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March 21, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-03-21

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Salvadoran coffee

Live it up at House Party

Mo opens spring football

Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
CopyghtO 1990
Vol. C, No. 113 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Wednesday, March 21, 1990 The ichigan Daily

Premier affirms

BEIJING (AP) - Premier Li
* Peng yesterday reaffirmed China's
hard-line policies stemming from
last year's crushing of the pro-
democracy movement. He attacked
Western ideas and praised socialism.
"As we confront pressure from
abroad and difficulties at home,
preservation of the country's stabil-
ity is a matter of paramount impor-
tance," Li said in a state of the na-
tion address to open China's annual
legislative session.
Li stressed the importance of
maintaining correct ideology to
combat "bourgeois liberalism," or
Western ideas, and the need for more
central planning and control of the
"A trend toward bourgeois-liberal-
ization thinking had run rampant
during previous years," he told the
2,705 delegates to the National Peo-
ple's Congress. But, he said,
"importance has been attached afresh
to ideological and political work."
Li noted the "soul-stirring strug-
gles" of 1989, including the victory
over the "counterrevolutionary rebel-
lion" - the government's term for the
student-led pro-democracy movement
crushed by military force in June.
Hundreds, perhaps thousands of peo-
ple were killed in the crackdown.
He said the pro-democracy

movement was led by hostile forces
trying to turn China into a bour-
geois republic dependent on capital-
ist countries.
In contrast to recent develop-
ments in the Soviet Union and East-
ern Europe, Li proclaimed that
"come what may, socialist China
will stand rock firm in the East" and
reaffirmed the leading role of the
Communist Party.
"Upholding socialism is insepa-
rable from upholding leadership by
the party," he said, equating it with
national stability and unity.
Li said class struggle would con-
tinue for a long time "and may even
become acute under certain condi-
tions." He called for "intensive edu-
cation," especially of young people,
in ideology and political thought.
"It is essential to distinguish
clearly between socialist democracy
and bourgeois democracy," he said.
"We must...maintain, sharp vigi-
lance and resolutely combat this cor-
rosive trend of thought."
There was little response from
the floor to Li's 59-page, two and a-
half hour speech. Behind him on the
podium, China's aged leadership held
whispered conversations with each
other during the speech.
Much of Li's speech was devoted
See CHINA, Page 2

'U' rel
of Ma
by Noelle Vance
Daily Administration Reporter




Minority representation at the
University has been increasing since
University President James Duder-
stadt announced his plan to diversify
the University two years ago, accord-
ing to the most recent version of the
Michigan Mandate released last
According to the report, 76 mi-
nority faculty members have joined
the University during the last two
years, and minorities now constitute
12 percent of the faculty.
Minority students constitute 16.6
percent of the student body, the re-
port says, and there are 32.1 percent
more graduate minority fellows than
two years ago. The 444 fellows rep-
resent "by far the largest of any re-
search university in the nation," ac-
cording to the report.
The report also states there has
been significant growth of minority.
staff members but doesn't indicate
how many staff members have been
hired in the last two years.
Though the report includes per-
centage increases for the number of
minority faculty, student and staff

members at the University, it
doesn't include raw figures from
which the percentages are calculated.
"It's not meant to be a statistical
document," said Walter Harrison, di-
rector of University Relations.
The sixth version of the Mandate
is essentially an update on the last
two years' progress, Harrison said.
"We wanted to get it out to people
to talk about it," he said. In addition
to the two year statistics, the word-
ing of the fifth version was slightly
revised, Harrison said.
The new version of the Mandate
provides some "interesting results,"
said LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg, re-
ferring to the statistics provided by
the two year report. The Mandate has
influenced the College of LSA to
make changes in the curriculum and
to improve the environment for mi
norities, she said.
But History Prof. Andrew
Achenbaum, who has been studying
the idea of plurality and diversity at
the University with Public Health
Prof. Fred Bookstein, says the Man-
date places too much emphasis on
numbers instead of ideas.
See MANDATE, Page 2

Rolling in the dough
Ann Arbor resident Mike Snell prepares pizza dough at Little Caesar's
Pizzeria on S. University Ave.

City votes to keep

pot fine h
ial. vote on this. The people are primed
n Meade, and ready to have thison the ballot."

ike on ballot

by Tim Gammons_
Overriding Governor James Blan-
chard's objections, the City Council
voted 8-2 Monday night to keep
Proposal B on the April 2 ballot.
The proposal would stiffen fines for
marijuana possession.
Last week Blanchard vetoed the
ballot proposal because he objected
to local legislation of drug use
penalties. Under state law, the gov-
ernor can review, and veto ballot
proposals which would alter city

charters. However, the city was able
to overrule the veto with a two
thirds vote under the state's Home
Rule Act.
Proposal B would raise the cur-
rent $5 possession fine to $25 for
first offenses, and up to $500 for
third offenses.
Marijuana possession would also
become a civil infraction. Juvenile
cases would no longer be open to
juvenile court treatment and counsel-
ing programs and their names would

no longer be kept confidenti
Councilmember Nelso

'The proposal was put on the ballot by
many people, some of whom have a genuine
concern about drug abuse, and others who
want to see how much political mileage they
can get out of it' - Larry Hunter
Councilmember (D, First Ward)

Local citizens at the meeting
protested the proposal, saying it is
"fatally flawed" and sends the wrong
message to juveniles.
Councilmembers and local resi-
dents said they were concerned with
the reasons for the proposal's place-
ment on the ballot.
"The proposal was put on the
ballot by many people, some of
whom have a genuine concern about
drug abuse and its effects, and others

who want to see how much political
mileage they can get out of it," said
Some supporters of the current
marijuana law expect Proposal B to
be defeated, despite its endorsement
by the City Council. Tom Harris, a
National Organization for the Re-
form of Marijuana Laws representa-
tive, said, "The people of Ann Arbor
have more sense than the City
Council gives them credit for. The
$5 pot law has never hurt anyone."

(D, First Ward), who swung the
override vote, said, "I've heard from
enough people that we're ready to

The two dissenting votes were
cast by Larry Hunter and Ann Marie
Coleman, both First Ward

Roberts '
poli*tics ttI 17
by Diane Cook
Daily Women's Issues Reporter

leer Copeland sentenced
for damaging sorority

Congressional Commentator for
National Public Radio and ABC
News Special Correspondent Cokie
Roberts spoke about women, the
abortion debate, and journalism at
the Law School's Hutchins Hall
The lecture was the third in a re-
productive rights speaker series
sponsored by The National Lawyer's
Guild and Women Law Students As-
Roberts told the 250-member au-
dience that women's vote has com-
manded 17 Senate elections lately,
and enraged male members of
"Both Democrats and Republi-
cans hate the fact that women vote
Democratic in much larger numbers
than men and they have elected all
these senators," she said.
Even though women primarily
vote Democratic, Roberts said,

by Eric Lemont
Daily Sports Editor
For the second time in the past
year, Michigan hockey defenseman
Todd Copeland has been put on
probation for off-ice criminal
conduct. 15th District Court judge
Pieter Thomassen sentenced Cope-
land yesterday to one year of
probation, a $100 fine, and four days
of community service. In addition,
Copeland must undergo an evaluat-
ion by a doctor and pay restitution.
The sentencing comes after

Copeland pleaded no-contest Febru-
ary 14 to two counts of malicious
destruction of property. The senior
was charged with starting a fight and
damaging the Kappa Kappa Gamma
sorority house February 7.
Members of the sorority refused
comment on the sentencing.
Last year, Copeland and three
other hockey players were sentenced
to a $180 fine, 50 hours of commu-
nity service, and six months proba-
tion for yelling sexual threats at two

women while chasing them in a van
through campus.
Previous to the court's
sentencing, Copeland was suspended
for four games by hockey coach Red
Berenson. President James Duder-
stadt continued the suspension in
order to investigate the situation
before reinstating him two games
Duderstadt recently put Copeland
on academic probation until he


Germany ends 40 year

Cokie Roberts
"Democrats hate it because then, you
know, real men don't like
Roberts said more women can't
win Congressional races because the
competition from incumbents is so
"It's very hard for a challenger to
win and the incumbents are guys,"
she said, but added that women com-
prise "an all-time high" of six per-

resettler aid to E. Germans

cent of the House of Representa-
"I think if you would have told
me last year that the commonwealth
of Virginia would be the first state
to elect a Black governor since re-
construction, I would have said
'yeah, and the Soviets will go to a
multi-party system,"' Roberts said.
"But I think it's pretty clear what
See ROBERTS, Page 2

BONN, West Germany (AP) - West Germany de-
cided yesterday to scrap a 40-year- old aid program for
East German resettlers by this summer, saying it ex-
pects major strides toward unification by then that
would make the aid unnecessary.
Nearly 500,000 East Germans have resettled in West
Germany in the last 14 months. The exodus has devas-
tated East Germany's economy, strained West German
housing and job markets and worn out many West
Germans' patience for the newcomers.
Wolfgang Schacuble, West Germany's interior min-
ister, said the cabinet had decided to end the resettlement
program for East Germans on July 1, meaning after that
date arriving East Germans would not be given special
tr. tnnt

after Sunday's elections. He said 1,539 resettlers had ar-
rived Monday, compared with 2,702 on the same day a
week earlier.
Saarland state announced yesterday it was immedi-
ately ending the special resettlement procedures there
and would send back any new arrivals. Bremen- a city
as well as a state-already has taken that step.
The resettlement procedures have been on the books
since 1950, designed to help East German refugees build
new lives in West Germany in a Cold War climate
when flights to the West were dangerous and rare.
Under the Cabinet decision, as of July 1 any new
East German arrivals would not be able to receive spe-
cial benefits such as guarantees of a place to stay,

Namibians celebrate independence

WINDHOEK, Namibia (AP)-
Namibia became the world's newest

Thousands of Blacks and whites
cheered and clapped the flag cere-
. n e.hilt mm nlp Ton-

human rights," he said.
Perez de Cuellar swore in former
rr n :rl . 7nr.n m X. m- no thn

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