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September 21, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-09-21

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Ann Arbor, Michigan Friday, September 21, 1990 COPYrI
V01.C , No.12 The Mich chipanpaiiy
R 1 9kV Students
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Regent Phil Power (left) is taunted by unidentified students as the regents made their way to the Michigan Union for a public comments session
regarding armed security on campus.
Students speak out to Regents

by Josephine Ballenger
Daily Crime Reporter
Speakers, chants, and a mock
machine gun-bearing "terrorist"
were part of the protest against dep-
utization that took place at Re-
gents' Plaza at 3 p.m. yesterday.
More than 200 students protested
the University's Board of Regents'
approval of establishing a deputized
University police force.
The regents approved a police
force at their June 21 meeting.
"This is not an economic issue;
it's a freedom of expression issue,"
said Corey Dolgon, chair of Michi-
gan Student Assembly's Student
Rights Commission (SRC).
Dolgon and SRC oppose campus
deputization because, they say, offi-
cers could use their authority to stop
protests and other forms of student
With a campus police fleet, new
patrol cars and headquarters estimated
to cost the University more than a
million dollars a year, Dolgon called
the Regents' action "one of the more
insidious moves" the administration
has made in recent years.
The administrative decision to
employ a University police force, in
addition to continuing to contract
services from the Ann Arbor Police
Department, came in response to a
study conducted by the student-fac-
ulty Task Force on Campus Safety
and Security.
"Just their (police officers') phys-

ical presence on campus will deter
rapists," Regent Deane Baker (R-
Ann Arbor) said. "I think they'll
make a significant difference."
Some students, however, are not
convinced that the force will deter
crime. "I'm angry with the way the
regents have used the fears and con-
cerns of women," said Debbie Lot-
stein of the Feminist Women's
Union. Lotstein said the University
should adopt proposals in the task
force report other than deputization.
Proposals to increase Night Owl
bus service, improve lighting and
student education on sexual assault,
and extend Safewalk, she said, have
been "ignored" by the regents.
"Women don't feel safe with armed
forces," she added.
In MSA's April elections -
which attracted the largest voter
turnout in the student government's
history - 70 percent of those who
voted opposed a University police
"Democracy seems to be some-
thing the regents are afraid of," MSA
President Jennifer Van Valey said.
"They're trying to make us believe
deputization is for our own safety."
Instead, she said, it serves their "own
repressive agenda... of trying to si-
lence (protestors)."
But Regent Baker said the Board's
position was justified. "The regents
See PROTEST, Page 2

by Daniel Poux
Daily Administration Reporter
Students protesting the deputiza-
tion of campus police and the state-
ments of Regent Deane Baker (R-
Ann Arbor) filled the University's
Board of Regents public comments
time yesterday with jeers, cheers,
and passionate speeches.
Approximately 200 protestors
met administration members as
they proceeded from the Fleming
Administration Building to the An-
derson Room in the Michigan
Union for the public comments

session of the University's Board of
Regents' monthly meeting.
The students packed the room
and delayed the meeting for five
minutes with their chants and.
After University President James
Duderstadt quieted the crowd, the
real fireworks began.
The first several speakers at-
tacked Regent Baker for his contro-
versial statements about homosexu-
At the July Regents' meeting,
Baker suggested that the University

reform the Lesbian and Gay Men's
Programs Office (LGMPO), to in-
clude a separate "neutral" counsel-
ing office.
Linda Kurtz, a representative of
the Lesbian and Gay Rights Orga-
nizing Committee said Baker's re-
marks are unacceptable and called
for the other regents to publicly
censure Baker. In addition, she
called for Duderstadt and his admin-
istration to include sexual orienta-
tion in the University's Anti-Dis-
crimination Policy.
"Every other Big Ten School

and every other Michigan college
includes gays in their anti-discrimi-
nation policy," Kurtz said. "It is
your challenge to bring this Uni-
versity into the 21st century."
Several students spoke out in de-
fense of Baker, straining to have
their comments heard over the boos
and hisses of the unruly crowd.
LSA sophomore Rob Reilly
called the gay 'rights groups
"hypocrites" and said "while you
don't have to agree with Baker, you
have no right to silence him."
See COMMENTS, Page 8


by Daniel Poux
Daily Administration Reporter
The University's Board of Re-
gents approved a $1.66 billion bud-
get for 1990-91 at it monthly meet-
ing yesterday with no controversy.
The figure is significantly higher
than last year's $929 million budget.
After hearing a financial evalua-
tion from the Ernst & Young Ac-
* counting firm, the eight regents
voted to approve the budget. Overall,
the University's budget expenditures
have almost doubled in the last
decade, from $428 million in 1980-
The University's budget has
changed mauch since 1980, in addi-
tion to doubling in size. Staff
salaries, which still make up almost
half of budget expenditures, have
slipped, and expenditures for
"equipment and plant" have increased
130 percent since 1980.
After several regents expressed
concern with the rise in the equip-
ment and plant budget, Regent
Thomas Roach (D-Saline) explained
that the rise was due to the increase
in the number of computers on cam-
,,pus and the expense of sophisticated
equipment for the science and engi-
neering programs.
Allocations to the University's
17 schools and colleges were
slightly higher than those made in
the 1989-90 budget. The regents al-
located more than $108 million to
LSA, $53 million to the School of
Engineering, $34 million to the
Medical School and $22 million to
the School of Business Administra-

to Bush
by the Associated Press
Iraq yesterday demanded equal
time, asking U.S. networks to
broadcast a message by Saddam Hus-
sein in response to President Bush's
address to Iraq. Saddam told a news-
paper Iraq can fight for years and
"could hurt" America.
The White House said it would
not try to block the broadcast of
Saddam's videotaped message. The
networks did not immediately com-
mit themselves to showing it.
More than 100 American women
and children from Iraq boarded a Pan
Am jetliner yesterday and flew to
North Carolina. The State Depart-
ment said a similar flight Saturday
was the last U.S. charter planned
from Baghdad, and it advised all
Americans wanting to leave to sign
International efforts mounted yes-
terday against Iraq's occupation of
Organizers of the Asian
Games banned Iraq from the compe-
tition in Beijing.
Discussions continued at the
United Nations on a proposal to ban
all flights into and out of Iraq and
occupied Kuwait, except for mercy
French soldiers, including
members of the French Foreign Le-
gion, headed to Saudi Arabia to join
the U.S.-led multinational force up-
holding the U.N. trade embargo.
They were the first of 4,000 troops
expected to ship out of southern
France in the sea lift, France's
largest in three decades.
NATO's secretary-general, Man-
fred Woerner, urged other Western
European nations to follow suit.
"Let me clearly state my personal
opinion that some allies could and
should do more," Woerner said at a
conference in Brussels.
More than 100,000 U.S. soldiers
. 1 .. A E . ...J

may respond
via television
desert, U.S. military officials said. would allow Saddam to partly by-
Their identities were withheld pend- pass the international embargo
ing notification of relatives. The against his country.
death brought to 17 the number of
fatalities among American personnel Iran has not yet responded to the
since Operation Desert Shield began Iraqi request, which would let Iraq
in early August, after the Iraqi inva- export 500,000 barrels of oil a day,
sion of Kuwait. All were accidental. the officials said, speaking on condi-
Iraq's information minister said tion of anonymity. Intelligence ex-
yesterday that Iraq will knock out perts estimate a link between the
gulf oil fields if attacked by the two pipeline systems could be com-
multinational force. The official, pleted within a month across the
Latif Nassayef Jassim, also said "Iraq countries' common border.
will use all weapons at its disposal Saddam said yesterday Iraq could
to respond to any aggression" in- hold out for "five or six" years
tended to force its troops out of against the trade embargo. The Turk-
Kuwait. The Jordan Times, an En- ish newspaper Milliyet also quoted
glish language newspaper, reported him as saying Iraq "knows that
his comments. America is the number one super-
U.S. officials said Iraq has asked
Iran if the two countries can join power in the world. But we also are
their oil pipelines, a move that confident that we can hurt America."
Iraq wants to combine
oil pipeline wlth Iran


Former Wolverine linebacker Bobby Abrams, now with the. New York
Giants, takes down Bruin running back Brian Brown in last year's 24-23
Michigan victory.
'M' looks for win
No 1vs. Bruins

WASHINGTON (AP) - Iraq has
asked Iran if the two countries can
join their oil pipelines, a move that
would allow Saddam Hussein to
partly bypass the international
embargo against his country, U.S.
officials said yesterday.
Iran has not yet responded to the
Iraqi request, the officials said.
Intelligence experts estimate a
link between the two pipeline
systems could be completed within a
month across the countries' common
border if they decide to go ahead,
One of Iraq's major pipelines, which
runs along the Shatt-al-Arab
waterway, is just five miles at one
point from a major Iranian pipeline
that goes into Iran's refinery at
Such a link would let Iraq export
500,000 barrels of oil a day in return
..1 , , - . ,

In return for promises of food and
medicine, Iran has gotten back
thousands of war prisoners and an
agreement of shared sovereignty over
a bitterly contested border waterway.
In addition, Iraq has withdrawn
troops from Iranian territory
occupied during the 1980-88 war.
A senior Iranian official is in
Baghdad negotiating terms of the
And Iran's ambassador to
Pakistan said yesterday that Saddam
may soon visit Tehran.
Administration officials have
played down the importance of the
thaw, saying Iran has everything to
gain and little to lose. They also
note that Iran has promised to abide
by the embargo, and say they see no
signs that it has not.
However, U.S. intelligence is
1rp.nnn a -Pupn. trpp nlr.rc n

by Ryan Schreiber
Daily Football Writer

Motivating the team for this
week's home opener against UCLA
shouldn't be too difficult for Michi-
gan head coach Gary Moeller.
Last season, the Bruins had
Michigan's second loss of the year
in their sights before the
Wolverines managed to ride a no-
hiAAi P tmn-awn drive h

back from a defeat," he said. "And
yet, it's never easy."
But unlike last September in
Pasadena, Michigan would rather
not depend on a bit of luck in this
post-Irish contest. Instead, they are
focusing on the question marks of a
struggling UCLA offense.
The biggest question for the
Bruins has been the lack of a solid


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