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It's a Madhouse
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Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. C, No. 97 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, February 20,1990 The Michigan Daily
may lose
two U.S.
profs. may get
Faculty ask Regents to give 3
professors compensation
MANILA, Phillipines (AP) -
Defense Secretary Dick Cheney,
shunned by Phillipine President Co-
razon Aquino, told Filipino officials
yesterday that the United States will
abandon its bases here if it finds thath
keeping them is too expensive or
that Americans are unwelcome.:
As violence was reported in sev-
eral clashes between protestors and
police near U.S. installations, Ch-
eney met for nearly three hours with
Defense Minister Fidel Ramos in
discussions that were described as'
"very cordial, very forthright."
Meeting reporters afterward with A
Ramos, Cheney said the United.
States "will stay only as long as the4
Phillipine people wish it to stay -
and only if the terms negotiated are
acceptable to both parties."
At issue in yesterday's discus- AP Photo
sions was a $96 million dollar cut Riot police aim truncheons at demonstrators outside the gates of Clark Air Force Base yesterday in Angeles
Congress made in the Bush adminis- City, the Philippines. The demonstrators were protesting the visit of U.S. Defense Chief Richard Cheney.
See CHENEY, page 2
by Donna Woodwell
Daily Faculty Reporter
The Faculty Senate Assembly
yesterday overwhelmingly called for
the University to make reconcilia-
tory gestures to three University pro-
fessors who were fired and/or sus-
pended during the McCarthy era for
their Communist sympathies.
The Assembly voted 33-1Ito ask
the Board of Regents for compensa-
tion for professors Chandler Davis,
Mark Nickerson and Clement Mark-
eni. The assembly did not specify the
type of compensation.
Nickerson and Davis were fired in
1954 by former University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher after refusing to
answer questions about their Com-
munist Party ties during appearances
before a House subcommittee on un-
American activities.
Makert left the University after
he was suspended for his communist
party sympathies.
In a meeting of the Senate Advi-
sory Committee on University Af-
fairs, Sociology Prof. Gayl Ness,
chair of the committee, said he feared
the administration would not be as
enthusiastic as the faculty about
such a gesture.
"If the regents do not respond fa-
vorably, we will have to consider
ways to respond to these faculty
members on our own," Ness said.
Health Services Prof. Roy Pen-
chansky expressed his concern over
the wording of the resolution. "I'm
bothered by the explanatory com-
ments which make it sound almost
apologetic," he said.
The University of Michigan
See PURGE, Page 2
*Pollack speaks on
'U'-state relations
by Donna Woodwell
Accreditors evaluate 'U'
Evaluation team speaks with students about
non-academic conduct code, class credit hours
Daily Faculty Reporter
Senator Lana Pollack (D-Mich.)
addressed University professors and
research scientists yesterday on Uni-
versity and state relations, saying
there is often "more war than peace
between Lansing and the University
of Michigan."
Pollack told about 100 members
of the University Senate - an orga-
nization of all 3,000 University re-
search scientists and professors -
that despite the 61% increase in
funds allocated by the state govern-
ment to education since 1983,
Michigan still ranks 45th in the na-
tion in education funding increases.
"These aren't figures you want to
hear in Lansing," she said.
However, Pollack said "there is
not much waste" in the Michigan
budget. "Unlike the federal govern-
ment, we don't build B-1 bombers at
a cost of $1 billion each," she said.
Pollack credits the University
with attracting many industries to
the-state. "If the University prospers;
then the state will prosper," she said,
adding that this is something state
budget-makers should remember.
"But we can't go overboard on
letting saleable things drive the Uni-
versity," Pollack said. "We must
balance the pull for excellence and
elitism, and the pull to answer its
obligations to the public. It would
be easier if we didn't have that con-
sideration but we do," she said.
Pollack expressed doubt that
University and state relations will
get better in the immediate future
saying "they won't get better until
the federal government changes its
(budget) priorities."
She also added that faculty have a
responsibility in making changes in
the system. "If your voice is not
heard, it is because you are not
speaking loudly enough or often
enough or cleverly enough," she
by Noelle Vance
Daily Administration Reporter
There is little chance the Univer-
sity will lose its accreditation. But
once every ten years, an evaluation
team composed of faculty and admin-
istrators from peer institutions ar-
rives in Ann Arbor to survey Uni-
versity programs and ensure they
meet accreditation standards.
The ten member team, chosen by
the North Central Association of
Colleges and Schools - the Univer-
sity's accreditor - began meeting
with students, faculty and adminis-
trators Sunday and will finish their
interviews today.
Yesterday, in a discussion with
students, the team asked how Uni-
versity students felt about regula-
tions on non-academic conduct.
Every community has standards
for behavior, said team member Dr.
Michael Gordon, Dean of Student
said. "There's really nothing in it
that a bunch of University professors
couldn't do equally well (as politi-
During a question and answer pe-
riod, sociology Prof. Gayl Ness
asked Pollack how the Michigan
Mandate would affect Michigan resi-
See POLLACK, Page 2
Services and Vice Chancellor at Indi-
ana University. Gordon compared the
University community to a family.
He asked, "if somebody in your
family steals, shouldn't there be
some accountability in that family
There are standards of behavior,
but when the student is paying to be
a member of the community, that
student "by virtue of being a con-
sumer, should have no restrictions
placed on him," said Matt Weber, a
Residential College senior.
"If there was a non-academic con-
duct code, it probably would be
abased," said Michigan Student
Assembly president Aaron Williams,
an engineering senior. Williams said
he opposed a code created and im-
plemented by administrators because
he feared there were too many of
them "aren't that fair or aren't that
Williams said he supported an
honor code such as the School of
Engineering's which sets up a com-
mittee of students to hear cases of
students' academic misconduct.
"It's judgement by your peers...
when you become an engineer, you
agree to an honor code which only
applies to academic violations,"
Williams said.
The evaluation team listened to
students' concerns about changes in
the number of credit hours assigned
to upper level classes.
Traditionally, upper level classes
have been assigned four credits, said
Zach Kittrie, LSA senior.
"People have to take 15 hours to
get out in four years," Kittrie said.
"Many people have to work 10
hours... to 25-30 hours a week.
Ralliers kick off
Czech president
to meet with Bush
Malcolm X
by Rob Kraft
Kicking off Malcolm X week at
the University, speakers from the
Black Student Union emphasized
Black "togetherness" and "self-deter-
mination" at a rally on the Diag yes-
"Malcolm X did make clear (the
need for) the togetherness and love of
people," LSA senior Starry Hodge
Stressing the relevance of Mal-
colm X's message to the present,
Hodge and other members of the
Black Student Union spoke before
about 40 people huddled together
against the cold in front of the grad-
uate library.
"Much of what (Malcolm X's)
message was about was self-determi-
nation for Black people in particular,
and all peoples in general," said LSA
senior Francis Matthews, president
of the Black Student Union, the
sponsor of this week's events. De-
ploring present attitudes and condi-
tions that have kept' Blacks out of
thing. Because there's no difference
between a rich slave and a poor
Ponte urged the crowd to fight for
equality through "Black pride," as
Malcolm X had done. "Everyone of
you has a Malcom X in you," he
said. "Everyone of you has Black
Ponte berated those who are un-
willing to discuss the national issues
facing Black men and women, call-
ing those people "Negro couch pota-
toes" while pointing to Malcolm X
as a model for his ability to create
change through action.
"Malcolm X," Ponte said, "could
change the channel."
BSU member and LSA sopho-
more Stephanie Johnson pointed to
the lack of Blacks in higher educa-
tion and urged the crowd to take
charge of the fight for equal oppor-
tunity in education. "We need to take
charge of our education," she said.
"We need to know where our money
and our professors are coming from.
Havel, the dissident playwright who
went from prison to the presidency
of Czechoslovakia inside of eight
months, will meet with President
Bush today, the first of Eastern Eu-
rope's new democratic leaders to
visit the White House.
Havel was to arrive here yesterday
evening after stops in Iceland and
Canada on a Western trip that comes
conspicuously a week before his first
trip to Moscow.
The Czech Parliament elected'
Havel president Dec. 29, a few
weeks after a peaceful revolution led
to the ouster of Communist Party
chief Milos Jakes and his hard-line
Now the country, under Havel's
caretaker government, is preparing
for June 8 parliamentary elections
that will be its first free balloting in
more than 40 years.
Havel has said he is coming West
ready signaled support for giving
Czechoslovakia most-favored-nation
trade status and allowing it to rejoin
the International Monetary Fund. It
was a founding member of the IMF,
but was evicted after the 1948 com-
munist takeover.
And, if Congress approves,
Czechoslovakia would share in a
pool of $300 million in new aid the
Bush administration has requested for
the emerging democracies in Eastern
The United States has already an-
nounced plans to reopen its con-
sulate, shuttered for more that four
decades in Bratislava in the Slovak
region of Czechoslovakia.
The administration also expects
to expand exchanges and possibly
dispatch Peace Corps volunteers to
Czechoslovakia, said the official
who briefed White House reporters
on the Havel visit.
The new Czech government is