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March 27, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-03-27

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Give commissions autonomy




N Baseball team to play Bowling Green?

Five points of light

Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 117 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Tuesday, March 27, 1990 The Michigan Daily

lobby against
by Daniel Poux
Daily MSA Reporter
Several candidates vying for positions in the Michi-
gan Student Assembly (MSA), traveled to Lansing yes-
terday to speak against a bill before the Michigan House
of Representatives that would allow University Regents
to deputize and arm campus security officers.
Action Party Presidential candidate and LSA
Sophomore Jennifer Van Valey, first-year student and
vice presidential candidate Angie Burks and LSA junior
and MSA candidate Stephanie Andelman spoke before
the Congressional Sub-Committee on Colleges and
Universities in an attempt to block the legislation.
The students said they were pleased with the com-
mittee's reception of their arguments, and that, as a re-
sult of their testimony, voting on the bill was sus-
pended, pending further discussion.
The Sub-Committee was planning to vote on the
bill, Van Valey explained, but the testimony by the
Ann Arbor delegation persuaded them to wait.
"We explained our concerns to the lawmakers, and
they realized that there was a definite need for more dis-
cussion before approving such a controversial bill," Van
Valey said. "I told the Committee that we represented
the students at U of M, and that we definitely do not
want the University Regents to have complete control
over our campus security officers."
See MSA, Page 5
Penn State


makes state



Tuition may increase at least 6.5%

by Christine Kloostra
Daily Government Writer
Out-of-state students may see tuition hikes
if Michigan's legislature fails to increase ap-
propriations to the University by at least 8.5
percent, University representatives told the Se-
nate Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher
Education yesterday.
University officials requested 3.5 percent
more than Governor James Blanchard's rec-
ommendation of a 5 percent increase in state
funding. The state legislature has traditionally
appropriated more to higher education than the
Governor's recommendation but less than the
University's request.
University President James Duderstadt an-
nounced a 6.5 percent freeze on tuition in-
creases for in-state undergraduates last Decem-
ber. As a result, out-of-state and graduate stu-
dent tuition will have to compensate for the
expenses state appropriations fail to cover.
Duderstadt expects the increase for these stu-
dents "will probably be a shade above that (6.5
percent), but it will be under 10 percent."
"We propose a total increase in new expen-
ditures next year of $53.2 million. Of that
amount, $37.2 million is needed merely to

maintain the current level of activity in the
face of rising costs, changing regulations, and
the like, while $16 million will be needed to
fund a small number of new activities and to
continue the very slow process of rebuilding
necessitated by the funding collapse of the
early 1980's," University representatives said
in a statement distributed to committee mem-
A revenue plan based on the 6.5 percent tu-
ition increase and a state appropriation increase
of 8.5 percent, or $20.2 million, would meet
only the $37.2 million in minimum needs.
As defined by the University, one-third
($12.9 million) of the minimum needs are
"fixed or unavoidable" costs, such as supplies,
insurance, and utilities. The remainder of the
costs are variable and fall under several areas,
including library acquisitions, student financial
aid and growth of the Research Excellence
Fund. This fund, strongly emphasized by Uni-
versity representatives at the hearing, provides
state funding to enhance research programs at
Michigan's universities.
Associate Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Robert Holbrook outlined the significant
aspects of the See TUITION, Page 2

Former trees clutter Diag
The piles and piles of newspapers on the Diag yesterday were put there
as part of an Earth Day promotion in order to show the value of recycling.

process angers campus officials

For Better or...
...For Worse
Did the Big Ten
presidents have the
right to pop the
question without
consulting faculty,
athletic officials, sand
governing boards?
Tomorrow: Why many
want Penn State in the Big

Second in a five-part series
by Andrew Gottesman
and Adam Schrager
Daily Staff Reporters
© 1990Tiil M11ichGAN_ DIL
Michigan State University
Trustee Joel Ferguson is seething.
Unfortunately for Big Ten uni-
versity presidents, Ferguson is not
alone. Since the presidents' semi-
annual Council of Ten meeting last
December - at which they decided
to "invite" Penn State into the
conference - faculty, athletic depart-
ment personnel, and university gov-
erning boards have been outraged at a
process which Ferguson called "no
process at all."
In attempting to plan the future
of the Big Ten Conference, the
Council of Ten left many uninform-
ed, unapproached, and subsequently
unhappy. Before the Penn State
news leak to the press Dec. 15,
many university officials had never
heard about the possibility of expan-
"I haven't been privy to any in-
fo," Purdue Athletic Director George
Stevens said. "I don't understand
where we are or what we're doing.
Are we going to expand further? Are

we doing this for academic reasons,
for athletic reasons, for research reas-
ons, for reform reasons, for what? I
don't know."
Faculty representatives also say
they are unsure of the current situa-
tion. In a conference which has been
faculty-governed in the past, faculty
senates are responding hostily to the
alleged "presidential power-play."
"The issue is one of faculty gov-
ernance," said David Frantz, Ohio
State's Athletic Council chair and
dean of the College of Humanities.
"The faculty representatives and the
Faculty Senates were never consulted
on the matter, and they are the body
that supposedly controls the athletics
at this institution. We have to decide
what kind of conference we're run-
The presidents insist they had no
choice but to conduct the investiga-
tion in the manner they did.
"It would have been more desir-
able, of course, to be able to have
much more consultation before even
a decision in principle would have to
be made. It just did not seem to be
feasible (because of the press leak),"
University of Minnesota President
Nils Hasselmo said.

Regardless of obvious communi-
cations problems, the Council of
Ten was within its legal rights.
Since 1987, when the Big Ten presi-
dents incorporated their power, they
have had sole authority over all
conference decisions.
As Purdue President Steven Beer-
ing points out, the Council of Ten
has always been able to determine
conference membership, even before
"To question the integrity of the
presidents is indeed offensive," Beer-

- and that was at the school which
most favored Penn State's inclusion.
"Some presidents brought their
athletic directors in early, like Pres-
ident (Stanley) Ikenberry talked with
John Mackovic very early on in the
process," Illinois Assistant Director
of Public Affairs Alexis Tate said.
"Some ADs, like your former AD
Mr. (Bo) Schembechler smarted be-
cause they weren't consulted. Those
used to running their own show
smarted, but it wasn't a power play
because the presidents of the con-

'1 don't think there is a university in the
conference that didn't find the process a
problem. All athletic departments were
aggravated at the lack of consultation and
hope the presidents will consult more with
them in the future'
- Northwestern University
Associate Athletic Director
Betsy Mosher

tion." Mackovic was unavailable for
Still, many university employees
at the other Big Ten schools said the
presidents did not have the powerto
make the decision without university
There is a paradox because the
conference's presidents have power
in the Council of Ten, yet their
positions are dictated by their
respective universities' governing
boards, which receive input from
faculty and athletic departments.
In essence, the agitated university
groups imply they hold power over
the Big Ten Conference because they
hold power over the presidents.
"I've got some serious misgiv-
ings if presidents who are at state
universities have the power to go off
'in a unilateral direction on a policy
matter without their boards ratifying
and approving them," MSU Trustee
Ferguson said. "I really think the
entire thing of these guys going off
in a corner in secret and inviting
someone in - I question if people
asked the right legal question: 'Is
this legal, period?"'
In a four-page letter to MSU
See PENN STATE, page 5

ing said. "The presidents did not
usurp powers they didn't have."
At least one athletic director, Illi-
nois' John Mackovic, was consulted
before the "invitation" was extended

ference are like a board of directors
with the written authority to do what
they did."
Mackovic's office confirmed he
was consulted prior to the "invita-




Student challenges council

journalist mocks
law profession*

incumbent in Fourth


Ouimet runs on managerial style, Marsh stresses issues

Elisabeth Weinstein
Daily Staff Writer
David Margoli, law correspondent
for the New York Times, spoke to
an audience of about 100 yesterday at
Hutchins Hall on the absurdities of
the law profession.
Margoli, who earned his under-
graduate degree from the University
in 1974 and later earned a law degree
from Stanford, is also the author of
"At the Bar," a weekly column in
the Times which often mocks the
law profession.
Although Margoli has never prac-
ticed law, he told his audience,
mainly comprised of law students,
some of the nentive thouih humor-

the same way," he added.
In one publication, The Law
Alert, Margoli said lawyers exchange
stories about strange personal injury
cases to see if any other lawyer has
had a similar cases. Such cases in-
clude death from a variety of peculiar
causes, including rupturing swim-
ming pools, nasal sprays, abusive
door to door salesmen and protruding
shelves in Montgomery Ward stores.
Margoli said there are "groups for
lawyers like smokenders is for
smokers." He paraphrased Tom, a
speaker at one of the meetings said,
"I feel guilty charging $185 an hour.
I snend time doin nothina cTiart

by Josh Mitnick
Daily City Reporter
Ann Arbor's Fourth Ward, re-
puted as a Republican stronghold,
has elected only four Democrats to
the City Council in the last 40
Faced with these odds, it would
not be unusual for third-year law
student Jamie Marsh to feel like a

"token candidate" when city Demo-
cratic leaders asked him to challenge
incumbent Republican councilmem-
ber Mark Ouimet in the upcoming
April 2 city election.
However, since his decision to
run, Marsh said getting involved in
city politics has committed him to
running more than a token race.
Before the start of the election
campaign, Marsh made appearances
at council meetings to speak in favor
of the Ann Arbor solid waste ballot
proposal and against the referendum
which would increase local pot fines.
Marsh said he believes city hall
should take an aggressive position
on the environment and implement
mandatory recycling programs and a
natural features ordinance - a law

voters and trying to translate those
into votes for James Marsh," he
Marsh, who double-majored in
English and Political Science as a
Michigan undergraduate, is also rely-
ing on a large student turnout to pull
what most would consider an upset.
See COUNCIL, Page 2


envin¢ thic is where the action is_"




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