as well as being a
student can be difficult.
"Their lives are complicated, but
they don't look at these complica-
tions as deterrents," Wulp said of
older students. "They learn how to
be their own advocates. They use
their maturity and good judgement to
their advantage."
Sandra Rahim, a 30 year old
graduate student in the School of
Education, taught for five years be-
fore returning to school. Rahim said
regaining the discipline to study can
be hard.
"When I was teaching, all I had
to do was worry about day to day
lesson plans." Rahim said. "Here,
basically I'm at my own disposal as
far as budgeting my time. It's a chal-
lenge to make myself attend all my
classes and do all my assignments."
Rahim, who is married, lives in
the Martha Cook Residence Hall.
Rahim said most of the residents are
traditional students, but there are
some older residents as well. Rahim
lived in a residence hall as an under-
graduate and said it isn't much differ-
ent as an older student.
"It's the same experience basi-
cally. I enjoy it," she said.
Rosella, who lives at home in
Hartland, Mich., said she found or-
ganization is the key to managing
school and family. "You have to be
really organized," she said. "When it
comes to certain things like school
and the kids, I tend to be able to
handle it."
As a mother, Rosella has differ-
ent priorities than most of her
classmates. "I still have high prior-
ity for the kids," she said.
When her children have vacation
and she has classes, Rosella packs
book bags with snacks and games
E $29.95
-while supplies last
and brings her children with her to
Ann Arbor. "They go to all my
classes with me and take notes. The
professors love it; I love it; they
love it; and the kids around us love
it," she said.
The Center for the Education of
Women provides career education and
seminars for women in school. The
center also provides scholarships foi
older women. Wulp said men also
come to the center for career infor-
mation or counseling.
The center, at 330 E. Liberty,
will hold an open house Oct. 10
from 4-6 p.m.
"High-tech computer lab opens
in North Campus Commons
by Bonnie Bouman
North Campus took a step into
the future Monday with the opening
of the University's newest computer
center. Located in the lower level of
North Campus Commons, the center
features 90 Mac IIcis.
The new site is a joint operation
by the Information Technology Di-
vision, the organization responsible
for the campus-wide computer facili-
ties and services, and the Engineer-
ing School's Computer Aided Engi-
neering Network.
"It's not as big as .Angell, but
it's the most, sophisticated," said Bill
*Papineau, full-time data processing
assistant. "Their work-stations are
much more powerful than a micro-
computer; they're designed to be
NCC will be the first major lab
on campus to make UNIX, a power-
ful operating system, available to
the public. Ten IBM RS 600s, ten
DEC station 3100s and ten SUN
Sparc 1+s, all connected directly to
*the CAEN servers, will begin oper-
ating by mid October.
"UNIX is an operating system;
one step up in power from micro-
computers," explained Randy Frank,
director of Information Technology
at CAEN.
"As you get hundreds of thou-
sands of personal computers, you
want a network that shares informa-
tion, computer to computer. All the
computers in this lab act as host
computers in the network, not just
dumb terminals," Frank said.
Students of engineering and archi-
tecture may be the first to appreciate
the new visual and graphic systems,
but Frank expects that others, such
as art students working on computer
animation, will also want to use the
new lab.
"Of course it's used presently by
the people who live and work here,
but we certainly encourage people
from Central Campus who have need
of special resources to come up here
and try it," Frank said.
Computing Consultant Alex
Sirota, a sophomore in computing
science, agreed that students aren't
aware of the various centers. "ITD
should spread more information;
people just know about Angell and
Church. North Campus has three to
four times more software."
Papineau doubts that the new
center will take much load from the
320 terminal Angell Hall. "If they'd
built it across the street, maybe. No,
it probably won't have much effect.
We've seen an increase (in student
use) already."
Workshop Tbur
Sunday, Sept. 30 7:30pm
Power Center
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
Hispanics: A Decade of
Challenges"--- Dr. Bladina
Cardenas Ramirez, director,
office of minority concersn,
American Council on
Education speaks at 3 p.m. in
the Tribune Room, School of
"Evolution of Monosoonal
Jpwelling: Orbital, Oceanic
and Tectonic Factors"---
Warren Prell speaks at 4 p.m.
in room 1640 in the Chemistry
'The Whys and Hows of
the U.S. Military Buildup in
the Arabian Peninsula"---
Richard Cleaver speaks at
noon at the Guild House, 802
Monroe Street, 662-5189.
SR gqv4: u
U of M Chess Club meets
Sunday at 1 p.m. in the
Michigan League, 663-7147
U of M Shorin Ryu Karate-
do Club meets today at 8 p.m.
in the Martial Arts room, 994-
Campus Broadcasting
Network --- mass meeting at
8 p.m. Sunday in the
Pendleton Room, Michigan
Union, 763-3500.
The Center for South and
Southeast Asian Studies
will present an Indian Dance
and Music Program Saturday
at 7:30 p.m. at the McIntosh
Auditorium in the School of
Music. 764-0352.
(Celebrating 50 years of
Christian Reformed Campus Ministry)
1236 Washtenaw Ct.." 668-7421/662-2404
Pastor, Rev. DonPostema
10 a.m.-"Living an Alive Life"
6 p.m.-Quiet Service of Meditation, Silence,
Readings, Prayer, and Singing
9-10 p.m.-Undergrad Group-join us for
conversation, fun, refreshments
(Episcopal Church at U-M)
218 N. Division (at Catherine)
Holy Eucharist-5 p.m. at St. Andrews
Cookout-6 p.m. at Canterbury House
All welcome!
The Rev. Dr. virginia Peacock, Chaplain
502 E. Huron
SUNDAY: Worship-9:55 a.m.
Supper and Fellowship-5:30 p.m.
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
(Between Hill & South University)
Worship-9:30 & 11 a.m.
Campus Faith Exploration Group-9:30
Campus Worship & Dinner-5:30 p.m.
For information, call 662-4466
Amy Morrison, Campus Pastor
801 South Forest at Hill Street, 668-7622
SUNDAY: Worship at 10 a.m.
WEDNESDAY: Bible Study at 6:30 p.m.
Worship at 7:30 p.m.
Campus Pastor: John Rollefson