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February 20, 1990 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-02-20

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rage 2- The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, February 20, 1990

of gov't
BUCHAREST, Romania (AP)-
The interim president said yesterday
the army and police should have
more power to curb protests because
violent anti-government demonstra-
tions could lead to anarchy and a new
Yesterday evening, more than
300 people staged another rally, but
this one was well away from gov-
ernment headquarters - Sunday's
target - after 12 armored personnel
carriers and hundreds of soldiers
blocked access.
One soldier, who spoke on condi-
tion of anonymity, said that unlike
Sunday, when the army was "caught
unprepared by the angry demonstra-
tors," soldiers now had "very spe-
cific orders to let no one near the
In an indication of how tensions
have polarized, about 5,000 miners
rallied yesterday in support of the
government, angrily demanding an
end to protests that culminated Sun-
day when about 500 people ran-
sacked government headquarters,
smashing windows and doors with
rocks and iron carpet rods.
Interim President Ion Iliescu said

Romanian soldiers arrest an unidentified Romanian citizen who they accused of demonstrating Sunday night
near the government headquarters in Bucharest.

the 21-member Executive Bureau of
the ruling Provisional Council of
National Unity decided to propose a
law "increasing the power of those
organizations that must maintain
law and order and defend institutions
and citizens against violent acts."
He warned that violence un-
leashed by political passions could
throw the country into disorder. "If
the army and police don't have the

legal ability to maintain order, peo-
ple will feel it necessary to defend
themselves - we could become like
Lebanon, and anarchy could lead us
to total chaos," he said in an address
read on state television.
Iliescu, who did not outline the
proposed powers sought for the army
and police, spoke amid radio reports
of pro-leadership demonstrations held
in Cluj, Brasov, Turda, Bistrita, Jiu-

lui Valley and in Bucharest.
But state TV showed Iliescu
meeting with a delegation of the
miners protesting in Bucharest and
saying that anti-government demon-
strators were "hooligans" hired by
"foreign agents" - rhetoric strik-
ingly similar to that used by toppled
Communist dictator.Nicolas Ceaus-
escu to describe his opposition.

Secret nolice seize ten MALCOLM X

missiles in Columbia

BOGOTA, Columbia (AP) -
Secret police said they seized 10
shoulder-fired missiles from drug
traffickers yesterday, four days after
President George Bush came to
Colombia amid fears the traffickers
would use such weapons against
The missiles can shoot down air-
A news release from the Admin-
istrative Security Department, the
country's secret police, said the mis-
Continued from Page 1
chapter of the American Association
of University Professors suggested
honorary reinstatement, honorary de-
grees or severance pay, said Wilfred
Kaplan, executive secretary and pro-
fessor emeritus of mathematics.
z"An honorary reinstatement is for
an'. honorary firing. Nuts. I don't
think I'd go down there for that,"

siles were found in a raid on a Bo-
gota drug hideout.
It said two men arrested there
were suspects in the November slay-
ing of TV news anchorperson En-
rique Pulido in the capital.
The police gave few details of the
T he U.S. Secret Service warned
before Bush visited Cartagena last
Thursday that drug traffickers had
SAM-7s, a surface-to-air missile that
is capable of downing large aircraft.

Continued from Page 1
weren't exposed to Malcolm X's
philosophies. "This is something
that people need to hear about," he
The following are Malcolm X
Week Activities sponsored by the
Black Student Union.
Tuesday: Speech, "Waking Up
from the American Dream." Rack-
ham Aud. 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday: BSU Meeting and
Film, "Tribute to Malcom X." Trot-
ter House. 7:00 p.m.
Thursday: Film, "El Hajj Ma-
lik Shabazz." Mystic Lounge, Alice
Lloyd. 7:00 p.m.

Friday: BSU Reflections on
Past Week. Poetry readings. Social-
izing. Trotter House. Time to be an-
Continued from Pagel
"I think it is the right thing to
do," she said. "It is the University's
responsibility to educate the popula-
tion of the state. It is a waste of tal-
ent when assumptions on ability are
Pollack received a Bachelors de-
gree in political science and a Mas-
ters in education from the University
of Michigan. She is currently serv-
ing her second term as state senator.

Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Economy rebounds in Jan.
WASHINGTON - In just two months, December and January, many
economists went from predicting an impending economic downturn to be-
lieving that the longest peacetime expansion in history has found another
of its nine lives.
The new general consensus of moderate economic growth this year is.
likely to be an important element in Federal Reserve Chair Alan
Greenspan's testimony before Congress today when he reveals the Fed's
policy targets for 1990. These targets will have a major influence on in-
terest rates and economic growth.
The economic outlook in December prompted recession worries as
economists feared the impending demise of the seven-year-old economic
But January chased away the recession forecasts with a record-breaking
increase in housing construction, rebounding retail sales, and 275,000
new jobs. Some analysts now look for three percent annual growth in the
January-March quarter.
Natural carcinogens pose a
greater threat than additives
NEW ORLEANS - Natural carcinogens in meat, grain and other
foods are a far greater danger than pesticides and additives, accounting for
more than 98 percent of the cancer risk in the diet, a government scientist
said yesterday.
Even a minor reduction in these naturally occurring hazards, he said,
would surpass the benefits of eliminating all traces of dangerous manmade
The culprits include not only such recognized health hazards as fats and
beer but such seemingly innocent products as bread, yogurt, mushrooms
and many spices, including cinnamon and nutmeg.
"The risk is from natural carcinogens in the diet, because they
overwhelm all the others," said Dr. Robert Scheuplein, director of the
Office of Toxicological Sciences at the U.S. Food and Drug
Scheuplein estimated that carcinogens make up one-tenth of one
percent of the food people eat.
N. African famine worsens
WASHINGTON - The lives of up to 5 million Ethiopians are at risk
because anti-government forces have shut down a port that has been the
key entry port for outside food assistance, U.S. officials say.
Further aggravating the situation has been the prospect of severely di-
minished harvests throughout northern Ethiopia as a result of poor rain-
To the west, U.S. officials say a bitter crisis is rapidly developing in
the Sudan, where a bitter civil war has prevented the transport of relief
supplies to rebel-held territory in the southern part of the country.
President Bush sent a letter to the Sudanese president last week asking
for his cooperation in restarting the international relief effort, to which the
United States contributes $15.7 million.
Renewed fighting has led to the suspension of food flights to southern
Sudan and the government is also preventing the departure of a relief train
along a route where food shortages are severe.
Builders lay cornerstone for
Auschwitz prayer center
WARSAW, Poland - A cornerstone was laid yesterday for a prayer
center that officials hope will end the long-festering dispute over a Roman
Catholic convent at the Auschwitz death camp.
Also yesterday, Edgar Bronfman, president of the World Jewish
Congress, met with President Wojciech Jaruzelski and Prime Minister
Tadeusz Mazowiecki and declared later: "There are no outstanding prob-
lems between the Jewish people and Poland."
The convent housing about a dozen Carmelite nuns on the edge of the
Nazi death camp has angered Jews and others worldwide who see it as an
intrusion of Christian symbols at a site where most of the victims were
Known officially as the Center for Information, Dialogue, Education
and Prayer at Auschwitz, it will include meeting rooms, exhibition and
conference halls, a library and accommodations for nearly 100 people.
GM, UAW discuss closings
DETROIT - A hearing today over the shutdown of the Pontiac Fiero
plant may help refine the job security issue that the union has said will be
its top priority in contract talks later this year.
Thomas Roberts, a labor arbitrator, will rule in March whether General
Motors Corp. violated its 1987 contract with the UAW by "idling" rather
than "closing" the Fiero plant in September 1988.
UAW leaders claim workers from closed plants receive more

unemployment benefits than employees from idled plants.
If the UAW wins, GM could be liable for more than $300 million in
additional benefits to workers in Pontiac and former employees of idled
plants in Missouri and Massachusetts.
The debate today will focus on whether GM idled the plant and killed
the Fiero because of weak sales - which is allowed under the contract -
or because of other business considerations.
Mbe 1fidiigan &dIQ
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
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Photo: Sarah Baker, Jennifer Dunetz, Amy Feldman, Julie Hadlman, Jonathan Uss, Josh Moore, Samanha Sanders, Kennelh Smller,
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said Nickerson, a former pharmacol-
ogy professor and currently professor
emeritus at McGill University in
The most fitting gesture, he said,
would be the naming of an "activist
professor in residence" in honor of
the three political activists.
The Associated Press
contributed to this story
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Continued from page 1
tration's request of $360 million to
compensate the Phillipines for the
six bases, which include two of the
United States' largest overseas in-
stallations, Clark Air Base and Subic
Bay Naval Base.
"We recognize there is a shortfall
of $96 million over what we had an-
ticipated," Cheney said. "I also
pointed out that in East Asia, in this
part of the world, the United States
provided a little over $600 million,
and about $500 million of that
comes specifically to the Phillip-

Cheney has said his discussions
with Filipino officials did not
amount to the beginning of negotia-
tions to extend the base agreement,
which expires next year.
An influential Filipino minority
is pressuring Aquino not to renew
the agreement. In addition, leading
Filipino members of congress have
urged her to postpone those discus-
sions until this year's cuts are re-
There are some 18,000 U.S. mil-
itary personnel in the Phillipines,
plus some 20,000 dependents.





Continued from Page 1
With three credits, you have to take
five classes and you're beginning to
have overload," he said.
Weber said one complaint he had
with the University was that often
his classes failed to teach critical
"I want to leave here with the
ability to think," Weber said. "When
I decided that, I thought, 'well, what
can I do to get that out of my educa-
tion."' Weber said he found classes

in which faculty were dedicated to
teaching critical thinking.through
the Collegiate Fellows Program,
which funds professors to teach such
thinking skills.
"But it's a problem that certain
classes have to be that way. Every
class should aim towards (teaching
critical thinking)," he said.
The evaluation team is scheduled
to interview faculty this afternoon.
The team will write a report with its
recommendation for accreditation and
submit it to the North Central Asso-
ciation of Colleges and Schools.
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